PAGE TWO per THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dallj News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, "MANAGING EDITOR Birth Notices MEMBER OP THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publica- Piinpral Flowers, ner Name Classified, 2c per word, per insertion, minimum Transient, 'per oncn - Contract, per inch Readers, per line Black Pace Readers, per line 8 Columns, '12 ems. DAILY 'EDITION 287 "Lines 'to Column. Issue TVitliin the C.C.F .50 .10 j f 4 a CINDERELLA" INTERVIEWS The Army ha"d i: p.ay- about them, we arranged to have - ' 'the cost v,tn 'whom 3 talked , Isold me that If it hadn't 'been ! for Carson, the show -would have Wednesday, April 19, 1944 never have been presented. The ' 1 cat. as a whole, had never been on the stage before ;nor done janything like it beyond the usual bit of work in plays 'In (school. They knew nothing of The majgrity of the British Columbia of the Co-operative Commowealth 'Pedertttior i hnsTe-i the play was neld In -j.inil r 'he orlinS in rfiO-ard tO the Oriental ohpn It WfmrH Imnnstlhlp thflt within the ranks of 'the C.C.F. than between tne ciety and glee club and to pre C.C.F. and other party or parties. Star Bright. Jstase. fflEUAILT NEWS 4 M would lllce to continue doln this kind of entertaining. !R. 'E. ADAMS, tt member of. some autobiographical In- theatricals, terviews IHypU had the part of some "mount of work necessary for , There has been .a -tendency on .b u olce .for propaganda-conscious l l o " gentle ' - people to .... take . "Russian. . , Victory Bonds, tind that goes particularly for .Prjhce Rupert, which in the past campaigns bave al ways-made a fine showing. The T ar mui5t le won as .speedily as .possible, arid the Canadian navy, army and -air force must have all ttihat they require in the 'way of -equipment and personnel to make victory sure. The money from the Sixth Victory Loan will be used to further the war effort and to -provide for the requirements of the Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 such a show -was tremendous. nit are to w be tr congratulated i v victory claims, sum.raci. ou pr cuiu, uiviuu wucv on their -effort, and still keep the tongue well in the cheek, says 1 luH ATnnlo T Wf " n nnnpr nlihlishfid in ItalV 10r the UaR- l"' j.r i--- ------ - Hlh rTwm n .thi lihTPttnnnrl illliail UXIIICU aira. ttk. .dirwliftn ific Hnnp nrV shot JIM F3NDLAY. who worked C. R. MORGAN, the stage manager, is frc.-u Winnipeg and has had sqme experience there in theatricals but mostly act i""o ing, this being his llrst ...av ...WW..J, attempt . but always turned out right in the end. He also said he en-Joyed It and hopes to keep a society of the same line going. irUOH HUNT, as Top in the show, displayed a very nubile ; sense of humor, Is tall, dailcand i handsome, hails from Abbots-' ford. Has been 18 months In . the service. Has done some !vork in high school plays but this "was his first time '.In such a bit? thow ln such a big part, He mentioned the friendliness of the members of the cast and training. He also said he found I the audience quite responsive. I F. LAYZELL. the 'poor henpecked father of Cinderella, . Is Jfrom Uxoridge. of Tor IVT.i.T'TfiiQri tvAmvef :nvc tlninir at the .momenUL.v. ..v.,. ' ; I ontoi IUb been in ths serTlci-.two 7 KflM.-fli.v flnnhts thpv miVht h'sfve that'thd ettes at theVna fl he niyeaf-".doDs!drt RSWtafiipsing .the Wi with " the KUs hen the history of this war is completely Jflark-.n- J many lany volumes, volumes, the the early early M4 44 Soviet Soviet drive drive iVancouver jVancouver ' n ed down in nas 18 will 'OCCtipy 'more than a few chapters. months In the army. This how The Russians apply pressure in so many spots the was the first time he was ever Germans Teact like ;a guy Avho has so many flea bites lrt such a "ge performance. ne cioesn i kiiuw w jiere iu miimicii. inrai uic i-uinj L AIREY, the musical dlr-tiv in 'm;ilfp n stnnr1 -in nnp ;nnt. . thft Rd Armv hit (nr fiaurvnc .Pnt nrrti tr.r 'lor his direction. C. A. PEELE, Captain ot the Royal Guard, Is from New West minster, B.C. but says his home Is In Prince Rupert now a. his wife and little daughter are heic with him. He has been ln Little theij .at another until they have become engulfed tin XJ'X ' ieZTZ "StTaS a whirlpool of defeat. cmT S!a? rnf a hlnks a slee ub or Pe Never has that same 'Red Star shone more bright- iety could be formed from orehertre did a fine piece of lv nn thp imtrlffiplrls nf Rurnnplhan tndav. Tts ravs i, ..a. v,,. a,,xZ i. among the service personnel in -r - - - i - - uir. unui i tiia vi iv-Huii. l. j ... , . , , , , "v,i;w, fV,r. r!nnn v,nB fij,.. this area which would be i rnllg ,ha done entertainment along worinwru,e- Sixth Victory Loan . . . On April 2A and for the following "three weeks line same lines in Eastern can ada and In Detroit. He has been iln the army for Er'V years. very A. GRAHAM, as Dalsie, was looking as smart as 1 have seen anyone look ln uniform when I erviewed her. As she was to J. E. -SNYDER and E. T. Xar- son were ncpaisibte or the take Pa,rt ln l.he n,f th hf-autifni liehtina -frt. a nrt J v-asn '- n ccstume for her part Canadians will be ared to subKcnbe to the bixth- -UinBe -job ithe tat one df the u-:y sister. much on lne Victory Ixjan, and a minimum objective of $1,200.- !Snyder is from Milton, Ontario. She comes from -K'm'j. rlev B.C IHHl (Hill hilC ruPn SKT HnT1C. Hliwrt Mt17Pne flrp dV. anrf I-inspn frr.m Vnni-nnvnr uwjjjuc nupci "' " - - , -w ijcuicu lu; uu jua i uouus uj a iuuu ui oiuu.vw. ' i A - There should be tio need to urge people to buy Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY HI RT HI) AY AND ' WATER M AH'S EVERYDAY CARDH FOUNTAIN lENS fadmitx it was a work. great deal of much. Has been in the mended for the' amount of work ' tor one ear Tn he did and also for the way In ,,rSt .appearance on the staje. which he aid it, he was very emphatic about having a great , deal of fun out of doing It, 'but TIMIII K mm: X33SH Scali t:tidrs will bu reci-ivrd by tlw Milliliter uf Lands at Victoria, D. C. not later than noon on the 23rJ Cay ot May, 1B4, for the purchase of ' Meenre X33841. U. out 1W.9:W.OOO feet of Bpruce. Cedar and Hemlock i on two area situated on fckedam i Ray, tule Inlond. 'Queen Charlotte ' Inlands Land DUtrlct Three (3) yeari will he allowed for removal of timber. Further particular of the Chief u-orenter. "wetter. vetoria, 'etorla, B.C bc , , or or ui itrlc i i i .i . i , , armed services, Which "means that subscriptions to at managing the stage. He said! roreter. Pri.'re Hunert, DC honds -from all Lanadians will nlav -'a lartre part . to i that th'ngs kept going -wrong assure -a qiuck victory and the return to their homes in'Canadawf those nvho are now fighting on the bat-tlefrmts. The nurfthase of Vict.oiT Loan bonds is an invost-menjt. The govornment is not asking citizens to give thoir -monev, -but to Jend it on the b6st of all possible security -Canada and all that the -country stands for. i Ruyine: 'Victory Jonds. -as we have Paid before, implies no ;sacrifice but is just .good, sound business. HOB WEBSTER from Toronto, who took the part of I'tc. Doakes ln the last scene 4s from Toronto, has been 2Vi years In the army. Has done some work in High School plays and said he has made more friends by being in this show than he has made before since he has been stationed ln this area. He said he doesn't know how hell fill up his time from now on as every spare minute was used for the show. iv Tin.'itr.vir. rnriiT or niinixii nu t Mint iv HiiontTi. is tiii: or Tin: "ahmin- ISTIMTIOX A IT" ami iv Tiir. mattkii or tio: i:htati: or un.i.mi miiiik, iii:( :ahi:d. TAKE NOTICK that by order of Ilia Honor W. E, Pinner, made on the 24th day of March, AO. 1944, I waa apiMlnted Executor of the estate of William Miller, decerned, and all parties having claim against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or about the 30th day of April', A D. 1944, and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to .pay the amohnt of their Indebt-ednera to me forthwith. DATED at Prince nupert, BC, this 30th day of March. A.D. 1944. EDWARD JAMES SMITH, Executor of the Esute of William Miller PKINCK RUI'KKT ROOFING CO. Hot 725 .Specialists on Uulltup Hoofs -Repalrs,'lteshln(llnc Free Estimates and said she likes acting "very much. BOBBIE ORISENTHWAITE, a the "male chorus, from Toronto, member of the choius. comes .belonged to an -operatic society from Vancouver, out New West-there, said the show was "a 'ter-1 mlmter way. "She 'also says she rifle amount of work, but an . likes Prince Rupert but wishes excellent way -to spend leisure 1 there was some place to go wrights. actors, .actresses time, would like to form a so- tlon of all news despatches credited to tt4r to the Associated and stage technicians be- ,ciety to 'continue with ,plays. Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. ! fore the public here recent- Has been In the army two years. All rights of republication -of special despatches therein ar: jy. Feeling that readers of I also reserved. Dal,y News- r"i the subscription cttrqpptptdv KATtb rattq ' . F. TZ. PTlEMMINO, dainty am, uked the Clnderella, was in the chorus of By City Carrier, per ween -show. -might be interested in the "Sign of the Cross", and By Mall, per Month Per Year 'M ADVERTISING RATES Death, Funeral, -In Memoriam, Engagement and 'Wedding Nntlcca finrrl of Thanks . $2.00 swimming ns this is her favorite sport and she misses it very much. Said he had never don any acting before but thoroughly enjoyed it. M. CIRARDET. looked less !Bob 'Roy" in 'Vaneouver, -has , ferocious off-stage, than he did done some work in church on stage in the part of the spy, did some singing I is originally from SwlUe:land which "Mrs. Jean- -for troops before -enlistment in 1 where he directed Y.M.C.A. Llttls-klprepared 'for us.- jc.WAtC. lust Oulyi 'She la 'imderlf Theatres, "hav'been In Canadu :' ,f5 !fet tall, has blue eyes and j 22 years, lives In'Celista. U.C. 4-4 jteht brown shalr. (which is about 30 mllesnorthof j I "Salmon nrm. He told me that It J .au; .-itwnnin,fln3u,prouuwr. JEAN CARSON, the Pa1ty emfj ui times almost Impo.-73 -director, librettist ete.or the L0odm(,ther, came 'from W srbie 'to .continue, but 'that 'Car 5 h,ow- has de a lot 01 1heat'- lAnaeles to Join the C.WAX3. son had held the whole thing to-0 oal work In Edmonton and -really ln tne 8ervlce ,ond has been 8 gftner Bnste anfl M 'enJoys TV l 'months nnd loves it. This was Inch - u B ""'her first appearance on the The girls of the cast told me they only had two afternoons I off for practice and they found I "EDITH 'HALE, the wicked " "My n grind, rehearsing stepmother, is a lovely person. eTC!V evening and then doing She comes from Vernon, U. C. thelr rfu,ar dutJ eaCh 1 and has been in the army 17 thlnk they are to be commended , months. This was also her first Ior 5P,nt m presenung me how when H meant giving appearance on the stage except up for eome work In qhurch theatrl- thelt leu hours. kaKIund the show 'very ttrlnc T rnnnri .hn. , but lot of fun and -says a great i noeM when z wnt she likes to entertain .people. h,nrt ih. .P,nM button. franchise issue. So .they cannot, af ter all, be charged ever be finked om ; MARY hill, as Maisie. o ZTitVt with witii lack itiw "l of courage 7u'flc of the r convictions . aitnougn cast before the show "J "JC of the ugly sisters, is tali and jr. tell tear Monday ;it Trv,,,,k Vancouver blond, MnnA si. Ch, ha, had y,.A some ex- tvnth the veteran J we are inclined to agree evenlng 1 found M they Tney Island Socialist, member, bam uutnne, xnai io miP- sieved it worthwhile to do , h7r nnrf o-ivinf the vote to the Japanese, at least, IS a something to entertain service. h f V. ;,! ; Pvi'ti'sT. Prilnmhin tnflav. It personnel but find it hard to..,.: , J, , 1 1 . .i . i. li j. of t t-,c the know Kn.I wn hat the l"!f service ",c!. really;,.. ' . ,u. ... .. wnlrl .n nr for the moment that .the -matter f jl iff .I'' be r, mnvn .nnntnntinllC contentious ... ICillO issue CIIJUJT. . 1UM ' ... IIUUC . . MJ CUUUilUC .. I I ,,. VCaTS in JUIV T..I.. Oriental franchise may a more with some sort of dramatic so- n VJ "WAITMrV hp Vionrl. sent something along the same;some , a!so hftd his (lrs, tee later on The. ca.f -d d-prac- BsUn xpCTience ln thta gn0Y tioally the hole thing n the r .from Vancmiveri and has fLP T TC, tlmC f been inthe.armyforthree7ears. eoifld be allowed from their ..., e M,H said Jie K- K. has done ArmmL some s!n me what I wanted to know. were busy dressing, making up, airanging props, cnecicing lighting and always helping one another, there was lots of Jkins and laughter and I found thrm all a fine kind ' f people Have a Coca-Cola wclcome home,BigTj !! ism ' Mr- ait x f FRAGRANT V: FULL STRENGTH 1 1 COFFEE J I GUARANTEED UNTIL DATE ! H THE W. H. MALKIN CO. LTD. VANCOUVER, CANADA . . . or bun io be friendly with a Yank The greeting Welcome home, big boy It undentood all over the Dominion. Just as friendly in its meaning ire the words- Haifa "Cie"spoktn onboth sides of the'lwrder. It's a phrase that speaks of goodwill in Ottawa as In Chicago. Yes, around the globe Coca-Cola stands for the pauie tlmt refreshes symbol of friendliness. tiilhurlmf Ib.tllrr l -of.foU" NOK11I STAR HOITLINO WORKS I'ltlMi; IIITMIT ' DISCOURAOBD RAILROAD The mounuimui tenstn between India tmd Uurma u so difficult' tttwe ote. has ben any raltriiad;jB transport proving cheaper and quicker. CHINESE BLOOD BANK China's first blood bank ha established m the Yunnan where ;. ,v..! he used as rr f :!. r b' .ri banks VAHB-VAM nun COAL! V2 i r ,t:,i.n. a iu ...... ..j n v Iff Mill -IIKTkVTt 111 I" IIIILllllI. MIM'IIX. .'Ifltl Valley Coals now on hand ri .1 -it! 1 llirr II.IVJS IUIL1LL- IHJIUlf (' IVL'IV 1.' vwv TIIONK THE llt-XAU, oTUIlt, will be appreciated, 9 ' PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. PRESCRIPTION Open Dally from 9 am till 9 p n Coal Orders fB'lM I If AT M MM 11 I n f V I L first existed, e have aerved the pe-Je Tit laboratory have always tried to ker i... " jtKiiira pnarmacmu. quality, aruj. me dtji h. r As we start a new year, we are nroua 01 c-r . . . . . . i i. ... w ! i ta we ctnitlnne Ui .rfTe OU. L Xjxies ltd. We ran now 'deliver your roal orms. rr tiMt ilk.' fliri'O iluvw l'!irM inrr Iwforr dclnrt) I V. r ( -J -w-mr ...... n ALBERT & McCAFPERY B- IM.ONIC llfi-aiwl JJJ RUPERT W0 SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Fhh & told y" M ' I L -1 ...wrmrJ rltlNCr UIII'KKT LIU."