21 . i uTti nir i t .nil hpsc clas: when tea mit vfohl the utmost in flavour, quality of supreme importance. Ask for. . SALADA 1 tin HL 1 H.F Prermum Egg' Butter . 1 V3lUt TEA SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 73c $1.80 51c lie GRADE "A" IVr down t.Ut.1 AUL.r ouwr er I Ap ... t v w flYAL IIOUSE1IULJJ or r n rid nn IS I ft run r a tr j rx 23c 33 c 23c Large. F1R8T ORADE. il lbs. AMOIi lllXT KllSCt JIXJH 24c DRY OREEN PEAS Per lb. MEXICAN BROAD DEANS IVr lb. MATCHES Senqul, carton SPLIT PEAS Per lb. 8c 13c me and rrnniNc POWDERS Avorlf(l navnurs ButteY Scotch, Chocolate. Lemon, Orange. Pineapple. Strawberry. ACZn 44c PARD DOO FOOD Per tin ASPIRINS 12a 24'i Ml 25c 10c OXYDOL RINSO. LUX- i packet J MILADY TOILET TISSUE 17.I i Per roll i 2 5 4 15c S1.21 IJmllrd ((uanllty at the (allouinr arriving Thurulajr: iimck nr.s. mack ciii:itmr.s. r.L.ri:n mixed llU:iT, KLEENEX SAV-MOR l.r ."Of 4 4 GHOCEKY 4 4 P.O. Iloi !!; Sub Slation IJ. Phone 127 2 lllllUlllll llllll..l.Al,l.....t.t...J VAM) lias Just Received a Shipment of " SIMMONS BEDS auiyrc;t Spring niled Mattresses, Deep Sleep, Slumber InR Mattrewes. Folding Steel Cots with Mattress. For Your IWd RequlremenU tte Elio's Windows Third Avenue (Next o the Dally News) rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I'OR iSr Thrifty Housewives V It. 14 It .W ' I I I II' A full line of Swift's Premium Meats at all times. A complete and Fresh stock of Fruit and VcRcfahlcs. You can get everything you want at this Community Shopping Centre Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET It Pays to Advertise in The Daily News Z 2th. Locals A L. O. B. A. Meeting, Jan. 13, at 8 psn. tonight, Eddie Burnip, son f Mr. and j Mm. A. W. liurnlp. leaves to- nght for Vancouver, to Join Walter Wilson of Burns Lake advocate of the Hazelton-Whlte- horse link to tlie Alaska High IN Till: M TKKMi: f'OIKT OI' iiuiTiMi (oil mum in ruoimi: 2 ; in Tin: Mtrri'ii or Tin: 21 AllMINITltTIN WT" I -ltd - 4 IN Till: MUTI K 1(1' Tlir lTTr or i;roH(ii: iiEMtv imiTot. 21 ni( i:i:n 3 1 TAKE NOT1CT Uukt by OnVr oi 2 ' Hm Honor. W C KUwt. mad on 2 i h sm ol Juwn. A. D. I4. t ni pptilntrd AduttnMrwtor i Mttt Will IMWIiai Of KM- Oi f-xwyr Hmrr BrMU4. orrwMl. nd all ruw ImvUh; cUun MtlrW Uw d rJir rr nrrtOy Wfjirrd to rurnWi Miw prrfMflT Willed, to mr an or ftboat th- Ul oy of . . r mil . .it n. n... I n WTOni 1 v. tr cmMwv- M ..... . . pur tJtr MMiunt of thrlr tndoul- ntt t me iorttwHh. int.......... ixard wi Trine Ruprrt. B. C this NORS1AN A WATT Of fir 11 AdmlnifttrttUir. Prtncr nujyrt B. C trwi mm xwnmt m irmrnm t i! Fresh Iaka Raw and ? Pasteurized MILK 5 VALENTIN DAIRY rilUNE 6S1 4 For Mutual Benefit alth and Accident See JOHN U WRIGHT "iWomenHoopsters Plan Big Season rhnmher of Commerce tnnieht 0T to O. Webb Of the Y.M.C.A, ! on a recent mission to Seattl. and 8ld Woodside. 3! Victoria and elsewhere In the ceaaune lor entrance in- -4m,th lh mrni Imnnrtant i. I" women league Was Sei I .'. . ..... .. Qt TntMrw 1A 4 comDiunment or which was tne j assurance from Premier John The games will be colorful 3 Hart that a survey of the Hazel- The Canadian Women's Army 5 ton rout" wquld be made before Corps declared the intention of anv decision was reached "Wir team to wear white, the Men,30, 40,50! T ! 1 .air TMU I lviki.) p 111. utJit t sftar IB. 44. w -IttfV't It tout fMtfMvtf HII At vM"U Ml laigi iMfva 1 McU WU. Announcements All dtertlements In this column nil! be chatted for a full inont'j at IS a word. Drydock January 14. Employees' Dance C.CF Dance. Oddfellows' HaE January 14th.. DeCarlos orchestra (11) L O.L.M. 2 Orange Dance Mon. Jan. 24, 9:30 sharp. Odd fellows' Hall Jean de Carlo's Orchealra. Burns' Tea at the home of 4 Mrs Oeorge Mitchell, January s rhone 711 t Tloneer Rooms No. 6 J OIL BURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 735 22 1 Seventh Ave. West KWONG SANCl IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 6 7th AVE. WEST AH your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 12 p.m. Thone Red 217 THt PAJXT NEWfl fvGE THHE8 Division, and as secretary. Miss V. Edgar of the United States Administration workers. It was agreed that the way. arrived In the city from ,nen f ' "n ouw piay exro-the interior on last night's train b,tkm J"3 " lh? men's and, with E. T. Kcnney. MIA, dates alternative for Skeena, who arrived In the totho of the men's league, ritv from Terrace this mornlna Responsibility for arranging the 4 . -.in iw. n.. Oti f schedule of same was turned High school will wear green shorts with yellow bkmses, and the Air Force will wear their I , service color with crest. The! ' administration workers have not Want norma! Pep, Vim, Vigor? t decided their choice of The first practice game will be held next Tuesday at the R.C.A.F. gymnasium between the FOR SALE McClaik range. Oood-condltkm. $40.00. 1655 Herman Place. (13) FOR SALE R.C-A. radio. In first class condition. Apply 315 lh Ave. West. (10) FOR SALE Beach range, good condition. Phone Rod 605. 15 FOR SALE Steel crib, new rubber shoes. Suite 4, Rand Block. 10 FOR SALE 1930 Chevrolet Se dan. JIM. 303 6th Ave. West. Ill FOR SALE Small saw mill, nen buildings, .new camps In stand of approximately 2.000.000 feet of cedar, sltka spruce, hem WANTED WANTED Clean furnished apartment, or small house for responsible marine officer and wife. Prince Rupert Hotel, room 53. U2 WANTED Sleeping room for a small family of three with or without board. Write or Phone John Scherlnger, Marine repair shop A. T. S. 14) nlshed room for quiet couple. Box 659 Dally News. (11) WANTED By Christian young woman, furnished single room with light housekeeping priv-leges. Apply Box 658 Dally News. (10 WANTED To rent two rooms PERSONAL RESPONSIBLE Canadian girl will mind children, evenlngr. and half-day Saturday. Apply Box 657 Dally News. (12 Girl wants work by hour. Apply Box 659 Dally News. Would the owner of the Police Terrace John Warne, who lived In the TorfaA Hlftt rSft trtr mintr vol rm 1 years. Deceased Is survived by his widow Who Is at present Urine In Alberta and one son, also In Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. K. Warne came to Terrace from """" v. ...... '"""'Mmml ntn,t ,- f,,n,l passed away Thursday last and , of Mr Warne'' Get Off to Good Sta.rt at Initial, was burled In the cemetery on!11" latner Meeting Last NUM. Plans for the Women's Area i the hi!!. Mr. Warne came here from Ontario and engaged in Mrs. D. O. Little entertained JTrrAw m f In Kama farming during the past twenty. mot'her Mm Wflch I will be leaving In a few days for Basketball League were given WD.'s and the UJSA. and the her home in Vancouver the Royal Canadian Air Force. enKetlc propulsion at the second will be between C.W.I iraguc ufi jurcunK jaji nigui, a.c. s and High School. A, violent gale on Monday TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN nen ouicen were elected, a: Representing the C.WAC.'i j caused some damage In the vll The Skeena Orient Timber st"ruulP comnmiee appoiniea at last night's meeting werejiage. The most serious damage Co. Ltd. has changed its name and a P"ram of practice and Privates Oarllck and Oaylord.jwas to the window of the dru? to Oeorge Little & Sor. Ltd exhibition games worked out. Miss B. Stevens and Miss K. 'store which was blown out on There ha, howertr, been no1, """a president ox me Meredith attended from the to the sidewalk with a great change In ownership or man- ,4"ue lM umcer m. nigh School. i crash of broken glass, aaement (I2t MfclntyTe, Air Force Women's 1 MISERIES OF Baby's Cold Relieved As He Sleeps HELP WANTED i STENOGRAPHER for accountant's office. Neat and accur-! ate copy . typing essential, j Shorthand not so Important, i Applicants with knowledge of commercial book-keeping, or those willing to learn, will have preference. Written applications only. State expert-ince, if any. Apply U. L C. AM 96.. (tf) LOST Ladles Phone S41 LOST LOST Clul's sterling identification bracelet with Navy crest. Finder please leave at Daily News Office. (tf) LOST One brown leather glove between Post Office and Dally News. Finder would oblige by phoning .86 or Black 291. LOST Small black dog at Met-lakatla on Dec. 30. Answers to name "Dinks". Tag No. 30. Notify W. J. Robinson, Met-lakatla. Reward. (ID brown lock and balsam fir. B.C. Tim- LOST Ladles' rose-gold "Merc- ber sale, one-half mile from New Highway. mile from , spur on the C.N.R.. 78 miles east of Prince Rupert. Health reasons. W. A. Griffith, Box 121. Terrace. B.C. nry" wrist-watch. Reward. PJeaie leave at Dally News. U0) LOST Willys' hub cap. Please notily Parker's Garage. 11 FOUND FOUND Some good leather gloves, odd hands, have been left at the Daily News office. Owners may have same by paying for this advertisement. ttf) FOUND Three keys on ring, on 5th Ave. West. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this advertisement, "to WANTED Furnished or unfur- FOUND Upper set of false teeth. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News office and paying for this advertisement, (tf) FOUND Pair of glasses. Owner may have same by calling nt the Dally News office and pay-1 on 3rd Ave., belonging to a sailor. Contains pictures identification card and small change. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News office and paying for this ad, (tf Mrs. V. H. B. Olraud, after spending the Christmas season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Sherwood, at Terrace will leave at end of the week for Trail. After a short spell of moderately, cold weather Terrace Is dog, which strayed to 1255 enjoying 'spring-like conditions Beach Place please call and with temperatures well above collect, Thone Red 333. (10) the freezing point. . . . here's a reliable home-proved NOW medication that works 2 way at once to relieve distress of child's cold even while he sleeps. Just rub throat, chest and back with Vkks VapoRub at bedtime. And iattantlr VjpoRubtfxs to work to relieve coughing spasms, ease muscular soreness or tightness, and invite restful, comforting sleep. Often by morning, most of the misery is gone. For baby's sake try Vicks VapoRub tonight. It must be good, because when colds strike, most mothers use Vicks VapoRub. CMCfttMC smshs To relieve distress, melt a spoonful of VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water. Inhale the steaming, medicated vapors. Feel relief come right with the first breath! CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable In advance at the Office . telephone orders Rate Ic per word per insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE Eight cords of wood stove length and old lumber. Apply P. O. Box 431. U0 FOR SALE One kitchen set. double bed. davenport. 409 6th Ave. East. FOR SALE One complete bed --iw&dreWr.- like- new.-i 444 8th Ave'. East. raincoat. (12) -No FOR RENT FOR RENT Room for girl In recompense for light house work. Apply Box 60, Dally News. (Hi BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses VatrrprHrine a Special!? We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 858 Mail Orders Bos 95 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 National Monuments You can now mark the grave of your loved ones by buying a monument from National Monuments at the most reasonable prices. Bos 1123 Postal Station B Workshop CO 2 5th Ave. East, Prince Rnpert Made in Prince Rupert" BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th St Phone 151 lng for this advertisement, (tf) SMITfl & ELKINS LTD. or small house. Phone Green 'FOUND Black leather wallet! (10) WANTED Drop-side cot. Suite 3, Rand Block, (13) Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 171 P.O. Box 274 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Llmite B. F. Lovln, ReprosentaUve Box 526 1315 PIot Ave. Prince Rupert, BC. Dr. and Mrs. S. C Mills are spending a short holiday in Vancouver, having their home In Terrace a few t ago. EVERY CUP OF FRY'S COCOA A is a CUP OF FOOD Help The Men In The Merchant Marine AND ' J ; THE LOCAL CORPS h OF SEA CADETS . . i lhiy a Membership in the Navy League ' Today . - i Membership entitles participation in a f $20,000 Prize Draw Watts & Nickerson ME.VS and BOYS CLOTHIERS 532 Third Ave. Phone 315 Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS 4 Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 NOTICE!! Fra?er & Payne wishes to announce that, their store will be closed from January 17th, till Monday, 31st January, for Stocktaking and general adjustment. Fraser & Payne MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available 'i Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. y Tobaccos and Confectionery FRES DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legloa J0IK THE NAVY LEAGUE Prince Rupert is justly proud of her SEA CADETS E,very Citizen should bo a Member of THE NAVY LEAGUE 1914 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP $1.00 A chance to win a $15,000 Treasure Chest Prize goes with it, $1.00 Membership Tickets For Sale at MaSm.M