PAGE SIX CHILDREN'S FALL CLOTHES COATS and DRESSES I FOR ALL AGES Our sizes range" for Fall begins with Infant Sets through S n o w Suits and Coat a n d Legging Sets all the way through smart Coats for big sister. Oiir stock is varied with new arrivals every week. en Mail Orders Promptly Filled RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Hea'rt of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment .and help assure you of a clean job Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 Dclmore Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches. Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 The best buy In Monuments and Markers In B.C. Is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave., first door Wet of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Box 998. Prince Kupert Income Tax Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 321 2nd Ave. Phone 88 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Ch'op Suey Chow Mein Hours 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. 2nd Avenue and 8th Street Corner of 6th and Fulton HALF MOON SNACK (Manager, George Lum) Specializing In LUNCHES CHOW MEIN CHOP SUEY , From 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. Opposite Sunrise Grocery Radio in every room room for tor oni only $12 PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Builtup Roofs Repairs, Re-shlngllng Free Estimates RADIOLINK Extension opeaker g Simple to install. Excellent reception. Can be connected to any radio Come in for Demonstration deMm.Mt PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hour! 8:00 am. to 2:00 a.m. DAILY NEWS Classified Section... Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submltUng copy for Insertion WW Y V YYTTTYTTTTYT YYTTYT Fdll SALE FOR SALE Baby buggy, $3.00. 1531 2nd Overlook St. CABIN FOR SALE Close to town, suitable lor pensioner. Write Box 871 Daily News. (249) FOR SALE New boat, 15 foot, 4 h.p, Easthopc. Phone Black 735. (247) FOR SALE 4-room house, centrally located; immediate possession. Ph. 123 Taxi, Cow Bay. (249) FOR SALE Household furniture, dinette, combination radio-phonograph, automatic, 10 records, etc., like new. 1433 Pigott Place. (249) FOR SALE 1931 Ford tudor, serial No. CAY 7434; good running condition, spare tire; $100. Also two wheel trailer, $20. L. E. Anderson, 1102 6th Ave. E. (247) FOR QUICK SALE 6-room house, fully modern, and 2-room house on two lots. Fine harbor view; near dry dock. $2,800. $1,773 cash, bal- ' ance on mortgage; immediate possession. Collart & McCaf-fery Ltd., 3rd Ave. W. Ph. 11. (247) FOR .SALE Furniture. 1034 7th Ave. E., after 12 noon. (247) FOR SALE Building with mod ern nvmg quarters and fully equipped practical wood working machinery in prosperous B.C. town. Spledid opportunity for two good mechanics. Falling health. For details apply Box No. 873 Dally News. (257) FOR SALE Household furni ture, dining and bedroom suites, etc. Ph. Black 158 after 5 p.m. 825 Borden St. (249) FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet with flour sifter, bread box and pull-out stainless table; rug, blue and wine, 9'x6.G". Ph. Blue 894. (It) WANTED ROOM wanted for services ex- cnanged. Apply Ldg. Cook Arthur Frayllng, H.M.C.S. Chatham. (247) $25 REWARD given by respectable young couple for furnished apartment or house. Call Red 860. (255) WANTED OLD STAMPS. Early Canada. World collections. Accumulations. Envelopes. H. Weiss, 4295 St. Lawrence, Montreal, 18. Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Nobl-ston. WANTED TO RENT Small fur nished house for two single men. Box 869 Dally News. (249) WANTED to buy or rent for single aged gentleman, small cottage or cabin, close in or near bus line. P.O. Box 186, Prince Rupert, B.C. (247) WANTED Kitchen range with ou burner, pn. 76 between 10 and 5 or Box 870 Daily News. (249) WANTED Double bed, and oil neater. Write Box 868 Daily News. (247) HOME for lady in exchange for ngnr, house duties. Apply Box 874 Daily News. (248) WANTED 3-room furnished apartment bv first week November. Ph. Black 769. (251) WANTED Room and board for 2 high school boys. Box 875 Daily News. (252) $50 REWARD given by rcspect- aoic young coupie, no cnuaren, for 3 or 4-room unfurnished suite. Ph. 281 between 9-12. (252) WANTED TO RENT Sewing macnine, preierabiy electric. Call Blue 733. (249) WANTED TO BUY Child's tri cycle in good condition. Box 876 Dally News. (252) WANTED TO BUY Child's tricycle; state price and condition. Apply Box 877 Daily News. (248) HELP WANTED WANTED Woman to live in and care for six-year-old boy after school hours. Ph. Green 195 after six. (248) RELIABLE woman for housework two days per week. Ph. Black 445. (250) WANTED--Resldent worker 35 or over, without family. Apply N.S.S. -AF. 146. (tf) WANTED Qualified sawyer for interior sawmill, top wages for right man. Good living conditions with accommodation for married man and small family. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 156. (251) FRAUD DETECTOR The X-ray is used in detection of fraud in painting as It shows underpainting not visible on the surface. THE DAILY NEWS Waterfront Whiffs Unprecedented Activity in Dog Fishing on Islands Halibut ' Landings Light Two hundred fishing from small gillnetters to both hook and net 'gears the past summer in taking a great harvest of dogfish off Skidegate Inlet and the cast coast of Graham Island on the Queen Charlottes to the west of 1 Prince Rupert. "There has never CANNERY SOLD H? any.hlns likc 11 anA,uas tt7 made a bumPer lear fishing A rtrwrx? rrii o AtSUVfc, LL1LING5 activity for us." declared Oor- VANCOUVER, Oct. 21 The'dn Jm"c' Pneer Queen Charlotte City merchant on a British Columbia Packers Lim- ited. operating company stores"' lu r"u? "UiJtl1 "uv uu his to Vancouver. au etia eua( neiia uooia ana i , ... ... . Alert Bay, has been fined for,?"11510 of, , h I01 f ,h sMiin nrin,,. .-r- items ' lng as cited by Mr. JollMe who nt HaII. t-11 fljll. 1 ' o grocery the Wartime rPrtoV an eiTl,T,,n,S ,$2'500, TSnS Board, in respect of the Bella ! nJ of livers which sold Bella, Bella Coola stores, the company pleaded guilty and was fined $100 and costs In each case n agl lfP0g fractio"s H;,H111 a f City and Skidegate with the ?hP Lrni '-p! Canadian Fishing Co. and the h AWbn rdsregu,atons "B.C. Packers operating camps Alert Bay store a fine of $150 J whUe j Carson was rnposed Among the com- co.0peratlves shipped to Prince modities sold . above the maxl- R mum prices fixed by the board , Vancouver had a cam at Sand. were sardines salt, tomato Juice. ,t Towards th f Qct grapefru t Juice, lard. jam. tea ;bcp therc was a faU of coffee.potatoes. onions and . eggs, flsh, duc to a d ff , th numerous other Items. run of Ibh fa watncr seUlng in and many of the fishermen ntn DnD i . . bcln5 well satisfied with what Callac. chief w of t, Peru, port was th had alread camcd f raided by Drake and others n other nM fsh, on the 16th century and In 1746 Qucen charlottes this year. Mr. was completely wiped out by an'Jollffe reportcd there bccn earthquake. an exceptionally good run of 1 pink salmon with chums fair AGENTS WANTED .while trailers hart had as trnnH OAS SAVER. Patented. Proven, Guaranteed. Fits all motors. If you have other full time em- Dlovmertt. write :for nrnof. i agency proposition. Victory I Halibut landings revived Manfg., Company, Cornwall slightly from the doldrums this ntarl- Iwcek with three boats bringing Mn 125,000 'pounds. On Saturday SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES j the Lois N. arrived with 55,000 STENOS, TYPISTS. POSTAL Pounds, the Sea Ranger brought CLERKS for Government war in 38,000 on Monday, and yn work. You can train at home. Thursday the American boat Free information. M.C.C. Civil Service Schools Ltd.. Wlnnl-nl.eur Ranlpr arrive arrlved witu with 32,000. nnn rw Dur-peg. inK the previous week only one " boat arrived with a cargo of PERSONAL pftatm vmr-nmn. ance. Angelique Grey- Hair Restorer adds color-life to your hair. $1 at Orme's Ltd. PAINTING and Paperhanglng. Ph. 46. II. Lund. BAYZAND & SEEU5Y, Painting. Decorating. Kalsomlnlng. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. Business and SEE . . F. MURPHY . FOR LUMBER STOCK FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES 225 1st Avenue East Phone Black 884 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving; Beauty Culture 1 all Us branches 206 4th Street Phone 655 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited H. F. Lovio. Rpresenvtlve . ; C . flnx 528 1S15 Plggot Ave. Prince Ruoert B.C VAL SPIDEL Floor Sanding and Finishing Alterations and Repairing Phone Green 880 General Delivery GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 NURSERY SCHOOL NOW OPEN Community Club Hbuse 920 Hays Cove Avenue Hr. 10-12 dally except Saturday and Sunday. 15c per day vessels of all sizes ranging large beam trawlers using have been engaged during way One ex- told of a small two-man boat pounds at 33c per pound. The general f hC d,h "? f season a? they had enjoyed ln 'ears owing to a fine run of cohoes. oo.uuu pounds. Total landings ror tne seaso sta"d a 10.772.- 000 pounds. NATURALLY SMALL The true sardine' Is not a dwarf fish but the voune of the pilchards a species of herring. There are about 14.0C0 Individual parts ln a light war tank. Professional LONDON SHOE REPAIR FINE REPAIR WORK DONE 733 2nd Ave. LEARN FRENCH Acquire a perfect pronunciation and a thorough knowledge of French grammar by a French professor. For further particulars apply the Dally News. IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 09 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Phones Days, Blk. 884 Nights, Grn. 860 Bert Bellamy Reg. Wilson We Aim to Please "You Call :: We Haul-Lumber Baggage Freight, Express Household Effects 225 1st Ave. E. Prince Rupert, HOTEL FRASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. II. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street; SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Australian Rabbits Meet War's Demands CANBERRA, Oct. 22 Oi War has brought about the glorification of Australia's national pest the rabbit. A month ago the Indian government was asking for Australian rabbits to breed as food for the Indian services. Now New Zealand's Interna tlonal Affairs Minister Parry announces that Australia is releasing 192,000 rabbit traps to en able New Zealand to continue export of frozen rabbit meat to Britain. Early settlers brought rabbits to Australia from England. Aus tralla has spent millions of dol ars trying to get rid of them. They have been hunted with guns, traps, poison bait, ferrets and gas. A trans-continental, supposedly rabbit-proof fence was built from north to south in westprn 'Australia years ago. But still the rabbit Increased. Today Australia Is almost re- conclled to the pest. The animals are entirely free of disease. Tlab bit meat Is coupon free and even the more select restaurants are now serving rabbit. Export of pelts to the United States Is Increasing. DARK BLONDS In the Solomon Islands, native women bleach their kinky hair with a paste made from coral lime. MM" II m ! IflC TV JONES' FAMILY MEAT MARKET EXTENSION OF TIME WOTICE Is hereby given that the time for the reception of tenders for "Fishermen's Floats, etc., Prince Rupert, B.C.," Is extended to 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Tuesday, October 31, 1911. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, October 16, 1944. IN THl SUPREMt. COUrtT OP nniTisa COLUMMA IN I'llOUATE IN TIIK MATTETl OP THE "ADMINISTrtATIOIJ ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP CHARLES IIOLDEN. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honour, W. E. Plsher. mad on the 12th clay of October. A.D. 1914 I was appointed Admlnlstrntor of the Estate of Chnrlea Ilolden. do-ceased, and oil parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or beforo the 15th day of November, A D 1944 and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount lndebtedncM 10 me forth- with DATED at Prince Rupert, n C this 12th day of October. A.D 1944 NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator. Prtnco Rupert, B.C. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 EnpHol Of Mnrl. . lit . . Ml Marts MONDAY j Hritain's No. 1 Screen Stir NOW A lU.INKINV. I.ANTP ldr . . . 1 ukal IN T Q M0R6E FORMBV (at 1:00, 3:13. 5:26, 7:39, 9:52) PLUS - TECHNICOLOR SPECIAL FILM LTlTir D "MEMPHIS BELLE" This special subject is the actual story of io mi-n Mlvstnn Intii Oprmanv nnH l .. t j imwu ne n , aerial film ever made. H TELLS MORE ABOUT THE Hrvff BOMBINGS uHa-- OF GERMANY THAN A THOUSAND HEADLINES! JEN MEN ON A BOMBING MISSION.. YOU'RE THE ELEVENTH THE MOST SPECTACULAR AERIAL FILM EVER MADE M (at 2:30. i:(3, 6!56, 9:9 SUNDAY 2 PJVI, "MIRACLE OF MORGAN'S I CREEK" j FREE Services Only SUNDAY MIDI "THE FALC0X Oil Plus: "The Sultan's dJ mid HMD'S I All Special Sunday Dinner - Roast Turkey pi- Roast Chicken Raked Ham Dinner Special Noon Day Tasty Lunches, 35c ar Every Day Except Monday Elio's ' FURNITURE STORE . Third Avenue, Pr.nce Rupert KWONO SANG IIINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 61? 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. PHONE ItED 247 J. H. MAIR Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE VALUATIONS 'AND" 1 ESTIMATES C32 3rd Ave. Blue 69 Prince Kupert, B.C. Alias Boiler HI Electric. Oxygen, Welding. BlacBmftl Repair. Thone R4 N THERE MAY BE il SHORTAGE THIS Put a cord of Wood I basement now nimti rrol'5l PHONE 58U Barr & And LIMITO Plamblnf fllj Coal Stokenl Corner 2nd Ate. Phone Red S89 PH BER 5S waypu"'-1 i queen CtPi Thira EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE