PAQ&TWO The Daily News Published Every Afternoon Eicept Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily-News Limited. Third Avenue Q. A. HUNTER ManaglngEditor ; t 5 PRINCE RUPERT . . . BRITISH COLUMBIA. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week il5 Per Month .65 Per Year $7.00 By Mall, per month 40 ' Per Year , $4.00 DAILY, EDITION ... Tuesday, October 24, 1944 EDITORIAL Who. Will Fight In Orient . . . Whether veteran Canadian fWntegr soldiers who have won their laurels, in the battlefields of Europe after spending dreary years in England waiting for action will be transported to the Orient to clean up the' war with Japan or whether 80,000 presently called Home Guard draftees now stationed in Canada will be ordered to do. that area is the moot question in Canada today. Some of the draftees may not like to be compelled to do a job which after all is quite as much-their duty as those who volunteered to go to Europe and do the battle against Hitler. On the other hand, we cannot imagine that the boys who have fought already in Europe, gone through all. the terrors and hardships of war, have seen their comrades die and suffer will like it any more to, have to proceed to another field of combat while their less loyal or courageous fellow Canadian citizens, are permitted to remain in idleness at home. We are inclined to believe that, in due course, the draftees will find themselves on their way to the Ofient whether they like it or not. i The authorities need not worry unduly about the possibility of trouble with the draftees. I If it ista matter of trouble, the veterans who have served might also have their possibilities if they are not treated fairly. I But we are confident that the government, in, due time, will, adopt a policy which will be fair and generally satisfactory. , One course appears to. be obvious. ; There are thousands of well trained qualified, soldiers in Canada today, and, doubtless, it is not the in tention of the government to keep, them doing what iney are aoing now. Logical Naval Base The Vancouver Province boasts' editorial n the occasion of the formal opening of H.M.G.S. Discovery as a permanent naval training establishment, that Vancouver is now a real naval port. Vancouver has algo received important contracts for naval buildings... . No doubt, the naval authorities at Ottawa, are fully cognizant of Prince Rupert's strategic position in: the Pacific theatre, particularly its nearer proximity by almost 500 miles to the Orient. If. there4 is any suitable point for a naval base on the Canadian Pacific coast it is Prince Rupert and we emphasize that not just because we want to. see tHe naval base here but because we believe it to be in the interests of the protection and defnce of the whole of the Dominion to have it here. Of course, there could not be such a thing as Ottawa inconsistently establishing a naval base at Vancouver at the expense of Prince Rupert just because ihere is a large population and many votes mere. .. Civic Election Coming Up ... . We are reminded that October 31. a week from today, is the deadline for registration of those who would vote as householders and licenseholders at the forthcoming civic election in, December when pqlling will be held to choose the 194 mayor and four aldermen as well as members of the board of school tustees. Interest in the civic election seems to be at a minimum just now in spite of the fact that the voting is-such a short way off. That is a sorrv state of af fairs at a time when, with the war nearing its close ; ,1 j.1 Li i? i .i . i aim Lue pruuiems oi renaDiuiaiion ana reconstruction demanding increasing consideration, there will be expanding work and business of importance for tne municipal authority. It. is high time now that some attention, should be paid-to the future affairs of the city and serious thought given to the personnel who will: be entrusted -.ii.l . ri m.j . , . ... wiui uie responsiDiiuy uy tne voters of the carry , ing on. of those affairs. Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 WraiiKcIl Looks For Post-War Prosperity Stikine River Port Greets Prince Rupert Delegation WRANGELL, Alaska,-Oct. ?4 This attractively located town which is the port of entry for the ereat Cassiar minlne dis 4 mi or the curtailment of the gold mining industry and tourist travel during the war but it is looking forward to a. greater boom than ever fromHhese two scurces when peace returns world economic conditions to normal. ' Spokesmen for the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce, , meeting the prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce goodwill delegation here Wednesday night', emphasized the attractions of the Stikine River boat trip to Telegraph Creek and suggested the big steamship companies might be more kindly in encouraging tourists to make it The local speakers were also strong in their support of -the proposed passenger - automobile trict is quiet these day;? because 1 ferry service from Prince Rupert THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY r WW 2 northward t o southeastern Alaska ports as far as Haines and emphasized the need for better accommodation for the travelling public at Prince Rupert. Arnold Flaten opened the proceedings and E. T. Kenney was again the Prince Rupert spokesman. Mr. Thornquist introduced the Wrangell people. Mayoi. Hanford' expressed much Interest in the proposed passenjer-automoblle ferry service between Prince Rupert and Haines and Alaska points. He expressed the belief that in the near future Prince Rupert would be the outlet for considerable Alaska shipping. L"o ."McCormack suggfste d the formation of an association in - - . j.- sT4 which Alaska towns and I'rinre Rupert would, be represented. He referred to the need of Prince Rupert, Ketchikan, adequate hotel accommoda tion which was essential to tourist business, "Prince Rupert," lie said, "is the gateway port to the finest coast scenery in the world. The tourist business is, our best bet. Wfc should get together to organize our resources," Mr. McCormack spoke of the beauties ot the 155-mile river boat trip up the Stikine River. Capt Hill Barrlngton, veteran Stikine River boat operator, em-iphasized the tourist possibilities of the trip up that stream and I predicted that Cassiar mlnlns ' would come back in a greater de- SMITHERS TO USE FOG IN FIGHTING FIRE In a move to modernize its fire fighting equipment, the village of Smithers will purchase a fog nozzle for use in combatting fires In the district, the board of Vlllase Commissioners decided at a ecen meeting. The decision to modernize the first fighting equipment was made after considerable study, and will, call for the renovation gree. than ever after the war. He spoke also of the possibilities of highway development beyond Telegraph Creek into the Dease Lake and river, Liard River and Watsori Lake country. ment. The 4 which hseJS? ft a number Tth, i-aiuru. hnrt "! from the fir- .nkt! rocm . zt to holding up to Vo use with Ui f; ' , --,1 "- upm .... fog. method haV-?L1 making um llgh, 1 mjVt Will takP JZ t men get sufncle:; pZ MIXFTi v: Inhabitant ' . f"1 1 opq A- i - At YOU CAN HELP THE VIGTORY LOAN GO OVER THE TOP! 1. Welcome your Victory Loan . Salesman. 2. Make it easy for him to see everyone in your home or employ. Your co-operation will help, him save time he has hundreds of people to call upon. 3. Ask him any question concerning your Victory Bonds, such as: How you can keep them safely; how you can borrow against them; how you can sell them if an emergency arises. 4. Ask him to explain, the various methods by which you can buy Victory Bonds. 5. Sign the application form for the maximum amount you can buy from savings and future 4 WAYS YOU CAN BUY VICTORY BONDS 1. For cash. 2. Ity regular monthly payments over a period of six months 3. By the deferred payment letter. 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