jaoe rotm THE DAILY NEWS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE PROUDLY WE BOAST! Clothes for Big Brother and Little Brother, too! RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE The Answer to Your Boy's Clothes Problem CIIAS. DODIMEAU Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Iland Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dlnnerwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND M IiltC II ANT .IBM 1k - THE STORE FOR DAD AND LAD RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE 217 SIXTH STREET (Just around the corner) The Record Shows . . . Folks like The Variety Store. They like the good values they receive here, the wide variety ol useful items they need regularly. Whether you want things lor yourself, your house, or as gifts . . . corns in and look around. The Variety Store A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY STEEL COT, 2'G" x 6' Each $7.50 ROLL-UP MATTRESS to fit ' $6.50 BEDROOM TABLES, with Drawers. W.W Special $3.95 WINDOW SHADES, all sizes. Green. From $1.10 BABY HIGH CHAIRS. Natural. Each - $1.50 We appreciate your Mail Orders and your enquiries Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue POULSEN'S LUNCH IS NOW OPEN Gilt Ave. E., Beside P.O. Station II. "Select Lunches and Select Service" Celebrating the Opening of the Grill Prc-Sale of Candy, Peanuts, etc. POULSEN'S GROCERY First Come First Served Place an Ad in The Daily News It Pays Classified Ads Advertising in this section is payable in advance at the office. Please do not ask us to deviate from this, rule SEE WANTED WANTED Small trunk. Phone Red 911. (HI) WANTED Second-hand outboard motor. Phone 836, Port Edward. (144) WANTED TO RENT For young couple with 2 children, a four or five room house. Centrally located. Apply Box 757 Dally News. (tf) WANTED 2V2-S hp. outboard motor. Must be in perfect operating condition. P.O. Box 1205 or 220 East 7th. (139) WANTED URGENTLY Serviceman needs house or apartment for wife and daughter. Responsible party! Don't drink or smoke if desired won't even breathe! Apply Box 750 Daily News, (145) WANTED Woman for general cleaning, etc. Hour work, good wages, steady employment Apply National Selective Service A.F. 137. (142) WANTED For Navy man and wife, housekeeping room or rooms. Needed badly, no child ren. Please write Mrs. J. Hay-dock, co Oeneral Delivery, Prince Rupert. (140) LOST LOST Collection money by young girl. 145 7th Avenue East. Reward. (139) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc, Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block Phone 387 EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING ESTHER STANYER Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver Phone Red 934 or call at 1467 Sixth Avenue East, Upstairs VAL SPIDEL Floor Sanding and Finishing Alterations and Repairing Phone Oreen 880 General Delivery SPEEDY RADIO SERVICE Green 397 Guaranteed 48 Hour Service on all makes of Radios By Factory Trained Experts SEPTIC TANKS And Filter Lines Cleaned and Repaired. Apply Box, 749 Dally News. PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST Prop.: MBS. A. R. LOCK 300 3rd Ave. Phone 777 F. MURPHY FOR LUMBER STOCK FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES 225 1st Avenue East Phone Black 881 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mall Orders Boz 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 FOR SALE FOR SALE Bedroom suite, chesterfield, kitchen set, carpet and other household effects. 653 7th Avenue East (140) Street. (140) FOR SALE McClary oil range and living room oil heater. Apply 345 5th Avenue East. (140) FOR SALE Double burner hot plate. 617 Fulton Street. (141 FOR SALE Circulating heater, good as new. 511 6th Avenue East. (139) FOR SALE Portable grama- phone. Apply Box 775 Dally News. (139) FOR SALE Oil range, almost new. Apply 345 5th East FOR SALE Seven.-tubc cabinet radio, Majestic; good shape. $30.00. Apply 916 10th Ave. East. (142) FOR SALE Trolling boats. "Westerner." "Jane M." and "Morell," at Fishermen's Floats. P. Hoffman. (142) FOR SALE Six hole coal 01 wood range. High 'warming closet. $40. Phone Green 245. FOR SALE Ford car, two door. 1937 model, good rubber, Cell-lntr nrlrn On, Vn 54 U'nnH 5 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. (Ity Dorothy Garbutt) Well guess who sent me a letter, after all these months. Rocky SchulstacK! No need to say remember him? He was full of life, vitality and noise, but principally nolte. Oh yes, and he was alio In the Navy. He says: Don't you think It U about time I dropped you a line? Well FOR SALE Complete house here It is. so catch on please, furnishings. 1551 Overlook The weather here U exactly the same kind as you have there, only It is worse. I find the New'ie accents really something. For Instance, instead of a Newfle say- in 'How are you getting on?' he says 'Hayagtttlnby?' Queer, lsnt You remember telling me' I talk too fast? You should hear them here! Man. oh man! I like the people ihcre. They're nice but there's no trees! I've met several of the boys from home here Signalman Jimmy Thompson, Leading Seaman George Brown. LS-A. Bill Mac-Lean. Signalman Maurice Reeves wha married Kay Mulrhead. Most of them wish they were home or In Rupert. If you see any of the fellows around, give them my best regards, and say hello to all the Y.M.OA. fellows. Keep yourself well, please, and see that 'my piano' is looked after. (Rockie. your piano is now at Masse tt) I still play a little bit at it you know, Boogie-WooKle a la Rockie. And I still get thrown out of all the best YM.CA's. UJS.O.'s and Sally Anrcrj for playing it. fame as uual So for now bye bye. and I h pe you are kc p.n? everybody 'umpire wit'r your . four knife planer, complete c-e cmocr Rrk? with five pairs of side heads, One No. . 3 National sawmill MMMMMI with two head saws, sawdust and slab conveyors, log haul; like new, only used five months. For inspection and prices see Strom Lumber Company, Prince, George, B.C (tf) HELP WANTED waitresses immediately, for small lunch counter. Apply Selective Service A.F. 136. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper to live in or woman to do housework two or three times weekly Phone Blue 801 or apply 3(5 4th Ave. West. SAWYER, Edgerman, Oreen- chainmen, Lumber Pliers and , llf llln'tflrora vqntH frtr I thousand foot sawmill. Good accomodation. Celling wages paid. Apply National Selective Service for order number (904) 5665. (tf) PERSONAL WILL the person who borrowed my purse at Salt Lakes please return the pictures, cards and papers that are of no value to them. I would appreciate it very much if they would return the k pictures as I cannot replace them, to Box 1056 Station "B" or 425 Dunsmuir Street. Thank you. (It) BAYAND & SEELEY, Painting. Decorating, Kalsomlnlng. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovid: Representative Box 526 1315 Plggot Ave. Prince Ruoert.. B.C. WEST END CAFE (Chop Sucy House) REOPENS SATURDAY, MAY 27 Completely Renovated 828 3rd Ave. West Phone 201 THE .REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours'. 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 r -w hut Incinerator Is Discussed The city council was in spe cial session Monday with . mili tary and health authorities to discuss the question of the city using the new Incinerator near the city limits on the Skeena River Highway. The council reserved its decision until the matter is gone more fully into. nice?) Faithfully and affectionately, Rocky." Thursday afternoon the Service Wives' Club will meet In the ladles lounge at the 'Y.' All service wives in the area are welcome. " . There U to be a big dance at the Acropolis on Thursday evening to which all service men and their ladles are Invited, also all Junior hostesses. SUBMARINE EPIC HERE ' In "We Dive at Dawn." Wednesday and Thursday's DritUh feature picture at Capitol Theatre starring the Halifax actor. Eric Portman. the BrltUh submarine "Sea Tiger" docks after a long voyage and the crew are given seven days' leave but all private engagements are can celled and the crew suddenly recalled to their ship which" sails with instructions to try and sink a Nazi battleship. On their way they pick up three Oerman urmcn from the sea. and Port man. who speaks fluent Oer-nan, learns from their conversation the whereabouts of the battleship. The submarine manoeuvres her way through the minefield .'..: the Baltic where she tracks u:c Brandenburg" and dls-iiarges her torpedoes. The re- iir . f of I I -ui: of this- is unknown as. in WANTED Two snort order mill miUOia DIUQGi : (,rder to avoid Nazi destroyers Cooks and two experienced Minora Is bv far tta bit and shorpvii the Cantaln orders a "fake" Joubl-dg blade In lit dat lt' tM mkmg. and lets the body of quolity blod. In tin low-pric. fi.ld. , 0crman alrmin d retted in British uniform, up through the torpedo tubes to add convlnc-evidence The force of the depth charge causes serious io of oil and after vainly scek-ag a tanker from which to re- fuil, Portman suddenly remem fife fobbfttd-' Reddy says: "If ynn think our lum-mtr wtiihcr li hot, re mrmhrr out boyi light. Inn In tha tropin ind support them ith your rcgutir purchit of Wr Slrinfi Snmpi." S WEDNESDAY JTTv nOMlW Today and Thur YOU SELDOM HEAR THIS BRITISH It WHAT BRITAIN'S SUMS AUK )0,Xr PICTURE TELLS YOU THEIU STOKVt , ERIC P0RTMAN JOHN MILLS UJEDlVt ftr DAWN REGlNAtD PUQDEll " N1ALL MiG NMs EXTRA ADDED 1 Complete Shows at 1 05, 2 44, 4 4), 7 04, 9 i Feature at 1:03, 3 15, 5 25, 7 35, 0 45 If V A..J J XT..i Ml: i I'Hrar Krnnrilv. "Love Your Landlord" WnrlH v.. t. i nave iou uruereu nexi miners Coal Yet? If Not, Do It Today! I'l.ACK YOUK ORDER TODAY WITH ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 11C and 117 tanker in dock. He put on the uniform of one of the captured airmen and goes ashore He finds a tanker and slgnak tr the submarine to come inilv :c After a battle with the Oerman when they discover the rune "Sea Tiger" eventually rc-Iue'i while Portman and the crew keep the enemy at bay. Victoriously the submarine re turns to base, and as they are entering port a destroyer flashes bers a port on a nearby Danish' them a message that they have uland where they might find a sunk the "Brandenburg." WHIFF. advice 'winter or summer. Iiut not so easy to follow in sweltering heat. Try to do your cooking and bakinr early in the day before the sun is hottest. Plan mcali of cold meat cooked well in advance and. vitamin-rich salads. Then when your cooking and baking is finished and a fljck of the switches on your electric range has turned off the heat, your kitchen will remain just as cool as the rest of the house for the balance of the day. l itscrr tuwi fgm Seal 'Kip Qui,i Britis A SllWUfc ;h Columbia's ninncr i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 rnr K IN h hH KU lllliv 13 CAFE Special Lninrt Chop Sucy Chew Mem Hours 10 am 2nd Avenue ana p The best buy : and Markers In National Monur. Ave., first dc-i Eaton's. Mi (3 P ne Wet NATIONAL MOSl'Ml ,. . i, nm rtinre TAX , ... !.. ...wir'lt Ml lflV 111 Ul Under MaiuiKCimw service 8 a.m. to a'm' i . Dill I OL l""- LIMITED Numbln Md 'tlr Automallc SprinkHni Coal Stok Corner 2nd Ave. Phone Red 389 And tvi