...mrrn lill I lAtir Je.'A OUAKItKNILUUAtOJtt Temperature Local Tides mm Friday, Aprpll 11 40 High 4:29 13.4 feet 17:40 16.1 feet 39 I 'tm- Low 11:20 5.0 feet 23:23 8.9 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLU MBIAf& NEWSPAPER Deal ded I.. ny irtrift Actlte Mnce In Many Ai. inril 11 (CD kflr air Allied fleets are Budapest today in . I.. I itlrhl'a M nit that . Tbr planet which A L... Thlrtre Allird j ?a in itiuiii iiwiii L ft.I1. .1 f9fct rnfrnj plinrt were , Cinidiin Air Force tttrkfd roatUI lar- IHT1 II ... ft.ll I In Mr I urn. M Mosquito hit at Muthnrtt of pUnei fttrutk ml KAfl nf ft ti mini ,1 V JINK frifl Senl In lint. Rfiik, Nrw Guinea, .iHTQ' ftRTERS IN -3 5 ; were S A i brmbersAT 1 tr ffl TMBV Asked to L: . II 1 1 I 1 1 Ml I V I ' 1 I A; n United! CrtV Di a ti have r' t: ' p hipping n oemany. It N'A AM) peace "nee lUjil of Ru- id to have discuss. m hfte with AU "uuvn but there (lllnn II.. i , 'vii ,i,4i inis was PProral of Prunler t')Mi:ntN: -wnlto Mussolini. til and IK. i. wdor are reported f'n tailed to Kerch- ur a tonfeiencc ' Hitler "" SerrMnr Cori1.il ii..,. . "'i eipiess- 'oay as favor- Mttrrnr. .... er P(mtr project. B(vr skuvick I.alesi iiiiii.i. ,so'le f.l ' 'ffmin K.n.i.i . iiviiir iii lilr . ri j -.viii r Tran.i,...! nniip, , . " "B will k. .1 . "u l it 1 1 nii. m 2 '-Hies ni tnd a 0wnl '"I Will. "rnnii - -WB BTBBV -BPBB H H BB BBV BW . I'rince Hup r lioan Cam! O t. vr ' l.al Time, A Tne Quota for t :. city in the Sixth fc campaign lias been r. COO which U the sit & Ihe quota for the last Kn when I $000,150 was actually subscrlb- I ed. The quota for Prince Rupert and district which Includes the City. Is $1,020,000. For the whole of British Columbia and Yukon the quota is $120,000,000, an even ten per cent of the $1200.-000.000 objective for the entire Dominion. Quotas for various localities In this district together with actual subscriptions In the la loan are as follows: eth Loan 5th Loan Quota Sub'tlon rrlnce Rupert $750,000 $900,150 Premier and Stewart 10,000 30200 8rolthers 40.000 48.950 Hazclton 15.000 19.750 Tclkwa 8.000 11,650 Burns Lake 25,000 29.050 Vanderhnof 20 XXX) 3150 Fort BL James 8.000 16J05O Terrace 35,000 45.600 Fraser Lake 5.000 6200 Badoglio Denies Report of Berlin NAPLES, Aprpll 13-Premlcr Pletro Badoglio yesterday officially denied reports emanating from Oermany that his gov-ernmcnt had recognized Marshal Tito's government of Yugoslavia and that Flume and other Adriatic ports would be relinquished. Fire On Ship i . r T 1 UrV J0CK Fire broke out at 'midnight last night on a ship at the local dry dock, the blaze having orig inated In paint stores. Only slight damage was done, the flames having been brought under control by the dock fire fighting crew before the city department arrived on the scene. Mrs. Ed linger, formerly of thla cltv. arrived in the city yesterday for a brief holiday and is the house guest oi mis. n MrParlhv. SutletinA NEW rOSTAOE STAMPS WASHINGTON' New post- aie stamp deslins are to be ! sued. Two lhreerenters ill honor the railways and ihlp ping. Key LKUjJ .---..-. T ATpMFNT i" I -I" I 0J't'e -More Than Double With Grand Aggregate of $23,(39.23 in Collection. neveallns that the highly gratifying grand aggresate of $23,43923, or more than double the original objective, was re allzed, a final statement on the recent Ited Cross campaign dilve In Prince Rupert hai been released by Arnold Flaten, president of the local branch, The total Is broken down as follows: Military Navy $2228.25 Army , 1,44927 Air Force 8eal Cove U43r Air Force Orotip 4 770.89 DUIritt Air Force Alllford Bay 1.90423 Surrounding villages and camps 2,073,13 I'linee Kupert City Business Section 'Organised bv Gyro Club) 8,01184 Prince Rupert Drydock employees 1,574.51 Canadian National ! Railway employees 497.00 ! Seal Cove Arra 'Organized I ' by Mrs. J E. Boddiei 1.42533 McBride and East (Organ- lzed by Mrs J. J. Gibson 83420 McBride to Fulton (Organ ized Mrs. A. S. Mitchell i 80355 Westvlew tO:ganlzed by Mrs D. C. Stuart i 378.50 Acropolis Area (Organized by Mrs. W Brass 294.71 Chinese canvas (Organized by Bennie Lee) 463.00 Canadian Red Cross Corps 34120 Ukrainian Association 57.59 rtfryLolEarcoteato $23,43923 Subscribers In this campaign totalled 5386 in number. ORGANIZING SOVIET AID .. Loral Friendhlp Committee in Session Wrek Set in June for Campaign Here. Steps are being taken by the local executive oi the Can-adlan-Sovtet Friendship organization to get In direct communication with the authorities of Uic city of Nogalsk on the Sea of Azov in Russia which Prince Rupert has undertaken to sponsor. The executive was In session 'last night in the mayor's office with the chairman, August Walltn, presiding and It was decided to set June 18-24 as Canadian - Soviet Friendship (have yet to be arrangca. Sub-committees arc about to be set up under such headings as fisheries, education, labor, music, arts, etc. USURPED NEEDLE The first sewing machine was patented In 1804. jweck In Prince Rupert. There HICIIEIt SALARIES t will be a campaign and pro-OTTAWA The Canadian Igram of special events which f'linfrrot of Ijbor is In la vor of hlsher salaries for Judges In order that they may be able financially to retire at an earlier axe. ItOMISEKS ACTIVE LONDON While R.A.F. and K.C.A.F. planes struek last nljht at the French Invasion coast, American bombers based In England and Italy smashed at the (Jerman Industrial cities of Srhwclnfuit and Augsburg. STII.L DEADLOCKED STOCKHOLM It u s si a n-Flnnlsh peace negotiations appear to be still deadlocked. The latest Russian terms were said to be refused by the Finn after the Finnish parliament had met In secret session, It members apparently supporting the course set by the government. EMMANUEL CONDEMNED LONDON British newspapers condemn the statement of King Victor Emmanuel that he will relinquish power In favor of his son. Crown Prince Uniberto, when the Allies enter Rome. It N described as a "token, of PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1944 BBBBVKBBK "ITBbTbT " j i IT ' ifc f I IBBBbIKbW BB fWrBBTBBBBBBBBBB OFFICERS ON THE AU'JtT i cd ' avc u by AiUed plnt , t TankerisSunk:AGGRESSVE In Arabian bea - 4 4 MEAN FRANCLSCO. Aoril 13 ( --Forty-four members j of the crow are reported missing and twpnt-mx have been rescued !d.:ow- ina the to Dedoema and sinking of the Standard Oil tanker H. D. Collier by an enemy submarine In the Ar- ablan Sea in Marchnaval JUUiohU.aiiaouoced.ySjui'.: lerday. ' V Gyro Club To Raise Funds Ways and means to llnanre Supervised Playground Activities. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at its regular monthly I business luncheon yesterday,' adopted a report of a special ways and means committee, of whlch W. F. 8tone was chair j man. to raise funds for an $850 program of supervised playground activities which It has been decided to carry out this luncheon at whlrh President Frank Skinner was In the chair. The weekly luncheon raffle of a war savings certificate was win by Ellis Morris. Controlling Of Life Insurance BIOOAR. Saskatchewan. April 13 O-M. J Coldwell, leader of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, said hare last night that life Insurance companies should be bn unht under publir ownership and control Trap AS CASSINO IS I)E -1ROYED nnjsale view of dc . ucUon ENEMY ARE Orrmaai Appear (o be Livtning up ill Oarizliano Area of Italy NAPLES. April 13 O Germans 411 the Garlgllano sector arc becoming more aggressive with indications that the Nazis are continuing to regroup forces which wre observed there last week. crojslittle activity In nhcTjSSTho ana 'andEntfi5 , t.1 j REUS SWEEP ON Approaching Sebastapol 0b.r Russians Pushing Deeper Into Rumanian Oil Fields. LONDON, April 13 (CP) The Russians in Crimea ad- vanted forty-six miles in one day 'and are now only forty-six miles from Sebastapol, great naval base, the Moscow radio announced today. The entire Kerch Peninsula has been cleared of Nails. The speed of the Soviet advance is indicated by the fact that ! Germans and Rumanians in the Crimea, are withdrawing swiftly toward Sebastapol. Other Russians have pushed deeper towards the north Rumanian oil fields with the rapture of I'altlcenl. Baseball Scores Pacific Coast League Seattle 9. Hollywood 3. Portland 7. San Francisco San Diego 13, Oakland 0. I KiHTING BRITISH TROOPS GO OVER THE TOP AT CASSINO In the tense fighting for the Italian city of Cassino, British troops arc about to go over the top and at the enemy Is Suggested British officers In an advan of Uir fortress town of Cassino All Halibut Boats Will Remain In SEATTLE. April 13 01 W T. Burgess, secretary of the British Columbia Fish- erraen'a Union, last nieht denied reports that Cana- dian fishermen would abandon their tie-up while boats of the American. fleet the halibut price celling dispute. t Medium Is Convicted LONDON, April 12- A spiritualist medium was convicted today of fraud in a London court In connection with her acUvi-ties In recalling spirits. A London columnist, a believer in spiritualism, commented that this was the "datkest hour in the history of spiritualism." Fish Fleet Here Ready Rut b Undecided as to Whether or not it will Leave The Prince Rupert halibut fleet is now poised to leave for the banks but no clearances had been taken out up to noon today. There appeared to be indecision as to whether or not the fleet would start to leave for the banks where fishing starts midnight Saturday or remain tied up like the Vancouver and Seattle fleets. According to word from Seattle, determination of the fishermen there to remain in port seemed stronger than ever. No decision was reached yesterday at a meeting of members of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union of the Pacific and representatives of the Fishing Vessel Owners' Association. Plans to meet atain nest week weie made by union men but owners scheduled no date for future meetings. Lord Lonsdale, Sportsman, Dies London. ADrll 13 0 The Earl of Lonsdale, who once fought John L. Sullivan and won, died today. He was eighty- I seven years of age. Enemy Edging Closer to Impahl, Allied Base In Northeastern India Area NEW DELHI, April 13 (CP) While suggestions were heard in military quarters here that the entire Jar. nese invasion force in India might be caught iri a hv a;e trap, the enemy edged further to the north-wefc of Impahl today, supplementing positions to southwest of that partly surrounded base on the ft 1 rv . LarniVcU Date m r n In Rp FafllPf " UC katXl liCl In view of the fact that many of the active workers in connection with the event will be going to Victoria for the annual camp of the Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment from July 30 to. August 13, the annual civic centre carnival which was to have been held early in August will, instead, take place from July 5 to 10, It has been announced. Kuriles Bombed PEARL HARBOR, April 13 9 Paramushlro and Bhlmushu; JaranPtf Viaxps In the North Padftc Xurlhrrldtntt2f,!5Ere bombed Tuesday by American planes, Admiral Chester W. Nimetz announced Wednesday. On Monday Allied planes bombed Matsiiwa. less than one thousand nautical miles from Tokyo. ALLAN1 CUP WESTMINSTER GOES AHEAD Lodestars Defeated Port Arthur 6 to 2 Last Night. PORT ARTHUR, April 13 New Westminster Lodestars de feated Port Arthur Shipbuilders 6 to 2 last night and now kads for the first Ume in the best four out of seven series in the Western Canada Allan Cup fl nals. New Westminster has now won three eames' and Port Ar thur two while one the first was a tie. The seventh game will be played at Port Arthur Saturday night. IMPORTANT CITIES ARE CAPTURED MOSCOW, April 13 Premier Joseph Stalin today issued an order of the day announcing the capture of Theodosla, famous Black Sea port of the Crimea, and Simferopol, capital of the Crimea. SPIRITS REMAINED LONDON O) The lorry approached the custom Inspector at the Eire border, stopped, and was seen to be carrying two coffins. But when opened they contained not bodies but spirits, some 36 gallons in all. The liquor was seized by Eire custom authorities. TWICE DECORATED LONDON CP) Capt. (acting major) Earl Jelllcoe, 25, Coldstream Guards, and son of the late Admiral of the Fleet Earl Jelllcoe. has been awarded the M.C, in recognition of "gallant and distinguished services in the field." He won the D.S.O. (in Egypt In 1942. PRICE FIVE CENTS Manlpur plain or eastern incua. British and Indian forces cap- tare a hill position In that area to hand-t-nani fighting. Tokyo claimed that a Japan- pep fnrmnt.lon was launchlnff thrusts near an air ffeld north of Impahl. RAILWAYMEN CHALLENGED Every Employee of Canadian National Expected to Purchase. MONTREAL. April 13 "Invest in more Victory Bonds and help our fighting men to smash on," is the appeal of D. C. Grant, vice-president of Finance and Accounting, Canadian National Railways, in a statement lssued-today announcing details of arrangements by which it is plan ned to conduct a complete sol icitation of every individual em ployee by the National Railways n Canada, TransCanada Air Lines and National Railways jriBthTorttrsugfeTiscrirM tions for the Sixth Victory Loan. R. C. Vaughan, Chairman and President, Canadian National Railways, has appointed Mr. Grant to take charge of the campaign which will directly reach 95.000 individuate on the payrolls of the National System and its affiliated companies. The organization of the CUR. system for the support of the. Sixth Vlctoiy Loan is nation- wide, with regional committees at Winnipeg, Toronto and Monc-ton, co-ordinated by a system committee at Montreal. - In his statement Mr.' Qrant referred to the objective arr-nounced by Hon. J. L. Ilsley, Minister of Finance, speaking of that objective as providing a challenge to the men and women of the Railway organization. Mr. Grant recalls that in the Fifth Victory Loan campaign 80261 employees purchased a total of $3,599,600 in bonds and adds: 'The record of the Can- .'adian National Victory Loan campaign has shown a consistent Increase for each respective loan in the number of subscribers and the total amount received and I have every confidence that the Sixth Victory Loan results when tabulated will substantially surpass those of the last campaign." A very large proportion of subscriptions from system employees to the last loan were provided through payroll deductions and the vice-president has asked canvassers to make a special effort to increase that proportion for the forthcoming PEACE IS REJECTED Negotiations Between Finland and Soviet Once Arain Break Down. STOCKHOLM, April 13 It Is reported here that Finland has once again rejected, terms of Russia for a separate peace. The Finnish Parliament was reported Wednesday night to have given the government a vote of confidence during secret session yesterday after the Premier had outlined the cabinet's view of the latest Russian armistice proposals. By all indications this vote meant that Finland had again rejected, the several terms.