NOVEMBER 24, 1944 ew urops Ustril OllirklV l?klVA . mess of Catarrh I Socialized Medication Worhs Fast n f Tir tv ii tt Ktgni nnere lrouoie is I - - - T ! f Crr etllTtP Trl Tl 1 1 C i - . t na renci uwu jmnr iiuui uuuc ui acute caiarrn fast as Va-tro-nol spreads through the nose, reduces n membranes soothes irritation, relieves UC h: vidMa uivuumiii vujv mm m wm mm mmmmm Follow directions m package. e are closing out all our Fur Coats. Below are the closing-out prices: only, Northern 'Seals Holungur Dyed, hacn $17;.()U only, Electric Seal Hollinger Dyed $ Northern Seal Coats Each .... $120.00 Persian Paw Coats Each $95.00 BUY COAL NOW! ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. 110 PHONES 117 6fi Hunny Swags-Kegular value $125.00. m Closing-out Sale $89.50 8 only, Black Broadtail Regular value $!J5.uU. Closing-out Sale .... $55.00 only, Coney Coats Regular value v. losing-out aaie .iu..uu Sale is now under way. Sec our windows for our Pre-Christmas Specials ANNETTE'S LADIES' WAR PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SSALLEM S ECONOMY STORE 'WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS" We have a complete variety of available Groceries. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion 0 HOES for Fail Wear... EW ROYAL HOTEL nm A A .. n i vh v Ennaa in niipn urn tiiiu rinur ha nrr nraAnfprl Til VDll UV CUT RATE SHOE STORE Across From Ormes Drug Store -utu tutic Rates 75c up Kooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. HP VJtl Tl r i mnm - -w. 1 .w. rui l ll I 1 US XOlm T&r W9x VXr WA VXm W m 'M SH HJjr WW '''.'vVIVU' i KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 10 n.m. to 1 a.m. 2nd Avenue and 8th Street . . .i 1 e can say this in three woras ocal News Items A. K. Nelson left last night on a trip to Vancouver. Lutheran Bazaar, Saturday, Nov. 25. Tea, fancy work and home cooking. 2:30 to 5:30. Musical program, 8 p.m. (275) D. McN. Lowe, resident naval civilian engineer for the las: two years, left last night for Vancouver on his way to St. John's, Newfoundland, where he has been posted for the next few months. The Ladles' Orange Benevolent Association was In regular monthly session last night with Mrs. Wiljiam Richards, worthy mistress, In the chair. Apart from the Initiation of one new membef, business was largely of a routine nature. An important meeting of the international Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 510 will be held Friday, Nov. 25 at 8 o'clock In the Carpenters' Hall, Fraser St. All members are re quested to attend. W. A. Johnson, Recording Secretary. P F D P Ka(,io Dial L I i l i?40 Kilocycles (Subject to change) SECOND SCHOOL PROGRAM At 11 o'clock tomorrow morning an audience in the U.S.O. auditorium and another audience tuned in to CFPR will enjoy a half - hour program featuring students from King Edwara School. Second In a series being presented by the Canadian Broadcasting Coropration, the 9:45 Hawaiian Echoes 1U :00 Children's Program 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Showtime 11:00 School Talent 11: :33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:30 Recorded 11:45 Personal Album' P.M. 12:00 Down Beat, 12:30--CBC News 12:35 Recorded 12:45 Johnny Mercer 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 Yank Swing Session 2:00 Silent PACKS A REAL WALLOP! Against Muscular Aches & Pains If you want beneficial strength In a llnlment-rub: If you're fed-up with weak products whose relief . U half-wny or Imaginary, then try MOONES EMERALD OIL! It represents our MAXIMUM .VTtm In counter-irritant relief for muscular, aches, pains, chest colds, and a warm- I lni; rub to relieve tightness as well ,...!.. o.ha nf hnrk. limbs. lis mum. i.iti. ...... - - -- - shoulders and neck, due to over- l exorcise, ovcrworK, or expuswc t COIQ UIHl minikin:- I Once you try Moone's Emerald Otl . we are comment uu win j, imi n' liiiKiiiR! . unu J"" 'never be without It In your home. on saie ai an guuu ums OKMKS LIMITED Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for n full montn at 25o a word. Rule. Lettion Rooms, November 25, W.A, Can adian Legion. C, C, F, Bazaar, Hall, Dec. 15. Hnt.nrd.iV ntrtht. Oddfellows' Hall. De Carlo's orchestra. 9-12. Lutheran Ladles' Aid fall sale, Nov. 25. nance, oddfellows' Hall, Wed nesday, Nov. 29. C.C.F. Brldce Drive every Sat urday. W.O.T.M. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 0, 9:30-1:30. C.W.L. Bridge, Whist, Cribbagc in aid of Xmas Tree, K.C. Hut, Dec. u, o p.m. W.O.T.M. Bazaar and Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, 3-0, uec. o United Church fall sale, Thurs- aay, uecemocr t. Oddfellow; THE" DAILT NEW8 PHONE 80 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Bussey left last night for Vancouver. Capt. Trevor Johnston of this city is expected to be returning to Canada from overseas in the near future. Mrs. W. R. Graham Ls leaving tonight for Vancouver to meet her daughter, Lieut. Pearl Graham, nursing sister of the Canadian Army from Camp Shilo, who is coming out to the coast on leave and will visit Prince Rupert. Mrs. Graham's son, Randolph, has been serving overseas for some time with the Royal Canadian Air Force as a bombardier. Are Married For Seventy-One Years VANCOUVER, -ov. 24 Oh Mr. and Mrs. Walter Payne COOK COOKS VILLAGE CAIRO, Oh In the village of Kom el Hamld In upper Egypt, a native woman was cooking din-when some cotton stalks caught fire and in less than an hour the whole village was ablaze. Nineteen peoole died. 48 Ur'SQO-SUp NOTES of Vancouver today are celebrating their seventy-first wedding anniversary here. Mr. Payne Is 93 years of age and Mrs. Payne Is-89. The couple came to Vancouver In 1895. They were married in Dundee; Scotland. Payne completed 13 years of service In the Royal Navy which ho i joined at the age of eleven. JThe citation given Flight Lieut. Jdhn M. Burke on being awarded tfte Distinguished Flying Cross says that he completed many sorties over German cities and was wounded in an attack against Naples In July, 1943. He resumed operational flying in June, 1944, taking part In at tacks. 'The new Ice breaker Mack inaw, one of the sturdiest ships ever built on the Great Lakes. i3 scheduled to be delivered to the United States Coast Guard about December 15. Present plans call for the Mackinaw to be based at Cheboygan, A campaign to erect a plaque for Loyal (Porky) and radio announcer, who was Wiled in an automobile crash last week is under way through Youth Centre sponsorship. The Experts Say - - - TOMATOES UP" Consumption of tomatoes a wonderfully Inexpensive source of vitamin C has increased rapidly from 25 pounds per person per year before the war to 35 pounds at the present time, the Nutrition Divi sion reports. Full of the focd element that ; teeps teeth healthy and the body supple and young, tomatoes suffer little loss of vitamin C in canning, and its loss during is small. Tcmato juice may be used In place of citrus Juices such as orange, lemon ana grapeiruu. Bu it should be remembered that citrus fruits contain about for cup, as tomato Juice. CHICKEN PIE There's a record supply cf chickens this fall and that's good news to any home maker whose family clam- Veteran Gunner 0 or chicken pie ... , Laura Pepper, chief of the Ag- Gets HlS J,. Wish rlcultural Department Consumer AN AIRBASE IN HOLLAND. Section, says that Grade C. Nov. 24 w Sadn. Ldr. W. S. chickens are today's best buy CLEANED VEGETABLES If you like to buy potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables that have been washed clean, buy them only in small quantities and use them up quickly. They don't keep nearly so well as unwashed ones. SWEEPING STATEMENT I Your old broom will respond to kind treatment. Soak it in hot suds and dry well, then hang it up again in the kitchen closet, ; I ifresh and clean with a new lease on life remember that life will toe much longer If you hang it and don't leave it standing on its bristles. Kin -I3UROY -REFRESHER Rousseau, Sault sports promoter i twice as much vitamin C, cup This obliging material can be Fielding Johason, at 52, has had for pies, fricassees and so on. ( in a steam-niled bathroom an old wish granted he has I'rice, tenderness ana navor are balled out. Fielding Johason, points in Uiieir livor. meir size, oldest air gunner serving In op- averaging In the -neighborhood eratlons in the R.A.F., Is gun -; of four pounds, makes them spe-nery leader of a 2nd Tactical cialiy good buys for the small Air Force Mitchell Squadron. He substituted in a depleted crew family. A potato crust is a delectable taking part in an attack on finish to a chicken pie. Sift and Venlo, Holland, and the plane (measure one cup of all-punpose ' was hit by flak. The skipper flour. Sift again with one tea-ordered his. crew to jump, spoon of baking powder and V2 "Everything went beautifully," teaspoon of salt Work in one the squadron leader said later, cup of cold mashed potatoes and 'This was a thing I have al- one cu, of milrt flavnrpd fat ways wanted to do, and as soon and one well beaten egg. Roll as I had pulled the rlpcord I V, in-h thick ard bake for 40 program has a cast of fifty and were injured and 200 houses were found the sensation a splendid minutes in a moderate oven, 350 win uiciuue uii aibucu ovuuvuw , ueaLiuvcu. u.iv. ...... w...wv. meeting on the air, several ! "guesV appearances anu a snoi, play. FRIDAY-l'.M. 4:00 Sound. Off 4:15 O. I. Jive . 4:30 Waltz Time 5:00 They Call Me Joe 5:30 Sports Review 5:45 Raymond Scott C:00 Eddie Condon 0:30 Recorded C: 45 Rehabilitation v 00 CUC News 7:15 People Next Door 7:30 Eventide I 8:00 Soliloquy 8:30 V.D. Control Series 9:00 Burns and Allen 9:30 Morgan and Brice 10:OU CBC News 10:10 Elmore Phllpott 10:15 CIJC News Roundup 10:30 H.M.C.S. Chatham Dance Band 11:00 Silent SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Recorded 8:45 Songs of Today u:00 BBC News ' 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed 1 1 li til mJmi p9, m mj i i mm RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT CO., Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA lll I Corner Corner of of Cth Cth and and Fulton Fulton HALF MOON SNACK (Manager, George Lum) Specializing In Lunches Chow Mein Chop Suey From 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. Opposite Sunrise Qrocery iwashed If handled properly. uiunaer ssparausly, as colors are Inclined to run, and hang up the garment, sopping- wet, to dry. Wringing or rolling will rough up the pile. Garments not really soiled but looking a bit down-i trodden respond well to a thor ough brushing with a strong I NnrVitalr n rtA o cfaamlnar huncr nn 'I Buy for Victory Buy War Savings Stamps. A SNACK with a SMj Paris Pale alwayl tastes good . . . . wholesome .... sustaining deliciously flavoured. i The hest buv in .Monuments and Makers in B.C. Is at Nationar Monuments on 3rd Ave., first door west of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. fl. flits rrlnce Ilniiert J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C, B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 J. H. MAIR Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CQNDUCTED NEW AND USED' FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES .' 032 3rd Ave. Blue C9 Prince Rupert, B.C. Elio's FURNITURE STORE rhlrd Avenue, Pr.nce Rupert SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 . P.O. Box 34. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert KWONG SANO HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE; WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12' p.m. Outside- Orders from, 2 p.m, to 12; pjni PHONE RED 247 m PAGE FIVE Topcoat ue Yes, there's Quality cut into every one of these Fall Top coats made by Fashion -'Craft and Society. All - wool fabrics, including Wcst-of-Eng-lands, Fleeces, Vel-ours a n d colorful Tweeds. Priced at $27.50 to $42.50 111 BT"1 Tlr7""VM-I'H Classified Ad? In The Dally News get results. R. V 1 V ll 0