3 5 - - i V - ' I. 1 r lit iH.TII SALADA TEA THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR DAILY EDITION MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS iSggn Friday. March 24, ism Canada's Synthetic Rubber . . . Canada's great new synthetic rubber plant at Rtirrnn. Drirnvin. is nmv in nrnduetion has been for Japan Must Move... The Japanese are being shoved around a good deal in the southwest Pacific thee days, and Premier Tojo, no doubt, feels that it is high' time some sort of offensive action should be taken for the sake of many of us are inclined to follow our own tastes or ! fancies in the matter of what we eat and. as a result. will suffer sooner or later, illness and disorders arising all of which have the tendency to shorten life. ? We must agree that it is most important that parents assume a commonsense attitude and act accordingly in regard to the feeding of their children. By so doing, they may save them untold misery and inconvenience later on in life. Scientific feedine methods adopted in the armed forces have been followed With notably successful results. The difficulty is that too many parents are inclined to follow the 1 ne of least resistance and yield to the whims and ( esires of the children in the matter of food. The rjarent who says "I feed mv child what he wants and dm not going to be told bv anv one what is good for ljim" is short sighted indeed. Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY H I R T II I) A Y AN11 EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Bcsner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. 'By DOROTHY GARBUTTi Hie Service Wives' Club met at the home of Mrs. Carl Strand on Thursday afternoon with 10 ladles and 16 children present Mrs. Cooper donated the raffle which was won by Mrs. Valers while Mrs. Gomel and Mrs, Valen served tea. The lldies were very sorry to have to say goodbye to Mrs. Fosolan and little Sharon who have been two of the club's most faithful members and who are shortly j leaving for Vancouver. The next meeting will be In two week's time. Thursday. April 6, at the home of Mrs. Valen. ' The Women's Auxiliary of the '17th Coast Battery is holding a ; benefit basketball game on Sat urday evening at the Armories The Canadian Tress is exclusively entitled to use for publica-, , . D.r... nJm., lion of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated If na "ev "tse"e "fSimen' Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. team. Tickets may be had at the All rights of republication of special despatches therein are door and the funds are in aid also reserved. of their overseas cigarette gifts. SUBSCRIPTION RATES So make tomorrow night a date By City Carrier, per weefc - .15 you sports fans. Remember it is E" V.ear.- the Armories. Per Month - - 55 i By Mail, per Month Per Year . - $4,001 I had a very nice letter from . i i Writer Wm. Hodgkin who was with H.M.C.S. Chatham from November. 1942, until February 1944. He says: "During my stay in Prince Rupert it has been my privilege to enjoy practically all the benefits offered by the V.MCA.. pictures at the "Y" Hut. now shown at the Empress Club, dances, bingo games, use the past month now-and how satisfactory its product will prove in actual use is a matter of the greatest of the weekly concerts and ser-importance to all the people for there are none of us, vices offered by Ivan Maiiet who are not affected in soine wav or another directlv iand Bruce Maeintyre in the by the use of rubber. Of course; the output of the'f KJTtiS! X . , ., . , . .should like to take tms oppor- t i mi i i a plant, for the time being at least, will largly go to tunlty to say -Thanks a million" war production and no immediate loosening up inland offer my regrets at not be- rubber for civilian use mav be anticipated. If thejin? abI l do anything better synthetic product proves as durable and efficient as to .J m p"0"- ,r , S i , 1 i ,t i . , . Although my own home Is in the natural rubber, a claim that is not even made asjYancoum l fully lntcnd to vlsll yet, it will be another great change in our interna! iPrince Rupert when i am for- economv. Meantime, we shall follow with interest I tunate to get leave again and. the proof of the great industrial experiment of course I shall be sure to drop in and say 'hello.' "Undoubtedly you would know many of the fellows down here (Halifax) Just a few of the more recent removals from Rupert are L-Smn. Roland Hill. L-5mn. Rocky Schulstadt, PO. Patil Berthelet and L-Wrtter Rusty Cameron. "So once -"again, may I say prestige and national morale. encethe- mo now 'J!ans mJninH and wlsh ym being made through Burma into' Manipur state of . Andsthe of luek to India. The news reports are somewhat obscure as toltoo. Bin. and also thanks a mil-just what is going on there but there is reason to; Hon for your letter which en- believe that the move is not on a verv large scale iuraees us an at the -y- no and may not turn out to be a very grave menace. In- j j deed, the Japanese may have to watch their step' and they're worth more than! rather carefully, lhe Allies, under command of Lord (money, salary increases or what Louis Mountbatten, have been ortraniziner there notlhave ru to us. Throwrh them only for defence but for offense and possiblv ' nothing I e rcsults kh H.n,,1,l c5f i. - ,. very often seems to be getting tjuiiiw uu uicui ucuci Liiaw tu uae iuju Micrw uui us nowhere. ms neck in this area. It is possible that military oper-aiohs there may prove of vital significance in connection with the whole War situation in the Far East alid the Pacific area. The Nutrition Campaign . . . 4 It is well that some heed should be paid by people generally and parents of children particularly to the ctirrent campaign in the interests of better nutrition standards. Undoubtedly, many of us suffer through indifference or carelessness in the mattpr of dior Tnn l ANCIENT NAME The Canary Islands wer known In ancient t kr.es as the Fortunate Isles. J. M. S Loubser D.C.. BA. CHIROPRACTOPw Wallace Block Phone 640 GEO. 1DAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUIt CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Thone for Free Appointment 116 4th Ave. E. RED 127 KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to Kins Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 12 pjn. Tuesday.10 pjn. to 12 psn. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 12 p.m. Phone Ited 217 Better Shaves -And More Of lhcm with Gillette Lather SHAVING CREAM 1 iVIln aMIff a iH H Mo-It by (ht world" I H H boding tprft in ifwY S H J r H ng comfort, tfctmoitrt H , of Vvt Gi8ti tlodu I j POET NEWS B.i.ske'Ja..i gaining perennl u.:y in popularity among Can-i aua i ovt'rsca.N forces, swept tn-: -Tidr w:th a couple of tilts .. f i.md star players of prc-.wi! days bark home running ..bout a borrowed" British A ny gymnasium hi the Old r intrv Playing In the Ueftver Oj-f League, within the Cana-..i;: Bomber Oioup. Headquar-. upic. al! raVealatkn by p;'..:.; Linton 24-19 after : at half-time. Elmoor ip. el Tluiithorpe 22-11 In the i-.i .- :n.T.ch. Cage cftthasrasU . . C.i ..id.i will remember such - .Av.us as Bill Catthaetc, who nit; -.!i!o the lr force by way f V p.ni.x-K and scored nine of i ijmiarters' twints, and Jim oubef f Vancouttr who ,M f :x more; and Arnold To-M;; i f To: onto and Flash Oema : Windsor. Ontario. Maxle Ap-b 'um of TW'Mto set the pace Ej -moor with eifht points ".J.I-Y. Howard of Windsor. Ont.. ;d Jack K;irry of Toronto were lunh scorers for the vW-Other perfoimers In the matches Included Fred -ward Toronto. Dare Younc. it, Walt Morgan. Mont-R.iy Pedell. Kitchener. Ont.. bur MacDonaM, Ottawa. f-e Dery. Qabc City, and Plumber. Saint John. N.B. iv:: in London town a team i. thr Women's Division of R.CA.F. playing under : .i t : -unced a team ol h cirU from the Easttoury i 16-8 Playing together as a team for the first time, the airwomen hope to become part of a house league now under organization. Among the Canadians were Assistant Section Of ficer Christina Smith. Montreal and LAW s Alice txilglekh and Terry Vannler. both of Vancou ver. Phyllis Itogers, Edmonton 1 and Iris Eastwood of Saskatoon . Later, an A.TJ3. team managed' by Mary Churchill, daughter of I the prime minister, lost to a1 smooth-stepping team of Am- erlcan Wuj.C.s. Back again to Bohibef Oroup where a few cuff-notes show that Hcrble Westman, who made quite a name for hlmsel' In Montreal football elides a while back. Is an electrical engineering officer with the rank of flying officer on a station commanded by Group Capt W A. Jones of Vancouver. Well- knewn In athletic circles around Moose Jaw. 8ask.. a couple of cousins Rot together Uie other day for a bit of re-unlon. They i were FO. Suds Sutherland of the Ohost Squadron, )ut comjileteU hu 50th operational soiUe. and ; FO. Waddy Ha!I. err-itn-ertng officer at another sutlon. Prom-I Inent member of the Hamlltoa ' 'Ont. Oun Club In praOtlme. FO. J. H. Calderbank of the Bisons Squadron ran off 50 straight at a skeet-shootlnt j competition held as part of the training syllabus. That's bad ! news for Oerman night-fighters ' because Calderbank Is a gunner IT IS A CUSTOM OF THE COUNTRY Cuing uphill in TiirKrstan ihty hnnf, on ..'H i to the tail of a Yah, ALONE IN HLIT7. LONDON,. March 24. 0-Mrs. Mary Burns. 27. was sentenced to 23 days in jail for leaving her :hreo children, nine, right and three, alone all night durlnj an ulr raid hi ti uiei wnuri tout SOLDIERS RUB OUT TIRED ACHli ra wmm 11 l1"" il LETTERBQ Wltor rwn, ton beu- J 6ve OT.eo(r::r5H o the fcSJ the 0m r..v. J and Otto . J!?! ip an tut sunrrtlsion of KitS revenue tin be fo idka 1 1- Auction Sal OMUflll CI.A8H FL'UXITURE Including t CHLSTrn FIELD SUITES The are ftttUnh u 2 MrCMIIY ItASurjU-!uaraMrr4 lint thn mil BEDItOOM Sl'ITl: IWd With tprtn.ruir And NumerMi othrr lums. SATtJUDAV, MAUCII tt, 1 pjn. Tlllltlt AVIAI E (Nest 4ot rmmWn fM JACK MAIR, AuctioniJ Terms: CASH Uphill, down dalef coast-to-coast, it's BOND . . . Mrrl a man fnun Yanrouvrr ami lie'll prie iIk i"! of Roml Cloihe. '"Ilir r,mr..rl i. in ill.- nil." Iill -ay. '' i't from Nova Si'Olia mill lilv a mi 1 1 t&vr alum! lln value Jnlierrnt In lloml'ft mnile.itMtm-aMirr "till ami tin rar llie V Tlieyll Loth rllu. Ronl rlollte earn hr prai- ihoy pi. Pur M)le, nil, jfiieroii haHi.Nvin, for all th dctaiU typical of finul inlni laihuinf-ln tlinriMiliiin valm in sljlc lliat keeps it ilinpr ami jivei lianl rar Jim eonliln't fiml anywlirrc lirltrr lo slrop frf u,,r "nlalrtoyvfir.inraMirc" cloilu-n than ut Iloml. 2p 29'75 33" iiAvruv.s Itenwthher. . TnilrccltoMcftsurc EXCLUSIVEIiY AT RUPERT MEN'S and BOYS' STORE