' 7,1 i 9 tv. l 9 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE JneknfpifOit Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Ch&rct Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT .iORE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant RUPERT PEOPLES STORE SALE WINTER COATS AS MUCH AS 50' 4th Street (Across from Post Office). OFF ORIGINAL VALUES Sizes IX through 20 SALE NOW ON! 35 Women's Winter Coats all selected from regular stock. Coats regularly priced from $20 to $65. Choice of Tweeds and Solid Colors as well as Fur Trimmed and Un-trimmed. Just in time for our cold winter season. .Mail Orders Promptly Filled KUPERT rEOPLES s jTORE "In the Heart of Trince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 A Good PERMANENT Adds to Your Beauty T i -.. uei ua iicip yuu aiay - j "Beautiful J ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone Blue 911 Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert first existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the best of equipment. As we start a new year, we are proud of our record, and grateful for the confidence you have shown In us. May we continue to serve you. Ormes Lid. Jhoneer. Druqpfats THE KEXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 79 p.m. Wood Fuel Please let us have your order for wood fuel at once. We have plenty of wood on hand. Phone your order for wood to your regular fuel dealer. ALBERT & McCAF FERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 It .Pays to Advertise in The Daily News T 1 TTTTTTT T TYYYYYYYTTTY TTTTTTT YTYYYY TTT V TTTTTT TTT 3 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) Schedule WEDNESDAY PJSL 4:00 Sound Off 4:15 O. I. Jive 4:30 To be announced 5:00 Peter and the Pygmies 5:15 To be announced 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Roundup 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Are You a Genius? 6:30 Of Things to Come 7:00 Burns and Allen 7:30 Red Skelton 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Carnival of Music 9:00 Kay Kyser 9:30 Leicester Square 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Harry James 10:30 Eventide 11:00 Silent. V THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Jan Garber's Orchestra 9:00 Morning Visit 9:15 Richard Crooks 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Friml Melodies 10:15 Consumer Service 10:30 Gene Autry 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages-Urn Recorded Interlude-11:45 Hawaiian Echoes IM. 12:00 March Time 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One Night Stand 1 :30 Rebroadcast Kay Kyser 2:00 Silent. IN THE MTKKMK COI'KT OK nitiTisii (-oi.iMitiA in ruoimi: IN THE MSTTEIt OK TIIK. "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OK THE .ESTATE OK 4 UK P. DENNETT. OTHERWISE KNOWN AH 4( K DENNETT. .. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by of His Honour Judge Flhr. Local IACTIONFUL WAR FILM "China" With Alan I-add and Lorrtta Young, Coming to Capitol Theatre. "China," an exciting picture of love and war. starring tough- guy Alan Ladd and lovely Lor-etta Young, is coming to the Capitol Theatre here for a three day showing this Thursday, Friday ahd Saturday. Smashing impact and stark drama said to feature the picture. Set In Shanghai In the days Just before the fateful December 7, 1941, the film introduces Ladd as an oil man who has no compunction on about sell ing to the Japanese. Ills pal Is William Bendix. Miss Young is an American teacher in a Chinese university. While the teacher and a group of Chinese students flee ahead of the advancing Japanese forces, Ladd and Bendix, with the only available truck, are trying to make their way to Shanghai to close a deal with the purchasing agents for Nipponese Invaders. The situation is one that is replete with dramatic Incidents of which the most are said to have been made. Exciting scenes in the picture show Japanese bombs crashing down on villages, ieeing civilians and soldiers in battle, all of which have been reproduced under expert dliection. Hill Sixty Chapter Is Very Active British Coiumbii was cn the lothicles for bombed-out victims had day of January, a. d. 1944. appoint- been made by members and Jack P. Bcnnatit. otherwise known aa Jack Benrert, formerly of Prince Rupert. British Columbia,. deceased, wno died on cr aftxut the 2nd. day of December. A. D. 1943. All persons Indebted to fte aald Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness tc me forthwith and all perrons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th. day of February, A. D. 1P44, rallJnj which d'Btrlbutton will be made :iavlng regard only to such claims of which I (frail have been not if led. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. this 10th. day u' January, 1944. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B. C. FAOE TOUR THE DAIL7 NEWS One of the largest attendrd meetings of the season was held ,by Hill 60 Chapter, Imperial Or-,der. Daughters of the Empire, at the home of Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, Leeds Apts. Mrs. J. A. ! Frew, regent, presided. Nomination of officers for 1944 took place. ! Financial assistance was given to the ex-service welfare association In England and a sum of money forwarded to cover cost of material used in making garments for use under Polish relief.. Mrs. R. S. Greig, war convener, reported several artl- order!cies of knitted apparel for arm ed forces and hand-sewn artl- would be shipped in due tourse, Fifty dollars donation to H.M. OS. Prince Rupert, the I.OJJ.E. newly adopted frigate, was re ported at the meeting. This amount was given in the form of a Christmas gift, used for purchasing of gramophone records and guitar. Mr. rived from with j 'and Mrs. A. L. Ford ar-in the city this morning Vancouver. Mr. Ford Is the Canadian National Telegraphs and located here. was formerly Briefs From Britain BRIGHTON, Edward A. Martin, 79, Britain's outstanding authority on Sussex geology, 'died here, He was the author of many books on nature subjects. LONDON IT Lord Mottistonc, Vice-prosklent of the National Savings Movement, disclosed are I that the Idea of running "Wings for Victory" weeks came irom the Queen. SLOUGH, Bucks, Eng. 0 Giving evidence in a case here James Thomas Fielder told the bench he had been earning 2 ($9.00) a day reconditioning and selling old razor blades. LONDON 0 Proposals have been made for a five-year plan to youths in the motor repair and servicing industry. HARWICH, Eng. Oi Life, boats of the Royal National tne Life Boat Institution rescued 31 men from planes ana vessels in distress during November. LONDON O Southwark has collected $2,050 as first instalment for the building of a ward in a Stalingrad hospital. The ward will be named V TTTTTTT TY V V V T TTV TTTTTTT r THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOI' SUFA' CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Acrois from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 AAAAAAAAi PRINCE RUPKItT ROOFING CO. Ilox 725 Specialists on Ruiltup Roofs Repairs, He-shlngling Free Estimates "Here are 8 Ways Try a Results. WEDNESDAY JANUARY u3 I -gg ITOPPtP S MlP HfJVfe. ENDS TONIOHT Complete Erin, . :,H B WjL& Laurel and Hardy "Jin KKBUGS" . i,wgj STARTS THURSDAY 3 DAYS I I r- i.t. ok...... n i .fin i -An it.nn ? -nn (9 Feature at 141. 3:41, 3:41, 7:41. 9 41 Chains ' fi mm: ?1 for the East-Dally except Sunday .... 8 p.m Cor Terrace and Pacific-Sunday, Monday, Wednesday Friday r 4 pm From the East-Dally except Mon. ... 10:45 p.m From Terrace and Pacific-Monday. Tuesday, Thursday J.M.S.Loubser D.C., IA. Chiropractor Wallace Block to help make your ELECTRIC WASHER last longer!" Says REDDY KILOWATT Under government restrictions, jour Electric washer has become extremely valuable property, demanding the best care available. Klcctric washers help to improve health and conserve strength, time and money. 1. Immediately after washing drain tub, and rinse thoroughly. Remove agitator and also rinse. 2. Remove with soft cloth or sponge any soap curd or lint that may have remained. Hard water deposits may be removed with vinegar water on cloth. 3. Take particular care of rubber wringer rolls wipe dry and release pressure on rolls when not in use. Make sure no grease is left on rolls. 4. Leave lid off tub until thoroughly dry, then protect , washer from dirt and dust with an ov rail covering. m it'll Jihm OfT WOMEN . . ANDl i MAKE M E KM r Ji FIGHTING MAD j jfelNj Alan Ladd's gun it fo,S -mKr JfrmESSfa l,m h'S b'asn9eV Phone 611 PpBH I "t. 4hM rTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTT Meet Me At JOHNNY'S t Johnny's t CM A Ptf RAD t JMHUI UHl t (Our Coffee AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away rrom Home Katri 7Sc up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 181 P.O. Boi 1M A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to lluy" CEDAR CHESTS IN BEAUTIFUL WALNUT VENEERS They are beautiful to say the least This shipment was Intended for the Christmas season, but was too late In coming. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue 5. Never let connecting electric cord lie on for. After using wipe dry, coil carefully on hooks provided. Tape any worn insulation temporarily until new cord is secured. 6. Follow manufacturer's lubricating instructions to prevent wear. 7. Avoid running washer longer than necessary 7 to 12 minutes is usually enough. 8. Do not overload washer. It increases Electric consumption, increases wear on clothes and decreases efficiency. I ( J 'I 'II Gonifol Paris Maid Slippers New Arrivals in Women's, Men's and Children's Slippers, in Soft Solr PLIO-PKDIC ARCH SUPPORT SHOE Just Arrived. Family Shoe Store Ltd "The Home of Good Shoes" JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE! Membership entitles you to participate m $15,000.00 TREASURE CHEST CONTEST 4 The Variety Store