te I 4 1 I 1 M IS II nai totx MM Expert OPTICAL SERVICE I for . . . Chas. Dodimead 0?Utrirt ta Cbxrz Wstta. Oxk, Jewelry Kcpairbxr. Bud Eaxnrtar TlSfT OTB E.ISTHTVT ..OEZ fr, n Chls, DilMm. Glasses, Biffije ia .Vrelii MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond 3Ierchant '. fm ac i" . rr ."-ar. xsmvr i lb'i We're Proud 5 (f ttaxSP'. Because after a J JIyiwIIaV t,a53' Xmas season, f1 Tfft&ll our -ocks are still pi e ery rtuirenient jfc Hi 4X0 DACGirn:R t J Thrifty Housewives & VE FEATURE . . 1 A fall line of Swift's Premium 3Ieats at all times. A complete and Fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. You can get everything you want at this Community Shopping Centre Prices Right SEVENTH AVE. MARKET J. L. CURRY, Chiropractor SMITH flLOCK Phone Green 995 ritlNCE KCPERT Place an Ad in The Daily News It Pays i To the Health Seeder S 4 a PJerhaps- a "B1- ests that 'ererythtag has been h tried and, failed' ? Has "faith" subsided to the low ebb of 5 fccceptlnz as a fart the hnr - r$ ft M U I 1 I 1 MeanwhiJe. a vague misgiving persists that: Somehow, somewhere there most be an answer to Incurability. ChlropractieaUy, the greatest handicap to health restoration is: So many cherish a traditional faith or belief to the bitter end. Meantime, a simple disease descends into an indefinite and complicated realm of lncur-ABILITY. Thus faith and belief hinders, and denies, the natural self-curABILITY within themselves the rightful duty to remedy 'meaning: to cure again). Such statements, of disease, special or general are verified by an exhaustive survey. Over 93.000 persons turned, when disillusioned and disappointed, to Chiropractic (Nature) as a LAST resort. Some 410 qualified Chiropractors raised no question as to the merits of faith, belief or. the competency of any remedy, to cure again. Nature had preordained that everything was Incorporated within. Nature's OWN Remedy substituted incur-ABILITY for cure or marked Improvement In 79,000 cases; or, 85 of tiresome, Intangible disease names. , A critical reader may question this astonishing record. For the needy there are two basic considerations: The belief that a condition is obstinately Incurable as, against the Chiropractic record with thousands of varied. Incurable cases. Both cannot be right When faith and belief falls to move mountains, Mahomet must go to the mountain. Possibly, the earnest Health Seeker discerns, by the mountainous record, that everything has not been tried; that, high odds yet remain In his x&vor. why Snofh0mNOW?ld " CnlroPractic eventually, '. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. B7 DOHOTHT OAESCTT The Service W.vesr CM atet Taarsdiy afternoon wash aa a:-teadaaee of icaneen a-seea and eht chiidren Backdrop ewr-taics were fJrnsbed for Piotey. one of ocr aoat rthiittg I aire; asoasear pooVHrapnerv. i Prokey intends to go to torstwfio t ;bocofraphy after the n: and sbonld do wrjr wets at it. Mrs. ' B:ain finished tbe cvr-auu wiu the other aenboi dM Red Cjos knitting. The raffle donated by i Mra Fuoian ra won by Mrs 'Webb. Un. Brain aad Ui Hack served tea. Pans w made to bold as oatang next Tbanday eveiatsg so the afternoon aseetlag; ral be eaareHed. -The zyrmbttt iff bold a dteer at the YMC-K. Cafeteria, later attending one of the xervtee shows. Rogalar saesBbns who plan to oobk aw register with Mrs. Cart Strand. Xeal Taeadcy one tA Vr.t nailer Basts on aeseaf A 'not tbe rtsbx Earteaui At.. HBa.- aajaaaa 4 3 wen EH TEX FRIT AY Ii it. aeoa: two - r a wis m saccesafv - of the rhnpf n i r . .- . ..-. look anon the- a sc sat. prastanashz.- Wtlsk sasm st bosad to x te a sk sa I mat yoa prU to snake eerjr There a StUe -mmt hxiar ia town who a afflboas to art settled and leans :he Wy and verr -wisely she Udnks the best amy to do tha is to help ia soaaecne s hocae She cab- ar-rlwd yefterda? and attMsaix does not hears ia wasttif :ml te -ahstii I aosalre her. If :r; ap : .-!:- ae an i ai -rtth the huam suia wg they ase a nac- Tharial I xndentaad thsc 1st x Bee Cross Ccrp zTs are -rr: ixt - - - . i. hm beisoip ar?; I s -Id -jte so spare :c enlist .-. .. jx:: VTxanr :rz.--.-- A. EcodDr-r r i C. Tin;;. vr I ia a.. - r.. : a .- -Jr. - - - ' 1S9CT.T. . " " - - e dot ' re :r.'- ' i . . o:-r tf!sS.-A" 0C arm r ... WN.TIOMS .I 0rt Passes Away In Hospital Again inlliMi In 2-lb. tins, obtainable for two &" ration eg are the BC Uadettzlers. sir and Ua B. Uonsaa of ft" '?vsr left ;ast nsfht for a tap . 4--5eoarer t i foggy! I wB It I nnmt&M rmr m- I t Tut CJN I ruxs. oc i-'i Lja f! m. o ra V ill lmi K" 111 O O.L mm VVn food it to urgently needed by our fighting men, vhen millions ars ttsnring in Europe and elsewhere, every scrap.of food mutt be put to the best possible Of use. course, no one -astet food inten-rienjify, but unthinkingly these wastes do occur. Lef ut be careful to tave everything, even down to the lowly bread-crumbi. Here's useful recipe you should try: vtco Ami mxim i -xa-trxn ft Kt 54 tmvsxxr fund iijmIiiii atdni mv, w ssr . rrr7lvTthese TN F 0 UFor Wartime i- - . J -y IJJi ar Mil W ' 1 fi(f tirir irvtr-i i . j V4. I ymm tmmy mf mm mmnimm mmk ml fMm ijnm tmtifmm. I 1 uponi, 'AIR FORCE MARRIAGE rr- dtnjotCTn J Crd.CrWU Rites at N I Pr-.ee Raeert General HoapaUl Gnm Vuht Unite Ixxil ,?fdy LJf Air rte Girt Wth Seal Keaoec wiit of ABma KeQafx. c.,t n,in 0(rkr. M31 Sewrath Avtaoe BuL Fa- 1 I 1 a ThrtJ arts! 1 4Mi VIM-. Beaoath arch Wy decarated h lenu ad tkmn a dcnnf r aad Asr Forte took aktee lass aktht a' 2 octoek sa the oriVers mess at Oroap 4 Huaaaartert mh- Asssstant Section Otzster 1---Cswooaht. RjCAT, Woeae . . .-Written, (Uarsuer of Mrs. Ed :r A. Corhcaht. Soaaast Aver. becasae the bribe of rtysnff Of ftcer Cotta Gotdaa. RX AT Seal Oove raaht fjeateaant T F A. Sprasfborae. area padre, officiated. Tbe bride, aho was ftven in asamae ay Ctoap CapUin R H. Foss. easa?nia4hc officer. - aa attractive areas of pair btae Jersey prhst sCX toached with darker Mae and white and bad a can of swIU-calored, "-nattom centred with a garor-nta. Strtkznc a pieaatnc contrast n rolor were brlitiaaiiss. Miss Rath CortxMki. slater of the bnde. who wore a dreas of pale green wool with darker freea aessories. and As4atant Sec- L r. Officer EaaJre A. Rlextn-ger in an attracttre creatson cf autaata brewn and white, x h a yellow corsage. Present at the ecfeaiaay were mothers of both the bride s. A bridefmxs, Mrs. E. A. Oor- id wearmsac aa enaeasbUi of J'2no brawa and rati, and M R K. Ooraon. saother of ''''' brtdTooat. attirod in a TC'..r. trtsamed dreas of sky t e with btack aeceasortta GroocaaBtaa was rttant liea-ar.t Cearre Oohoe. phot of -o air crew tar whkeh trxrn it stavtaatcr. P vtac the eerstaaay a re- -T?'- was held hi the officers' - the eeatral decoration of w h was a table bearing the Basketball B uzz TV second of a series of ex-- tiooai fasse wtU be held at Nary drttl baB Uanant sr-:e a few af the aO-stors are Pr nce Rapert baaa. An of theae ( -ads have played a lot of basket- oau and some aa ctr aO-saar i rftma? One of the free Prince Raoert boys. Shorty Santerbaae. Im ne toot ten He played on the Dry foes: aaxt Hktb School teanta Shorty win play ratrd tonight I ntcto. frve toot ten. who also pttyed with the Dry Dock erty league cbam-ptoot. Fttch will phiy guard for the AO-stars. The third Rupert basketbaUer h Fred Oalderone. Fred U five foot sine and wtn ptay forward. He has 'pievioe experience in tbe dty basketball league and played for Anyox as well as for Lambie and Stone and Britannia Beach. Six foot two Sev Doounato has played lots of basketball before He played for the Standard Oilers and the Grotto Sorbeanj This will make the third guard trom the home town. Rupert alto has the tallest man on the all-stars, be is six foot three and a half. Angus MePhee. who will play centre Anausalso played for the Oilers. He played centre on the NB C. and North-em champions. Ontario has a representative He is Nat Kutner from the Ontario Regiment. Nat is five too'. eigm and will ptay forward. Na: 1 pushed the ball around for Bob O. Bates' Lizzies in the Toronto l Py ground league Southern British Columbia Is also well represented In thU game with Staff-Sergeant Bob Taylor, five foot eleven forward Robert played for the Victoria Barone in the Intermediate A .ass Cpl Robert MeMurchie is for-w- d and auto manager of tlv A.. -Stars. Bob was voted one of the best rees in B.C. He played or " Ccood All-Stars in the Vic r a Intermediate class A. Bob Wallace of the Navy u ve foot eight. A. B. Wallace r ayed m the Victoria city league Lart but not least Is Enul Zak x foot one of Klmberley, BC. 7ak tossed for the McDougai! Menjo.ials, Every one nf ua. k... flayed a lot of basketball so the game tonight should prove very interesting to see. The referees will be Capt. C. L. Eesk and T. F. Lamed, both of J the VS. Army, ! FRIDAY : SATt KDW turret Sr. at l 00. 3 00. 5 of; Feature at 1 M. 3.M. :, ? y. R 3aasK Capitol tv rut i rsst.wi rot ar or MiiTiii cKivntt i raonitr IV Tilt MSTTIK or Tilt -MiMTKiTinv rr IV II IV Tilt MUTItt or Till lTTt or Jirv r hrvnutt. ormHit kVOMV t IUK W-WI.TT. nw ttl TAKE MTSCZ OkM ky j-Jrr f rA mm tm-m 1 em d of ilmifT K D UMt. cennt a Mmtvemtnmx t aw f B0mt CftbTVlM kSMc mm Diaaiai. Snabiily t rnmem rtu Otatf m or ttxrnm aw Im o D " a D 1MI AU prrmxm ""' to ww ntd arr rr I'yH to Swf Uw mwjk cT iaw U pTaa latatf rtaMM tmWwt tmf K rum Dm wna aw pjusnly mfw am or tw- ttw ta dBT of Mrurr A D 144. tMUac wbiefe OMtnouttan tll f wtMoh I rfmll tw kM 0UA a WATT OOtctat AaaunMtnter Prinr Htuprrt B C the m.-soi. roi ht or r.Kinii riHi MiiM tv mnnur IV THE MSTTIK or Tilt . -I'MIMTRTI) SCT- IVIl IV Tilt MSTTTR Ol" THE MTtTI oi oLoaiit uiujim mm rnr.rii -AXE NOTtnt ttmmt K -mIi. w.. w r rWw ammW on Mw o-- of Jmaimrr A D. 141, I wm tarioc elaM .an llw " fg r uir rwiuuwi to f urn Mi mm mavtif twini w on or uv UUi w cx rHxiary A D IMS. tad all ru tttMiotf so Uw EMwt rv nquirwl Mon to sw lorlSiwIWi LMd ml PHm AlnM R r U.I. tOtlt dy of jMtttMT. A D. IMS. NORMAN A WATT Otnctkl AOmiAtotrkUT VTtntm Ru(vTt. B C PRI.NCK KITKRT ROOFING CO. Box '.13 SprcUIMs on Ituiltup Roofs Repairs, Re-hlnxlinr Free Estimates KWONO SANO IIINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to Klnr Tal 1Z 7th AVE. WEST All your patronsge welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday-.il p.m. to 1? p.m. Outside Orders from t p.m. 12 p.m. Phone Bed 247 Mstrs CtU-rs Utrtft TECHNICOLOB TBIUMPHI RODDY "A McDOWALL . ON HI SAM n r. Psrar Nw Cac -n Dhney Cart-n t aillBISStlSISIIIIISllllSBIIIIIll,,!,...,,,... by "-a.. sn;i r:.d r ooeli of wh:te and pik a: nauons Tr toatt to the brtde pro posed by Wax CosaaunoVr Broaka, was raajiuniid to by tr- b-V'-'-toi ta a arry witty Unable to attend the ddui of bss stater becasae af the ex fearJos of the srrlae was rty-kar Officer John Oarboufct k-eatrd at a naarby atr base Stubborn Rheumatic Pain WsUh Oat fr ARTHRITIS Wbetrier tuu are feetng first twiner? or have suffered tntt. those Insistent aches and pair for tome Ume. yoa owe it voorelf to find oat last sr.i AtXENRU that forrr.j for rehertnt the Rhu BsaUsm. Neuralca Liioacr) a: Veortthv wtU do tor yoa AIXEN RU acts tastconutos no the stes. Mast reneve hssdn pa. .and safferhar or atonev ba t Too can set ALLESRU at W J McCatheon. Orme Ltd. and l. drantata Better ?h L J A nil M.m. rt h with lnV II I aasasai U Lathev CUalfiu JilAln CREAM f t t kUU ty It trertfl aslraviii-t-TT "irnriiTfiini Meet Me At JOHNNY'S e Johnny's SNACK BAR Oor Colfee is Tops) T T III IIIIIIIIITI III V SHRIMP ITmh rcr7 I?f Boat -WSL lint I West of ImperUI Oil C Daily atlrr I pnw OIL nrilNKKS CLEANED HANDYMAN' HOME SERVICE ntsck :m l Seventh Ar SAVOY HOTEL CnrI Zarclli, VW Phone 37 P.O. Hi J", FHASKK STKKET PRINCE RUriRT i.nl . air iniiw Are UK-OPEMNO i'" Mouse Trap Cafe Monday, Jnn. 21 Hour a pjn to F' Super Coffir. II. ;C nndOni"-