PAOE FOUR Card of Thanks May I use a little space In your paper to express my deepest thanks and gratitude to everyone who was so good to my boy and so kind, both with their visits and little gifts that made him very happy during his stay of the past seven months In the General Hospital. To all the nurses and staff I can only say, thank you and God bless you for your kindness. Especially to Dr L. W. Ker- f I SAW THOSE All HI Wmx JEMIMA'S fIRST! -Xr. 2t&&B$ ' HUM Ml I W I 1 MBtf-iii.iPn,'Jiit'ir.vBgii MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS' We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion A. K. Nelson, who has been on a two weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south thJs mornlr.g. W lMP.UJJ MJm BAKERY Avenue J Income Tax Returns Prepared See It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 VOTE AS YOU PLEASE RUT VOTE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 Polls Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. VAN'S Oil 3rd HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood. per cord .... $10 Dry Poplar, per cord .. $12.50 Sawdust,. per sack 15c PHONE 580 Tunc Up Your Figure-In a TUNIC! gin who worked tirelessly night and day for months to save my boy's leg and finally sent him home yesterday able to walk, do I give my heartfelt thanks and gratitude. God bless you all and thank ' you. MRS. A. MATTSCW. Slip Into this silhouette . and your figure will give way to goddess - like slimness. Black crepe with contrasting Hip-band and back interest, touched off with a curt, provocative sleeve. 1 "STAR'S" STYLE WEAR 1945 MARIES... LOVELY LASTING GIFTS 5-year Diary, with key $2.00 Pocket-size Diaries 15 to $2.25 Canada Date Book $2.00 Appointment Book .... $2.50 Daily Journals $1.10 to $1.75 e CALENDAR PADS AND STANDS Smdll size 75 Large size $1.25 Holders for above $1.00 to $1.00 i Local News It PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE Murdoch McLecd returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. J. P. Hawkinson returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Violet Mah returned this morning from a trip to Vancouver. R. M. Winslow, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, returned to the city this morning. A C.C.F. Broadcast, Wednesday C:15 p.m. CWIi. LAO II. O. Archibald, Federal Candidate for Skeena. (235) Constable J. Thornton of the city detachment, provincial police, returned this morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver and the Okanagan. Sergeant Reg Kings, flow discharged from the Army after having been in uniform I nee the first of the war, has returned to the city from Vancouver. GIVE THEM FOR CHRISTMAS -Books of Theatre Tickets, for Adults, Children, Men and Women in the Services. Priced $1.00 to $2.25. Now Selling, Capitol. (300) SINUS PAIN Relieved Fast This Easy Way! j Put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril and feel it go to work bringing quick, soothing reller 7 m from miserable If I ICS VA-TRO-NOL Petty Officer and Mrs. Ronald Davidson left at the end of the week for Montreal where they will pay a visit before the former resumes his naval duties on the Atlantic. Miss P. M. Mooney TIN. arrived in the city today from Vancouver and Is the guest of Mrs. G. A. Hunter, Fifth Ave. W. Miss Mooney, formerly of the Prince Rupert General Hospital staff, has recently been lady superintendent of the Creston General Hospital In the Kootenay district. Theo Collart, vice-consul for Belgium, advises that civilian postal service between Canada and Belgium has been resumed. The service will be restricted to non-illustrated postcards containing messages on personal or business matters. Communications of a business character must be confined to those ascertaining facts and exchanging information. The postage rate applicable is 3c. if".eei6c,t,te:''c,'': v if y v PLEASING V V CHRISTMAS V V V V V V V if GIFTS if V Sh oes, if is si; ! V V ippers, i V V and Purses if Now On Sale at FASHION FOOTWEAR 518 3rd Ave. W. CHIMNEY SWEEPINO OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN ems THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY PERSONAL' AND NEWS ITEMS J. Turner, inspector' of post offices, Vancouver, arrived In the city this morning on business. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allsn left on Monday night's train for a three weeks' trip to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wrathal), who have beeji on a vacation trip south, returned to the cily tills morning from Vancouver. Provincial Police OonttiiM.' E. W. Bell of Part Hssingtoh, arriv ed in the city last nlghl.'on offi cial business. He will proceed to Pat Bssington tonight. W. M. Watte returned to the city on last night's train after spending a few days at Smlther on business. Mrs. G. E. Moore, who recently underwent a major operation at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, is making satisfactory progress toward recovery. Even Vancouver city council has called a Joint Industry-labor-people's conference on lay-offs and post-war employment. What about Prince Rupert? Vbte Ponder for action 1 (It) Al Bemer, superintendent of Canadian National Railways, was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today, giving some Interesting reminiscences of his career as a railwayman. President Frank Skinner was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. Arnold Flaten reported at Monday night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce on a meeting which had been held toy the Alaska committee recently with Ronald Milli-gan, secretary of the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce when one of the matters discussed was the possibility of an International conference between representa tives of- chambers of commerce from Central British Columbia and southeastern Alaska. Announcements AU advertisements In this column will be charged tor a full montn at 25c a word. For voting Information phone Ponder Headquarters--3G4. W.O.T.M. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 6, 9:30-1:30. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. De Carlo's orchestra. 9-12. C.W.L. Bridge, Whist, Crlbbage In aid of Xmas Tree, K.C. Hut, Dec. 6, 8 p.m. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. W.O.T.M. Bazaar and Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, 3-6, Dec. C. United Church fall sale, Thursday, December 7. C.C.F. Bazaar, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 15. SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and' Rcjjervatlonj FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 508 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Seven Tables of Bridge in Play Seven tables of bridge were in play at the C.C.F. weekly bridge party at the club rooms In the Metropole hall Saturday night, and an enjoyable evening was spent by those who attended. Winners of the first prize were Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott, and second prize winners were Murphy and Mrs. R. S. Tranqualr. R. S. Tranquair was in charge of the entertainment committee. DEPLORES GAMBLING INCREASE Chairman nf llrilhli Cliurrlirs Cflinmittf e Says Outlook '('.rave" "j j LONDON. Dm?. 6 Increase of millions ot dollars in sports wagering during the years since 1938 was termed "a sorry com ¬ ment upon the situation in time of war," by Rev. E. Benson Per kins, chairman of the Churches Committee on Gambling, at a conference during which he quoted betting figures. He claimed that totallsator re-relpt in respect of 92 horse and dog-racing tracks showed thai, the turnover Increased from $1CC2,000.000 In 1938 to $189,000,- C00 in 1911 and more than $211.- fOO.000 in 1912. Returns for 1943 were not complete, he said, but on 76 tracks "tote" returns were more than $238,500,000 an Increase on those tracks of $40,-5C0.000 in one year. These figures, the chairman added, dealt onjy with a certdln proportion of the 150 tracks it) operation and did not take Intp account the millions of dollars In operation wagered through book -makers. Mr. Benson told the committee, which Is representee of the main religious denominations in Britain, that the post-war betting outlook was "grave and disquieting." Elaborate plans were project ed for re-organizing horse-racing and there already were more bookmakers advertising than ever before. Ante-past betting was breaking all records. New dog-racing tracks were being licensed for operation after the war and a big boom was anticipated. Increase In gambling In the Iyondon area had not been as great as in some of the provincial districts but there had been a definite over-all Increase In the number of women gamblers. . BUYS SCOTTISH ISLAND GLASGOWi rjtThe Island of Lunga, about two miles long and uninhabited for several years, has been bought by A. R Hall of Craigualne, Scotland. Lunga lies off the Argyll coast. PERMITS HOLDING The word lien signifies the right of a person In possession of property belonging to another to detain such property until some debt or demand in connection with the property Is WEDDING VERY PRETTY AFFAIR Miss Inez Hilda llerg Weils Eihvaul V. Parkhouse A beautiful and imprci-slvc wedding was solemnized Monday evening at First Baptist Churrh, when Miss Inez Hilda Berg, eld est daughter of Mr. and Mrv Gus Berg, became the bride ol Edward William Parkhouse, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Parkhouse of Victoria. Rev. W. W. Sllverlhorne officiated before a large gathering of friends. Miss Kay Watson rendered Lohngrcn's wedding march as I ho charming brUie, wearing white sheer and lace with chapel veil arranged in Mantilla Styje and carrying a shower bouquet of Hollywood roses, entered the church upon the arm of C. H. Insulander. rjcrsonal friend of the family. She was Eiven in marriage by her mother. The two bridesmaids, sjstera of the bride, were lovely In tht-ir ! Crinoline towns of pastel shades" of blue and green lace and sheer voile, carrying colonial nosegay.; of carnations. Rees Evans was groomsman. Harrie Rivers and Arthur Oav were ushers, t Following the ceremony the bride's mother, wearing arret crepe accented by a white co, sage, received at her home some 75 guests who gathered to tender best wishes and congratulation: to the happy young couple. The many beautiful gift on display testified to the popularity and esteem In which the couple are held. j A toast to the bride was pro posed by C. H. Insulander and' responded to by the groom. I Rees Evans responded to the toxst to the bridesmaids which was proposed by Mr. Frank Howarth. C. H. Insulander also proposed a toast to the bride's mother which was heartily responded to by all. A theme In white was the lace-covered table where tapering candles flanked a three-tier wedding cake which was duly cut by the bride. Later the newly married couple sailed for a honeymoon trip to Vancouver and Victoria. The bride donned a cocoa brown dressmaker suit with corsage of yellow roses. She wore dark brown accessories with brown tweed top coat. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Parkhouse will take up residence In the city. Classified Ads In The Dally News get results. Air Marshal Iiishop Receives Award Air Marshal W A, Bishop who Is officially credited with shooting down 72 enemy aircraft in the last war and who served with distinction In this war as Director of Air Force Recruiting, Is shown here shortly after he received from the Governor-General the Insignia of a Companion of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath at a private Investurc at Ottawa, Nov. 23. The award was made In the King's birthday honors list In June, 1914. (R.C.A.F. Photo)! 8 Get SUIT-d TRAPPERS AND BUYERS . . . Jn U'in! Tlrincr vnnr furs fn floltlliloom. not pay $.r0 a week, plus commissions, t!. t linn jinvnne elso- i j i y a villi I J 'v cimn lnurna ttr 1 1 1 rrivn vnll t0( lllOTC U 1 Oil 1111 IMIJVIO U1U fa present. W. GOLDBLOOM CUT RATE SHOE ST01 Free Delivery Throughout the City o'clock noo Kindly give us your order before 12 your delivery day. THUMB UAall, i iwu.- - - RUPERT BUTCHEf, PHONE 21 I c, Suited hj Buying.. ifiialii If you need a this season iJ your selection ; our r angel " Fashion Crl Suits. 30,( TO $45 ACROSS FROM ORME'S DRUQ STORE I XMAS Slioppi '. ,rAVtt CTRST crni OUR SMARTER LADIES' SLIPPED- WEDNESDAY - FRIDA" MONDAY - To East Section THURSDAY - SATU TUESDAY - To West Section FROM 2 TO ' " , , ah choices' We serve Special Red Brand Beer, and fresh and cooked meat-fresh ;vegetaw fruits-complete line of groceries. qmY . ... nntrm FOR Ew"u X1IIBD