i . Wood r ,boaldJofPrt UfelimiL Ou t Llidi indcrown IffoiC til tictorj. ay- 24, 1044 Boom mm mm iring End c Rupert eatcs Wclcom- Army Offi- antl Citizens ivt Oc 24 United hay officers- -Col. Ta- jport commander, and Ley commanding of-!ie United States En-lartlclpatcd with Skag- ins last week In wcl- " Prince Rupert Cham- immerce goodwill cx-to thb railway town l-t centre -terminus of Pacs and Yukon .Hall- Si leads to the roman- i: field;" of Northern (ilumbia and Yukon lormal time-;, receives and thousands of kach cummer. Since r Skajway has been taken over by the Army and has Iates scene of much port at to facilitate the of materials and destined for central Id the Yukon. Now, ihe picture is chang- to the new military la the Pacific and the 3f Commerce party VAN'S BAKERY heard that the United States Army is now relinquishing the While rass and Yukon Hallway. So Skagway will be a quiet town again until the war 13 over and tourist business resumes. Co. Tatum admitted that the Army had treated the town of Skagway rather badly for a timt but said that it was now endeavouring to correct the sewer situ ation of the community, extend water lines and repair streets for the benefit of the town. Col. Tatum revealed that the sum ot of Alaska, Northern British Col umbia and the Yukon. Speaking aiong oroader lines, he advocat ed development along interna tional lines whereby all peonle THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Labor Progressives Alaska Car Ferry Plan Is Endorsed Build Boats Here Not Satisfied With Progress on Housing "The proposal publicized 'as a result of last week's Chamber of Commerce members' visit to Alaska that an auto ferry be established between Prince Rupert and Haines, Alaska, is a good one and I believe the labor movement should come out in support of this proposal as a could live ha peace, comfort ana step which can be taken withli. ocmiiior, snaring me resources. , the Immediate future towards Canada and United States were already a shining example of international peace and harmony "The day is coming," he declared, "when we mast break down tariff walls and other artificial barriers between peoples." Con ditions which arose after the $12,000,000 had been .spent by last war must not be repeated tne Army on the White Pass after this. A movement of people and Yukon Hallway and $10,000, 000 on the Haines road. He spoke of the unexcelled scenery of the district and the great mining rt sources. Col Tatum also alludea to the Importance of a good neighbor policy between nations such as was exemplified in the tour of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Col. Truckcy. who was at Prince Rupert before gping to Skagway, predicted that after the war Alaska and Oriental traffic would gravitate through Prince Rupert. "You people In Prince Rupert," he said addressing the Prince Rupert delegation "have everything for such trade and the important advantage of being closer to the Orient than any other Pacific Coast port." There should be a better steamship .service to Alaska after .tho war. E. T. Kenney, M.L.A. foi Skccna, declared that some means must be found of exploiting the great natural resources from the cities to the unorganiz cd districts to develop natural resources was advocated. "Prince Rupert is the logical outlet for Alaska," concluded Mr. Kenney. "Now we have the Skeena River highway as an added attraction. Coast shipping service should be expanded to make the contact with Alaska more feasible." E. A. Rasmussen, Skagway bank president, expressed appreciation of the Prince Rupert delegation. There had been disunity and lack of common program in the past because of the failure to get together. "This is the first time any one from Prince Rupert has taken the time and trouble to come and see us. I think a splendid start has thus been made." After all, there was, little, difference in .interest. There would be great'5 posslblli tlcs ln tlie tourist business after the war and it was important that communities sudh as Prince Rupert should be made interest the post-war prosperity of the Pacific northwest," declared! Druce Mlckleburgh at last night's business meeting of the Prince Rupert Labor-Progressive Club. The club passed a resolution supporting the the proposed auto ferry route not as a substitute or stop-gap to take the place of an Interior highway link to the Alaska Highway since it was felt there was ample room for both to exist side by side. However, since the auto ferry is more im mediately feasible, it was felt that action should be taken on this question without delay and the secretary was instructed to wtUc the city council urging that body to contact the cities of the Alaska panhandle and other bodies concerned with a view to setting up a joint committee which would at once pro ceed to get authoritative infor mation on the whole project. The resolution further urged that the ferries needed to oper ate this route should be built in the Prince Rupert Dry Dock. Housing conditions in Prince Rupert again came in for con slderable discussion when a let ter was read from Mayor H. M. ing and attractive ') enough fo. people to stay over. The new road would be a great thing for Prince Rupert. ICTORY BONDS N TRUCKING AND TRANSPORTATION JOHN GUKVICII WILL BE MISSED IN PRINCE RUPERT Sergeant Cleaver Wilson, who has been extremely popular as an organizer of entertainment for service men in Prince Rupert and who is now being transfer red to Toronto to Join headquarters of No. 1 entertainment unit of the Canadian Army Show, says "I did not know a slnglu soul here when I arrived in January 1943 but now Ifeel that everybody is my friends and it is with feelings akin to leaving home that I depart from Prince Rupert." The feeling will be re ciprocated, for general regret Is being expressed over the moving of Sergeant Wilson who has done such good work here. Brimful of energy and enthusiasm, Sei geant Wilson, during his stay of almost two years here, has been always to the fore in service men's shows as master of ceremonies and organizer, also taking his turn on programs himself. His friends feel that he will make a name for himself in the broader sphere to which he is going. Daggett In reply to a club communication asking what was being done on this question. The club backed the position of the council that the National Housing Act could be improved and that provision should be made .for municipalities them selves to go into the field of providing modern low-cost housing through iederal aid. It was, nevertheless, felt that the council should have more to offer in the way of practical constructive proposals for slum clearance and low-cost housing in Prince Rupert and there was general dissatisfaction with the statement that, while the council housing committee had "giv en considerable thought" to improving housing conditions In Prince Rupert, they were not yet in a. position to make anything in the nature of a public report. U.S. Football Army 76, Coast Guard Academy 0. Penn State 6, College 0. Georgia Tech 17, Navy 15. Tennessee 0, Alabama 0. Texas 19, Arkansas 0. Texas Christian 13, Texas A & M 7. Tulane 16, Auburn 13. Indiana 14, Northwestern 7. Notre Dame 28, Wisconsin 13. Ohio State 26, Great Lakes 6. Purdue 26, Iowa 7. Colorado 28, Colorado College 0. St. Mary's Prefllght 21, UCLA 12. PROFESSIONAL Green Bay 30, Cleveland 21. New York 23, Chicago-Pitts burgh 0. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1927. Chapter 140 Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative Association, having Its head office and chief place of business at the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, hereby Elves notice that it has, under Section 7 of the Act. deposited .....w. ih. it,,,.,... nt nnhllr Wnrka Willi V,. ....At.Olf. V mm.. at Ottawa, and In the office of the District registrar or tne Liana twRisv-ry District of Prince Rupert at the City of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, a description of the site and the plans of a wharf and bulletins thereon proposed to, be built at prince Rupert 'Harbour on a parcel of land covered by water, situate, lylnR and being part of Water Front Block A and part of Water Lot in front of Water Front Block A, City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association will, under Section 7 of the "said Act. apply to th Minister of Public Works at his office In the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and ptans. DATED this 3rd day of October. AD. 1944. PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO - OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. Per their solicitors. CAMPNEY OWEN St MURPHY Washington 17, Brooklyn 14. Detroit 21, Chicago Bears 21. m ZERO WEATHER nNt7tl 1 J gp01l I Stanfield' is tailored for I mmAl Bmf' I warmth and comfort, fiifi& P I; warmth .provided, by fine, j W soft non-Irritating mafe- ' -fr jjtltNMIIPt lIMItf 0. 1IU0. M l. 'ml TV SMART'S GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. THERE MAY BE A COAL SHORTAGE THIS WINTER Put a cord of Wood in your basement now as reserve JIYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and North Queen" Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK i J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Tlhrd'Ave. Phone 568 I Yes,MyBo$There! Of course I'm proud of him . . . and anxious for him to come home. Perhaps I feel I have a little extra right to aslc you folks to put every nickle you can into Victory Bonds. I know I'm going to. And I know that everyone else in town who has a son or a brother or a husband out, on the fighting lines joins me in asking you to INVEST IN VICTORY" Meet Mc at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Oar Coffee Is Tops) ROBERT GORDON HARDWARE OUR Responsibility... Your dollars must buy the tools pi war. More and more are needed to put an end to the horror and the bloodshed. Let's not lose sight of our responsibility to the lads who are giving so much for us. Our dollars will make it easier for them to reach the goal our leaders have set "unconditional surrender" of our vicious enemies. . . They're not letting us down! How can we fall - -them.? Let's" buy all the Victory Bonds we can AND' THEN ONE MORE! INVEST IN VICTORY BUY VICTORY BONDS Ormes Hd. THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 9 a.m till 9 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box Si. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage FRINGE RUPERT Co. iitd. BRITISH COLUMBIA FORMAL OPENING OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OF VV. LOCK Your Shop-pine Tour should In clude a visit I to this near- by Butcher Shop wnere you'll always find an abundant supply ot the aw ETTTTJ 1111 Mflg ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY HERE! choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables In season from our own farm arriving by each boat. Complete line of groceries. Hi 6