FOR WOMEN ONLY An Interestinj; and Lively Scries of Five .Minnie Programs CFPR Tonight - 6:05 And Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday WANTED Experienced Truck Driver for City -- Good Wages Apply Selective Service, AM132 rACIIAI AIDCC v-nJurvLnnxLj... tin: world's .most c0mf0rta11le shoe l1cht as a pi? ati ikk fleximle as a whip wear them evekvwiieue Priced $3.95 Family Shoe Store Ltd. 'The Homo or Good Shoes" BUY NOW AND SAVEI i DRESS PANTS. t variety well finished, J Wool Tweed and V dr All sizes. Prices $4.95 to $6.75 H'B JCX)TTON 8HORT3 for wear Size 30. , per Pair 50c K-A.VKET8, all wool. Col- - fey and white. Beit '. - ' Prices S6.75 '-' DRESS SOX, Good ttrone. Sum- OAp .Bfr weight Now fr tii wool SWEATERS. -'-ted .hades, Pullover!. 5 KM S1.95 "''J DRESS 8IIIRTS, all Ratted colors. SU5l0S2.45 CUITS, all wool. Good C.zes 30 lo 44, Clear- pmcp $2250 "'. COTTON nnrw "NTS, ood for summer ,fr All ils. j pa H made tJJO.DU Men's Sharkskin WIND-BREAKERS, Full tippers. Special' price. 3.95 to $4.95 Mens WORK PANTS. Good make. All sizes, Reg, ular price. OS) en 9au $3 00. Now Men's Strong WORK 8IIIRTS. fiT H' Now at Children's SHOES for Dress. Straps and lace styles. All leather. Sizes 10 to 2. Clearing at $1.95 $2.95 Men's ALL WOOL TOP COATS. Good sizes, Clearing out below ef Q QC OlA cost. From Men's I IAIN COATS. All sizes. Fawn and Oreen Tweed Tops. . sdal $6.95 Hoys' LONO PANTS. Good tailored. Sizes 0-f QC Hoys' PULLOVRR SWEATERS? Special price HZf now B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. ""H Aenu Eitablhhrd 19.1A FORMAL OPENING OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OK W. LOCK Y,r Shop. lnt Tonr ? this near- We're '"PPly of the tJKTAVfH- choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables In season from Mir iwn - farm arriving bv each boat. Complete line of groceries. ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY HF.RKl ace an Ad In The Daily News It Pays World Travels Are Described Mrs. C. W. Breukelman Interest, ing Sneaker at Women's Cana. dlan Club Meeting One of the most interesting speakers the Women't Canadian (Chib has had In many a day was l Mrs. C. W. Breukelman. daueh- 'ter of Bishop and Mrs. O. A. jKlx, who Is visiting here from i Trinidad. Monday afternoon I in St. Andrew's. Cathedral Hall jshe told in a delightful, descrlp. customs and ways of life in those far lands were intrigulngly described. Mrs. Breukelman was presented with a beautiful corsage by Mrs. J. A. Donnell, the president, who was in the chair and who made due reference to the fact that it was the twentieth birth day of the clifb. A birthday cake to mark the occasion was cut by Mrs. J. B. Olbson, one of the early presidents. There was a 1 letter from a former president. Mrs. D. McD. Hunter, the state of whose health made It impossible for her to attend. An acceptable vocal solo by Mrs. Taylor was another feature of Monday's program. Announcements All aertlrtnnu In thU column will be cbfcrgm for full month it 3&c word. St. Peter's Tea, Mrs. J. Moorehotu. June IS. W. Norwegian news reels. Oddfellows' Hall. June 16. 8 p.m. Admission &0c. Presbyterian tea at the home of Mrs. J. A. Teng, June 22. C.WX,. Delicatessen Tea, 3-6. Whist, crlbbage and bridge at o'clock. K. of C. Hut. June 22. Valhalla Dance, June 23. Odd-ffltows' Hall. 9:30 to 1:30. Whist Drive. Oddfellows' Hall, June 26, 50c. W. A. Canadian Legion Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, June 29, De Carlo's Orchestra. Coast Regiment Women's Auxiliary Dance, Armory, July 1. Dominion Day Celebration, Port Esslngton. Saturday. July 1. Orange Ladles' Dance. July 7 Oddfellows' Hall; DcCarlos Orchestra. Refreshments. Dancing 9:30 - 1:30 ajn. CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL RdllNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone Mark 733 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN We are specializing ln the newest NESTLES COLD WAVE Especially suitable for finer hair ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOITE Fourth Street. Teggy Saunders GEO. LDAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 144 4th Ave, E. RED 127 ver. business. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. John Gurrich left Mon- Ken Harding left last nleht day night for a trip to Vancou-, on a trip to Port Clements. Ordinary Seaman James Tay lor, R.C.N.V.R., is returning to Halifax on tonight's train after spending two weeks' leave with his father, James Taylor, Seal Cove. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Oarrett left Monday night on a trip to the south. Mrs. Garrett will visit friends ln Victoria and Mr. Oar- tlve way of her travels In variom rctl u goln8 to Vancouver on narts of the world Including Great Britain, Holland, the East Indies, the West Indies and South America. Impressions of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Nash' and child, who have been residing' here for the past year or so, are leaving tonight for Vancouver to make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brown are tak ing over the residence on Fourth Avenue East which they have1 been occupying. The board of school trustees has been rfvplvlnc armllrntlnA Accompanied by the widow, the remains of the late B. F. Smith, general manager of the Premier mine, who died at Premier Monday night, arrived in the city this morning from the north and are being sent on tonight to Vancouver where interment will be made. men's centre. MeRse Bros, store is being used as the book, col-toAlon depot Adjutant E. D. Brunsdon, in charge of the 1 A 1 ,ll r'm anvillnn. I- . . . ... J o m 1 1 .i jf DCllliC MU1K here, has written to the Junior Chamber of Commerce exprea- Ing appreciation of the work being done. Card of Thanks . We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messaged of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from our many friends during the long Illness and after the death of a loving husband and father. MRS. JAMES CURRIE AND FAMILY CFPR 1210 Kllocyclet SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY IM. 00 Sound Off 15-0. I. Jive 30 Rebroadcast G. I. Journal 00 To be announced 15 In a Few Words 30 Personal Album 45 Melody Roundup 00 CBC News 05 Recorded Interlude 15 Are You a Genius? 30 To be announced. 00 Fred Waring 15 Front Line Family 30 Red Skelton 00 Burns and Allen 30 Carnival of Music 00 Kay Kyser 30 Leicester Square 00 CBC News 05 Recorded Interlude 15 Harry James 30 Eventide 00 Silent. THURSDAY A.M. 30 Musical Clock 45 CBC News 50 Musical Clock 30 Morning Devotions 45 Lud Gluskln 00 Joe nclchman 15 Richard Crooks 30 CBC News 35 Transcribed Varieties 00 Frlml Melodies 15 Consumers Service 30 Barnabas Von Oezcy 45 They Tell Me 00 Scandinavian Melodies 15 Broadcast of Messagis 17 Recorded Interlude 45 Hawaiian Echoes 1M. 00 March Time 30 Spotlight Bands 45 CBC News 50 Recorded Interlude J. M. S. Loubser D C. B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 040 Charles K. Vtreberg returned this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Jack Mair morning from trip to Vancouver. returned this a brief business Mrs. A. Moodle and family i left last night to return to thr home at Skldegate after visit ing the city. Improvements For Salt Lakes Local Member Thinks He Will be Able to Get Results Before leaving the city Saturday night on his return to Victoria after spending a few for the position of principal of hfre vWUn hi consMu the new Conrad Street School but has not as yet made the ap pointment. At the last meeting ents, T. D. Pattullo, MX.A. for Prince Rupert, expressed confidence that he would be able to of the board applications of Miss 1 0Dtaln actk)n rom depart- Mary Hartln and Mrs. Bemlce McDonald were received. ment of public works in the making of improvements to the bathing faeffltie and sidewalks at the Salt Lake swimming resort. However, Mr. Pattullo felt that it might be advisable if some funds could be raised locally to assist in the work. At last week's meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Ru pert Chamber of Commerce it was reported that the facilities at the Salt Lake were in bad Duncan McRae has taken 'shape. The dam had brojeen and charge of collection of books on I the water was dangerously low. behalf of the Junior Section of Walks, bath houses and dlviiv the Prince Rupert Chamber of tower needed repairs. Duncan Commerce for the local Salva- McRae and 8am Currie w.-r tlon Army Red Shield service appointed a committee to so further int the matter PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Bulltup Roofs Repairs, Re-shingllng Free Estimates J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Green 905 SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands t Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5C3 . J. L. Pearson left last night i to return home to Massett af-i ter a brief visit to the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Foote and daughter are leaving tomorrow night for a trip to Vancouver. Two local men leaving on Tuesday night for Port Clements were CecH Brlnd and Ernest Unwin. Mrs. F. Elliott of the Port Simpson school staff left on Tuesday afternoon for Vancou ver. W. J. Davies of the Canadian National tekeraph office left last nicht ou a trip to Queen Chajlotu: C.fv. Day by day. Victory comei nearer and wkh victory Peek Frean'i famous Dar By Dar Assortment and other delicious English biscuits will return; BISCUITS FPOM tONDON, ENGLAND ANNOUNCEMENT "The Western Labour Board will hold public meetings as scheduled hereunder, to hear applications relating to establishment of wage rates and related conditions on Western Defence Projects, which lncluds construction work performed by or for the Government of Canada, and any work performed by or for the Government of United States: Prince Rupert at( City J3oulLCnambr,-10 -am., June 19th and 20th. Vancouver at 415 Hall Building. 10 ajn., June 23rd. KWONG SANG RING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 pm. Tuesday.10 pjn. to 12 pjn Outside Orders from 2 pm. to 12 pjn. Phone Red 247 DANCE TUESDAY. JUNE 20 ODDFELLOWS' HALL Re-opening of the LD. Cafe CHOP SUEY and CHOW MEIN Hours 6:30 ajn. to 1:00 ajn. RURN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabwood, cord $10.04 Dry Jackplne, cord $12.50 HYDE TRANSFER . Phone 580 MUMLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Con foci ionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion It's DAD'S DAY! Sunday JUNE 18th AND at heart Dad Is a practical man. So you can't go wrong on FATHER'S DAY by offering him a good-looking Hat that hell use for months to come. And the fact that It Is a famous Steteon from Watts & Nlckerson's will make the gesture a sure-fire success. STETSON HATS, In all qualities, $7J50 to $10.00 OR brighten his wardrobe with one or two NECKTIES. See our display windows for the "pick of the season." $1.00 and $1.50 FOR his leLs-ure hours a SPORT SHIRT will be very acceptable We have a full range styled by Arrow, Forsyth and London. Priced from $2JJ0 to $5.00 RADIOLINK Extension Speaker A RADIO IN EVERY ROOM for Only 12" Simple to .install. Excellent Reception. Can be hooked up to any radio. am bid KmgCoal. AmerriT E4 old soul, :mjhdlmake it nor from pole to pole CStt Now is the time for all good men to come to Pbilpott, Evitt & Co, and order their winter supply of Coal. Don't wait too long and be sorry for the rest of the winter. Order your Coal now. FOOTHILLS LUMP, EGG and NUT. M1LKLEY VALLEY LUMP PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONE 631 Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) PHONE 632 PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Stiey Chow Meln Hours 8:00 tun. to a-,00 km.