PAGE SIX II I lid WE WOMEN Should Be Interested! f IMMI'tlJUUJUMJUl BECAUSE The Non-Parti ;m Association sponsors candidates who favor support of every move-incut that will promote public health and social welfare in the community, having particular regard to recreational facilities for youth. NON-PARTISAN CANDIDATES ALDERMEN Thomas IS. Black Hubert McKay SCHOOL fJ. J. Dawes C. i. Ham J. II. Mair TRUSTEES Dr. It. G. Large I). Wood We can say this in three words NOW! ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. 116 PHONES 117 POET mm Freddie Wood Fifth In 'Frisco Tourney SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. C Oi Shooting the best score in eight rounds including the Portland open, Freddie Wood of Vancouver posted a finishing 71 to chalk up a total or 290 for the fifth prize of $SGC in the San Francisco tournament. Wood has moved on to Oakland to register .for a tournament there starting tomorrow. Spo rt that Approximately 100,000 sportsmen will be exchanging visits annually under an extensive scheme of the Netherlands Sports Organization which calls for Britain and Holland to exchange sports meetings after the war. It is the largest home-and- away international post-war?! sports program yet devised. The scheme will take yearns of British amateur boxers, footballers, cricketers, swimmers, and others on frequent Journeys to Holland for contests with Netherlands clubs. It will bring similar Holland teams to this country for return fixtures. "Throughout the war the Dutch people, especially the young, have had Nazi propaganda pumped Into them," said Al Milhado, president of the I Netherlands Sports Organization j which was set up in London re-i cently. "We aim to make them j more British-minded than they have ever been before. Our idea is 13 run the events cn a town-to-town ba.sis." Tin1 governments Vifj Minora Blades! Minora is a real money saver because it lasts far longer than ordinary blades. For extra shaves pnd comfort aik for Minora Blades. firs YOUR DOUBLC-IDCE KAZOK May Be It: Where the a Surprise - -No Surpri Gift are t EVERYBODY HUYS AT WALLACE'S RUPERT PEOPLES STORE RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE BUT Bought! w Hockey Scores National Montreal 4. Bostou 1. American St. Louis 4. Pittsburgh 1. Basketball Buzz 9 THE DAILY NEWS s The Booth Memorial Illyh S.-hooi girls' basketball .team will be trying to gain. its 'fifth successive victory of the ieas m when the Women's League loader tackles the Allies at Seal Cove Thursday night. With Sadaway and Lowe securing 20 of their points ,th' downed the Air Force W.D.'s 20 to 24 last week, and If these girls can keep up their, keen marksmanship this should prove an exciting same. After the women's fixture, an Area Basketball League "D" Sec tion clash will find thG. Air I Force and Coast Regiment as op-1 ponents. . I The C.W-A.C.'s and Miiasal- j lem's, who are tied for third j place in the girls' race, will break the deadlock at Number Four Group, R.C.A.F., In another engagement. Both teams liave a record of two victories and as many defeats. "raise for English soccer, cri-t irism of Scottish plans and ur-i.stcd remedies for its revival were made by James Bowie, pre- :' t of the Scottish Football .League and vice-president of tho .'( :t i ish Football Association, at a -pedal meeting of Scottish League clubs in Glasgow. "England is leading us In a variety of sways," he said. "English play; has all the characteristics of the Scottish play we used to know." The meotiner resolved that a Joint committee be appointed to con-''la- reconstruction of the Scottish irame, including cup 6om-P' titions and the refcreeing ays-tem. ' k In ' question of football boots for the Eighth Army In Italy came up in House or Commons when War Secretary Sir James Grigg said he was .aware of a deficiency in the supply of soccer boots and that steps have been taken to remedy the situation. Sir James said that a quantity of sports goods recently went t irward to the Eighth Army. His reply came after Henderson Stewart, Scottish Liberal, claimed there was dissatisfaction in the famed Eighth at lack of adequate welfare arrangements for the troop3 when they were out oi the line. Word comes from India that among new R.CJV.F. arrivals there was WO. Tommy Henderson, who played rugby with the Hamilton Tigers both before and after the First Great War. Re is a squadron disciplinarian. I James MsDowall, 48, Scottish !. professional golf champion in 1935, died at Ayr. The Football Association 'has r-rcepted an offer from the Bri tish community in Argentina to supply playing kit to clubs which have visited there. a moincr wno nad received a bill from her son in college was complaining about his expenses. "Look' she remarked, "It's the language that costs the -Scotch, $50." LLANFAIRFECHAN, Wales, Q) -A 21-foqt tide driven by a north-westerly gale pounded the North Wales coast rcpently. Waves 30 to 40 feet high broke over the promenades of resorts between Rhyl and Llanfairfech-an and caused much damage, the worst at Towyn where a gap nearly 20 feet wide was made in the stone and concrete C.N.R. Trains ,. l'r t lie i:nt Dully except Sunday 8 p.m. From the i;nt i, uauy except Aionuay .. 10:45' n.m. ll'T I I I lit I Sunday. Monday, Wednesday,'' Thursday and Friday i p.m. From Terrace ' ' JMUWOWWroiCTM 1- rid and buu.rd. i 7 . . m Reserve Is Remaining ! OTI AW A, Dec. G ft' It was an-'nounccd In Ottawa that Can-ada's reserve army of 100,000 I mm will remain "In being." I There will be no further change in the status of Canada's reserve Army, it was stated. It j will continue to play the same important role as it did before 'the war and during the dark jdays of this war. i The reserve army was formed i in the darkest days of the war ; and was designed to operate as a ! second line of defence behind j the full-time Home Defence Army. CFPR 10:00 CBC News Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDN ESDAY P.M. 4: GO Words With Music 4:15 O. I. Jive 4:30 Alouctte Quartet 5:00 Music America Loves Best , 5:30 Sports Roundup 5:45 At Ease 6:00 Comrades in Arms 6:30 Information Please 7:00 CBC News 7:15 The Soldier's Return 7:30 Political Broadcast 8.C0--Sweethcarts 8:30 Music from the Pacific 0:00 Kav Kyser 9:15 Leicester Square to Broadway 10:10 Elmore Phllnott , , . , . ,. ; 10:15 CBC News Roundup of Belgium and Czechoslovakia io:30 Hit Parade may adopt similar plans. Already, i ttje mayor of Hull and the mayor of Rotterdam have , agreed to regular exchanges. The London borough of Wlllesden will exchange with Utrecht. Negotiations are proceeding for Liverpool to pair with Amsterdam, i -f ricld with Eindhoven and Croydon with Arnhem. THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 3-15 Front Line Family 8:30 Morning Concert U:00BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45- March Time 10:00 Recorded 10:15 Consumer Service 10:30 Melody Roundup 10:45 Morning Visit 11 00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrapbook . 11:33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:36 Recorded 11:45 Personal Album I'M. 12:00 CBR Concert Orch. 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Top of the Evening 1:00 One Night Stand 1:3J) Intermediate Music DUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL IDEAL CLEANERS "House or Better Cleaning" Authorized ' "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Gucs&cs Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 93 BERT'S TRANSFER , and MESSENGER Phones Days. Blk. C84 Nights, Blk. 152 Bert Bellamy Reg. Wilson We Aim to Please "You Call :: We Haul" Lumber Baggage Freight, Express Household Effects 225 1st Ave. E. Prince Rupert. MESSENGER AND TAXI '. PHONE 65 HOTEL 1,-T) A CI.IT r juoi:jii t HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. II. HICKS,' Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Frascr Street HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 200 4th Street : Phone 055 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 SHOE REPAIR Work Guaranteed Quick Service 103 9th Avenue .West GEORGE L. RORIE : Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Bcsncr Block rhonc 337 CANDIDATES FILE PAPERS Nomination papers for candidates on the aldcrmanic board are being filed intermittently at the office of the city clerk. Candidates who deposited their papers at the city hall Tuesday were Robert McKay, endorsed by the Non-Partlsan Association, who was proposed by John E. Erlck-son and seconded by H. E. Brecn; and Harold A. Ponder. Labor Progressive candidate, proposed by Alexander Gomez and seconded by Bruce Mickleburgh. Get Together On Northern Highway There seemed to be tacit agreement at Monday night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce that, once the best route for a highway to connect j central British Columbia with the Alaska Highway had been determined on the basis of fair and competent surveys, all communities should fogego entirely local or sectional viewpoints and get together in supporting the earlv construction of such a link. All things beln? equal. Prince Rupert was. of course, Interested in the most westerly route possible. The matter came up when President W. J. Scott reported on a meeting which had been held with Dewey Bullock of Seattle. proponent of a route from Prince George to Teslln. DAILY NEWS IOK SALE FOR SALE - Baby buggy. Red Flash wagon, roller - bearing wheels. 513 7th Ave. East, any time after 3 o'clock. (28GM FOR SALE 4 male pups, $2.00 each. 91610th Ave E. (286) FOR SALE Reid's Cafe as a going concern. Possession im- j mediately. Reasonable terms. I Do not enquire unless you can j buy. s (i FOR SALE Household furniture. Phone Green 277. Suite 7, Summit Apartments. 1286) FOR SALE China cablnJt, $20. Apply 078 8th Ave. East. (288 FOR SALE-Bargainl 3Vfeyard steel dump box, with hydraulic hoist, good condition. $350.09. J. F. MuRostic, Usk, B.C. (237) FOR SALE-Double bed, spring filled mattress, dresser, kitchen et, small couch. 1423 8th Ave. East. (2801 FOR SALE Lot on Ambrose Ave., with frame or building. First $75.00 takes it. John Clczy, Meacham, Sask. FOR SALE Five-room modern house, close to school and dry dock. Call artcr 8 p.m., C33 Eighth Avenue East. UD WANTED WANTED Electric sewing machine. Phone Blue 330 (207) j WANTED Piano. Phone Pullcn,! Blue 7091, 229 3rd Ave. West. I ur WANTED TO RENT Furnished. tor apartment Tor quiet army couple. Apply Box 909 Daily News. '280) WANTED 80 to 100 I LP. DcLiC-1 engine. Apply to Hazclton Lumber Company, Hazclton, B.C. (294) IIIXP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper for home and children. Live in. Phone Green 543. (287) WANTED Woman to do day work. Call Blue. 114. (tf) PERSONAL ARE YOU INTERESTED in renting your apartment during the holidays to three girls away from home? Box 903 Dally News. (286) WILL ANY LADY travelling by Canadian Pacific boat on Dc cember 10, please call American Signals 294 and ask for Fern Rumnlc. (235) SLENDOR TABLETS arc effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at all durggtsts. (288) BAYZAND & SEELEY, Painting. Decorating, Kalsomlnlng. All work guaranteed .Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. LOST AND FOUND P'OUND lunch of. keys. Owner may have same by calling at Dally. News and paying for this advertisement. FOUND Brown suedo zippcrcd purse between Co-op and Dry Dock. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this j-ouNUK.eys in leatner case on 8th, Ave. East a week ago. Owner may" have same by call ing at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. 1 DAYS Capital Starts TODAY i ! THE REXALL STORE (Uy Molinard) i i r i ii 1 MUST SHOWING AT 12:30 DAILY' ComplC Show ui V. 30 2 36 4 52 . 7;o8 . 924 Feature at 12:30 - 2:46 5:02 - 7:18 9:34 A romance . . . tender.. . glorious ...heroir most magnificent triumph of M-G-M, maker of "Mrs. Miniver" and "Random Harv.,t ThetDliiteClirB ofDover tamnB IRENE DUNNE A CLARENCE BROWN PRODUCTION and with ALAN MARSHAL RODDY McDOWAll FRANK MORGAN VAN JOHNSON C. AUBREY SMITH YOUR XMAS OUT PROBLEM SOLVED Buy books or Theatre Tickets ... In Special Gift Envelopes ... For Children, Students, Adults . . . You can send them anywhere In Canada where Famous Players Theatres operate . . . Priced from $1.00 to $2.25 Now On Sale! POULSEN'S GROCERY CAiun Ann tui.i ii, .ut t VENTS POULSEN'S LIM 6th AVE. E BESIDE P.O. STATION IT As Good as the Best Better than the Rest Our stock fresh and complete, prices right Courtesy and Service Free Delivery Red 411 DRUG STOR nn i j m ft. a X. IIIIIMI 1 h Ashes of Koses Evening in Paris Skylark Scanty Dorothy nty Elizabeth Anlcn Pinaud Mn s Sets Seaforth Mt-n's Sets Taira and Seals and Gift Wrappings He sure to Vole Thursday, December H es Ltd. Pioneer Druggist PHONES 8) and Open Dally from 0 a.m till 0 P-"1 RnnrlnuH -inH tlnllri.iv from 12-2 Djn. and P.- RUPERT B RAND ' SMOKED : : : : BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND - Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.