s TEA ALADA K You Were Facing Bullets . . . W -id you want praU or actual batklng? Yes, l would we that a another Rood rmon why l t. v ivht to keep right on buying War Saving ,VaU and han mi to thral That the way j, k our to en wHh action. The Variety Store MATTRESSES AND BOX SPRINGS SPRING FILLED ' Rest Box Spring, size 1-0 and 1-6 $12.50 i-i leep Spring I- ille d Mattress $;l.i.(H) ( i itf.n Hn SnHmr. sizn .1.11 S.t'i.lMI ELIO Furniture Store 1IIIKD AVENUE WLSEN'S LUNCH IS NOW OPEN 6th Ave. t, Beside P.O. Station B. "Select Lunches and Select Service" Our stock fresh and complete, prices right POULSEN'S GROCERY Courtesy and Sen ice I"rre Delivery Red 411 13 TAXI Now in operation Under New Management service 8 a.m. to I a.m. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 ave You Ordered Next Winter s Coal Yet? If Not, Do It Today! PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY WITH ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. PHONE llfi and 117 PROBLEMS OF LAUOK (Continued from page 1) made to apply o all military and ! naval establishments In this : area FREEZING OF SKILLED MEN The alleged freezing ef akllled men to casual work whfch they might accept between Jobs at 'heir regular trade was a comprint made by John Mutroney. He cited eases of two bridge worker last year who took pick , and hovel )ob. while brtde work waa slack. He said that they were unable to obtain si- ectlve Service releases to go back to bridge Jobs on the Exstew River later. 8uh a case was not a matter lor tne Board tn deal with. William Garvell. Heltv KrvU imembet, replied. It waa nurely a t matter to be straightened out between the local Selective Service officer and a local board of referee, which the Selective Service Act provides for. Hi added that there waa a very aetlve board of referees In Edmonton, which very often decided against the Selective Service officer, and no hard feeling resultfd. Mr. Mulroney also atked that the Board co-ordinate the weekly hours worked in different In. jdustries. On some Jobi the m-n worked 44 hours a week. 44 hovrt on others, and CO oo others, he 'said. He suggested that wertly hour in construction industries be set at 48. D. A. Careless petitioned that local dry dock employees doing repair work to American boats moored at American wharf he paid on the same scale as American workers engaged la the sun Job SESSION' HERE ENDED TODAY In a short session this morn-msj st which no petitions were heard, the board brought to a -Vise lt hearings In Prince Rupert The fcar.-d will leave this afternoon f r va.. niter where hearings w 11 br-ein rn Friday. Asked to r m .if Ml. Mavor H. XI. Daggett I k ihf hiard that he had heard it aid in many olacea that the activities of the board had been helpful to bath labor and emoUtvcra and hp h- Heved the board's visit here had also had mat effect. O. B. Kenwood, board ehair- 1'iniii, rcpnra vnai ne wa im- pressed witn the clearness of tne oriels presented and the fair manner In whlrh they had been laid before the board. It waa done with a very reasonable attitude." he said. We are specializing In the newest NESTLE'S COLD WAVE especially suitable for finer hair ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE Fourth Street. Peggy Sa under J. M. S. Loubser D.C B-A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 840 Barr & Anderson LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEK CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7lh AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 3 p.m. to 12 p m. Tuesday.10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Pbona lied 217 THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES A II. a WALLACE CO. are closed till Friday In order to take Inventory. Open Friday. I157 The finance committee reported to the city council last night the sale of the west half of Lot 3. block 26, section I to Mrs. Marie Mlchaluk for $237.50. A letter from the Canadian National Railways lands department concerning the expropriation by Wartime Housing Limited of railway owned city lots was referred to the flnanee committee by the city council last night. : The city couneiL on recommendation of the board of (works, is advising the Canadian National Railways that the city Is unwilling to defray any por-Itton of the estimated cost of a concrete pipe to cover the stream flowing In the vicinity of the engine house. The engineer has been requested to Investigate the pcrMttttly of instiling a sewer pipe In the existing culvert. Letters of acknowledgement were read before the city council last night from Olof Hanson, M. P.. concerning communlca-lliver Highway, the local radl situation, the p:jyoca nuim tuberculosis hospital, and the reopening of Metlakatla passag to fishing boats. In the latter regard Mr. Hanson stated he had brought the matter to the attention of the Minister of Naval Services without result but that he would continue to press to have the channel opened. On recommendation of the finance committee, the city esuneU hut night decided to pay to the Catholic Children's Aid Society in Vancouver the sum of $36039. being the dlf - ference between the actual cost of maintenance of children of 'a local family kept there In )lt43 and the amount already paid. The case had been dls-leussed at a previous meeting cf tne couneH. Soas of Norway, Thursday. July 6, Oddfellows' Hall, supporting Carnival Queen, 9 to 1. 157) The city council last night learned of the receipt by" the city engineer of copies of plans and profiles of Wartime Housing sewers which had previously been requested. A request of F. W. Chandler for a new water service pipe for has photographic studio has been referred by the board 'of work to the city engineer for attention. The city council's Health, Relief. Police and Licensing committee reported last night that it had agreed to grant a license to Edward W. Bellamy to conduct a messenger service in the city. B, C. Police Commissioner T. W. S. Parsons of Victoria arrived in the city yesterday afternoon and left immediately for Stewart aboard the P.M.L. 15. accompanied by Inspector Ernest Gammon. TOO LITE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Axminster rug, 9x12. with felt pad. Used four months, good condition. Apply Old Reading Room. (157 Announcements All !lmtlaraat:nu tn tula column wUJ be charged for a full month at 25e a word. W.O.T.M. Dance. Oddfellows' HaH. Wednesday, July 5. Dancing 10 to 2. DeCarlo's Orchestra. Orange ladles' Dance. July 7. Oddfellows' Hall: Dt Carlos Orchestra. Refreshments. Dancing 9:30-1:30 ajn. Norwegian News Reels. Oddfellows Hall. July 18, 8:15 pm Admission 50c. AUTO REPAIR DEPT. i CLOSED TEMPORARILY We wish to inform our customers that commencing Tue.day, July 4, our Auto Repair Department will be closed for a period of two weeks, to allow us to make alterations and install new equipment. During this period we will continue to service auto parts, tires, batteries, oil and gasoline. , Long Motors PHONE 52 General Motors Dealer Goodyear Tires Home Gasoline A. MacKENZIE FURN'TURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY We are Just reminding you or things that you know That we have a large stock of Household Furniture, Bedding and Floor Covering on hand. Send us your Mall Orders. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue FORMAL OPENING OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OF W. LOCK Your Shop, ping Tour should Include a visit to this nearby Butcher Shoo where you'll always find an abundant supply of the ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY HERE! choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables In season from our own farm arriving by each boat, Complete line of groceries. Canadian W.A. Legion Dance On Thursday evening last jthe Oddfellows' Hall presented a scene of pleasure and activity when the ladles of the Canadian Women's Auxiliary held one of their very successful dances. Mrs. A. J. Croxford. president, was in general charge and Mrs. William Rothwell convened. Assisting her were Mes-dames F. Ellison. C. Micheloff. D. Parent. C. Wilson. Mrs. Hugh KUlin and Mrs. Hanley had charge of the check-room. Henry Smith and William Rothwell presided at the door and C Micheloff and Dan Parent assisted the ladies in pouring and serving the delicious refreshments. Music was by Jean de Carlo's orchestra. The drawing for a pair of vases resulted in the winner being L. Varke : eke t 4C3. Mrs. D. Parent waa ta iiar!!e of this drawing lAUGH,tT,TAUr,FREE Of EMBARRASSMENT It's bo easy to ft joy aB-dar confidence when El your plates are held in place by this owrJort cushion 'a dentist's form ula. I. Dr. Wernet's Tent sore gums. Powder lets you a. Economical; enjoysolkl foods, small amount avoid embarrass- lasts longer, mectof loose a. Pure, harmless, ptatts. Helps pre- pleasant tartmg. , AI ivswtfi -XX. Moy boclffo( eWd UD70RTANT MEETING Carnival Committee Members and Representatives are asked to attend a Iinal organization meeting on THURSDAY. JULY 6 at 8 p.m. in George Hone's office Atlas Boiler Works Electric. Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blactsmlth, General Repair. Phone Ked 884 The best buy In Monuments and Markers In B.C. Is at "National Monuments on 3rd Ave., first door West of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Box 938. Prince Rupert DANCE TUESDAY. JULY 1 Sningmen's Orchestra ODDFELLOWS' HALL GEO. 1DAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SIIIITED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 146 4th Ave. E. RED 127 RURN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabwood, cord $10.00 Dry Jackpine, cord $12.50 HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Green 995 KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chew Mein Hours 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 2nd Avenue and 8th Street i Reliability For twenty-five years FASHION-CRAFT Clothing has been the choke of thousands of men in Prince Rupert and District. Why? . . . Because they have learned through the years that the FASHION CRAFT Label identifies a garment that is expertly tailored and honestly made-ensuring proper fit and long wear. Today . . . FASHION-CRAFT Clothing !s still available still as reliable as ever. If you need a Suit or Topcoat we'd suggest that you see the Fashion-Craft range at PAOE THREE I l i'll mm VOLUNTEER WORKERS WANTED CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL Men and women to assist in Booths, Concessions, etc PLEASE REPORT to Bill Stone at Wm. Stone, Clothier, Corner 3rd Avenue and 5th Street. TUNES FOR K)' NEW VICTOR RECORD HITS rLiL.nt MI"""1 ' nft . - - . n a Winn i--- miiinT SUttr . ,rn Sim - - - r ttas . ..-.oticUnton nf 1 , - SO - DO NOinir. Orci. ZT. me iBi&rialZ 2?A mpcl w jf iUUaTi ' .1,. iinliiifr- Et rrj thru you buy a ntw rtctrd, try te bring an tU rtcsrii im wilb you. PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Builtnp Roots Repairs, Reshingllng Free Estimates Re-opening of the L. D. Cafe CHOP SUEY and CHOW MEIN Hours 6:30 ajn. to 1:00 ajn. SUPPORT THE PIONEERS' HOME PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert first, existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using; skilled pharmacists, quality, drugs, the best of equipment. OrmesLld. , Pioneer Druqsfist THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and Open Dally from 9 ajn. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 pan. and 7-Q pro. Wf 31