i ;lc; men in ,ri .a base- tfwe:v for i Am. , 011 Ihey plan to do the same this xason. In Softball the Americana Intend to operate an lntcr-com-pany circuit a well at enter a I contender In the Service Softball League. After tonight's basketball tilt between the Canadian All-Star md the Vanki the emphasis will probably be on outdoor sport. Despite this, however, indoor .t:!ctlc are still expected to continue thiough the summer, .tj; hough rutii rally on a reduced scale.i Every day. boxer can be found training in the Acropolis Hall under the direction of Sergeant John Foster. One of the big ob V siacics lo presenting boxing shows is that at prscent there aren't any too many Interested In the sport. The Navy and the Air Foice have been playing badminton all winter but the Americans are Just starting now because the facilities to play were not available before. Activities along other lines are also planned, such as volleyball and LIVERPOOL W A 10-year 9U Post Office messenger boy admitted In court he had burned or kept 300 telegrams he shouW .)ve delivered over a year II? offered onjr one explanation: hi was too lazy to deliver them, COURT SEANCE UNWANTED LONDON a Mrs. Helen Duncan, 46, charged under an ancient witchcraft act for holding spiritualistic meetings, offered to conduct a seance for the Judge and Jury. "There is no ust wasting the time of the Jury witnessing exhibitions," said the Judge, Sir Geiald Dodaon. CORSET HIDE-ALLS BELFAST, The police thought There was something odd about two men wearing women's corsets and they were rlht Beneath the corsets they found spark plugs. The men were fined $300 each for attempting to evadt export pro-iub.uon to Eire LET'S GO BACK TO B.C. (Contributed) Alberta has iU oil fields and a little patch of wheat But British Columbia has its timber and it fishing can't be beat. Saskatchewan has nothing but a plot of dusty ground So from now on in an argument they shouldn't make a sound. Manitoba, has Lake Winnipeg, British Columbia has the same So any noise that they put up will sure sound pretty lame. Ontario has Nlaeara Falls and Its thousand little isles British Columbia has its waterways that stretch for milrs ami milp So you can have your prairie pictures, you can keep your eastern ies Just give me the balmy sunshine where the blue Pacific lies Where the breezes blow so softly, where the shores arc golden sand, wnere me sunsew are me reacesi, unusn uoiumoia tne white man's land. Where the timber grows so stately and the lakes are filled with trout. The people from the east come in. it's hard to keep them out. bo you people irom me uust bowi ana runner east from there. There's nothing you can say about or with B.C. compare. There are a lot of unhappy fellows in entry 99 Who would like to hrar the bunlo on Pacific Standard Time. So East a Eas:; and West is Wear and never the twain shall meet Keep tne east out of the west and B.C can t be beat. 'piIS IS A YEAR OF DESTINY . . . a time to search one's heart ... to ask 0nclf "Am i dong all j can t0 hdp bring victory this year? . . . Am I holding nothing bl when thousands arc giving all?" Vic-t0ry m Europe is within our grasp -but K can only hc sc;7cii j)y an an.out cfjort. V. IOur hand signing for Victory Honds is backing oufnicn in their assault on Hitler's European fortress. Stretch your baud across the Atlantic and strike a blow for victory! Every drop of ink used in signing for Victory Bonds is a direct hit at the enemy . . . weakening his resistance helping shorten the war and therefore to save Canadian lives. Wc can do it! ice must do it! Yes, wc have done a good job so far, but the end is ; not yet. Wc must now throw in everything we've got towards the final blow. Let's do our share by buying every Victory Bond .wc can and then one more! Your reward will be the deep sense of satisfaction that comes from the knowledge you have played your full part in hastening peace in Europe this year. , . NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE Nutrition Notes By ELIZABETH YOUNO VEGETABLES FOR VITAMINS FOR VICTORY Vegetables are a very important part of every diet, yet many of us eat all too few or too smail a helping when we'do eat them. Every Clay we should eat servings of two vegetables in addition to potatoes. If possible, one of ifiese vegetables should be raw. Vegetables protect the body from disease, increase vitality and safeguard health. Most vegetables contain more of the essential vitamins and minerals than other foods. Vegetables supply us with Vitamin A for good health and minerals, Iron for red blood): end calcium (for strong bones snd teeth). First preference should be aiven to green and yellow vegetables such as car.ots. spinach, rnrsley. cabbage, green peas and ans. arparagus, lettuce and broccotl. These vegetable. ln- luding rstatoes of course, are he ones which will susply or' Hh the larjfit amount! of minerals and vitamins. At the present time all the r.bote-mentlcned vegetables and many more are obtainable In bcI stores. Try to tempt youi i trrfy to enjoy a wide variety 'rvd in many different wayi. The e's a good reason why so nany people don't like vegetables. Too often they are cooked until they are soft and wilted looking and they are served at an ' flavorless. Then al' e talk " ti?? w-""' about fh1r healthfulness does no good, for t..ey Just dsn't appeaL Poor c Joking ipails the appearance of the vegetables and takes away their flavor and lessens the'.r food value. he died recently, he left her the business. Miss. Stinton has !sold it, however, because "it needs a man." She's cor'.inui.n? to work for the hew owner. POPULATION UP NAEoAU. O The total population of the Bahamas is 68.846 , an in:rease of 9,000 over 1932. TIMELY RECIPES ASPARAGUS ROLLS 36 stalks asparagus 12 thin slices bread Butter Tie asparagus in bunches and cook upright in a little boiling, salted water for 10 or 15 min- lutes. Drain. Butter bread; place three stalks asparagus on each slice and roll. Place rolls side by side on a baking sheet and toast in a moderately hotven, 375 deg. F. until golden brown. Serve hot with cheese sauce Six servings. tatoes. beets, carrots, etc., should! be scrubbed thoroughly. Oreena should be washed, leaf by leaf in running water If possible undoubtedly a great deal of our antipathy towards spinach? " comes from the grit or same which so often is found there. , The most valuable minerals In? most vegetables lie Just underi . 1 A . . . , . . I wc wp layer oi sun. mat la wny ii is aavuaDie to cook many. rscvauis. wibf), uint stuns -ou and then eat the skins. This is especially true of baked, potatoes. If you must remove the skins from vegetables pare tfiem paper-thin. Jf .Vegetables should always Mbel cooked for as short a time asi possible. Mild vegetables such, as potatoes, carrots, spinach andj other tender greens should be ' cooked covered in Just enough water to keep them from burn ing. Strong-flavored vegetables' 'J."t:7Z:"?A such as cabbage, cauliflower, wiu uci.uuo .,m;, vudiuiu -,nfnn Rm.ul. .nrn,,t. ,, W the body "welder ; and the iwo cooKea "I , uncovered ' T in Z a MIS amount of water. This prevent their discoloring and having at stroiU! disacreeahle ndnr nnr! (taste. All vegetables should be' PACIFIC CAFE Will Reopen on Monday, April 17 Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey, Chow Meln Hours 600 am. to 2:00 ajn. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms. Hot and Cold Water "rince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 PUT VICTORY FIRST Quality... Marks These Style Right TOPCOATS IN SMART TWEEDS FROM SCOTLAND and the ISLE OK MAN $27.50 to $40.00 FINE WOOL NAVY GABARDINES. Beautifully Tailored $41.00 i. - m cooked Just long enough to make; them tinder, then drained andj served at once. j Hcver throw away water in! ' eh veertables have cooked Mot of the nreciou mineral jj end vitamins In those vegetables- ! be thrown away also. SaveJ the water for soups, sauces gravies and vegetable Julcev:. rlrlnks. Do net prepare vegetable " ?rly In the day and let them! tin in water until It lifjjmej o cook thera for dinner. Thl5! is a sure way of loosing Jlta-f-"iiS3 and minerals. jf j Vevr use rada In cepking vegetables. It may help tojpre- ire the cob: but It destroys! ' --.-r nf tb vitamins. $ r'".arred rrgetabls offer about e ame food values as freshJ jt ablei. Use them whert they, " are eheaper than fresh to give; variety to meals. Because cookln; rirxtrnv.' laiuauic iuuu eiciiii-Liis in Tcge-i first or ail. any vegetaoie av,. thow t,rtM rM,Bti fh-nW be washed clean. Po-' raten raw. Cabbage. lettuci5.U" tcmatoes, onions, carrots are de-",t' BUSINESS AS LEGACY 1 HAINES. Eng. O When Hcrmlone Alexandra Stinton left school during the First Great War she became office girl to Harry Retham, real es tate agent and auctioneer. When licious raw and more healthful ' Serve them often as appetizers-or in a salad. . .. Encourage the eating of more vegetables; it Is a royal roadjtg health and certainly an easy ' and an economical one. n . i I' r 1 1