PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue Q.VA. HUNTER Managing; Editor PRINCE RUPERT . . . BRITISH COLUMBIA. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week .. .15 Per Month Per Year ... : MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesday?, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion OUR Responsibility... Your, dollars must, buy the tools of war. More and more are needec to put art end to the horror and the bloodshed. Let's not lose sight of our responsibility to the lads who are giving so much for us. Our dollars will make it easier for them to reach the goal our leaders have set "unconditional surrender" of our vicious enemies. They re not letting us down! How can we fail them? Let's buy all the Victory Bonds we can AND THEN ONE MORE! INVEST IN VICTORY BUY VICTORY BONDS OrmesLtd. tts Pioneer Drtu&tsts 'THE REXALL STORE ' PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 9 a.m till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. .65 $7.00 By Mail, per month 40 Per Year $4 00 Hi' DAILY EDITION ... Saturday, October 21, 1944. EDITORIAL AS VICTORY LOAN OPENS Allied Armies are battling furiously as the Seventh Victory Loan campaign opens. Our Canadian military forces overseas are not marking time, not waiting for a collapse inside Germany. They are slugging it out with the enemy in battles as fierce as any we have had since the opening of hostilities. A section of Canadian citizens have begun to relax, lulled into false security by a feeling that the war is all but won, and that so far as the home front is concerned, it can coast into the finish line. Fprtunately those who are relaxing are believed to constitute a very small minority of Canada's total population, but these people, particularly, need to near tne truth; that in beating down the fanatical .Nazis, there can not be a moment of relaxation, neither along the battle lines in Germany nor along it, a I, J. i. ri i i.v i a i i uic nuaie ii uiil in Lanaua,- mat cne supply lines irora Canada's agricultural districts and war plants are strained' as never before, and that the maintenance of these' supply lines to our men on the firing lines depends1 primarily on the support which individual Canadians give to the Victory Loan campaign. MAKING CITY MORE ATTRACTIVE : The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce members, touring Alaska recently, were impressed with the community attractiveness of Juneau and Ketchikan and even Wrangell. They found modern concrete payed streets smooth as in a big city good sidewalks, attractive stream-lined stores and restaurants and at Juneau a community, hotel with all the atmosphere and equipment of the best to be found in any big city. Prince Rupert, It might as well be admitted, is a dingy contrast a statement which is made because the time has come when Prince Rupert just must be doing something to dress itself up and offset the notorious reputation that is becoming widespread about the city's dilapidation, untidiness arid deplorable lack of accommodation and service to the travelling public. The port which has the outlet highway and which is now in a position to capitalize more uiau ever on us position in the routes of northwest! oiiuum uui nave to xoiiow me example ot a smal town, along the Alaska coast but should lead the way in community attractiveness. It is highit-jme that Prince Rupert people, in community spirit and civic pride, explored every means possible towards, dstically improving this city along the 'lines' of better streets and buildings and adequate accommodation for many people who, as a result of a finish-edt;highwayr could, be glad to stop over with us and enjoy what we have to offer. The members of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Alaska good-wfll tour"part,v were impressed from what thev saw mjhe relatively small towns of southeastern Alaska what is needed here. They are in a position to take a lead in the very imnortant matter of dressinp up Prince Rupert and making it as attractive and interesting as possible for the post-war tourist trade. It wou d .J another good result accruing from the goodwill tour to Alaska. i (improvements i AT SCHOOLS ARE I The- monthly business meeting , of the Prince Rupert Parent- Teacher Association was held Wednesday evening at Borden Street School. The meeting was well attended and Rev. E. W. Scott presided. In the absence through sickness of Mrs. J. C. Oilker, Miss Eleanor Mbxley acted as secretary and Mrs: George A. . Hill substituted fpr Mrs. E. W. Becker. The annual membership drive Just completed has been very successful for more tlinn jo paid up members were secured The treasurer's report showed $625 on hand chiefly obtained from the P.T.A. tag day of -last Saturday. This sum along, with other expected .donations, .will be divided shorUy between the four city schools for the purchase of sports equipment and the many reference and library books not supplied by either! the 1 1 education office or the school board. i Mrs. S. R. Donaldson, llason officer between the P.TJV. and the consumer branch of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board read a letter from that board urging the community to ,guard against unnecessary purchases of commodities. ! C. If. Insulander reporting for. the committee which Interviewed the school board with respect to obtaining improvements and it was thought that a fence along Conrad st. and on Eighth ave. around Conrad School might be. obtained, that a bar rier will be built at Booth High School on the west side of Hays Cove Circle and Sixth ave. east and that drainage of the school grounds or Booth High School will soon be attempted. At the close of the meeting tasty refreshments were served by Mrs. J. a. Anderson and Mrs. M. MacArthur. TO EDUCATE ADULTS BATHURST, Oambia O One of the latest developments in the campaign against illiteracy in adults in West Africa is the establishment of special classes for illiterate adults here. . a. . - I alt i - 'KKSflt'V- L The name strikes a chord of admiration in the heart of every man and woman in the British Empire : : ; in all United Nati nns. It rf1! 'defeat and disaster for the German people. For Monty knows how to win if he has enough good men, enough good planes, guns and tanks . and shells. VToday,". Monty has said, V battle must be won before it is fought." And in the pages of history, the term, "Monty Barrage" will be used to describe his essential preliminary to attack . . . thousands of guns pouring destruction on the enemy. And if our Allied Commanders are to keep mounting a succession of offensives, supplies, of planes, tanks, guns and shells must never slacken. Canada's Victory Loans are essential, to provide the money to build these weapons. The 7th Victory Loan will soon commence. To make it a success, every Canadian must play a part on the home front worthy of the heroic efforts of the men and women bearing the brunt of battle. Buy One More Bond Than Before By doing this you will create a nest-egg of savings for the future. And remember, now that Compul. sory Savings have been relinquished . . . an additional 70 million dollars must be. raised in Canada through Voluntary Savings in Victory Bonds. Since the war is now in its most intensive stage, Canada's over-all borrowing must increase-by some 320 million dollars. Plan now to buy at least one more bond than before. Funds Drive to Help Europe's Children Starts Nationals of Belgium, France, Greece, Normandy and Holland are being reminded that funds are being raised In British Col- iumbla and elsewhere for the purpose of taking care of the (Immediate needs of thousandi 'of children In thee countries. j Funds are earmarked to- take care of the needs of those now being liberated by the ever advancing Allied fighting forces. Subscriptions are available at mst neighboring Icited. imtWk. r info.... s ""'WO Coun. " couver H!r.i. I vancw LONDON'S dia, has come a a? Food Min,t: 5Wa. I n. j mat ,. fi. Paul's CmvJ. London .iu.u.TH " HIM hi .supplement th. ...."" inistry repiw- Uil "3 tj cas!er,.,y lvenjtfiirkj the Canadian troops have done; idaii liana IahiQ miimfitAiitL iiit.u iirjvi uiiiik. iiiiiiiui ii .ff-fii in ivf imiv viviiv IIBVJMIIII Will IW "MONTY!" "MONTY!" fgin Field Manhol Sir Bernard Law Montgomtry, CBV DS.O. The idol of his troopj is this k"Q' eyed man in the black beret whom all the world knows as "Mooty-; 'A good general must never lose, he says. That is why h never launches a campaign until he ctt' tain of victory. Then it's attack, attack! Re-form ar again. "But don't forget 'supplies must come i" war"' Monty in characteristic languagej M fanfy to fay VICTORY BONDS Canadian Fish & Cold Storaoe Co. Limm i i