ULLETINS HKi.r.siNo reserve IITAWA The Royal Can- srne to the United Mate, i being five times last year. m today to consider the Lome Dan M Navy will won release fUlilnc vessels which breii uvil wllh the l, mum's Reserve. siurriNO grain .VNCOlVfilt - So far this un S.500.000 bushels of jn has been shipped wat- YAltHS PREDOMINANT tf(H Vr.it - British Co- Ha .hlr arils have laun- JS7 trn thousand Ion liters compared with sev , one in eastern Canada (lit wartime shipbulld- program was pui mm rt Wartime .sierrnam ppinr; Umlted announced ir of the British Columbia nchlnjs 1 Z have been dent, POLOND'S rilOUMlM LoMON The l'olih gov- ,nrnt held two meetings Jerday and Is In session tan boundary proposal. rr hjpe of an agreement DH rearncu, irrnncAN convention miC WiO- The Republican linnal convention for nom- Itimi of a presidential can- Lile will lake place in Chl- June ?5. wot in expel jai'S H( TOM A British Colum- larmers' Institutes, In Klon here have asked the iul ion and exclusion oi f.inee from RritUh Co-IhU, aln that no land be to Mrnnonltes, luuk- . . . All H,r or iiuiierues uiuu laillan tnldlers have been otablbhed, EGGING JAPAN ON LONDON There are reports it Adolf Hitler Is doing. all can to jet the Japanese attack Russia o as to re- le the pressuie on the Eu- bean front, FORMOSA IIOMUEI) (till NGK1NG Two Japan- bases on Formosa were ited by the Allies jester- Front gerous IC AOO. Jan 12 William litii pr c nt of thc Amerl- Tadiirr Mtcal hawl Km ........ V rati. sr ISPR01.W1 vancouv:h. v;ijz o, Preliminary hearing tff Charles Hawkcn. Vancouver milk salesman, on a murder charge In connection with the fatal shoot -Ins of Francis Andrew Roland, former provincial policeman, opened yesterday. Bert Woods, tenant of the house where Boland was shot. testified that he Woods i was convicted a year ago of a charge of keeping liquor for sale. The hearing has been Ijoumed until Friday. ilire Racket Is Uncovered ad- stolen and sold on the black market. Police officers, when they find stolen Ures. remove them from the automobiles and hail the owners of the cars tnU court nn charge of illegally obtaining Ures. TOO MUCH COAL NOW OTTAWA. Jan. 13 The Dominion coal controller dtsctosed yesterday that some Alberta coal miners had been laid off because of lack of orders for the mines. This appeal was held to be on account of mild weath er and the demand would shoot tip orfte "rfal winter arrived Meanwhile. It was not consid ered worthwhile piling up big I piles of lignite coal which was not worth shipping East by Wartime Housing Social Evening A very enjoyable social evening was held 6aturday night at thc staff house dining hall when entertainment was sponsored by thc temporary committee of thc tenant council of Wartime Housing with the i ! Labor, said In Oood Cheer Club also taking in Chicago on Mon- pa t Oamei. were played and ; home front 80.-1 prizes awarded to winners. :k- avc been killed About forty-five persons were ?.du:-t'-lc and 7.0OO.000 present John Jerome was mas-ijtce the war began. ter of ceremonies. Jm TROOPERS ADVANCE ON MAKIN ISLAND- A column of troops are photographed by a coastguard cameraman as y ndvancc to continue thc attack on the Japs who have been hed back to one end of Mnkln atoll ln the Pacific. A lnrgc seaplane Is partially submerged In the lagoon following ting by U.S. planes. ' REDS PUSH ON Ukraine Advance Kept Up Capture of Sarny Is Officially Announced by Moscow Today, MOSCOW, Jan. 12 Ot - In the face of Ocrman counter-attacks, the Russians kept up advances today In the western Ukraine and north and south of Sarny where the Red Army Is pushing westward. The Red Army has captured Sarny In pre-war Poland, U was officially announced by Moscow radio tonight and PrMnUr Kt a 1 (n nrr1ircti fir. MONTREAL. Jan 12 There 'ln- of tw,iTe mWo. ln Miebra- have been at least twenty-ix lioTU After culUng. thc north cases brought to Justice ln'.nd south railroad throueh the which automobiles had ten Prpr0t Marshe at noinU seven miles north and south of Sarny the Russians were just 75 miles short of being half-way between Kiev and Mohcow. Russian soldiers, in slmultan-1 cous attacks sun guerrillas, tore through the bewildered Germans 35 miles Inside of Poland, fording the Sluch River near Sarny Tuesday while Moscow announced fifteen thousand Ocrmans were killed ln last wxek's victory at Klvorograd. After crossing the Sluch the Russians captured StryeUk. seven miles north of Sarny. and Nenovichl. seven miles south of Sarny. and killed eight hundred Germans. R.C.A.F. Rejects Patriotic Peke Owner of liny Dog Can Get Him by Calling at No. I Group Guardhouse. The outstanding successes of thc Rayal Canadian Atr Force may be responsible for a Pekinese dog leaving home and trying to Join up or It may have been the kindness of the Air Force men to the little fellow when he was lost. Anyway, one of these minute canines has forsaken his owners and at tached himself to Number Four Group. R. C. A. F. Flight Lieutenant Douglas, of Numoer 4 Group, reported to the city police that since last Friday a male Pekinese, of a creain color, with a dash of black on his back, has taken up residence wtUi the Oroup. Hr wishes thc owner to know .that the dog can be had bv calling at the Group 4 guard house Veterans To Get Bonuses LONDON, Jan. year old women 4 WASHINGTON, D.C., The military affairs commit tee of the House of Representatives yesterday approved of the payment of a maximum bonus ;if $300 on discharge to veterans of the war with service of two months or over. Under two months' service there will be a bonus of $100. English Woman Did Not Know About Big War 12 A 100-who did not know that there was a war on has died ln Warwickshire In central England. Her family saw to It that she did not read thc newspapers or hear the radio. WASHINGTON. Jan. 12. a President Roosevelt's request for the enactment of National Service legislation under which the services of all men In the United Stales from 18 to 65 and all wwnen from 18 V, 50 wou1 be subject to government call, split congress today and fore- shadowed one of the bitterest lights of the election year. A cross section of congi ess - tonal sentiment indicated that it would be touch and go whether the President's re quest would be granted or de nled with the opposition seem ing to have the edge at present. Slav Partizans Resisting Hard LONDON, Jan. 12 Marshal Tito's Jugoslav partizans are still offering stubborn resistance to the Ocrmans, now being faced by five enemy columns. To Report On Hazelton Route E. T. Kenncy of Terrace. M.UA. for Skccna, and Walter Wilson of Burns Lake, will ar- Local Temperature Local Tides mil Thursday, Jan. 13 47 We High 3:17 199 feet Maximum 14:59 20.5 feet Min;mum 37 Low 9:11 7.9 feet 21:38 3.4 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER -t XXXIII, No. 0 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESIJA'TOgKlMBreiS, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTO Padre In Thick Of Fight INDIAN FIOIITERS ARE FIERCE AND DAUNTLESS A Bren gunner Is giving covering fire while a section of Indian troops moves forward under cover of smoke through demolished buildings on the British ElghthtArmy front ln Italy. This town was under heavy fire from German mortars when the photo was taken. Attack on Bill Made .Measure of President Itooseselt Challenced by Congress. Australians Control Huon ALLIKD HEADQUARTERS, isrV r.lTlN'KA. Jan. 12 Com- plete control of Huon Penin aula In northeast New Guinea Is In slthl for the Allies to day. The Australians defeated the Japanese in a tank and artillery action there which ended In the victors crossing he Burl River on the coast. Materials For Civil Defence VANCOUVER. Jan. 12 On arrival here from Prince Rupert, Brigadier General Alex Ross, director of civil defence for Canada, said that considerable GREAT AIR FLIGHT ARMADA OF AMERICANS I0VER REICH Berlin Claims No Less Than 123 Of Them Were Shot Down. STATEMENT ON LOSSES LONION,JanM2 -iThe United States Eighth Air Forte officially announced today that 61 planes 59 bombers and five fighters-were lost in the great air battle over Germany yesterday. LONDON, Jan. 12 Large formations of big four-motored United States bombers, accompanied by strong forces of long ranee fighter planes thrust is available for thU coast H f ' "iW he men are available to man ay assaul yet. They it. He said there was sHU pos- palest Into unprecedented - sibllltles of attack on the coast. n oppos .tion and one of the biggest ROOF LANDED UPON SAILOR But He Suffered No Serious Effects From Ilylng Wreckage Of Woodshed. Yesterday's winter gale lifted the roof off the big fuel shed of the Hyde Transfer on the local waterfront east of Cow Bay late yesterday aRernoon. It landed on thc flat nearby and on a sailor who hap-"mlJlon Vpo ei jtanded le In err to on south on behalf pened to be pass tag. The sal or merged safely from under-1 of thc agitation for the survey . .,lr,,u.,.0 ncath the flying wreckage. "Itehor blinking rubbing ! cm 11 ryej. Some of the gusU were as to-1 pert Chamber of Commerce ' ... w heaw as have been felt for morrow nigm. au. nviimj and Mr. Wilson visited Vancou-!somc Umc- . ver. Victoria, Seattle and other points south recently ln fur- Cfnl InJncffv therlng the campaign. JlCCl lUUUoll J BIRMINGHAM. Eng. CT) When MfiVP "VC L.HUUIDCU FlHIfirSeCl I-ady Bird moved a resolution at a Consctvatlvc Club meeting i nere urging tnai women snouiu , , n c, b be rained for the building in- , month, buslncss dustry. she said: If hem can M endorscd a res. lay eggs women can lay bricks ,utlon , estabUsh. The resolution was passed. , t f , lndustry on thU LONDON Oi The Soviet War News Review says that a Russian translation of British Commonwealth Constitutional documents Is ln great demand among Russian scholars. COMMON IN NORTH lLircs are common in most northern sections of the globe. coast. Other business at today's luncheon had largely to do with Internal affairs or thc club. President Frank Skinner was ln the chair and there was a good attendance of members. Hockey Scores Toronto 5. Montreal 0. aerial battles of the war raged for hours. German sources claimed that 123 Allied planes were shot down. It was unofficially said here that sixty might have been lost. A few of the big daylight bombers got through to Berlin. The Nazis threw every thing they had in the way of aircraft into the fight Includ ing Stuka dive bombers, rocket bombs and tag-alo bombs. Mosquito bombers, returning to the assualt upon Germany after one night's lull In the Allied aerial offensive, had stabbed Berlin Monday night for the 104th bombing of the German capital, also bombing targets ln the western Reich, the Air Ministry announced. GLASGOW Oi James Mac LeHose, president of thc Fed cration of Master Printers and i Allied Trades of Great Britain from 1921-22 and publisher and bookseller to Glasgow University, died at the age of 86. LONDON . Qi Sir Edward Parry, 80, county-court Judge lor 33 years and one of Britain's best-known magistrates, 13 dead. Major Durnford Loudly Praises Canadians For Great Fight in-Italy Had "All The Guts in World, He Declares Commanders Also Laud Their "Work in Mediterranean Campaign. ! WITH THE CANADIANS IN ITALY, Jan. 12 (CP) Major Roy Durnford of Prince Rupert, who has been padre of one of the battalions which cap-tuned Ortona, having served throughout the Mediterranean campaign so far, sounds high praise for the Canadian soldiers in the campaign. 'Those lads fought with all the guts In the , world," Padre Durnford told a Canadian Press correspondent QnoolrinrT Wall Praise from Major Durnford upCttKing II Cll comes after that which has i s , r (emanated from commanders AOOUl KeSCrVe 1 generally for the Canadians. Stacked against the cream of the German Army on ground which favored defence, the Canadians outfought and outlasted the enemy ln the Atoro Valley battle which ended when western tny " -anadian First Divl -e Ger mans fro : coastal town of c ATHENS IS HEAVY HIT Big Bombing Raid Upon Piraeus taL 1 left much of the Bulgarian capital in flames and ruins with thousands of civilians Michigan Salt Plant Heavily Hit by Flames MARYSVILLE, Michigan, Jan. 12 Q Fire swept six principal buildings of the Jforton Salt Co.'s j plant here Monday night and i destroyed several lesser struc tures causing loss estimated by the management at exceeding $2,500,000. New Head Of Information OTTAWA. Jan 12 tP A Davidson Dunton. of Montreal has been appointed general manager of the Wartime Information Board, succeeding John Grler-son, who has resigned, it was announced today. . LONDON 9 Viscount Bennett on the characteristics pf thc British people: "I know of no people ln the world who are so given to good works as thc British people, and no country which outranks this country ln the. care of those who arc less fortunate." OTTAWA, Jan. 12 Major General F. R. Phelan, director-general of Canada's Reserve Army, said the need of a strong reserve army ln the Dominion was as great as ever. The General said he had found no slackening of interest In the Reserve on the Pacific coast and said its men needed but little more training to make them as efficient as the active Army. 'CLOSING IN ON CASSINO i ALGIERS. Jai, 12 V Allied Fifth Army Making Progress In bombers, striking another day-, Italy Eighth Army Static. 3fc&!koleAeadedbta into Balkans, batered Piraeus. ALOIERS. Jan. 12 tJ Tak- L . . j - i. j lng one railway point on tne heavy force yesterday following J & the great raids on Sofia which . . .c . AT tin USJ UiV4 .los.u with its drives bearing down on the German bastion of Cassino, 70 miles from Rome. Yesterday one arm reached the outskirts of Cervaro,. a fortified village four miles to the southeast, headquarters announced. Later reports said the Allied forces were only three miles from Cassino. Continued cold weather with heavy snow kept the Eighth Army "down to mere patrol Baby Antonsen Laid At Rest The funeral of Carl Peter An-tonsen. ftfteea-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Antonsen, took place yesterday afternoon from the Chapel of B. C. Undertakers to Falrvlew Cemetery. Rev. M. B. Anderson, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, officiated and Mrs. Anderson pre- j sided at the organ to accomp any the hymns which were "Nearer My Ood to Thee" and "Safe In the Arms of Jesus." The pallbearers were Otto Jer-stad. J. Moen, J. Fredhelm and Ole Anderson. WEYBRIDOE. Eng. 0 Mrs. Gamgee had a bicycle stolen from a shop ln this Surrey village Wednesday Sept. 15. Three months later to the day, she found It outside the same shop. Brazil has a school of fishermen where delinquent boys arc taught the trade of the sea. CANADA'S NEW DESTROYER IUI.C.S. IIAITA ON HIGH SEAS 1