i. 'tAQx roim V I i t ; 4 mm . t l -a m I I Y jjl t ii 4 ( -i mm RUPERT PEOPLES STORE J. M.S. Loubser D.C, BA. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 641 G0LDBL00M Is back Buying Furs. Will pay 30 more than anyone else. Don't be foolish and sell your furs at the waterfront. Bring them up to the Old Reliable. Ladles, before taking stpek, we are giving a big discount off, so don't lose the opportunity. W. Goldbloom PHONE 99 TAXI We wish to announce, 5 commencing Jan. 10, Ser- vice 7:30 a.m. to .2:30 am. We will appreciate your 5 patronage. J ART MURRAY and JJ CLIFF ABERCROMBIE (Prop.) VTYTYY YYTT T Y f TYTTYTTTTTT I Meet Me At I E fAUMlVTV'C w -w m. i JSi ikf Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) IHI uiminuiitiitiwiui Sale Now On! The Quantities are Limited But the Values are Unlimited! YYYYYYYYYYYT TTYYYYYYYYYY THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 ajn. ina Avenue lAcross irom Prince Rupert Hotel) J Phone 173 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa, SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT THE DAILT NEWS $6 to $23 WOMEN'S DRESSES- Exactly ' Sizes from 14 through 44. l Pfjpa Every Dress Marked with Original Price 3 Only, LONG EVENING GOWNS Exactly Price $13 CHENILLE BED SPREADS-(3 only) $6.50 $2 WOMEN'S LINED MITTS-For Winter Wear $1.00 $1.25 ALL WOOL PARKAS -. 75c 65c WRAP AROUND TURBANS 29c 50c BRASSIERES-Sizes 38 and 40 25c 15c FACE CLOTHS 5c $3 BABY BLANKETS $1.50 40c GIRLS' CAMPUS STOCKINGS-AD sizes 19c 85c GIRLS' GLOVES-Sizes 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 49c $20 to $75 WOMEN'S COATS Reduced up to 50 Per Cent $3 to $6 MILLINERY..... ... 99c $1 WOMEN'S SLIPS-Sizes 36 through 42 2 for $1.00 $1 WOMEN'S PULLOVER SWEATERS 59c WOMEN'S COTTON VESTS 29c WOMEN'S COTTON BLOOMERS 29c UPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVENUE (Next to Hcilbroner's) PHONE IJLUE 907 w4 YYYTYYYYYTTYYTYTYYYYYYYY C ' E SHRIMP Boat "W.S.L." First Float West nf Imnprlal Oil Cn Daily after 4 pm, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA For Income Tay RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT R00FIW CO. Box 725 Specialists on lluillup Roofs Repairs, Iteshlni;llng . Free Estimates BAKING POWDER? ,Sue RilboH, ok. Mr BLUE RIBBON COUPONS FOR WM WINCS Catholic Women's Bridge and Whist Party Is Success Twenty-two tables were tn ilay Tue.-day night at the Knights of Columbus Hut where bridge and whist party was leld by the Catholic Women's ! eRue. B Shannon was master of ceremonies for the bridge and Mrs. Ethler for whist. The prize winners were: Bridge ladies' first MUs Mary Astoria; second, Mrs. Rita Rog-erson; men's first, Private D. E. I McLean; second, Bert Linfoot 1 Whist ladles' first, Mrs. R. ,SmilUkJ; second, Mrs. J. OillU ' cn draw with Mrs. James Hampton; men's first. R. Smlgllskl; men's second, F. Ethler. A fine leather wallet. nre- i rented by Bishop E. M. Bunoz, ' 'Church Had Good Year Splendid progress .was made during the past year, reports submitted by the various de pattments revealed last night when they, were submitted to the annual meeting of First Baptist Church, held In the church parlor. P. H. Linzey presided tat the meeting. Financial reports showed that there was a cash balance on hand at the end of the year. Mr. Linzey expressed pleasure at the fact that the church tulldlng had been fully repaired nd renovated and that materially the chuich was in such plendid shape. He called on all members to make 1W4 a year of spiritual growth and advancement, saying that the church was confronted with the greatest challenge that it had ever known. A renonsecration of ife and service was necessary to win for Christ, he said. The meeting passed a vote of appreclaUon to Mrs. O. R. 8, Blackaby for her splendid work In the primary and beginners artments ot the Sunday School. Following Is a list of officers lected for 1944: Deacons P. H. Linzey. H. M. Dag-tt. P. D. Ketly and II. Ed-nondson. hurch Clerk: Mis Kay Wat-ion, Church Treasurer: Mrs. P. H Linzey. Envelope Steward: Mrs. Armstrong, and Mrs. O. Berg. Finance Committee C. H Elklns. P. H. Linzey, JI. M. Daggett, P. D. Kelly and A. D. ! Ritchie. Superintendent, Sunday Scho P D. Kelly. Superintendent, Prima: y Dc partment-trs. OT R. S. Black aby. Cradle Roll Superintendent Mrs. O. R. S. Blackaby. Organists: Mrs. J. C. Oilker tlss K. Watson. Choir Leader: Clarence Reiner. Ushers: Members of the Bap-tut Young Peoples' Union. C.N.R. Trains For the East-Dally except Sunday .... 8 p.m. r"or Terrace and Pacific Sunday, Monday, Wednesday. Friday 4 pm l-'rom the East-Dally except Mon. ... 10:45 pm was raffled during the evening, W. Lahtl being the holder of the lucky number. THERE'S NO OTHER TOBACCO JUST LIKE- OLD C H UM The Tobacco of Quality A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" CEDAR CHESTS IN BEAUTIFUL WALNUT VENEERS They arc beautiful to say the least. This shipment was intended for the Christmas season, but was too late In coming. Phone 775 Adds to Your Rcauly Let us help you stay 327 3rd Avenue rrr i i i liplit ? 17 rrKMANrN k tr'M n Beautiful ,t ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 1th Etrett (Across from Pott Office). Phone Blue 917 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE 1 Cha. Dudimcad tf W"l ' OptomnrUl In Chart, r 'f $ ' W.lrh. Mark. Jt.,lr, 'v ' Itepalrinj, Hand Kntralnt VISIT Ot'lt IIASE.MKNT .OKK for Pine China, Dlnnerware, (iUkrs, lUgjcace and Noflt MAX HEILBRONER IcwoU'r l)i:imond Merchant A f lliMOUNI FKIUII Capital TWENTY-FIVE YEARS; 'AGO- (January 13, 19191 Mrs. Colllaon. wife of Arch deacon Colllson of Kineolith. is dead. She and her husband came to this coast as mission aries for the Church of England shortly after their marriage in 1873. Mrs. Colllaon served as a nurse on the battlefields in the Franro-Pru'-Man war and rendered valuable trr- Tha InilJa tl... .1 China's figM agl, Ik rapacious J(l, and llirta titrate paopla who halatj wptat Nlppen'i plaail DlttttJ by I, man k, mpdt WAKl IUAHD, ti fAUOW, KCMVX. ADDLI Canada Carrin it l'rrent TOMOItltOW'S MOt Nfi and Notrh Complete t i 13 5 7. F a ur? 1 4! 3 41 5 4! I vlce as a rtrrdira) among the IlaicU u wan Indians. Paris Maid Slippers Illl A new school room a opened In the Hays oecona Avcnur r board derided to ::. !e t for 315 a month . r with temporary (u; . "In the past th has been brute for lure it will be rim was the m - a.rc 8. A. Crux peak Ff Ar.drcw So:. ' t: TIIETKig WITH A? FLAVOR THATSg OMNI.Nf F-wong New Arrivals in Women's, Men's and Children's Slippers, in Soft Soles PLIO-PEDIC ARCH SUPPORT SHOES Just Arrived. Family Shoe Store Ltd "The Home of Good Shoc$" y y yV vVyvTi tvTmvi)uanrn v 0 IS