fe3DAY. JANUARY 12. 10, I IT ANT POSTUM- Lker kKER ( OATS tin ,um 51C li KIDNEY DEANS lie ORADE "A" Per doeen k.ETAHLE SOUP-n?r 1 ft JIUV hAt HOUSEHOLD ot Iosej tuovti )A3 A; w i C X OA piYDRATEI) Flm 'Jt t Butter S1.79 23c 33 c 23c FIRST GRADE. :t lbs InOB BUTTERSCOTCH bDDIJCO. Qo r r.:'C- LARU nn Vailey -02 2D coupons 24c GROCERY Hot lt:e Sub Station II. 0 - . si OVRIL ireat iff r BOVRIL is a grand stimulating pick-up vhen you're all in. IN BOTTLES and CUBES At AIL GOOD ST6RES rtTTTTytffttTTTtfftTTtfTTrtTTTtTTTTTTTTTiri SPECIALS m THUKSDAY, FUlllAY, SATURDAY t:n H.F 73c S1.80 DRY OREEN PEAS Per ib. MEXICAN BROAD BEANS Per lb:' Large. MATCHES Sesqul. carton 8PIJT PEAS Pey lb. ASPIRINS 12-8 24's Ws 8c 13c nr. and rrnniNO rowhERS Aworted Flavours Butter Scotch, Chocolate. Lemon. Orange. Pineapple. Strawberry. A tin Per Ib. 23c 44c 25c 10c t . . . .. - OXYDOL RINSO..LUX 26C . MILADY TOILET TISSUE Per roll PARD DOO FOOD- Per Un lie 3 15c 31.21 nljrnlted quanllty of the Mlowlne aTfUInt ThDrsday: lif lll.ACK riOS. (il..('E CHERRIES, Ol.tCED MIXED Fit l' IT. KLEENEX SAV-MOR t.-.r Phone 127 UAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAAlliAAAAAAiAAA. i- MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ELIO Has .lust Received a Shipment of 1 SIMMONS BEDS : fautyrcst Spring Filled Mattresses, Deep Sleep, Slumber ins Mattresses, Folding Steel Cots wim Mauress, jnvcrto Bed Lounnes, Baby Cribs, aiding Carriages. For Your Bed Rrqulremf nU see Elio's Windows Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) till T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTy lOR . . . Thrifty Housewives r'E FEATURE A full line of, Swift's Premium Meats nt nil times. complete and Fresh stock of Fruit and VcRetablcs. You can cot everything you want at this Community Shopping Centre Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET It Pays to Advertise in The Daily News 4 m LOCAL NEWS NOTES ACanadlan Legion 'D.EB1 i Itegulur Meeting tonight at i 8 o'clock, In Legion Headquart- ; cts. . Henry Friesen returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. W. W. Trotter returned to the city thU morning from a trip to Vancouver. Former City CommLlonef W J. Alder arrived In the city thl morning from Victoria, being here on private business. Mrs. Anton Dybhavn and family returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancou ver. ! ffc A GREAT wS. PAfMLY tt$ LINIMENT KOTlrrE a iim-h? pmi Oiat tf ,fir-:t fZntAWtwa under Su'iioriw if Ordtt-m-cotu tl No 138? tp-iruvrd Octotwr i. 1943. run it ? 6t lueh puMWtxxl in U Brrtudi MumbU Owttte of OMttbrr 2lt I8U to raorcMrd In to hr w v. r : to tike foUcnrlnf ikwcrNx! i.i nd U S. SuMlftekm of part tf 3 arrm mor or Wm. of unaur-rrf tt Iwd nd fomdMt. la U rlrinKT vt Mafnpnrt. RMtfr &. (W DMrkK H CATHCABT. XVfMity UinlalfT ut Lnd. Vftorla HC .H.rrmrfj-T IS. W4S i Tin rpcr.Mi: mntT or iiiitiiii (oi.oinu iv i-RiHiur. is tin: .muiiii ur tin: AIllltKITH ui- is un: Mtiii.K ur mi: ittir. or liioiiiit iii.miv iiuitoi. IIH1IM II TAKE txrr.CZ tW bjr OrrW at H m nan W E fMY. made on ih 3rd tev at Juntn. A D ltt. i I I wv BfKrtntrd AdraWHtrator i tSk IWrxv Henry BrMUil. dWMrd. Md nil nriMo liarutc ctauiw aairwt It 3l; nV twUL'.r art lwntojr rvqulrod to t inah Minr. brctwK vtrtttrd la iim u '" xnit Ihr 4th df at F nan A D. l44 ami all paiajm tn- drtotnl to the arr rrqulrwd to ttv) at pwnce Rt"T4 B, C I id a.v . Jaixwry A D l4t, NOHMAN A WATT Ofllrtal MnrttrU. pniK-e Rupert n c i4 M'r arm T V t S L'.aI. 1 nml Dun' nnrl I 1 vol I iUtl g Pasteurized MILK g J VALENTIN DAIRY 1 PHONE (51 i WTBTai-sxarB nnantr TTTVTVVTVTTTTTVVTTVTTVTT SHRIMP Fresh Every Day Boat -W.S.L" First Host West of Imperial Oil Co. IUlly after 4 p.m. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA For TWutual Benefit A). alth anil Accuicni See JOHN L. WRIGHT Thone 741 Pioneer Itooms No. 6 J. L. Curry (Late ot Yukon) Chiropractor Smith Block OIL BURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 735 221 Seventh Ave. West KWONG SANO HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to Ing Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST AH your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 12 p.m. I'hone Red 247 Frank warne, left on THE DAILY NEWS Tt02 THRHl : TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The Skeena Orient Timber Co. Ltd. hag changed Its name to Oeorge Little It 80:1 Ltd. There ha, howevtr, been no change In ownership or man agement. 12) Tonight's train, .due from the east at 10:45; was reported this afternoon to be on time. R. D. McKay of the Canadian National Railways city ticket of fice returned to the city this morning from a trip to Aid. T. II. Sorenson, Is leaving tomorrow night for a business trip to Vancouver. i Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Landels returned to the city this morning from a visit to Vancouver nights t:aln to resume duty with the Royal Canadian Air Force icht Coughs due to cdUs . . . eased 'ffT without "doskig". iVl m mm m on VAPORUB 1JJ.VJJ.B.,jHj.ll.l.ii.!H Shower For Betty Barber Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mr Evan Are nrttesf. E A Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mrs. E. A. were Mrs. F. Barber and Cpl Barber, Mrs. 8. B. Calder receiv ing the prize for Chinese After refreshments were served the bride-to-be was presented with a lovely decorated basket of gifts. Those present were Cpl. Betty Barber. Mesdames F. Barber. Boulter, S. V. Cox. 8. B. Calder. J. Connery. J. II. Comer. A. J. Croxford, E. A. Evans. S. Hon- ran fl Hmv D Henlv O nroi uiiicer KUGoipn Krauw. A. Murray. V. Mentk. after a brief visit on leave , W. M. McLean, J. R. Moorehouse. T Paulson. A. Rivltt. Misses last Eleanor Evans. Barber and Dorothy Mis Marv Little Is returning on this evening's train to Ter race after spending a week vis iting with Miss Jean Smith. Shester H. Neff. superln endent of the Bennett te Shirts Begin To Loosen Up VANCOUVER, Jan. 12 A lim ited number of mri's shirts Evans were Joint hostesses at a I are being offered for sale lr. delightful shower In honor of lotal 6U However, normal Cnl. Bettv narber whose mar i tocks Wr are hot ex- rlage takes place shortly. The ; Pwted ta February. shower was held at the home of . i Mrs. S. V. Cox. Winning prizes for court whist Card of Thanks If love could save Thou hads't not died. We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends who were so kind to us during our recent bereavement, and also tothank them for the beautiful floral tributes. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Antonsen and Stanley. Announcements All advertisements la this rolnmn will be charted ti a full month at 25e a word. Drydock Employees' January li. CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office No telephone orders Rat tc per word per insertion. von SALE FOR SALE One kitchen set, double bed, davenport. 409 6th Ave. East. FOR SALE One complete bed and dreser. Like new. 1446 8th Ave. East. FOR SALE Electric razor. "Sun beam Shave Master." $20.00. P.O. SUUon B. Box 1077. 9) . - FOR SALE McCterk range. Oood condition. $40 00. 1655 Herman Place. 13) FOR SALE R.CA. radio, In first class condition. Apply 315 9th Ave. West (10) FOR SALE Steel crib, new- rubber shoes. Suite 4, Rand Block. '! FOR SALE Furniture, chesterfield suite. Quebec heater. orary quarters. Bargain for quick Oreen sale. 401. Thursday, oh. (8) WANTED FOR SALE Bight cords of. wood ' WANTED Clean furnished ap- stove length and old lumber. Apply P. 0. Box 431. 10) artment or small house for responsible marine officer and wife. Prince Rupert Hotel, room 53. U2 WANTED Sleeping room for a small family of three with 6r without board. Write or rrmne John Scherlnger, Marine repair shop A. T. S. 114) WANTED Furnished or unfur- jUihed room for Quiet coupleJ Box 659 Dallv News. til) WANTED By Christian young woman, furnished single room with Hcht housekeeping prlv lepes. Apply Box 658 Dally News. 10 1 LOST Girl's sterling Identification bracelet with Navy crest Finder please leave at Daily News Office. pots. pans, dishes etc. dea. e brown ,5 for party setting up temp- t n, . (tf) FOR SALE-1930 Chevrolet Se- V' lakatla Dec. dan. $150. 308 6th Ave. West. TIELI WANTED (11) i FOR SALE Small saw mill, new buildings, new camps In stand of approximately 2,000,000 feet of cedar, sltka spruce, hemlock and balsam fir. B.C. Timber sale, one-halt mile from New Highway. 34 mile from spur on the C.N.R., 78 miles east of Prince Rupert. Health reasons. W. A. Orifflth, Box 121. Terrace. B.C. FOR RENT STENOGRAPHER for accountant's office. Neat and accurate copy - typing essential. Shorthand not so Important. Applicants with knowledge of commercial book-keeping, or those willing to learn, will have preference. Written applications only. State expert-nee. If any. Apply U. I. C. . AM 96. (tf) PERSONAL RESPONSIBLE Canadian girl will mind children, evenlngc and halt-day Saturday. Apply Box 657 Dally News. (12) 1 1 1 Olrl wants work by hour. Apply Box 659 Dally News. ' Would the owner of the Police dog, who strayed to 1225 Beach Place please call and collect Phone Red 330. (10) on to name "Dinks". Tag No. 30. Notify W. J. Robinson, Met-lakatla. Reward. Ul) LOST Ladies rust purse corner of 6th and Ambrose or in front of Military P.O. Containing money, registration card, Dank book, Finder please leave at Dally News. Reward. '9) LOST Ladles Phone 841 brown FOUND raincoat. (12) LOST Ladles' rose-gold "Merc-u:y" wrist -watch. Reward. Please leave at Dally News. (10) WANTED To rent two rooms LOST Willys' hub cap. Please or small house. 285. Phone Oreen 1 (10) notify Parker"s Oarage. 11 FOUND Three kys on ring, on 5th Ave. West. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paylrtS for this advertisement, (tr) FOUND Some good leather gloves, odd hands, have been left at the Dally News office. Owners may have same by paying for this advertisement. (tft FOUND Upper set of false teeth. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News office and paying for this advertisement, (tf) FOUND pair 0f glasses. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News office and paying for this advertisement, (tf) FOUND Black leather wallet on 3rd Ave., belongtng to a sailor. Contains pictures, lden tlflcatlon card and small change. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News office and paying for this ad, (tf) Dance C.CP. Dance. Oddfellows' Hall January nth, DeCarlos orches tra. (Hi Wh !te Contractintt Co. was here Burns' Tea at the home of hl morning gotm through Mrs. Oeorg Mitchell, January from Vancouver to Whitehbrse. 26th. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied Wallace Block Phone 181 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning-Authorized FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' & Men's M4de-t6-Measure Clothes. between Post Office and Daily 1 J0, Third Are W-News. Ffnder would oblige by phoning 86 or Black 291. I Black 781 National Monuments You can now mark the grave of your loved ones by buying s monument from National Monu ments at the most reasonable prices. Box H25 Postal Station B Workshop 602 5th Ave. East, Prince Rupert "Made in Prince Rupert" HELEN'S BEAUTY SI10P rermanent Waving Beauty Culture In an its branches 206 4th St Phone US I SMITH & ELKINS LTD. , Plumbi.,r ai lleaUng Phone 174 bug- f.u. Hot Zli International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 Plot Ave. Prince Rupert, bc. The case of Hugh Stephen son, who appeared In city pd lice court charged under the excise act with being m pos session of American Cigarettes, was remanded until January 19. L. M. Felscnthal of the Ru1 pert People's Store Is leavlnj; Thursday night for Vancouver enroute to Winnipeg. Toronto and Montreal on one ot his periodical business trl He expects to be away about jnth. (I Not Only a Word, Bui a Code . . . Quality ls no static thing; it has no unit of measure. Rather is it a decree of excellence . . . Judgment of the degree of excellence in any particular' product must rest with the integrity of the judges. 4 . . Such judgment was easier when things were made of "pure" substancessuch as pure wool, pure silk, pure linen or when an article was made from start to finish byhand. f 1 4 Proper judgment of products demands more knowledge and experience than ever before. Only a store that holds public confidence as its most precious trust can be counted upon to keep its standards of judgment unassailable. i . . Quality is and will continue to be our code. We will endeavor to maintain in our goods a .degree of excellence the word "Quality" connotes. Watts & Nickerson MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion JOIN THE ' NAVY LEAGUE Pririce Rupert is justiy proud of her SEA CADETS Every Citizen should be a Member of .THE NAVY LEAGUE 1014 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP $1.00 A chance to win a $15,000 Treasure Chest Prize goes with it. . $1.00 Membership Tickets For Sale at j Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CAKUS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 HELP THE SEAMEN HELP THE SEA CADETS ; JOIN THE Navy League Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA I; i s I mi !1 1 it -1