1 AOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue ilso reserved. O. A. HUNTER, MANAOINO JII&Rl. MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS ADVERTISING RATES Death. Funeral. In Memoriam. Engagement and Wedding Notices. Card of Thanks $2.00 hirth Notices ; .50 Mineral Flowers, per Name -m,...,. .10 Classified. 2c dct word, ner Insertion, minimum 50 Transient, per mch - .75 Contract, per Inch .50 Readers, per line .25 Black Face Readers, per line - .50 Business and Professional Cards Inserted dally, per month, . per inch - $3.75 8 Columns', 12 enis, 287 Lines to Column. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week 15 Per Year $7.00 Per Month 55 By Mail, per Month 0 Per Year $ 00 DAILY EDITION Look to the North . . . ?J? Alaska and Northern Canada,, Monday, March 6. 1944 Tntn the timbered vallevs of the Northwest. World. War II has swept a tital wave of machine power and; innn flntrpv nf ruts rind throb of diesel echoesi r',$ though the bush. Men by the thousands have been , weaving a chain of roads, airfields and bridges, cut- . . .. . m . a I k - . . . ... , . sri Tn this vast hinter Innf I. stretchinp- to the roiar Thelma Doiron Is GiVen Shower Miss Florence Walker and Mrs. O. Dearie vre joint hoeWsses a! a n enjoyable mftrtWSeou.s I shower on Friday evening at the Ion of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated I 01 Mrs " v Tatiersall. 'ress in this paper and also the local news publlihed therein. ! Evehth Avenue Bast, honoring aii ngms or repHDncawn or special despatches tnerein are aims Thelma Doiron whose marriage to J. Yelloway Is to ' take place shortly. j The evening was spent In play- j ing games, winners being Mrs. i Oay. Mrs. Deane and Miss G. : Doiron. The bride-eta wfes the recipient of many rAaufttul and useful gifts. Delirious rpfrpshmpntc pn I served. A lovety bride's caTte was cut by the guest of honor. Those invited were: Meadames i H. V. Tattersan. L. Doiron. Oar- j , lick, Hansen. Gay. Ifemntohs. . ! Deane. Ca: penterJIolft. A. Pet- j exsoh, Johnson. Pierce. Have?. : Jensen, Cross and the Misses i , Hanley. Wallace. Walker, Deane. j Tl Doiron, Perkins. Tattersall. j ' Pehera and G. Doiron. nr. TRnr ntoi.inc The fig tree bears th:te crops . a season ACTIVITIKS OF Y.M"iCA. and YAV.C.A .tBy d5R0THY C'ARBUTT Fur their final perl-jiavi: ting their new lines of power and communication P: h Ru,rt the St rv ' t through empty forests. War has spurred this newi- iif boom in the Northwest. As the new roads and airways .i 'u? performance. gave 3 helpid ' thread through the North, fresh interest lights up; deal by the good-natu k the subarctic spaces near the top of the globe oicnee. me prime mover ir. :;.t fun was one of the officers wh -peals of laughter dissolved thr actors themselves into mrrri Sea the world beyond th6 war will see a new frontier ; "SuTdwhS With a rich promise to be Won from Its empty, Ull- j ancestcry might have been Irish known spaces. j with leanings to the wire-hairec. . . ; typ. or again It might also have TT l- hi t r Here in the North are the tiny settlements of Can-1 ten fox terrier, but don't let's ada's Arctic coast. Here is the tundra, carpe'te'd with Umbif: ass him well, the fact is green moss the rock smooth by lakes wnose names have stirred anu cnauengen me j goes to make a fellow pretty imagination of men Great Bear, Great Slave, Atha-; bs about most things,- afd baska. Here are the mighty rivers of the North, the Vt shoMw Thk" , 'dog's life. Now If It had been ,r i i i n a it. n i c ukon and Mackenzie, flowing to the Polar Sea. ; sayi Smlth.s troop of mucAit;(i And here are the mountain chains, the Rockies and I canines, or a trio of trick pup-the coast ranges, curving North to Alaska in soaring, p'm Boing through hoops and glacial splendour. l od th? , . ' I1JtP. that would have been some- And beyond, theragged craters of the Aleutian j iMs to keep a dog awake. islands, a thousand miles west, the last half-drowned peaks of America are lost in the mists of Bering Sea. Joint efforts of builders and engineers, massive machine power, have broken down old barriers of isolation. in the steady heat of summer. Here are j ,lny ftH sIp row traM wastes of the Canadian shield, gouged ,""'w ice and snow with huge, shining lakes; !belM mascot of . rpaimi.nt' Today there has grown in the Northwest a mighty network of transport and supply for counterattack against Japan. Joint plans of Canada and United States for defence construction, swiftly carried out by Canada and the United States, have beaten back the enemy. I thought when we closed ur at the Hut that I would speSid my afternoons at the Empress but so far I've, found plenty to do around the Hut with furniture to be painted, curtains to b; made, kittens lo be fed and ever plenty of 'phone calls lo ,in-wr from persons who den't kr. -v we're closed. The new fU or-being laid, they have to Ir.v thre coats of varnish on th m which will take some tirm ? begins to look as though j! u !: pe arouna Apni Deiore we r.o And in the of both now same spirit co-operation, r,Den r.D in th i. i 1 i i i. ... mean'.m'' countries prepare ineir pians ior tne iuiure oi me i Empress is being,fixed up int huge North Pacific region. daytime recreation ham. wh i We hope you"il.get Into the hub mi n i xt it. i- i loday, Canada s Northwest is richer by many a I of using as you do this one w great engineering work, rushed into being through haTe our and dowl d i pressure of war. A pattern of new roadways, bridges, I we? airfields, has thrown open the gates to a whole terri-1 i hatfd t0 say wy&J, , women released from the urgency of war. Here are huge reserves of natural wealth, for men with the courage and skill to use tnem well. To bring out all the wealth, the North needs men surveyors, prospectors, settlers, farmers, to work the land and make it their own. And m'anv who are building the defences of Alaska and the Canadian North today, who are seeing the land and learnig its ways for the first time, will come to live and work as pioneers of the new North tomorrow. For distance has dwindled, and even the shores of the Arctic Ocean no longer mark tl -? end of the line for man's advance into the North. Across the inland Polar Sea. over the top of the world run the shortest air ways : to Europe and Asia. And now, at the threshold of a new age in the air, the Arctic is no longer back of; beyond: it lies in the main-stream of traffic between continents. Northward lies the new world; waiting for men to master its sweep of space and make it yield its l'ich promise for tomorrow. Cold Wave Coming Soon! We will be closed for one week while attending the demonstration for the new sensational COLD WAVE, a permanent without heat, pads, or machine. Watch for It! SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON VIOLET MAII Cor, Cth Ave. and Fulton St. land, a ; Bandmaster Stan Sunder;; id Phone Blue 943 didn't you? But then we wl him luck, wherever's he's hrad ed. For Mutual Benefit health and Accident See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms No, 6 GIVE GENEROUSLY ifiah WW Fashion Footwear A. J, DO.MINATO. SMITH BUS Mr. and Mrs. P. Bmcrson received word that their son. Ar-moar UihI Kmerson. is reported missing jftHe la action over Kurope He is reported to have taVth paUg in ttmt tfte 1000-plane raids over Oerraany. Mrs. H. Welch left last vtatk for PrtOtfe Rupert on Mr way to Vancouver and Victoria where she will visit friends for a fer weeks. Advertise In the Dally News THE DAILY NEWS Many at Rites Of Mrs. Roberts At Pt. Essington PORT FSSINOTON. March 6 --Funeral services, attended by the whole community, were held here for the late Mrs. Htthei Robert who passed away at th x&i' of M. The deceased, who was highly ri- riiied throughout ihe district wa jinmilnent in social and c)v.r .-'i work. She was a mem- Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY It I It T II I) A Y A N I) K V K It Y I) A Y C A It I) S WAT Kit MAN'S POINT A IN PUNS Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 R MESSAGE FROM THE POSTMASTER GENERAL 0t'rd' SK i 1 W I ma ooo 6-rrre 10 ..art to K ft -vll tM Xt m 2Tlt r1'1 Ti mux - fr ... rSffi SIMPLE THINGS ife. I Mlir wire ih JJrM b clciflf X 4 WffiVfw itfi nJ iorrttili wriltrn. gt. 5?S"lE ti vfi ' Urtn in iht " ifct. yjffiL XPl nuil at mf in ihc i vSbeSa WK'Wt CANADA post orrict PLll $10,000,000 leeded NOW for relief of suffering I- Vi-tory noars, Ihe neod for ...-na'iitariot' strvicia of th F I Orsi qrows. Nothing ran tak Ihe pjaco ol t: s vorlu wide organlzaUon for r : f r-f h-.imon suffering, d which VT)UR Canadian Red Cross Is a part YfMJR dollars malte the work pt-dhQ. The work musf go on. DO YOUR SHARE I (jive (jcnerouitij to the I ber of the Ladles' Aid of Pierce j Memorial Church and honorary j president of the women's auxili-I ary to the Port Baslngton Con ceit Band. 8he had been the auxiliary's first president. Leading the procession to th-cemetery the band played fun eral marches, and at the graveside led the hymn Ood 11? Wl:h You Til We Meet Atjaln " Survivlnf; the deeeased are her iiusbard. Joseph Hcberts th'-e daughters. Mts. Matt Wesley Mrs. James lanes, and Mrv David Nelson, and one m;ii Donald Roberts, all of Po t Faring tan. Tliere arp twenty eran.l ehlldrrn and seven great- gran chlafrcn A cousin. Mrs Orr Mraell, n Print r Rupc and a brother Hen Seymour. In Odarrale. Floral t:lbutes were receivrd from the following: Ladles' Auxiliary to thr slncton Band; Port Kssinxton 8pecla' R.m; Ladies' Kxerl s!or Cub. KUkalla: The White Cross. Kltkatla: Cons.ablr anrf Mrs. 111 Nona and Walllr Mr and Mrs A. Welch and family . Mr and Mil. C. D Pc.;sir. Mr and Mrs. Perkins and Mrs Dav 'Mrs. J. A. Brown and.fntnly IHayspo t: Mr. and Mrs. Johi !8a!dan. Hunt': In'H; Mr anf j Mis Paul Stan. Prince Rupeit Mr. and Mrs. Lee W.ng. and Martha Wesley: Mr. and Mrs David Spalding and family. M-' nnd Mr Howard Stan and fam-' iy. Mr and Mrs, W. Biooks t1 and family; Mr. and Mis Jarr.r- i :: i Mr JAd M . r-- r.-wn ud family: Ur and Mrs t ime Oray; Mr. and Mr Oi .);::n'i and family; Mr .uul M-tii i -kersby and fanr . Mr jij-'h McLean and : ' s Vr : ..la Miller and ,i .1- M- Bddlr B.-.v ' v Vrcddie ard J.i M FJ iltun. Llovd .. ! V J m hinr Douglas M: Imt.c Bolton: F- : Vclma and Ra-..- Mi . ' .t.-.d Mr, Peter Ax, . p ' .d Ni'ljon Brc-v . ' : y ilaysptirt: Mr .ii M lL'.rry limes. Prince K i;; l -.:r.a and Johnny Nc'vk. Pt . , p Ru x t Mr and VI: H ix. S-aidi " ' and famllv Hold Rites for Edward Innes lAt Kitkatla KtlKATLA. Mar. Funeral services for the late Edward In-p?m who passed away In his iwenty-nln'h year, were held new last week at St. Peter's rharch. the Rev. William Redley officiating. Olfted with the onality of leadership, the popular younrt nan Is missed greatly In this community where he held an mutandingr position. Thr son of M and Mrs. Joseph Innes. "id leading posts In many sm-lu. "ifl frr-. eriial aattvtttes. He it t ivcd his education at Cxi.n: " Ua renldentlal schrxil. Sards Surviving are hU wife and mill daughter. Audrey, fatlir; and mothrj.two brothers. Uw- :ice nrd Rufus. and tw)!i-n, Clara anAWJten. The Kitkatla Concert Band led. ihc procession lo the chinch' v.hrrf during the service. Mi.-:. R m :i Lewis sang a solo. Fol- v. "r cvice the body wa, ikcn ...n biard the boat Norma ' cvrr.rtery Island where In-''k ptaee. Adv. e ie Daily News ii - vj aaaaaaaaBi IfliMn7EaiHiT GfiNADIANPRED CROSS This spaco contributed byt W. V. STONK, Men's Clothing Valhalla Lodge Enjoys Whist T th tWH rr r-. Soetai c Prlir- JuWs !.( A well attended and very en-jtn; Jovable whist drive was held on ("on -'' ?Tj:urday niglu by thr Vaihalta rl!"nd lodge in their hall on Ninth omo:i Avt-nue, folU.win uhich dellc- . ' A K j0 Htdtlkb L1GH ''3 4 Phone (AS SIGHT 1 FIGHT saaaasBBBSassjssaiasjal D ETTER UGHT In yovr home tonlgnl con rett your eyei . . . prevent Itroin and fatigue . . . keep you olert ond energetic for yoof war job tomorrow) let th longer-lotting ,H brightntit of Edison Molda lompt CND proiect yovr eyti ond tofeguord tKeir fitnen for vital war work. t-'JJ L.ilHaWJJf J.JIaalJIJiJ.i JJJ L-7:iw:i-ii:uainmfii--.nili1-aYi Lustron Cold Wave Permanenli SoiiHynjj nev in IU a Phone nowfor an aip . 5 IIKIiKN'S'HKAUTY SHOIM'K : iu i fUW 7 rw. I , k r A !ut ITS MUSIC TO OUR KAKS... To hear people praising the Variety Store 1 like our tremendous selection of mercw? I and our service. It makes us realty PrtV"" J know that the people of Prince Kupcr taf,( with confidence ami satisfaction nerc THE VARIETY STORE COAL! Good stocks of Foothills, Alberta, and flu Vallev Coals now on hand Three days notice before delivery is l" will be appreciated. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. H";, riiONi: r,r,i