PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OP THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. ADVERTISING RATES Death, Funeral, In Memorlam, Engagement and Wedding Notices. Card of Thanks - $2.00 Birth Notices 0 Funeral Flowers, per Name - 10 Classified, 2c per word, per Insertion, minimum .50 Transient, per Inch -75 Contract, per Inch -50 Readers, per line - .25 Black Face Readers, per line .50 Business and Professional Cards Inserted dally, per month, per Inch $3.75 8 Columns, 12 ems. 287 Lines to Column. DAILY EDITION The expected with the Wednesday June 14 1944 Invasion Brought Home . . . ELIO Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE MATTRESS PROTECTORS Sizes 30"x7G". Price $3.00 Sizes 48"x7G". Price $3.50 Sizes 54"x7G'. Price $3.95 BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Labor-Prog Whist Party Again there was a good-sized , and happy crowd Saturday night j at the weekly wnist party or uie Establishment in this area of Labor-ProgTesslve CJuty Prize- !a hospital for the treatment of winners were: ladies' first, Mrs. tuberculosis and venereal dls-J. W. Prusky; second, Mrs. Owen )ease js being urged by the Prince Olllender: consolation. Mrs. A.,Rupw.t union Board of Health Gomez; men's first, O. K. Olsen; iwnich Is circulating a resolution second, J. Janls; consolation, J. 'to that effct for endorsement ! Parker Following cards, coriee ,by mere than 30 local organlza-,and doughnuts were served. tlons, Tne prince Rupert Gyro PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES START SOON nrnrmfiino- VOUllP- men. has made Uie Sum eme tndav's regular monthly busi- fice This boy will not come home to his family and ness luncheon of the club, his home but will rest in a hero's grave over there, : The Gyro club's carnival another precious charge against the struggle they, .jjjen Queen in particular, and we, after all in a relatively small day.s' candidate. Miss Betty wnites. something for which we here at the Daily News can i the question of attendance at ready for u -go- most intimately and sincerely, do, memtering Ru-'M uoipii, il seems such a shuil uihc agu, ua uuc ui uui UPt tne expeeuuon being that Hospital operating at 1J3 OWn delivery Stall a spimeu, liauuy SCJlOUi uuy. ia numoer oi memoers wno win , pana-itv. cannot admit a- T fill . J? l 1 i.1 !. Ihp be In in Wintirla Victoria about oHruit lhf that flin time ..... . .. Lame am ne or we realize men inaL me was going to be so short for him its brevity, however, being replete with glory in the nature of its passing. And the tribute we pay to Rudolph Warne and the sympathy we extend with the deepest of feelings to the fatherland the others of his kin who bravely accept the fate this grim conflict has brought we reiterate tohose who have already suffered similar loss. We can but meditate, too, that, in the nature of events as they transpire today, others will have sim- liar suuenngs w-iace. jv,is tne cost oi maintaining the principles and the ideals for which our boys ncac in juuiu, uaruitiss sun oi ine price an increasing number are being called upon to pay. -C ' V W ROLL YOUR OWNERS OO FOR OGDEN'S I W They've been going for Ogdn'j tad ia a I 1 big way for years and years. WJi j ? Became Ogden's is worth going for any time, toj A distance, any way! Try it and yooTJ agree. J may be able to attend. President Prank Skinner was In the chair at today's luncheon and there was a good attend ance of members. DIED AT 53 Napoleon was only 53 when he died. LETTERBOX n't always stick to the truth. Health. or the whole truth, when he re- Ihe number of new cases of proved Angus Mclnnes for tuberculosis among natives lnr bringing forward at this time 1M1 was 9.4 per 100 and for votes for Japanese. He well other races it was 1J per 1,000. knew he was repeating a parUc Approximately 80 per eent of the chosen L.P.P. candidate for the provincial riding but also recently chosen to try to defeat the C.C.F. In the Dominion elec-tloas I again challenge him to meet me in open debate on the truth about the L.P.P. no questions barred. JOHN T WORSLEY THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY nnm Seeking TB-VD Hospital 'Club today gave its endorsatlon. The resolution, which urges that the federal government cooperate with the Provincial Board of Health and local pub lic health authorities in setting-up a tuberculosis and venereal disease hospital for natives was ' read before a meeting of the i Union Board of Health nn Mnn- I Supervised playground actlv-day afternoon, ities of the Prince Rupert GyrO Awareness of the need fori Club will get under way at the soch an lnstltuUon b tne re ena oi mis monui dv j which sun sult oi f a a rnmmlrtPP committee inu9 jv.-v. invesuga-i Itlme the complete equipment I ti, ! .tMtv nn ih. i. I ! ' r f vnirrlii 'fU nnVA:rlll V nut nnrf thp snnprvUnrv . - .. I lllvasiuii ui rjurupc, a uugui - i icm aspects on inooe iwo ms- I'rince sum appo.nwu, Jk w3 ic.u control of the has struck close -home to Kiipert easM diseases. nnnnimppment tint mint her of 0U1 line. ""V" . " '..'JZ 7 -1 lne sulyr maicaies, win ae- iwvriv.-v. pnmm irpp nv w l J Lamu e at I pend largely on the thorough treatment of the native popu lation whose number of infec tions Is far ereater than amone was In attendance at to-, The choice of buildings to luncneon ana was auiy hnn thp Wrjfnt u inMr.mi,i Way, are putting Up that the Way Of living WHICH welcomed, the club pledging Its between the ancient. 17-room all too shall he aive suPPon. m uie cam- ulznd of these boys enjoyed brietly preserved Dlgby hospital, part for us and others. XboS ! whh U now, Jng us? " proposal endorsed a a proposal T?iir1nlnh' residence. and the new 150-bed U t,r mnnflia no-n thit It few short months ago mat nuaoipn was a i0I the establishment of a has-, R CJi p hospiti at Mmer Bay Warne, handsome and proud in the newly won Air isolation of tuberculosis and,now unuswl. The Digby island Force officers uniform, home 011 llis few days' em-!pital for the treatment and bulldlng Is said to be in a bad barkation leave, bid us hail and farewell. There ZTTvTr ot "apwtion and it is but decWed to u ke n 0 ac !tlves that it would ho. kmp Pntnincr nf thw lnrillv horn im estimate cost r,n mni-o be no more home-coming ot this locaiiy Dorn anuition ,n regard to city.J pro. raised boy. His loved one s grieve and perhaps others posai to build a new Pnoneers irpait. a rr ii l t w OI US tOO as We Olier Uiem our liearueit syiiipauij o". I The Miller Bay hospital is tlve tuberculosis or venereal disease cases, nor can the Coqual-eetza native hospital at Sardis, which Is operating at full Contained In the preamble to the Board's resolution was the following Information: There are at least 59 known cases of tuberculosis requiring hospital treatment among natives In the Prince Rupert district. There is a mortality rate of 778.8 7o.o per per 100,000 iwjuw among among nauwa natives Have a Coca-ColaLook who just blew in . . . or how to say"Welcome" to an old friend A hearty handshake, a slap on the back, and those familiar words Hait a "Coke" and your returned sailor knows he's hack with the gang. Thce three simple words are the theme song of comradeship from Main Street to all the hounding main. From Halifax to the Seven Seas Coca-Cola stands for tit paust that rtjmbts has become the lltllo JritnA of both hemispheres. talbnrlrm rVKIIrr of NOItTII A keen inter-servlce rivalry that has sprung up between the Navy teams of HMCfl Chatham and Harbor fSquad will come to a head tonight when the clubs will tangle In a Service Softball League clash at Oyro Park. Coached by Petty Officer Brookman, the Chatham nine have won trhee out ot four games while Harbor Squad, pil i oted by l Chief Petty Officer " Fbn- 1 stake their veiy all and , towards . , which , .. , all we are challenges labor-procs n mi. ac compared with Mi;1" have won out ot - - our uaiveii lu give is ine maximum oi our resources aim 'Editor, Dairy News: (per 100,000 among oiner races our effort. Unfortunately, in spite of these cruel re- i Tom McEwan, Labor-progres- in statistical district No. 9, ac-minders, there Pty told a good 'cording u .an annual report of are many of us who are still largely !cive orpnizer. interested in things extraneous to the serious busi- fen untrtuTa ifSK SntrS" tSt rrlai T tluo t. ? v, ... anthrrltU vm In 143 native "r ' n. w r. wtvKj iui ih a iaiivr ruu- - -- - - . . ... , . . ... cational meeUng the previous Ftiday where he vas Joint speaker with Herbert Oargrave, C.C.F., M.L.A. for Mackemie, the question was asked and answer ed. women. In a series of examinations In August and September, 1943, when 29 female prisoners wers taken Into custody on various charges by the Prince Rupert Oargrave pointed out It was detachment of the B.C. police, the Liberal-Progressive Conser-I23 wer1, native women, and of vatlve, Progressive-Labor KrouDS tne 13 wer Joun1 to uf who brought it forward at this ferlng from gonorrhea, and two time and that the C.C.F. did not f rr ypniIU, Indicating advocate votes for 'were Canadian citizens. Japanese jn'8n incidence oi miection but only for those whom the law made by Liberals and Con Jservattves In the past stated among native lemaie prisoners. Hill 60 Chapter Angus Mclnnes. C.C.F., M.P..JI I Wcinn pointed out, previous to 1935, 15 111 UCSSIUII the unfortunate position of Canadians of Oriental origin and stated Justice should be done to all. He was supported by the C.C.F. in his demand of vote for Canadian citizens not Japanese. Angus Mclnnls won his seat In Vancouver Fjist in 1935 by a majority over all (Liberals, i Conservatives and Communists ; losing their deposits) when he was ine centre oi auacic on this very question. In 1936 he placed a resolution on the order paper of the Commons that no persons unable- to qualify for Canadian citizenship be permitted to emigrate to Canada. This was defeated by a unanamous Liberal, Conservative vote in the house. Where were our B.C. representatives then? The C.C.F. stands on principle not chtnglnjr with the popular turn of mind as thi 'L.P.P. seems to be doing now. Because of the fact that Mr. The regular monthly meet ing of Hill CO Chapter Imperial Order, Daughters of the Em pire, was held on June 12 at the home of Mrs. J, Stewart, Seventh Avenue East, the regent, Mrs. R. J. Keron, presiding. The recent tea at Mrs. C Smith's home was reported t have been an outstanding success, final reports being most encouraging for the war work of the chapter. Having obtained permission from the city council to hold a tag day It was decided to have this on September 9. The members voted $10 to be rent to King Edward School library. It was decided to dispense with meetings in July and August but new wool and material were handed out so that a pood supply of garments would be ready to hand In by Mickleburgh is now not only September. Red Cross hostesses to Port Edward win continue as u$uaf during the summer. In response to a request from the city council two delegates were appointed to attend a. general meetlne at the Citv Hall regarding the proposed Pioneers' Home. encounters. The opposing pitchers will probably be Cross for Chatham and Jones for the Harbor crew. In a later Ult the same night, Signals and Ordnance, neither of whom have scored a vletory yet. will play. At Seal Cove the Soo fiuds collide with Air Force and Dry Dock meets Ack-Ack. DOMINION DAY CUP Last Night Navy Reserves Signals Boo Suds Air Force W L F A 0 10 1 10 2 4 1 0 3 0 Baseball Scores National League Boston 2-7, Philadelphia 1-8 Brooklyn 9, New York 4. Pittsburgh 3, Cincinnati 3. Chicago 3, St. Louis S. American league Philadelphia 2, Boston ,7, St. Louis 5, Chicago 3. Detroit at Cleveland, postponed. New York 0, Washington 3. International League Rochester 0-8, Newark 2-9. Toronto 2-16, Syracuse 3-3, Buffalo 3, Jersey City 4. Montreal 10, Baltimore 5. American Association Toledo 5, Kanras City 3. Columbusr 1, Milwaukee 8. Indianapolis 3, St. Paul 4. Louisville at Minneapolis, postponed, STAR llfrTTLING WORKS ruri-rla" SOFTBALL SHUT-OUT m From the combined pitching efforts of Churchill and Delorme the losers could garner only two On; Friday the undefeated hits. Barrett and Port Edward clubs Score by Innings: their first win of the season in a tilt with the Second Coatt Regiment. Ark-Arks Blank r.nrlnrrr See-ond CoaM llrfeats Pint ('ail Taking no chance on taring their third straight game ot the season, the Second Aek-Ackt biased out a 24 to 0 victory over the Enttfneers In a Service Softball League encounter at Oyro Park last night. Ack-Acks dropped their first two engagements and were In the cellar of the circuit's A division prior to this game. 3 1 2 0 11 C 1-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 24 0 Churchill, Delorme and Care-foot. Zack, Mike and Taylor. REGIMENT WINS SECOND GAME In a second game at the park Second Coast Heglment defeated the First Coasters 0 to 5 to vault ,l::to third place In A division. Score by Innings: t.plSIniaU n,l Va Ver W nnrrs ' "fSl COaSl JIOUU1 I 00 Second Coast 3 0 2 0 0 4 x- 9 I Fraser. Humphries and Duke. In the Area Soccer League last ! Hose. Oavedonl and Krynlu. nieht Blenals defeated Air Force ' Standings of A division follow: 2 to 0 on Acropolis Hill and Soo (Suds defaulted to Wavy In the Barrett flrt rnnnrt nf fh TVimlnlon DaV ' On toward Cup series. The Slgnals-AIr Force clash was scoreless until the last 15 minutes of play when Johnson and McLean tallied for the former. Soccer standings follow: Seccnd Coast First Coast First A. A. Second A .A. Engineers Reserves W 2 2 3 2 1 1 0 0 L 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 3 Pft. 1000 1000 .750 ,C1 .500 .333 .000 .000 Coast league Sacramento 5, Hollywood 3. San Diego 8, San Francisco 19. Lqs Angeles 5, Seattle 3, Oakland 12, Portland 0, Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association See JOHN L, WRIGHT Special Representative Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms Allan Boiler Work Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Hlacxsmlth, General Itepalr, rhone Red 184 Fresh Local Raw and Pattciirizeri MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 8S7 rititrr. iirim m fi'l n turl (off -?Ju iwi imu, ism t ft j k (MtCJt .iWj fit RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage n i . l rtuMcr. Kiirr.KT SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 FKASKJt STHKET Prince Rupert LO. rnunBU NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away r m Hf Hater Tie op 50 Honmf; llul and CoW Water P'lnee Rupert BC Prions 281 PO Bo W DibL Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTINC BOOKBINDING STATIONERY ..... u .it .. .. . V I' A It us i i i i m ii a i a n ii r. v r. it i ir a i . - WATKUMAN'S FOUNTAIN I'KNS PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS llnnn tKr,.i,nl, Via tunrl almnll llnre Prince - - ' - - .Infill; l..t .... riarvtl Till DrCSt' 'K- - , ..... iisin laboratory we have always tried to keep moun . skilled pharmacists, quality, drugs, the best of equlpm Am ntn tfiii ft MAtH VHtf U'A ft f A rtmilrf Of OUf 1"? and grateful for the confluence you have snown we continue to srrve you. Ormes JXd, 4111 IllWifllU UAWthM Open Dally from 0 a.m. till l P " Sundavs and Holidays from 12-1 n.m. and 7-9 P