KAy SEPTEMBER fl. 1914 t I K I I. ews items... to the Interior. -Phone or call 651 or I grade fir, spruce and Phllpott, Evltt & (215) ca Marshall returned to on Saturday night's Niagara Falls, where been visiting for the months. broadcast, Wednesday, , CFPR, LAC Archibald, ederal Candidate. (209) Elio's IRN1TURE STORE Ivenue, Pr.nce Rupert Good Place to do 3ur Shopping renth Ave. ! Market COAL P. Egg, Nut, Pea and Slack E TRANSFER Phone 580 88 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEM8 id Mrs. Olof Hanson In from Smithers and st night and will re- A W.A. Coast Regiment Dance Sept 9 cancelled. Mr. and Mrs. George Wall of Smithers were among, visitors in the city from the interior yes terday, having driven In following the road opening at Terrace. Capt. John R. Hall, tralnlnu officer of the Prince Rupert Ma chine Gun Regiment, leaves to morrow night for a two weeks' trip on, leave to Vancouver and Victoria. Lieut. Louis LeDourdals, MXJV. for Cariboo, who has been here and at Terrace in connection with the road opening, left yesterday afternoon on his return to Vancouver. A burning cigarette butt thrown among rubble was the probable cause of a fire which broke out In the basement of the home of George Dawes, 146 4th Avenue East, i at 12:30 yesterday momifag. There was no damage. Among those who returned this morning from the south were Mrs. E. Meggs and Mrs. J. A. Donnell wno nave spent a holiday in Vancouver. Lieut. Col. J. H. Horn, who came north as staff officer for f-Paelfic-Command in connection with the road opening at Terrace, left yesterday on his return to Vancouver. PACIHCCAFE v Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 6:00 m. to 2:00 a.m. SUPPORT THE PIONEERS' HOME ASCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS own through the years, almost since Prince Rupert existed, we nave served ihe people, 'ine prescnpuuii atory we have always tried to keep modern, using pnarmaclsts, quality, drugs, the best of equipment. es Lid. TTfif! Pioneer Druqgiats IREXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 9 am. till. 9 p.m. andays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.ni. UPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Mian Fish & Cold Storage CK IIDPERX Ltd.BRI'8" COLOMBIA Judge W. E. Fisher returned Mrs. C. Poulsen returned this .. this U niorning 1 . from Vancouver morning . from , a holiday spent wwiric jjc weni on vacation. in Vancouver, O. W Nickerson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Crulck-shank, left at the week-end by car for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. W. L. Armstrong went as far as Smlth-trs with them, returning here by train Sunday night. Among those who returned to the city this morning was Miss May Murray, who visited Van couver on a holiday. i L. W. Waugh, former local manager of Canadian National Telegraphs, Is still located In Toronto with the commercial department of the company. His daughter, the former Genevieve Waugh, is now Mrs. Robert Taylor. She is a section officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force and her husband is a com mander in the Royal Canadian Navy on the Atlantic. Neil McKelvle, managing edl-1 City Council last night granted tor of the Prince Oeorge Citizen,! permission to the Women's Aux left yesterday on his return to ' Mary of the 17th Coast regiment Prince George after having been I to hold a tag day on October here during the past month re llevlng G. A. Hunter of the Dally News. William D. Shannon, district governor of the Rotary Club, arrived in the city this morning from Seattle to pay an official visit to the local club. He met the officers, executive and committee chairmen at a luncheon today and the principal function In connection with the visit will be a dinner dance at Wartime Housing staff house to- 28 and to the Canadian Legion to hold their annual Poppy Day on November 11 Card of Thanks I wish to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to my many friends for their kindness and sympathy and beautiful floral tributes during my recent bereavement, the loss of my beloved late Jean Heayenor. Special thanks to Rev. J. A. Donnell and night. Mr. Shannon who has his i r iverh Ri.nhpn vtamn. ! ua.nd 1aughter, Patricia, j We Spaldmg j. Novack EInar with him, will-proceed tonight to Ketchikan, accompanied by H. C. St. Clair, B. R. Dodds and Fred Scadden of the local club. Announcements AH advertisement In thla column will be charged lor a lull month at 25c a word. Women of the Moose Dance, September 6, OddfeUowsHall, Jean de Carlo's Orchestra." A special meeting of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council will be held Friday, September 8, at 8 jj.m, in the Carpenters' Hall. All, delegates please attend. Canadian Legion W. A. Dance. Sept. 8, Oddfellows' Hall, De-Carlo's Orchestra, Catholic Bazaar, 4th and 5th of October, K.O.C. Hall. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, 3 pjn., Nov. 16. Haugin. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE the pallbearers, James Bolton, MRS. D. HEAVENOR. Those sending flowers were: Smoky and the American soldiers In the gear room, Mrs. L. Brown and Mrs. Laura Talbol, Mr. and Mrs. J. Novack, Mary Spalding, Pte. and Mrs., Spalding, Mrs. W. Brooks and family, Miss Roas and Fanny Spalding, Miss Margaret Ness. Einar and Uncle Jense, Mr. and Mrs. Jes. Bolton, Rosalie and Einar, Louis L. Starr, Irene and Mildred Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Gray and Chester. CANNED BELLS NOTTINGHAM, Eng. 0-Lacklng bells of its own, St. An drew's church Is Installing an amplifying unit to play records of the bells of York.Minster, Bow Church and St. Martin in the Fields. Fields. CITY COUNCIL Acting City Treasurer H. M. Foote was last night appointed Acting City Collector pending the appointment of a new Collector; The appointment Is retroactive to August 1. Mr. Foote recently took over the position of city treasurer upon the resig ¬ nation of Frank Vickers, who left for England. A recommendation by the finance committee that the Ridley Home be assisted by the city to the extent that it be allowed free water, garbage, and telephone service was adopted by City Council last night. Applications for trade licenses from H. J. Lund for painting and paper hanging and from G. E. Armstrong for groceries and con fectioneries have been approved by the city council licensing committee. Alderman W. H. Brett was ap pointed by the city council last night to be acting mayor during the forthcoming absence ol Mayor H. M. Daggett who, with Alderman George Hill, will at tend the annual conference of the Unions of B.C. Municipalities at Nelson later in the month. i Approval of a request by W. A. Jarmson that Overwaltea Stores uLImlted be allowed to use the alleyway at the north side of the city hall to load and unload 'trucks at the rear of the store was. left to the discretion of the city engineer by City Council last night. A request that the Women's Co-ordinating Council be allowed to use the council chamber for a meeting on September 28 was granted by city council last night. The Women's Co-ordinating Council Is a group com posed of representatives of many women's organizations in the city. The city engineer has been authorized to approve proposed changes in the sewer plan sub mltted by the Department of National Defence (Navy). It was decided by city council to request that the Department of National Defence undertake asphaltic paving of 1st Ave. as! this street is used almost exclusively by military and navy traffic. , Plans of a proposed water Installation by the Department of National Defence (Navy) have been considered and it is recommended that they be approved by the council provided the navy instal the necessary water meters. Day by day, Victory cornel Dearer and with victory Peek Frean's fAnouj Day By Day Assortment and other delicious English biscuits will returns BISCUITS PROM LONDON, ENGLAND Buy War Savings Stamps. NHMHBMMMa , MPy Mead Make sure your electric appliances in plugs. Oil motors and moving won't break down just when you parts wherever necessary. Give most need them. Check them' over brushes and dust bag on the vacuum NOW for minor repairs. Tape frayed an extra thorough cleaning.' cords and wires. Tighten connections REDDY says: "Wise people plan ahead by in- vesting now in War Savings Stamps and Certificates." PAINTING paper . Interior Hanging fC Decorating Showcards and Signs LOKNE COKNIXL Phone Blue 142 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chlropractlcl If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 Atlas Boiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith, General Repair. Phone Red 884 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. 2nd Avenue and 8th Street SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 84. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. 1 Fbone Black 738 HOME SERVICE nANDYMAN MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We hare a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion ASTORIA SHOES Per Pair & McIIALE LTD. Made by skilled -craftsmen, Astoria Shoes Insure continual high quality and good styling. We now have a complete stock of Astoria "Best Man" Oxfords in both Brown and Black. With a good weightsmooth calf upper and a medium weight double sole "Best Man" Oxfords are ideal for fall wean . - Priced, per pair - JplU.DU Good quality medium weight Naval Oxfords, all sizes, .$7.25 to $9.00 Katy's Kleen Kitchen 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., Teas arid' Teacup Reading Our Specialty, Southern Fried Chicken and Steaks Hours 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. . Party Reservations Your patronage appreciated 703 Fulton Street , :: Phone Blue 882 Julia Arthur DRESS PUMPS In British Tan and Golden Tobacco Colors with Dress Cuban and Low Cuban Heels. Perfect fitting Elasticized lines Black Kid Tango Pumps J Just arrived Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" GOING TO A FIRE? Nope, just down to the VARIETY STORE FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIESt ' We're all set for school! Whether it's to be kindergarten or college, we have the supplies. We can't list everything we have; there's so much of It you must come In and see. ! And you'll want to do It early before stocks are picked over I The Variety Store It Pays to Advertise in The Dally Newi