nu: (jiiuitii ruucj SATl KDAY and MONDAY SELLING Here unci Save. More upens at !) a.m. u'rk Pants $2.50 to 82.95 Work Shirts 31.10 to $2.25 u ,,rk Moves 2oc to $2.00 uwk Sox. nair lm to 85c n.... Civ ....... Tilf in .. - .1., I.'.. unit Itlilo 67 fit If ninf'li:! 1 4. I illlll Allltl IIIUL ....... ill .till ... I I nil I ii'illwir- s norK uiuv3i "vmhih , f.jt L'i,..rU Siu'riul. nair 50r nn.ii.. cr.. mil' . i cm ii" i Ulin, in. n ii i.. ..II I.I...I.J ..It !-....- tft r.n i o: - .... ii tt ....t o. I n-.. I 'niiu' 'III II IIMI .III'I'liM ....... .1.11 Unc I'ants, zipper pm-Iicls. 1! sizes. Price $2.00 ips Oversnoes p' ,!,r 3s si.oo D..L1 V D i 59c S2.75 ) Hf 11 1 3 II 1UULM tUIVUl O I. :ui; zippr front. Blue and (JO Qr ; t?W Now llier Jackets ' ; 812.50 IT 1 s unuerwear : . DRAIVER8 Penman'a 04 Off r- pr. rment All U7l ri.. mm if iiiii S525 to S20.00 B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. "'II'IJ in 1111 lflllil I'llONi: iimck 3:1 COAL! ' of Foothills, Alberta, and Bulklcy Uiley Coals now on hand e(i;i ' notice before delivery is expected I C31 will be appreciated. LPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. l'HONi: 632 Men's Work Boots fiUHH TILSONBURG DIRK'S ".Moose Head Brand" THURSTON'S. I) cn.lal,le, Solid and Comfortable !F SHORE STORE LTD. UK GOOD SHOES" LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Coueert and Organ Monde, 8 ).m First twhin Churoh. Recital, J. II. Schrlafoerg of Vancouver arrived In the elty on Tuesday night train from Montreal where he has own on bitnes awl expwu to be here lor the next couple of wetJu or o before proccfdlng aouth. ' Oarpcntem- Union 8motier. Saturday. March 11. Union HaL. rVav r Street. 8 oViwtk. Member . only HOW TO HELP PREVENT MANY COLDS From Developing Quick -?ut a Fas Dropt of Vlck Vi-tro-nol up jrour none at the flnt tnUBe. uwezr. or tlfn of rtfhln cold and Irt tu tUmuUttnc action aid Kx-ture'i defemr scalnit the cold. VICKS VA TRO NOL WUHam JaimMj.'i. manager oi t ie Ovrrwaiteu Store, waa a f tejt at last evening s dinne; n feting of Ihr Junior Section of tne Prince Rupert Chamber of C Hnmerre. Mr. and Mm Aitbut BrooVu-b ink left last night on a trip tq Vancouver. Imoof tfKMt leaving iMt night Va'deouver were MUa Leah -Bert and Mist Swana Ol- 3a. M. arrt Mr. O D. Otrte of t eta:. . r . aig :he city to i h. i.n - . . Vancouver. 1 iejr are .a : . . of Mra. I ank Skinner Mr. and M;. u ; t . id Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chenoski. ..TO have b.'en in the city fot me funeral of ihelr tnsthrr. Mrs '. Chci tl. are leaving tonight I . re' urn to Vancouver Card of Thanks I wish to thank our friends . fad mt i&Ms tor their ktndmM rod rn ,-atty and the beaaUful &ia: ft: its tendered during et sickness and, death of my 1 (loved husbatidMateustn Mae ' :tuir Eapeaially do J wish to ank Dr C II Hankinson. tae anadlan Legion, the Veterana : the South African War. and ie friends who loaned the ear MRS. M MAOARTHUR Announcement AH tttrrrtlamA-nta In thla cnluenn HI be citarsrd tut (idl month at 84c a nt. C.C.P. Dance. March 10. Oddfellows' Hall. DeCarlo's Orchestra Dey Dock Etnotovee' Danoe. Friday night. March 10. Prov erb's OrcJiestrn, Presbyterian Choir Concert. March 13. Queen Mary Easier Mondar Tea. Mrs. Parkin's. St. Patrick's Tea. sale hom qooking. 3 pjn. Card party 8 p.m. K.O.C. Hall. March 17. Little Norway Tea, March 23. Valhalla Dance. Oddfellows' Hall March 2. WA Canadian Legion Dance. I.O.D.E. Hall. March 24 Little Korwoy Tea. Lutheran Church, March 25 St. Peter's Sale. March 30. EnlUting in the Canadian Women' Army Oorpa through the loeal lecruitlne station, MUs Chrtatine Fleury. of Smlthera. U leavlna on Monday niitht for Vancouver. Her mother la Mra Chrtrtena WetUteln. of A new recruit to enlist In the j Canadian Active Army through ' the Prince Rupert lecruitlns station U Karl Arvld Severin I QUwin, 31. whoae home address, j la Prince George. He has been ; w-jiklng for the Northern Conj ixruction Company here and la leaving fur the Vancouver re tpuun centre tonight. Try a Want-Ad for Qulek flesuiU. C.N,R, Trains I'w Ihr Mt Itaiif ttarpt Bunmr 0 pro (rwM lite Mt , Plly nnpt Uondj 104$ pm. IV lerrair Sunday. Mondr Wrdnendar. TtiutMiar aiwl lda ... 4 p.m. 1'mrn Trrnn llcHidtr. Tueadav. ThurarU. Fiery, Itching Skin Gets Quick Relief Hen- la lfjr?ifRaTi'T pr nttri in- anuatpuc uu thai U) brioc yov nntr rihil nn tb n-umj dlaum at rcrcuva. Itching T auct FrM Raahaa and akin UuuWaa wl ia tbia iMallne otu. tat oil pramotf rapid aud h'-aii: hlin in open antra and 'uuim1. but Uaila aud aimpl ilrrr are a. OJIMalr retimed In tkln tttcu Ibe Ecztma ta qulcklf SMKI. tbe trupUoni drr up and me all oi a Krrr lw dara Tu aam la iru of turtx-ta lih San Wtruin axul aibcr akin truptuma Yuu can obtain Uaofia Emerald CHI at Ormw Ltd or aujr nuxWrn dnM Ur CFPR 1240 Klloryrlet SCHCIIL'LC fUIHAY P-L 4 00 Sojnd off 4.15-0. I. Jive 4:30 Rebroadcast Blng Crosby 5:00 Dinah Shore 5:30 Personal Album 5 45 Melody Round-up 6:00 CBC- News 0:15 Sports Interviews 6:30 Canadian Pattern 6:45 To be announced 7:00 Isabelle McEwen sings 7:15 Front Line Family 7:30 John Charles Thomas 8:00 Aldrich Family 8:30 Information Please 9:00 Morgan and Brlce 9:309:30 Nocturne J0:00-CBC News 10:15 Yarns lor Yanks 10:30 Drama From Vancouver 11:00 Silent SATl'IlDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News '7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Old Timers 9:00 Musette Time 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Transcribed Varieties, 10:00 Children's Scrapbook v 10:30 George Wade 10:45 Music by Herbert 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Charles Magnante 1M. 12:00 Shep Fields 12:30-SpotIlght Bands 12,'45-CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interludo 1:00 One Night Stand 1 :J0- Downbeat 2:0OCloslng announcement Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY 111 It Til DAY AN D EY Kit YD AY CARDS WATEBMAN'fi FOUNTAIN PENS Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 Cold Wave Coming Soon! We will be doml for one week while attending the demonstration for the new sensational COLD WAVE, a permanent without heat, pails, or machine. Watch for ill SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON viom:t maii Cor, filh Ave. and Fulton St. Phone nine 913 Orange Ladies Have Meeting; Aid Red Cross At the reKubr meeting of the Ladle Orsnge Benevolent A&tn. held Thursday evening, two more candidates u-ere initiated In the Orange degree. To conclude the ceteroony Mrs. Agnes Murray and Mrs Amy Kasper sang the hymn "Jesus Shall Reign." The sum of $26 was voted to the current Red Cross drive. The member were also asked to give to. and attend if posslbl? the While Blephant sale of the King Edward Junior Red Cro-: group, to be held next Thur-. fiay. The holding of a da .ee n April 27 wa suggested P.oj for thto will be completed uu A Scarlet Degree meeting be held April 13. LONCJEST-UVEIJ CITV Susa. near the Pe.sian Oulf. if confidered to have the longest continuous existence of any city in history from 4000 B.C to 65C AD To'QtiitkkMteSi hvghest Bmds-lise i tit"' MW mm Lather SHAVING CREAM SIZE TUBE S Mll 'Sim mk Mod by IhvwwU'f J iH lAan'no (oaiferf ,.4 noxT rouGET the me; DANCE SATURHAY. LKCH 11 ' (9 lo 12) I.O.D.I'. HALL (Formerly Eagles . 5th and MrBride $U5 Couple Ladies Free Koy Proverbs and His Orchestra Everybody Welcome Mark every grave while you have the opportunity. Tliey deserve it. See National Monuments C02 5th East Box ltU Station II Vrince Rupert. B.C. .Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Toffee is Tops) CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AM) REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN 'Septic Tanks Are, Permitted Septic tanks are to be again permitted rn Prlnee Rupert sub-loot to approval by the cty er gloeer. A new filter purification method will be allowed but plans tor individual houses mast have the approval of the engineer before work can proceed. There has been a ban osi sept f tanks here for some time The use of plastifi ha reduced by seven pounds the weight r.f magnetic compasses, in Allied tanks. HQ ' TIMIIKIt SUT. X3K53 Bt'aU-d ti:ti'!- . . :st. -:ed tw I " Dlatnci Fr'jreatcr Prince Rupert m! later tiiaji i,',,a ,11 ".hi: 27tb .'jiy of klarch 1M4 t ar :hr ptircnaac . .1 Ucvnce X34769 IS mllea on tUe UBhua Road to rut 924000 fact of : Kprutx. Hrmiock and Cedar and to. - I nno lineal feet of Cedar Poles and Three i3l jrt vUl be alloved or n jvai of tknbcr. Pirther particulars of the Chief F.rater Victoria. B.C . the Otatrtct ' Ki.rter. Prince Rupert. B.C . tUnger O Cooper. Terrace. B.C IX Till: M'CRDIE I'OI KT OF ISKITI nil (Mlllt rx PKontTt: I11 the Mailer of the ".tilmlnlttra Ira I ion Art" and In the Matter of I lie rtale or Knut fllaen. Ieeeaed. luleUite. TAKE KOTICE that by Order of ills Honour Jude PVbcr. Local Judge the Supreme Court of British Col-imbla I vas on the 18th day of Feb AD 11M4. appointed Admin--'rator of the Estate of Knut Olsen. v.rmerly if Montreal. Quebec, de-used, who dird on or about the rl day of January. A.D. J44. All ervin Indebted to the aaid Estate i-- nriulred to pay the amount of i ir mdcbtednaaa to me forthwith ud all persona having claims agalnn ' ic uld Estate are required to file i-Tii with me properly verified on r before the Slat day of March D 1944. falllns which distribution i'! b marie harthg renrd only to ..irh claims of which I thaU hare Mfn notified UATFI) at Prince Rupert. BC, this it!. c!.y "f February A.D. 144. KORilAN A WATT. Official Administrator Prtnrr Rupert. B.C. GIVE GENEROUSLY Fashion Footwear A. J. DOMIXATO. J. L. CURRY Lare of Yukon Chiropractor Smith Block Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 rillNCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Builtup Roofs Repairs, Re-shlngling Free Estimates THE REX CAFE Novr Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 ajn. nd Avenue (Across from Trlnce Rupert Hotel) Thone 173 I I One Bright Spot in the World Gii)e Generously... THE NEED IS GREAT! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "WVere dollars have more cents ' We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery ' i FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly; (Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion Lustrpn Cold Wave Permanents Something new in Beauty. Phone now for an appointment HELEN'S BEAUTY SH0PPE Phone 633 206 4th Street GOOD FRIDAY comes April 7th Select Beautiful EASTER CARDS Now! Complete stock now on display. Don't be disappointed at this pleasant and appropriate time to remember your family and friends with suitable cards. Coutt's Canadian Cards 5c to 25c from SHOP AT THE SEVENTH AVE. MARKET The Friendly Store- : We handle SWIFT'S PREMIUM MEATS and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our Trices Are Right Place an Ad in The Daily News It Pays