m PAOE FOUR THE NEED IS GREATER For total victory he fights a total war. For nothing less will he lay down his arms. For your sake he's willing to gamble on coming through alive. Whether he does or not is decidedly your affair . . . The imminence of victory has climaxed the responsibilities of the home front. Canada's borrowing needs today are greater, not less. To see the uniformed services get all they need to win with minimum losses, is still our biggest job. NOW is the hour to buy Victory. Bonds-one more than before! Invest in Victory BUY VICTORY BONDS ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR Julia Arthur DRESS PUMPS In British Tan and Golden Tobacco Colors with Dress Cuban and Low Cuban Heels. Perfect fitting Elasticized lines Black Kid iTango Pumps - 'Just-arrived Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" OUR Responsibility... Your dollars must buy the .tools of war. More and more are needed to put an end to the ' horror and the bloodshed. Let's hot lose sight of our responsibility to the lads who are giving so much for us. Our dollars -will make It easier for them to reach the goal our leaders have set "un-' conditional surrender" of our vicious enemies. They're not letting us. down! How can we fail them? Let's buy all the Victory Bonds we can AND THEN ONE MORE! INVEST IN VICTORY BUY VICTORY BONDS OrmesLtd. "She Jhoneer Druqgiats THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 9 a.m till 9 pm. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 pjn. and 7-9 p.m. NOVEMBER IS THE TIME i TO GET YOUR GIFT-MAS LIST OFF YOUR CHEST EARLY See our stock of Cards and Gifts WHIMSICAL, ROMANTIC Is "Once Upon a Time,". Picture Starring; Caty Grant and Janet Blair I I "Once Upon a Time." some thing different in the way of screen comedies, comes to the Capitol Theatre here next Monday and Tuesday. Cary Grant Is the star and Janet Blair heads the featured cast which also includes William Demarest, James Gleason, Ted Donaldson, Mickey McQuire and Howard Freeman. Cary Grant plays the part of a Broadway producer who has Just Aad three big flops and is about to lose his theatre. Then he discovers a young lad, Ted Donaldson, with a caterpillar that can dance to the tune of "Yes, Sir, That's My Baby." The youngster has a lovely sister, Janet Blair, so romance joins up with whimsy in what is said to be most delightful en tertainment. It Is another of those come dies which bring acceptable surcease from the cares of the day. GET the modern stove polish that does a perfect job on HOT stoves.. Ask for JET CIUMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean job Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart, and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 THE DAILY NEWS Local News Items... PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Cash for old gold, Bulger's. I Mrs. E. Russell of Mission City Is visiting at the home of Mrs. M. Parkinson, , First ave. For your fall coat see our nev stock. Fur-trimmed tweeds ana shorties. Star's Stylewear. (259) Canadian Legion (B.E.S.L.) No. 27, Annual Church Parade to Presbyterian Church, November 5th. Fall In at Legion at 10:30 a.m.; dress caps and medals. (259) Miss Sheila Noble, who has been employed with the B.C. Bridge and Dredging company at Blllmor, left Thursday night to return to Vancouver to work at the comnanv's Vancouver offices. A Members of W.A. Canadian Legion fall In at Letrlon Hall. 10:30 on Sunday, November 5 for parade to Presbyterian Church.. "Lest We Forget." (259) Sub. Lieut. Daphne Hemmell, .turning nursing OJdbCl sister Ul of the HIC IWj Royal ii 1 Can .1 i l Breen Melvin of the Extension Department of the University ol British Columbia will speak on MARRIED AT ST. PETER'S Miss Myrtle Cowie Becomes BrWe of "Sandy" Storrie The wedding was solemnized at St. Peter's Church. Seal Cove on Thursday afternoon. Canon Rushtirook officiating, of Myrtle Cowie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Cowie. 544 7th. ave. E., and Trooper A. B. "Sandy" Storrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stor rie, 152 Ptggctt Ave. The'brlde was given In marriage by her father and was a lovely picture in a white satin floor length sown. Her flneer- tip length white veil and halo were crowned with white flowers and she carried a bouauet of Talisman roses, gardenias ana pink ,and white carnations. Corbin King attended the grcom and Miss Sheila Cowie. sister of the bride, was a charm- lnir briripsmnlH in n nolo Who j t ... M w.uv adian Navv. snpnt rmmio nf floor length taffeta cown. She days in the city this week visit- carried a bouquet of pale mauve Ing with her grandparents, Mr. ! chrysanthemums and her palt and Mrs. A. R. Holtby, Duns-blue chapel veil was held witt. muir st.. while on her wav from sweetheart roses. Esquimau to Halifax. She left : Friends of the bride and groom for the East on Thursday night's train. were received by Mrs. G. S. Cowie and Mrs. A. B. Storrie at a re-receptlon held at the home oi the groom's parents where luncheon was served. The servlteurs were Mrs. G. A. CowU uo-operauves. at tne Valhalla 'm n vi t. ti Hall on Monoay, November 6, Mv. mi jn rvi f -.ww wvta. wvrnti uuu 4-i0 at 8:00 p.m. All those Interest- Bea Rudderhnm with ih. ed in Co-operatives are invited ance of Mrs. Sam Haudenschlld. t0 attendj (2C0' j The happy couple left for a ; brief honeymoon at Terrace be Funeral Notice jore tne groom returns to his Funeral services for the late so wufer-thiii anil slender, jou vondcr tli awav heforc votir vrrv pvI l..n unit In the east. Joseph S. Howe will be held at ! c , , . . Grenvllle Court Chapel at 4 OChool rrncipal o'clock In the afternoon of Sun- j. cl i day, November 5th, Rev. E. W. introduces Otiag Scott officiating. Interment Sons Last night at the Conrad of England Plot, Fairviewceme- Street SchgJ ferthd Ing of the popular Modern Danc- Announcements AnnniinrMTiPnU ilng Club was held As there was no particular business to discuss, Dance every Saturday nightj I n formal meeting was conduct Oddfellows' Hall chestra. 9-12. Dc Carlo's or Presbyterian Bazaar; Nov, 9. C.W.L. Bridge, Whist and Crib-bage. K. C. Hut, Nov. 9. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. St. AnrIrPTJt7! PnthnHrol sv1l Bazaar, 3 pjii.Nov? li , , 7 y fi ! St. Peter's Fall nnzimr. Nriv: ember 23. . v f . Cflmhr.il Phnnfur' Trv'n'p Fall Tea. Nov. 23. hnnnp nf trs' George Rorie, 4th Avev W. Tea and Apron Sale.- Legion Rooms, November 25, W.A. Canadian Legion. Lutheran Ladies' Aid fall sale. Nov. 25. United Church fall sale, Thursday. December 7. ed so the dancing eot off to a good start about 7:30. A few waltzes and foxtrots pre ceded the Introduction by Edward. Wahl and Miss MacDonalo of the ''shag." To most participants, this, new step proved rather confusing at the outset but in a short time everyone-was "shagging" merrily. Follow ing this were some more varied dances, then an eager line was 'formecTup to the coke stand. About 10:30, after the boys and girls, had pairedAip for the home waltz, the happy session ended, with only the few volunteer "Janitors" remaining. AID FROM INDIA India's railway .workshop have produced millions of dollars worth of munitions and war materials. Be prepared for a surprise v Jien you taste "Hoyal Cily Whole Green Heana! They're mi temler ami di-iidou- y don't unit niui, tat, Ihey IIIUY make IIlUKe ' -rf hearty catinir and . you'll l. s..r..r:u...l generous serviiiKS there are in one can. TJierc's a qua ity ahout "Koyal City" Whole Green Ueans a quality which is part and parcel of all "Hoyal City" Canned ImmmIm. And they're so inexpensive! No waste. . . . . " Illtluu stM fmmt,L, f f ,...1, i sill v- ! k at ",m " """4. "',MV '" noyal lity" Whole Green IJeaiiH first tlunK at your grocer's tomorrow. Byal City CANNED FOODS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Housekeeping room for business girls; centrally located; urgent. Ph. Red 943 after 5 o'clock. 263) WANTED Enamel coal and wood range, good condition. Ph. 653 during office hours. (201) WANTED Housekeeper for small family; sleep in. Ph. Red 879. (tf) MOOSE WOMEN MEETING DANCE At the regular meeting of tht Prince Rupert Chapter 211, Wo men of the Moose, held last Wednesday, Graduate Regent Fisher of Portland Canal Chapter 16 was welcomed to Senior Regent Kaspar's station ana with a few well chosen words, expressed her happiness at being with them. A Victory Bond of $200 will be purchased. Mrs. Chandler won the $2 drawing from "Moose Cash." Following tl;e meeting, a successful dance was enjoyed under the capable chairmanship of Mrs. LaBelle. YOUNG SHARPSHOOTER BRISBANE. B Margaret. Clanchy, 12 year old daughter o: a Queensland grazier, battcrd seven kangaroos with seven shots on her father's property. Now Ease COLD... SORE THROAT PAIN! Bat mfiik ; Aspirin Relieves Pain Almost Immediately I Drop on Aspirin Tablet in a Es of water. See it itnrt to dissolve Almost inttantly. Within two seconds it begins to disintegrate, nnd this same speed is duplicated in your stomach. Thus, you get relief almost at once I Aspirin Is so fast, so effective above all, so dependable, that millions of Canadians have come to swear by it. Get Aspirin today. F ollow these simple directions : For pain due to t JOt TmoATi Cruth 3 Ublels In ! " 1 " of water, gargle deeply. COLDS ... Hf ADACHESi T.ke two Ainiri.. Ublets with full (Uh of water. NUAlGIA...NfumS, Take two t.blrt. wiUi glut of water. NfW WDUCfD PtttCtS octal loi of 12 now 1 8c (ccnsaiy Sottl of 24 row 2 fomHy tiia of 100. now 7ft Aspirin Th Boytr cross en oth labial It your fiuoronlaa thai It's Atplrln Outdoor JACKE Cut to :iZ!v.vreiree ; $5.75 TO $6. con4 Japort or Work "O.V." SWEATER STYLK with Tweed FronWipperfasten; PUKE WOOL WINDIIRKAKER Plain colors and bright crwb $5.75 TO $8.75 Bill A, MacKENZIE FURNITURB "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" BONNY MAID RUGS 9 x 12. Regular $11.75. Special, each BONNY MAID RUGS 9 x 10. Regular $10.40. Special, each These are like Congoleum Rugs and are a lltUt i I'lionc 775. JJ7 3,4 Avennti PtilJ BUY VICTORY BONDS Armstrongs Ski Cow Bay Wc have a complete variety of avall- Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegtli I obaccos and Confedionql NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Meet Me at . , JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Topi) SAW HOI Car! ZarelM Phone 37 W FRASER SI Prince is? j. h.hI Furniture and ARBA'SC!1 CONDUfll NEW AND J FURNTT1! VALUAflP C32 3rd Ave. prince Itup"-1 open ... i ssi Mf fl THE VARIETY STORE . ... e ?a BfclBt l"