. nECEMDER 6, 1944 vmmMmzamMmmmvm j rTT c crTDir i kit urn Electrical Contractors IttlT.'Jtisir a t itntt"ntil A I r It ADtXIl1 ELIiCTRICIANS J . i. tlf 1 71 ! . MKiii supplies IlUIIlt; tvuuiy uiiii iii;j;tiiio Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster 'cmdlH itil o-U 1111 inc. fMN'CE RUPERT 00FINGCO. Box 725 slallsts on Bulltup Roofs :ilrs. Re-shingling toe Estimates Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) m F Stone "CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION" W!ZM&XVVSAZ.r.vs,Ai,K,.,. ' m i Happy Redely Kilowatt! lie laughs and sings this way Because he knows he's helping you Prepare good food each day. Electric stoves cook healthy meals No vitamins are lost Convenient, easy cooking At a minimum of cost! REDDy SAYS: The cott It lovrj Rcwardi are hicli i If Savings Stamp You Continue to Buy KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mejn Hours 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. 2nd Avenue and 8th Street GEO. LDAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE l UKNITUKK AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED. Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 11G 4tli Ave. E. KED 127 ote as You Please - - BUT V-O-T-E December 14th YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO INSPECT OUR STORE lng a seating capacity of thirty-two. These were filled most of the time. Mrs. Colette poured the tea and those who assisted with the serving were Mrs. Poole, Mrs. Knapp.' Mis. Frank, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Thompson, and Mrs. dc Kcrgommcaux. Patsy Poole and Mary Hunter moved among the crowd selling candy. There were two counters, one along each side of the hall. These held the articles for sale. Mrs. Glggey. Mrs. King and Mrs. Rob-lnsop had charge of the home-cooking while Hea Grosvenor, Margaret Mile, Marquerite Pa- quette, Joyce Cote, Bernicc Mat thews, Sarah Mile, and Roberta Lambly assisted In the sale of assorted articles. Mrs. Dover and Mrs. West were cashiers. Hcv. Mr. Hills and Miss Dor othy Hills were on hand to welcome all the guests. The Junior W. A. has donated $12.30 of the proceeds of this tea to the Junior Red Cross of the Terrace Elementary School. On Friday afternoon Mrs. Fish er is giving a farewell tea for Mrs. E. T. Kenncy and Mrs. O. Sundal. Mrs. E. T. Kenney Is leaving Terrace to join her husband In Victoria while Mrs. Sundal Is going south for the winter. NEYSPAPERMAN MEMBER PASSES MONTREAL, Dec. 0 W Robert Smeaton White, well known reporter, editor and Member of Parliament, who was In his time the dean of Journalists associated with Canadian daily newspapers and the doyen of the House of Commons, died yesterday. He was first elected to Parliament In 1888 In the days of Sir John A. Macdonald and also sat as long as the Premiership of W. L. MackcnzzieKJng. He was born in 1856. F S. Discovery, has recently been transferred to ILM.CJS. Corn- wallls "at Halifax. , Able Seaman Bill Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hunter, who Is on convoy duly on the Atlantic these days, recently spent a few days' leave visiting In London where he found much to interest him. Bill spent several months at St. John's, Newfoundland, before going to sea on a corvette. HARWICH, Eng. O) A Harwich medical officer blames reluctance of parents to make children cat things they dislike for "widespread dietary deficiency" among schoolchildren. INCREASE TEA RATION DUBLIN, KM Eire's December tea ration will be Increased from hair an ounce a person each week to three quarters of an ounce. It is hoped to maintain Wie Increased ration for a few months. THE DAILY NEWS Timely Topics from Terrace JR. ANGLICAN WOMEN HOLD TEA; MRS. KENNEY HONORED Last Saturday afternoon a very enjoyable tea and sale of home-cooking and miscellaneous articles was held in the Orange Hall by the Junior Women's Auxiliary of St. Matthew's Anglican Church. Some members of the Senior W.A. were on hand to help and a large crowd was in attendance. There were eight tables hav PUT APPEARANCE BEFORE SAFETY LONDON, Dec. 6 j Many of London's women war workers re fuse to wear safety hats at work because they put personal ap pearance before safety. One re suit Is that two London women are involved In accidents every week. For the third year running, Sir Wilfrid Garrett, chief In spector of factories, complained in his annual report about the hair styles of worcrcn workers and their refusal to wear safety hats or caps. Factory welfare chiefs, commenting on the report, agreed that: "The safest hair style Is the full Eton crop. If modern girls don't want to go to this extreme, a good alternative style is to pull the hair tightly across the scalp, with a bun at the back, and the whole head covered by a safety hat." The woman welfare supervisors at one factory employing several thousand women said that "although we supply safety hats free and exhibit posters showing how serious scalping accidents can become, younger women still refuse to wear them." "They Insist on curls and long hair and just refuse to cover their heads for safety," she said. "Older women wear the hats aa requested. In qur factory all the head accidents occur to attractive youn? girls who want to look pretty at work." Employers maintain that .the wearing of hats should be com pulsory. They recommend: 1. A jockey cap, covering the head, with a strong hat to enclose the hair at the back. 2. A bandeau, with a fine hair net completely covering the hair and tied in a knot, on top. - linn i . . - ' Advertise in the Daily News. The most effective air weapon in the war against the subs is the six-pound cannon fitted in the Mark XVIII Mosquito. Its serviceable nose is shown foreground. R.C.A.F. pilots working with the R.A.F. have assisted in the perfecting of firing tactics. the Forces 1 News of the Men and Women n Active Service (Contributions Welcome) v- -- Ordinary Seaman N. J. (Boyo) Gurvlch, having taken basic training for the Navy at II.M.C. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 FRASEIt STREET Prince Rupert Steel Couches slightly used, makes a double 04 O CA bed, Special New Occasional Chairs Covered with vclour. Spring scats. Strongly built. Special prices. See them. New Chesterfields All-spring construction. Reduced price ScT $169.00 Used $5.00 Used Beds, Special $3.00 B.C. FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Black 321 CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE TO COLLABORATE In the Interests of more effec tive co-operation In dealing with matters of public Interest, both national and local, there is to be a closer contact In future be tween the , Senior and Junior Chambers of Commerce of Prince Rupert, There was evidence of this on Monday night at the regular monthly dinner- meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce when President Colin McCarthy and other rep resentatlves of the Junior Cham ber were present In the persons of C. G. Ham and Harold Ivar son. Mr. McCarthy, after the Junior Chamber representatives had been welcomed by Senior Presi dent W. J. Scott, spoke on the desirability of closer relation ship between the two chambers suggesting exchange of minutes and inter-executlve meetings as well as the visitations between members at the regular meet ings. Mr. McCarthy felt there was room for both the Senior and Junior Chambers without duplication of work and activity. He spoke of some of the activities of the Junior Chamber suoh as post-war reconstruction study, education, public health, "get-out-the-vote" etc. Frank Skinner and Arnold Flaten offered to accompany President Scott to the next meeting of the Junior Chamber. FIND IT with a Want Ad! Sell It with a Want Ad 1 Buy It with a Want Ad! Daily News classified section gets results. Corner of 6th and Fulton H A'L F MOON SNACK (Manager, George Lum) Specializing In Lunches Chow Mein Chop Suey From 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. Opposite Sunrise Grocery ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Closing NOVEMBER 30 Reopening: . JANUARY 2 Third Avenue, Prace Rupert Lumber Wc now have a stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand Phone G51 or G52 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Elderly Chinese Passes Away The death, occurred in the Prince Rupert General Hospital last night of Yip Quon Dong, a Chinese, age 65. He had been in hospital since November 12. He had lived in the city for a number of years. It is not known if he had any relatives in Can ada. PAGE THREE FOUR YEARS AGO I IN THIS WAR I By the Canadian Press Dec. 6, 1940 Marshal Badoe- llo resigned as chief of Italian general staff, replaced by Gen. Cavallero. Greeks captured Por to Edda, Albania. Russian slimed trade treaty with Slovakia. Can adian parliment adourned for Christmas. Reasons Why PRINCE RUPERT SHOULD OPERATE ITS OWN BUS SERVICE (1) We believe in Municipal ownership of all Public Utilities. (2) The public Is enUtled to better service and Municipal ownership will afford this. j(3) Present earnings are sufficient to pay. for all costs of operation, depreciation, etc., and permit sufficient reserves for the payment of debentures and added equipment when necessary. (4) The purchase of the garage and lots of the Arrow Bus Lines will not only afford accommodation and facilities for the maintenance and servicing of the buses, but will also give the City a shop wherein they can service all other motor vehicles owned by the City at a considerable saving in maintenance and repairs. (5) The Immediate acquisition of this system means that the City will benefit from existing high earnings, . whereas it may be years before Government controls would permit of purchasing sufficient new buses to establish an adequate service. (6) Under private ownership there is no control of Routes, Schedules and Passenger Loads by the City. (7) REMEMBER: Present Government restrictions pro- hiblt the creation of a new enterprise of this nature. Wc must purchase one already established. Vole for the Motor-Bus By-Law and the Labor Candidates, thus assuring yourself of ADEQUATE BUS SERVICE Inserted by CIVIC LABOR FEDERATION S? k rt am m mar . jf Tallies and Lamps I 2? s 6 -H - 1 Here are- gifts that will bring, both Mom and Dad comfort and a lasting remembrance. Beautifully designed tables to hold their favorite books, Dad's pipes and Mom's sewing. Handsome lamps that will lend charm to the living room and make reading pleasurable. Choose Now! 1 GORDON &ANDERSON,Ltd. I W FEDERAL BLOCK THIRD AVENUE jfc 8 $ A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Gift Suggestions Simmons and Restmore Spring Filled Mattress, all sizes ' Bed Spring, all sizes Bedroom Suites, in 4 pieces Chesterfield Suites, in 3 pieces 250 Pictures most beautiful. Come and see thorn. Just C3me for Christmas Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue