1 PAOK TWO Name THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RCPLKT, BRIT15U COLUMBIA PnbJUhed Erery Afternoon Extept Sunday by Prince Rapert Daily News Limited. Third Arenue G- A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR subscription hates By City Carrier, per week Per month Per year By Mail, per month - . Per year . Service fArmy, Nary, Air Force) Rank Next ot Kin Relation Address Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge If Casualty. Nature and Date .65 ST-W M $4B MEMBER Ot THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is earlasiTeJy entitled to use for pabSea-tlon of sJI ntn despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. AQ rights ot republics tier, of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Saturday. January 22. 1944 Britain's Postwar Policy . . . Although no detailed statement of Britain's post war economic policy is yet possible for obvious rea-sons (full concentration on war is still essential and detail of conditions likely to exist is still unknown! ; it is significant that statements of policy by British political and industrial leaders show general agree ment in certain basic principles, lhese are: 1 Necessity for full employment, 2 Belief in an expanding world economy. Importance of raising the standard of living all over the world. Need for widest possible exchange of good's between aH nations and recognition that Britain's prosperity is bound up with that of rest oi world. 3 Determination to maintain such controls as are necessary for postwar reorganization at home and abroad. 4 Importance of international exchange mechanism of world trade. Quotations from members of the government and leading industrial interests H- histrate these lines of development. The politic1' spokesmen raclade leaders of all main parties likely j to form government in the next few years. j How Press Stands . . . Arguments between political parties over some detail of the national policies are such a necessary part of our democratic system of government that it comes with a shock to hear the leaders of any political party wailing aloud that pubKc discussion is unfair to them and their movement and that this is evidence that the press is corrupted by special interests says the Canadian Statesman of Bowman-ville Ontario. The daily and weekly newspapers of Canada are published and edited by Canadians with just about the average Canadian's share of patriotism and desire to subordinate personal advantage to the common good. The cases in which their policy is dominated by the personal interest of owners or editors must exist but they are few. Far more common are the cases in which the views of the Dress are dominated bv what the publishers and editors believe to be the interest of the majority of the people in the area which the papers serve. j , Newspaners are likelv to support the political party which advocates the plans which the editors 1 believe will be in the interest of the nation as a whole ' with some bias toward the special interest of thej area in which the particular paper is circulated. j DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News Is compiling a Ron of Honor which It is hoped may contain the name ot erery man and woman of this city to serve with, the armed form at sea. on land and in the air. To make this list complete. It is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole In submitting the names. It is Impassible for the Daily News or any one person to compile the list complete so we are asking YOU to be responsible for the sut lission of the name ot YOUR boy. YOUR girl or YOUR f:ad. The following is th information we would like yog to till in and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Daily News, Prince Rupert ' Remember, if YOU do not tubtalt a certain persona name, no one else may. You are responsible. PRINCE RUPERT HONOR ROLL list ! Local Mea ar4 Wmcn an Acthe Serrlee Are YOU rwpr?naT for same-tar 's narae not being, in this Btt? tSee entry fonn esewhereJ NAVY Stumer A Tinder. Peter D. AKen. Charles Anderson. Harold Anderson. Stanley Anderson. John Armstrong Jr. Robert Armstrong-Don Arney. Ted Araey. W. G. Barker. Emile Blata. John Bowman WUnam Breaner. Bernard 3rtdoen. George J. Brora. Harold Basn. John Bana. Hsxh Bmrbank. Tony Bnssanien. RbswO Caateron. Wiln&m Gordon Caldcrwood. Robert H. Opsocfc. Dosgtas Chrttfwon. Sydney Crexfsrd. George Dtbb. Yincent Dodd. John Dofcl Robert Daggan. Donald Eastman-Elmer Eborae. Metres EosrEe. Rohert L. Eby. Wffitam Earl Eby. Robert ElkM. WUaani p. Efkins. Martin Eriksen. Larinaa Winnie Exiey. Bernard Fortane. Terry Fortane. Gordon Fraser .Uttciae Gay. EXner R. Green. Jaaes Greer. Lester Grsanfe. Terry Grimbte. Iaa Ghasm. John GrtasMn. Haaen H.ntlnwoB. Cecfl KnK Raymond Hoaraa. Bill Banter. Faster HBsoy. Peter Hasoy. Tom Johnston r. Percy Kiwit iun James G Lasrie. . Jack R. Laarie. Rxhard Lertstm. Janloft Lefatnc. Fred Lewis. THhr R. LJojd. Brace Lore. Ted MftU. Earn Manklry. yffiaa irsrray. Wanam H. Marray. Daniel MfDomSd. Jaek Uacfie. Robert lifKay. Robert Mcl-ria E. W. .Ned. UcLeod. Nomas MrLeod. Darxi Wcitptkta. Darid UrS'att Robert iicNah. John D. MeRae. Charles Omtrtsa. Gordon Parkin. Dowgias Payne. Albert iL PhilBnsoQ. Craves4 J. PhBops. Bad Poster. Rabben. Darid PJlcafc. Jack Ritchie. Robert Rttefefe. ' Harry Robb. Jeffrey H. Roetaaan. Rert Roy. Arthsr Sassders. Bed SliUcixX Stanler Sen-rk. J D. Schabert. Anton Snzsdson. Brace Simuadson. Merrtet Stalmerad. Fred W. Skinner. John Skoc Carl SsiittL VfaWtf'Ti Smth. Ralsh g-n Walter Ssstta. Carl Strand. Orme Staart. Charies Ssnberg. Jaises Taylor. Inge Yalen. Stanler Teitth. Sid White. Robert WhttiT; Oscar Wtnaham George Ynle. Jack Yale. Jack Storrie. ARMY John AnrrKresg Sr. Loats Astoria. Jack BaHocr. Eric Barton. Beatrice Beraer. William Scran y Beynca. Louise Bird. Walter Bird. Norman pfhr Donald Blake. Raymond BraorwelL Ronald BraceweB. William Brass. J W. Brtdden. Earl Brocho. Alfred Calderooe. Jack CampbeiL Donald Clark Edward Ctarl, Jim Oetassi Mike CMasst, Frank Comadina. Grant Oorerdae. Walter Cross. Bert Cross. Charles Dennis. Thomas Dennis. Paul Dvomek. R. C. H. Durnford. Oeorge Drbharn. Mateolm Oder. WhitneM EMer. . Frank Elliott William Gar lick. James Gar lick. John Galea Ralph GUbes. Alfred K. S. Gins. Joseph D. OiHis. Milton P. GlUis. Andrew Olorer. Tlhara Gomez. Darrow Gomez. Earl Gordon. Edward GosnelL" Thomas W Graham. Barton Green. S-ro Onrrk h. James Hatfden PhyiU Hamblln. L. J R. HayBes. R. H. A. Haynes. K. C W Barnes. E. D. Head. Darid Henderson. Howard Htbbard. Frank E. Hodsktnson. HaroM HOdzson. Darid Honston. Robert Haaston. Percy Baiaaa. Wilnam Hatson. Haroid Irarson. Robert Johnson. Waiter Johnson. S. D. Johzuton. T. D. Johoston. Nick Knnttok. tattida Larsra. Ererett R. Leek. Pierre LeRoss. Carence Lornx. G. P. Lyons. Danny Magnet George SXarchildoa. Mor21 Mathews. Stfre MenMko. Michael P. MeCaffery. Ernest Ratchford. Robert Radoifrnam Olai Ryssiad. Arthar Phiiap. WiSha A. PiifoU jr. Kenneth MLCrimsson. John C McCnabtn. Nonnaa McGla&han. Arthur Ahstair -VarDocaU. Ian Macdonald. Jack McEroy. Aiex McFarlase. Victor Mi3er- Rebert Moateoccery. Michael D. Monteana. Fsrd Moras Jack Moraa James Mono. John K Murray. Edith Mr trie. Jcsrsh Naytar Leonard Ness. DonaM Narton Darid W. OUnd. Frank ParieiSe. Robert D. Patrick. George F. Peoney. wJtrr perkes. Emit Peristreca. Peter Petetaoo. L. C. R. Raabe. WWaai Scnerk. ThontM ScsAt. Bob SnrabsaB. Thoaas SiNry. OJenn SaMa. W. D. Sarith. Hmfh J. Saith. UKS SoSh. Do In Stalttr. Ateert Stars. Irene SaMy. Jane Taprr. L. Y. TiUenal. James Taylor. Amaas Tweed. Jack Unwki. Rodney VMst? AMan BM Vance. Mart&a ran Cooten. Oateeee Yasanan. StenVy Wteraan Robert Vsekorieh. CSflord Waaacnaker. Jmi Wearaxxrih. wataa WhUf. T. J. WBEasBS. Jaases Wood. Harry R. WrathaS. Ktaaeth E. WraihaH. AIR rORCE Ronald AAen. Hairy Astern Alex BaflBe. Heward Bea. Marcel Kara. J. F. Bouzek. J. J. Banok. J. Y. Bsnztk Peter Brasr Aim Barbank. Deals WHta Barnx. Jsn R. Oamems. Peier CartwrHM. Eimer Onsen. Irs COrboakl Jark Cerbonid. Eddie Croiby. Rar Crooy. Tawin Crvzfsrd. Jaxeen Qer. Arthsr DaTey. Jha W. Dairy. Pat Dease. Victor DeS. Jack Eastwood. Donald Ehy. Thocaas J. Erans Jack C Esart PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD suirsriLDESs and BTiLVIIM Irm and Bras Castioo FJeetrie asvd Aertj Voe WrUrng SFECUUSTS ON SAWMTIX and jnNTXG 3IACHINTXY Ah Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Orerhaaled THE DAILY NT 3 SATURDAY, JASTARy jj LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby grrea that on the 7th. day of Ftbraarr next the andenizned STEWART club intends to apply to the Lkr-or Oontrol Board tor a Crab Licence in respect ot premises sitoated at Fifth Street Stewart B." C. oson iands de scribed as Lot lb BjocX l Map Land Kegistraiion CSMct oi Prince Rupert in the Province of British Cohrmbia to in title each member oi the said Club to keep on the prenwea a reasonable quantity of Liquor for personal consumption on the oreraise. in accordance with the provisions of the Government Liquor Act and the rera-la ikons pretrial cited thereunder Dated this 10th day of Jana-arr 144. ALEXANDER RUSSWCTUI fiecrtta-y WMr r.eld. Clarence Fialey. Albrtt FUtea. Hugh L. Forrest. Thema Forresc LoaU Orte Glay. waSaa Hadden mtoseg . Harry Hamilton. Efenore Hanktnson. Lawrence Hansen. Arrtd Hansen. Haroid Helcerson Robert Hesdrraon. Helgr HotkecUd. .Cke HBdenta. John P. Johnson. Saaa Jormain. Robert Kelsey. Francis W. Least Kara Y. Lee. Afcta Letghton. Harold Lererett. Donald Uewrnyn. John Lindsay. Albert Man. Cedrfc Mah. Georte R- Mayer. Henry Mayer. Hector W. Mardonald. Lvbel Mackenzie. Matty Mackenzie. Don McCaroar. Garin D. Mead . Rkhard MUis. Herbert Morgan. Raloh Moruv Kay Nickerson. Edward M. Oraheim. Robert I Peachey. Paul Postoto. Ernest Saatcrsase. Ken Schubert. WHaaax Shrnbsaa. Robert Sirtersidea. Edcbe Smith. Robert Taper. James Joseph Thompson. Darid C. Tomiison. Robert Targeon. John A. Walker. Wnoasx H. Wilson. Henry Worsfeid. rXS. AR-MY Chester B. Ctapp. ' Georte A. Olay. Riehard Moore. Mary MeCaffery. w. Piefce CLS. NAVY Wan Mar Dybham Howard FttcaHi Cnfiord J RoherUon. Made snprav sacrifVe IX t A i ? t SM For Income Tar RETURNS SEX R. E. MORTIIKR rfeoae tt Ht nd Are. For Mutual Benefit .ealth and ArcMeat See JOHN L. WRIGHT rbc :u Fteoeer Rtm N. ( Liaili bbbi i aiaaaaasn a. m SERVICES TO Yanceafer, Vkteria and Wajswloti, Stewait and Nerth Qaera CharUtte lUaods rail Ial.at)en, TkktU and Resrrratins FRA.VK j: Skinner PrlBce Rspert Agent Third Ave. Fbanc KS OIL BURNERS CLEANED BNDYJLN pOXT. SERVICE Blaek 73S SI Screnth Are. West ! Fresh Local Raw and J? Pasteurized I1LK VALENTIN DAIRY rfiONR (31 S J.M.S.Loubser Chiropractor Wallare Bletk Pbeoe (tl rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT SHRIMP rresh Every Day Beat -W5X" rirst neat West ef Imperial Oil Co. Dally after I pm. 4 iiiiianumiimm., Basketball Buzz Snamerring the hard-fighaas Ontario la the Oru gasae of a oteasle Mi at Seal Cere Tinrs Caf aoaM. the Yank beep sqaafi topped oM the Ontario tooya (wr a score of SI -ST to win their ten-lavanore&are pante Ton man en ;je Yank team wa Lacona. who ma an a score ot 3S pamu Booste ma a 13-pouu :adtriaaal lor the Mx-uands At the way pot the Yanks held NOW-KIUEYl SOKE THROAT ROM A COLD ALMOST INSTANTLY M tMrW f9BaWccTtk,f a shfbt advantage of four poinu i which they Increased to 31 points ! at the end oi the third qoaatec. In the test oarter e Tnas really tamed on the beat emer-mt wtth M points, seren of which they cwiTeitrd frora nine souis Fhw of potnts tools. at pe- For For were In the teeoaa gonte of the bat-ketbail douMe-header as Seal Ore Nary trounced Resetre to the tune of 43 to 25. Iflgn seorer ur Nary was Hwttoa. who toas-rd the baU true tor IS point. Frua waa Reaeive's bixh man wt. ti points At the halfway r.a.rk the teams were tied at 14 j . but by the end of the third Cfja; w r Nary had bnut sp a lead f 27-22 hh they Increased frUertahle'vJ-ei whatt-ie a c by :..T.e Reaeoes tried to out- noeim Nary at the final d N.rv sioutiy held their Nar. UaiUr WaUace. Prent- In the f .rt ga, I Edward doub.c ; 31 BUht CoaU Ba'Wri High School i a changed tr. r both, putti: c the l Onuno port Edwin? de'eav i,. . . m . . .. . . convenes un hi me erona gor-beader The von Port Edwa:J -:x Unwo: ... , place to the .ejr Yanka-Lacona. Page, a AH- rfmont. WlUoBtaby. Mm. ' Bartiett Ontario Regimen Huf. Baeala Yalowstl. BrydV. Denning. Yanks 3' Iage Mansion Port Edward Reserves Air Force Nary Coast Battery Fortreat High School Ontario Reg: rar Antl-Alm ait First gam-i ieagTie w:T be troop next week f 4 i k wr 1 1 WJ. Oremliri tr.rrt r; boa usr is..: ut Me-Hi Third f st? tv header mil be a Vi Ark-Ack arrd H & rrmp w- ' oc I j f J nonnirs gi'arii snn LONDOS i B it xr. Car:ie McLeod, Humber. ! age by your.j be k , snettera pc.re r: Taxi Setvic ComiortaWe Cats and j or Promptness, Courtesy Safety and Long Experience For General Contracting of all Kinds - - Call 32 Seal Cove Truck & Transportation Exchange Block JOHN GURVICH t Rescrfes r.tth. Santerbane. rast r it Irrx itrij L,,iX -ot Paaiilaa, Dram-, be diverted frrn xxk uaix LMBinaia. itn to wok aer tyi Sixth Street