PAGE TWO .Floor Prices for jSOFTBALL Farms, Fishermen STANDINGS Announcement was madr today of plans for the establishment of floor prices for agricultural and fisheries products. The plans were drawn to forestall r dangerous depression of prices to the producers, and to implement them. Two boards have been set up Funds totalling $225,000,000 will be allocated to be used by the boards, $200,090.-000 going to the agricultural board, and $25,000 030 to the fisheries board. Hemlock trees generally m.i ture in 150 to 200 years When Soo Suds took a game from Boom Defence on Wednesday they stepped into first place in the area softball league, a position held continuously up to that time by Barrett. Barrett dropped into second place whsn they lost to 9th Coast on Friday. Soo Suds now have 11 straight wins in League "B", while Barrett, in League "A" have 10 wins and one loss. In the women's .:. ue Air Force WD. s sail reaiu a a top with seven wins bnl sna League standings are as lows: Teams W.D.'s "A" Softball League Teams W Barrett 10 Port Edward 8 9th AA 7 Wh Coast 6 lTth Coast 5 44th AA :.: 4 R.C.E. 1 W.R.ON.'s '6 Allies 5 Alumnae 4 High 2 C.WAC s 1 L 1 o 4 5 6 5 9 Girls' Softball League W L 7 "B" Softball League Teams W L Soo Suds 11 0 'Navy 7 3 fol- 16 14 12 10 8 2 14 12 10 8 4 2 (REGIMENT OFFICERS AT DINNER MONDAY THE DAILY NEWS .1 An unusually interesting event took place on Friday evening last, when the officers of the Prince Rupert Machine Oun Regiment i Reserve) held their Drydock 7 3 11th A.A. 7 3 Air Force 5 4 B. Defence 3 8 Ordnance . 1 9 22 1 Mi re tiian 200 languages are 14 ;pckca m Indi a first mess dinner In the Staff House dining room at Hays Cove Circle. The place was well suited to the requirements of the occasion. Tall candles and flowers ornamented the one long table. Capt. Toombs. Ueuienant J. H Englecke and W. D, MackKay, set a precedent. Although the ladles were not present, the flowers were their contribution to the table. Mes-dames Toombs and Norrlngton were responsible for the flowers and artistic table arrangements. Hosts and guets met for cocktails before dinner, when h'ors c!' .mores of Prince Rupert mild cured salmon were enjoyed, followed by a beautifully cooked t; 1 we".! ;erv i iu ken dinnei. After dc?c the MJss Presl- To-day, in its great effort to achieve final Victory, Canadian Industry can count en ' Imperial Oil KcKearch for aid viIimi the time comes to plan the Letter vtorlil of p" J .. v v,..- -.-., V " "VI " "I ,1 . U JHMHQ I SA AHHSfti countless exjeninents and tests came WB$QSk letter ways of making new and.improved )Rf?3n products; faster. IVtroleuin, plus the HSrH technical tkill of Imiieria! Oil research jKjst-wir ... just as the men working the inacliines on the industrial front de end on Im-rial lubricants to "ktcp things rolling" towards the gc tti pAicc IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED dent, In the traditional service manner, brought all to order and called "Mr. Vice The King" whereupon Lieut. McKay, in his capacity as Vlce-Presldeni gave "Oentlemcn. Hie King" when the Regimental Band played the National Anthem and all standing drank to His Majesty's health. The Band, which was seated at one end of the dining hall, played suitable numbers during and after dinner and Capt Large. Regimental medical officer, sang "The Open Road" In his usual fine style, accompanied on the piano by Band Sgt. I Peter Lien. Community singing was cn-I Joyed, for which the accompanl-Jment was supplied by Company Sereeant Major E. R. McDon ald and his ukelele In both the i oM and modern manner. The genial and popular com mandlng officer. Col. O. C. Oi-1 well, had e?rybxxly following him In the refrain to that old urmy favorite, "I Know Where the Colonel Is" and Lieut. Ponder also had the support of the company In that truly Canadian chauson "Allouetc " During the tatter part of the evening a reception was held in the officers' mess at Regimental headquart ers, when the ladles graced the occasion by their pretense and the time was spent In an In-1 formal manner with singing,1 dancing and refreshments. There were covers for Capt. !C. J ToonVis Col. D. B. Martvn, Lieut. Col. O. C. Oiweil, Col Batten. Lieut. Ool Paulln. Lieut Col. Younger. Lieut. Col. Rose-borcugh. Lieut Col. C- V Evitt. Lieut. Col. Coy. Lieut. Col. Mae-Kenzie. W R. Devenlsh, Barnard Allen, Mayor H. M. Daggett. Dr R. C. Bamford. Capt. R. O. Large. Capt J. R. Hall. Lieut W R McATee. Lieut. W O- Shear-down, Lieut. C. J. NorrtiKton, Lieut. Harold Ponder. L'eut T. N. Youngs. Lieut. J. A. Teng. Lieut A. Ostashower. Lieut J 1L Engelke. Lieut. A. S. Nickerson. T ii nt W A .Mrllr im Lirut jB. C Moore. Lieut O A Hunter. I Lieut O D, Bryant Lieu! A Dleidai. Lieut Oe'.-ge Dvbhavn. I Lieu A W Bura; Lieu' W D. Mi :kay and Lieut R:bcrt I With Minora Blades I Minora If by for rh. bctt and iharfml dovbl.-dg. tlod. In Itt da it. Wt tn4 quality blad. In tt low-prk. fi.ld. Announcing . . . Rupert Tobacco Store and Newsstand Centrally located at Third Ave. and Fourth St, (former C.P.R Offlcel A full line of magazines and newspapers, tobacco, novelties and stationery. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MRIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Barr & Anderson LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Money Savers Buy N Men's DRESS PANTS. Big variety, well finished. All Wool Tweeds and Worsteds. All sizes. Prices $4.95 10 $6.75 Men's COTTON 8HORTS for summer wear. Size 30. srr: soc BLANKETS, all wool. Colors grey and white. Best quality. Price, ggjg Men's WORK BOOTS Plain tee. Black. Solid build. All Men's DRESS IlRACES. Now 55c Mens DRESS SOX OUVx Q()n Out ton. Now Men's WORK PANTS SST S2.50 Men's DRESS SHIRTS, all size, assorted colors. Prices S1.75 10 $2.45 Men Fine All Wool Blue SERGE SUITS. Also Pin Stripes, high grade quality Well tailored, all sizes. Reduced prices. $30 10 $37.50 Men's WORK SHIRTS. Bfe assortment Wool and Cottons. Well made All sizes. Prices from $1.10 $2.95 til rh,, A Ol 3nd pu ; uced pi. 81,95 84.5) Children s Straps xr J leather Clearing a' 51.95 L S2.Si Men's t:rn FORLs K . All m. .. Spermt, i'a.; Mens RAIN sizes. Fax-Tweed i S)iecial at S4.S Boys' LONO TA:;r and Blue f SCSI $1.95 7 $2.75 Men's f... Dr r si.'j Mwi'i WuRK . Heavy leather 9i Men s IJEDR'X ; f mj All le..tU, t t Black u a i atcen Sp . per .uc Men's 0 . bu COATS M Will . ;d sties Spc .a! si; B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD Third Airnut SUPI'OUT TIIK IMONKKKS' HOME PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTER Down through the years, almost n P. t first exi ted c hate wrved he people T laboratory we ht uiay U. kci skilled pharmacuts qua ty. druf-'. the be T ' Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqgists THE RRXALL STORE PHC'tCrJ f t f)nen Ilsllv Irnm Q a m tilt On" Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. u 1 JT rmtiix t rex w ii ia . sw PHONE (.51 Mam old 1 ' -Ts -M JlingLOQU Jlinerry EA oldsoidX itiotiron pole to pom bmp; Now is the time for all good men ta c I'hilpott, Evitt & Co. and order their winter nupply of ( - Don't wait too long and Ik? sorr,; f " '"1 rest of the winter. Order your Coal r rOOTHII.LS LUMP, r(!(J and NI T iti'i.Ki.r.Y VAi-t.rv rmi' PHILPOTT EVIH & CO. LID. nioM RUPERT BRAM SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Slorajj r i j .... com