ais : ncaT Mn t i. u bouly a 11 r(rr c 01 uic n bc-uf r treat- -! a vIMlor 01 busmcas. , j . here. m V.ncou- i l:tU t Ten-ace' ,;,oon'l let :rit to the In-fcnrf to, the iv,ni u- r: : : U Pi E .rrrm in rr !c:' re-B r. t nrl . -nitre D xv. ..p Ally -em Empire r r.r :n me years, i, we rave served V rare aiwaTs irtj (joalitjrflrngs, t a new jftar.we M ' - th? rtir.ndence r ' rrve you, 71 t Pioneer V f TORE L. fi-jm s .1 H; ..da- , SALtEM'S W .ere Cllars If hte a complete pries, rrcsli Tobaccos and IVTOY throughout da ThurMlays Opposite INCOME c jmo Returns APRIL FORMS NOW R. E. Pl Avenue Announcements All, dverttoemenu In ttvU column wlB rw ehareetl for full rhttfith at 26c word. d.d.F4. Dan4," March 10. Odd- rarl 'resby,terfon ?hoir Concert, ftrch 13. stra trick's Tea, ale home eboKIW. Z pjn. Card party 8 run. K.O.C. Hall. March 17. Little Norway Tea.. March 23. VJi. Canadian Leolon Dance I.O.D.E. Hall. March 24 Sc. Petcr'a Sale. March 30. 10 V,,()M ,T MAV CONCtKN. I F t stale that I will ncA iui any ucuus m- eurTWi in rny name by others hn mystli iiersohalTy. Ml ALEX. E. PONORACZ. Card of Thanks Joseph Robert, Mrs. Xfatt Mteifey. Mrs. Jans Innes Mrs 'avid NcUon and b.iiald Rob-is wih to extend their heart-t thank and appreciation for f kindness. nsftftes of and beauWful floral m:i : vived from rswhy .- nr-v their sad beteave- . . . aeaih or a loving wile r.:id 'n-jtfeer. COI I I ROM WW BACK (ieM has been tnitted hi Chile sine the day of the Ifteas. ... 'W almost since Prince Rubert the people. The prescription tr ed to keen modern, uilne the best of equipment are proud of our record, you have shown in us. May Ltd DruQffists PHONES 81 and 82 9 am. i'.n 9 p.m ftm 12 2 pm and 7 9 p m. have more cenU'' variety of available Knilts ntitl vejroiames OoiilcciloncYy the City three tlmea weekly and Saturdays) Canadian Legion TAX to he filed on or before 80, 1U11. AVAIIiAllLE" Prepared by MORTIMER Phone M Ws Work Boots (KKU THlSONliiiRf, LMKR'S "Mo'oJe He:id Hhind" THURSTON'S flK'iulal.lo, Solid1 an, Comfortable Th Home of Good Aoc IIONT rOKOKT . . Tin: mo DANCE WKIINKSDAY, MARCH 8 9:30 p.m u J a.m. I.O I) K. HALL Formerly Eagles'. 5th and McBrldei $1.25 Couple Indies Free Roy, Proverbs and UN Orchestra Everybody Welcome FUNERAL XOTICKS The funeral of the late Mr Silas Dawson will take place from Orenvllle Court Chapel ol U. C. Wdenaltm Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock 56 FtmraJ cf the .tatc James M. Chmpbell will take place at 2:30 pjn. from the First Presbyterian Church tomorrow. Mareh 7. Canadian Legion, It.llK.U I ', Cafiadlffft LcirWn members are rfqtreited to attend the fu neral of our late comrade. , James M. Campbell, ex C2nd J Battalion and charter membe jOf the Prince Rupert Drahch of i the Canadian Legion. Services will be held at First Presbyterian Chureh. tomorrow. Tuesday, ; Mareh 7, al r.30. An members r& requested to attend. X Let We Furs." PROFITABLE RIISIM'.SS rjlVEKPOOL. England. O 6hoc:b)ys working ate soap box ?t"ii brtM'eee a railway sta-r!cn an s BH HJi t. training cMit kaV tiftH 340O In the two . tS t.- -; htf MM organ iaed. 1 . Hi dlgni- fled mm- ' i Nations Transport 8 ' h nro- f:ts are :u Mt. a avl:i?-- nr cidthes i 1 V ,TT1 r SERVICES TO Vancourer, Victoria and WajpoinU, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Ittsnds Full Into.cnillon, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. fhone 5S8 ' British Columbia' s Finest Salmon "Pacific Milk is like real Jer-J sey cream for coffee and makes coffee a real food." It's the extra richness, Mrs. D. Pacific Milk makes coffee n better drink. You,e said exactly what others have said. Coffee steps up when flavored with Pacific Milk, takes on a new value. So does tea. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Parked Coal Orders Wc can now deliver your coal orders. Please give us three days warning before delivery ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. IWONE Joseph Gingras j Buried Sunday j i The funeral of the late Joseph It. OInaras, world war veteran, who passed away at Miller Bay on Wednesday, was held on Sunday afternoon from the Oren- V.'Ae Court Chapel of the B. C Undertakers. Rev. Magnus An derson. Lutheran pastor, offt- lating. Comrades of the Canadian L:3lon and friends at the con traction camp, where the de--eased had worked, attended the service. Mrs. S. C. Ollker presid-id at the organ during the singing of t'j- hymru 'Rock of V;e?." and Abide With Me." Interment took place In Fair-.lw Celrrelery. Pallbeaicrs. three of whom were from tho Cantdlan Legion, weie: J. Lawrle, Leslie Pafrks. Jack Alien. J. E. McCallum. A, B, Brieb and H. Maksynitz. . Terrace Store Changes Hands The R. L. Fox genera! store Terrace has been sold by Mr Fox to Oeorae Mc Adams and under the new management wl!'. be knerwn as the Skeena Mercantile Company. Mr. McAdams as formerly manager of the Hudson's Bay Cohtyany store at Yorkton. Saskatchewan. The store wai originally own-d by Sparks brothers and was bought by Mr. Fox, who went to lerrace from Stewart, two years ago. chi:ck rnicr abuses JOHANNESBURG. f A clti-aen's 1gilance Commiitee. nonparty. non-seV.arian and non-acial has been formed in Johan- 5 'Jurg to help check abuses in Ice control MR. ISAAC P. BOOTH tu M 1V U i Uy. IU KiJ tmn rhmuMtic M tmi rwutvttian iu4 b to intrtrn Iitw. "Frail-t-lmt" nuiit din tOfitUi) A. Buck t ymrXtnt, with'Frw--lif , "Build B.C. Payrolls" PACIFIC ll MILK IN COFFEE - I I 116 and 117 THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREE 3 Good Reason BK5rgniEB 3 1(kWy TUtS WITS SOOTW" M O 'i Local Boy Is Graduate From Air Training O. L Zbura of- this city re cently graduated as a sergeant j j wireless air gunner from a j bombing and gunnery school of the Royal Canadian Air Force at Mountain View, Ontario. TIMELY RECIPES SANDWICH SPltEAI) 1 can pilchard 2 tablespoons French must ard or chopped mustard pickle with sauce Sair, pepper, lemon Juice, etc to taste Mash entire contents of tin ,nto a paste, add mustard or pickles and seasonings, combining well. No butter is needed with this filling. Advertise its me Daily News! J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon Chiropractor Smith Block Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Builtup Roofs Repairs, Re-shlngling Free Estimates " NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms. Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Thone 281 P.O. Box 193 THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: f 3 p.m. to 2 a m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 sWhy Most Young Mothers Use this Way to Relieve Miseries of Children's COLDS Thanks to its effective fenetroting' stimulating action (as illustrated), time-tested Vicks VapoRub prompdjr helps relieve coughing spasms, muscular soreness or tightness, con- and irritation in the festion ronchiil tubes! The very moment you rub soothing, vaporizing VapoRub on throat, chest and back at bedtime, it starts to work an J keeps on working for hours as it invites restful sleep. Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone! Try it. And youU understand why the time-proved home remedy for relieving miseries of children's 4t colds is de- pendiblc... Jg VAPORUB Try a Want-Ad for Quick ' Results. CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLONED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone Black 33 ' HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Toffee is Tops) tiwri.k sir. xiuto SmIM tendfrs mill be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria. H.C . not later than It o'clock In ihe forenoon on the 24th day of XIarch. 1941. for the purchase of Licence XS4410. to cut 2.357.000 feet nf Knrucf Hemlock and Cedar on an area cumprUrtne part of Fractional ! South half of Section 19 and Fraction I Section 18. Township 4, Kagen Bay. Skldegate Inlet. QiH-on ciiar- Uitte Islands utna uismct. Three 3i year will be allowed for removal of timber. Piipihm rtarttriilitr at the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District I Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. Al CTIOV SALE TPIHIK SAl.K .3IS;? There will be offered for sale at Public Ai.ctkm at tl o'clock In the forenoon on the 24 th day of March. 1941. In the office of the District Forester at Prince Rupert. B.C.. the Licence X34S79, to cut 4.950.000 f h.m. of Sumce. Cedar. Hemlock and Balsam on Lots 5618. 5619 and the West half of 5617. half a mile Vet of Shames Station. Range 1, Coast Land District. Three 1 3) yean will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to, attend the auction In person may submit Jender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." , Further Dartlculars may be ob tained from the Chief Forester. Vlc- torla. B.C. or the District rwesier at Prince Rupert. B.C. NOTIt K III' (.V('ll.UII)V or itiiiiu: NOTICE 1 hereby given that the reserve established under authority nf Order-tn-Councll No. 1653. approved December 9th 1943. notice of which was published In the British Columbia Gazette of December 16th. 1943. Is cancelled In so far as It relates to Blocks 4 and 5, Subdivision of District Lot 1699. rian 1410. Range 5, Coast District. H. CATHCART. Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department. Victoria, B.C.. February llth, 1944. IS' Tin: situkmr roi'RT or llltlTIll MIl.t'MIIIA i ntoiim. In I lie Matter of the "AdmlnMra- Iriittoti Art" ami In the Mutter of the IMate of Knut OIeii, iereaeil, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Tlsher. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 18th day of February A.D. 1944, appointed Admin istrator of the Estate of Knut Olson, formerly of Montreal, Quebec, debased, who died on or about the. ' Ird day of January, AD. 1944. All1 pcrsous Indebted to the said Estate ' re required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against , the said Estate are required to fUe them with me properly verified on or before the 31t day of March ; AD 1044, falling which distribution-will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall havo . , . . ... t ,i.t i I DATED at Prince Rupert, BC. this URth dar of February A.D. 1944 I NORMAN A. WATT, i Official Administrator 1 Prince Rupert, ii One Bright Spot Give G enerousi THE NEED A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" EVERYTHING FOR THE KITCHEN Ranges, Tables, Chairs, Kitchen Step Ladders, Kitchen High Stools, Kitchen Floor Covering, Babv High Chairs, Velb "to renew your wall. and pictures, to Mirrors. Phone "5. GOOD FRIDAY' Select Beautiful EASTER CARDS Now! Complete stock now on display. Don't be disappointed at this pleasant and appropriate time to remember your family and friends with suitable cards. Coutt's Canadian Cards to from SHOP SEVENTH AVE. MARKET "The Friendly Store" We handle SWIFT'S PREMIUM MEATS and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our Prices Are Right J. M. S. Loubser n.o, BA. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 8 1 Pltae an Ad in The in the World ly... IS GREAT! decorate them, lutcnen 3rd Avenue comes April 7th 25c AT THE Mark every grave while you have the opportunity. They deserve It. See National Monuments 602 5th East Box 1123 Station B Prince Rupert, IVC. Daily Newa It Pays it A "ft 1 i