' PAQR TWO i THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince" Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenu U. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR DAILY EDITION Wednesday. January 12, 1944 Remember Ludendorff . . . General Ludendorff once said the presence of Canadians in the front line was sufficient evidence of an impending Allied offensive to warrant bringing up fresh reserves. In his memoirs of the last war, the old General voiced a healthy respect fdr the, offensive power' of men whom he referred to as shock troops of the Allies. : Todav, in Britain, a new generation of men from flip rnmmnmvpnltli's senior dominion are neanne the end of the . rigorous " offensive ..... training a which be- 1 1 gan when their post-Dunkirk defensive role mziea Wehrmacht men standing guard on Hitler's European "fortress," barring those who faced 1st Canadian Division when it steam-rolled through mountainous central Sicily, cracked the Etna line and shortened the campaign, have still to learn exactly what Ludendorff meant. ' Canadian soldiers in Britain are among the war's veterans in assault traininer. They know assault land ing boats as well as yachtsmen know their peacetime pleasure craft. Ancfthey know, too, that the tech-; mque in mese practice assaults, as m me uuiuui Relation, is based on lessons learned in that bloody and bitter, largely-Canadian, Dieppe raid. ' Canadians have covered hundreds of miles of British coastal waters in assault boats and then re-$ turned to land on rocky wind-swept strips of English r- or Scottish beach. ' And todajs assault planning exercises are not cake-walks or school boys' play. Realism is as necessary to soldiers on assault landing practice as stage effects to actors in a play. Although the "enemy" may shoot hiVh and off-ranee, his Bren gun bullets and two-inch mortar shells are real, and there's nothiner faked about the T.N.T. charges which are detonated on the beach as the men land. On a recent exercise involving a famous Canadian Highland unit, the boys had "the works" thrown at them the whole bag of assault landing tricks. Senior officers wanted them to have a taste of whalMt W6uld be'likfe to form the spearhead ofTarf in-u Vasion the much-touted role of the Canadians when Europe finally is invaded to land and canture, then consolidate, a bridgehead, before following wave? of infantry with armored and artillery support were landed and noured through. Each rifle company in turn made a landing, nre- u.V4 J V-V- 111,1 V1ICII-AUI Lt J. lVt liUCi LiUIlS. rim, i i - . - z a. i . a 1 i m i l Koyal Navy, and naval personnel and Royal Engineers formed the "enemy" side, preparing Bren gur and hvo-inch mortar positions, and laying charge? 6f T.N.T. in the sandy beaches, j It's an old story to Canadians, after more than two years of hard knocks in the school of modern wav. But when thev engage in the next invasion of E"-0Te. with British, American and probably other Allied troops. Canadians will know wl'at to expect and what to do. And perhans. this time, the memoirs will be wrif ten by von Rundstedt. NOTICE i NOTICE!! '3 -9 Due to government regulations and restric tions, on and after January 15, 1044, we will operate on a Cash Basis. Watch this paper for advertisements and compare our prices. We solicit your business. SAV-MOR GROCERY P.O. Box, Sub Station B, Box 127G 1,lone 227 C6o 7th Ave., East Fraser & Payne wishes to announce that their store will be closed from January 17th, till Monday, 31st January, for Stocktaking and general adjustment. Frazer & Payne It Pays to Advertise in The Daily News SPORT NEWS CURLING IS UNDER WAY Skating: Rink at SmiUirrs Also in Action Now.' Is SMITHERS. Jan. 12 Smith- ers Curlers took to the Ice on Sunday "wT besom and stane" and started the first bonsplel of the season with twelve mix ed rinks of two ladles and two men. The Ice which had Just beeii built up by Peicy Davidson, was in excellent shape and tht games were much enjoyed. The bonsplel has now progressed to the finals which will be played off this evening. In the first competition the Simpson rink defeated the Ken- ney rink in the seml-flnals to meet the Trlplett rink, which had won a bye. In the finals on Tuesday evening. In the consolation competition the Arnold rink defeated the rink skipped by E. Hann to Evans rink, making It a sort of "Home Oil vs Imperial Oil-contest. Owing to the extreme mildness of the winter so far and the lack of any volunteers for contracting to build the ice, the game Is later than usual in getting under way this year but. if the weather remains Cup and the E. T. Kenney trophy. The ladles' club has six rinks In their organization this year and they will start playing Immediately for the Home Oil Cup. The annual meeting of the club will be held this evening when election of officers will take place and the teams lined up for the winters play. k Many of the old players of last winter and past years are absent from Smlthers this year 1 5 ana, wnue tnere are a number of new players coming in, it Is not likely that the:e will be as many rinks this winter as there have been In other years Skating Rink Is In Action The local skating rink also got Into action last week, under the management 6f John Howe and It Is being extensively pat ronized by the younger element and to some extent by th t:rown-ups. The prospects for amateur hockey In this out- I standing hockey town' fc this j year, however, do not Seem very ! good, i For Income Ta RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 Sl4 2nd Ave. Basketball Buzz up shortly, it is reveaico. oy S. P. Woodside, president ot the Area Basketball League, at a meeting o the league executive held In the Empress hall. Teams which have signified their willingness to take part are the Air Force Women's Division, Canadian Women's Army Corps, High School and two teams from the workers In the United States administration building. A meeting of the Women's basketball committee Is to be held today to arrange a schedule of play. Co-operation from the men's league has been assured. Serious attention Is being given to the matter of payment Play off the finals with the Len' y n that, since the local league Is ' not a class "A" conference, referees should not be paid. This view supported by Lieut. B. Chambers and viewed favorably by others. It Is thought that the choice of a referee should be a matter of decision fdr the competing teams. steady throughout the winter. qucsUon of tardiness has there will still be time to play bwn raUcd by Ueut oiase-off the various tournaments, J i)rook of Edward who holds these being contests for the that 15 mlm,tes be allpwed alt-Hanson Cup. the Imperial Oil I., , mA the -.ii.,, for the players to appear. It has been decided that, II a team fails to arrive within that time or does not explain the reason for the delay, it will be forced o default the game. The defaulting tcarn may protest the decision to the executive com- PHONE 99 TAXI We wish to announce, commencing Jan. 10, Ser vice 7:30 ajn. to 2:30 am We will appreciate your patronage. ART MURRAY and CLIFF ABERCROMBIE (Prop.) SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box tU FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT j To the Health Seeker m m 5 Perhaps, a "Belief exists that "everything has been 5 tried and, failed"? Has "faith" subsided to the low ebb of accepting as a fact, the belief that a disease Is Incurable' Meanwhile, a vague misgiving persists that: Somehow. somewhere there must be an answer to Incurability. Chiropractlcally, the greatest handicap to health res- " i toTatlon Is: So many cherish a traditional faith or belief to the bitter end. Meantime, a simple disease descends Into an Indefinite and complicated realm of Incur- " ABILITY. Thus faith and belief hinders, and denies, the natural self -curABILITY within themselves the rightful duty to remedy (meaning: to cure again). Such statements, of disease, special or general arc verified by an exhaustive survey. Over 93,000 persons turn- J ed, when disillusioned and disappointed, to Chiropractic (Nature) as a LAST resort. Some 410 qualified Chiropractors raised no question a3 to the merits of faith, belief or, the competency of any remedy, to cure again. Nature had preordained that everything was incorporated within. Nature's OWN Remedy substituted Incur-ABILITY for cure or marked Improvement In 79,000 cases; or, 85 of tiresome, intangible disease names. A critical reader may question this astonishing record. For the needy there are two basic considerations: The belief that a condition Is obstinately incurable as, against the Chiropractic record with thousands of varied, Incurable cases, Both cannot be right. When faith and belief falls to move mountains, Mahomet must go to the mountain. Possibly, the earnest Health Seeker discerns, by the m6untainoua re66rd, that everything has not been tried; that, high odds yet remain In his favor. As Mahomet would resolve: If Chiropractic eventually, why not . . . NOW I J. L. CURRY, Chiropractor SMITH BLOCK PRINCE IIUPKUT WEDNESDAY. JANUARY THE DAILY NEWS Jj, mlttee, whose Judgment on the matter will be final. It has been decided to leave the preparation of the second half of the winter's schedule to p:esidcnt Woodside who prepared the first half of It. There will be a series of exhibition games between the Yank and the Port Edward Ail-Star leans. A vote of credit was extended to Caotain Mcltae who ar- Flve women's basketball teams nxig the exhibition game in are expected lo participate in h Mavv nrin hall before a playing schedule to toe drawn Christmas and of which pro ceeds went toward the child- rep's Christmas tree. Attending a basketball meeting Monday night were Pi evident Sid Woodside. Secretary G. Webb, and representatives Capt. Tuttle, Port Edward, Lieut. Olascbrook, Port Edward, Captain Peek and Corporal Wll-loughby, of the Yanks, Flying Officer Mclntyre, and Corporal Blore. R.C.A.F., Carl Clay, of Y.M.C.A., Ounner J. Sutton, Lieut. B. Chambers, and Corporal McMurchie, each representing an army unit. Petty Officer Brookman, Navy, and Lieut. W. V. Manson Reserves 8 E I RELIEVE ACHES I AND SORE THROAT FROM A COID1 ASPIRIN illtliMM I G0LDBL00M Is bark Buying Furs. Will pay 30r more than anyone else. Don't be foolish and sell your furs at the waterfront. Bring them up to the Old Reliable. Ladles, before taking stock, we are giving a big discount off, so don't lose the opportunity. W. Goldbloom SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria Waypoints, Stewart and nd North Queen Charlotte Islands l ull Inlu. .nation, Tickets and Reservations' FRANK J. SKINNEK Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 GOLD SEAL ,r Fancy Ked fPJB scKeye jptSJ 3imon and Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on actl service but will lie back on your grocer's shelf toon as conditions permit. Sport Chat Dart baseball, which Norton Youngs and Sam" Currie hattf organMd to take the place of some of the other forms of social entertainment now unavailable for civilians, is a game the- appeal of which would be great even If It had to compete with bowling and the Hkf. Its appeal lies In the fact that It allows group participation just like bowling and Ian interest in the mannef of baseball. The equipment for the game in similar to that required for darts. The difference is that the board at which the darts are thrown Is marked off simi lar to a baseball diamond and is four feet square. It Is di vided Into aieas each marked for a baseball play. The darts are thrown under hand, from a distance of 20 feet, and, if they hit the target. which In beginners In said to be unusual, the thrower will have achieved anything from a foul ball to a home run. Including fly-balU, base hits or balls. The game Is played by teams. In the east It Is vlyd 'Hh nine on a team but here H For For 1 1 1 I O l I .lmt rtlHilIMP . TI11 rat . "r f gwwMmitu w ills .iiiiii label is your guarantee iMiimrn iiiniri in mir iiiiiiiii'v r SALAD SM1THERS TEA Is thought tha six would make parents. for a faster game. The scores . Kenney usually approximate those oi tegular baseball. Among members ot the mill-taiy at home In Smlthers for the holiday are Sjt. Gordon Williams, Visiting his sisters here and who will return to his station at Lachlne P.Q. Pte. Ouy Ludgate who Is serving In the army In Nova Scotia is -visiting his parents; U. and Mrs. II. Ludgate. UAC lfarry Kenney, from Saskatoon, who Is vUltlng his lw and Geneta Thursday. Mr will ana Mr L ue reiuiri'sj IIHITIoll (Oi l IN rtrt I V 111ft- If TT ft M ill' 1.. ' w www . iri I ll -UtMHTK.TIO Iff MI IV tii: Mirtrit or im or oi.oitdi: ni mm mi nr.iT.r.i TAKE NOTICE Omx by ar&tt , lloinr. W K rhtxr m l -,s Will nnri Of fjrj (twrt W1llni Oa k pnrttr tiarut! rUlau r . iw eo or lMut tti i. .) cu Frlinimry. A. D, W, t-.A tn pay th kiuount erf j tdifni to turtle iti 10 h tif tt Jnvrr A O CMtl Ml A l: Print Hi h Tai Settee ComlortaWe Cats and jor Promptness, Courtesy, Safety and Long Experience For General Contracting of all Kinds - - Call 32 Seal Cove Truck & Transportation Exchange Block JOHN GURVICH Sixth Street