M UcucwuA AUA TEA. POUT ESSINGTON uction Sale will resume SATURDAY, JULY 22, 11 a.m. J. H. MAIR AUCTIONEER NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS ( ? Taxes, CJenornl and Iocal .ro due and payable at the City Hall on 1 .. a t a 1 ft H a r IT I II- 'Mll'llL IBi. 117 11. tilLl'l LIlalL IKiltT 41 . ) r ' If r - ' r - " - - will Ihj addetj. 1 F. VICKERS, Collector. aye You Ordered Next Winter's Coal Yet? If Not, Do It Today! rUCR YOUR OltDJCR TO PY with ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. PHONE Ufi at 117 Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY I It T II II A V A W M I.' V V II V II A Y f' A It I) S WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN l'KNS CSnrr Rtn-I "XA Qfrt- Ptinnn 234 H IUbl J I A W I , w f " OULSEN'S LUNCH IS NOW OPEN Cth Ave. E, Reside P.O. Station It. "Select Lunches and Select Service" Our socU fresh nnd complete, prices right POULSEN'S GROCERY Courtesy and Service Tree Delivery Ited 411 ING GEORGE CAFE P'Hal Chinese DUhrs Chop Suey Chow Mein u" 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. nue and 8th Street ntlNCK RUPERT ROOFING CO. noz 725 Specialists on llulltup Roofs Repairs, teshln(lln( Free Estimates The Experts Say ? - r CHOCOLATE ICE BOX CAKE: A certain amount of left-over fwd is inevitable in the best-i un household, but here U goqd news from the Agriculture Department Section which snows how left-over portions of cake it cookies may be served at ti actively again ... as choco late Ice-box cake. Mix together one-third cup of jar, V cup of cocoa and one teaspoon of flour. Separate three eggs and beat the yolks. two cups of dry cake or cookie crumbs in the bottom of a loaf cake pan. Pour thi custard mixture on top and chill thorough-1 ly four to six hours or longer' 'In the refrigerator before terv-i in. I MINUTES SAVED here and1 , there these days mean more j time to enjoy the summer out-i of-doon ... so here is a Ume- '&avlrtf trick from the Pensions Department's Nutrition Division: ' let the family pel those ce Ik-tous new potatoes at table. OORDON BLEU: French chefs who win this coveted i honor make poems of gaatro-nomical delight. Maybe you .think your family wouldn't appreciate the gustatory stimu lation of a subtle blending of flavors, but don t be ents Add egg whites, finely ehowd- Ttiis makes 1 ftP, of filling. RANO EROUNDUP: The Prices Board suggests these pointers for The best buy In Monuments and Markers In B.C. is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave. first door West of Eaton's, NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Bo 998. Prince Rupert DANCE I I'ltl DAY. Jl'LY ZI I .Modrrnafrrs Orchestra 1 I 01)1)11.1.1 OVS' HAI L I YYTTYYYYTTYT YTV YYYYYYYY cru.iTfu rnuiru s ntxz inn ruuion tW Ntcii mn4 IV it on wnrjwrc?fc and nf ww4 blnithr. Cut ratjy m lubwd lo a i4mU- 25 m i n 1 mm m Sold at MUSSALL'EM'S ECONOMY STORE .AAAlAAAAAAAAAiA.AAAAA.AAAl KWONO SANO HlNq HOP KLE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pm. to 12 pjn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Phone Red 217 Re-opening of the L.D. Cafe CI0P SUEY and CHOW MEIN Hours 0:30 n.m, to 1:00 a.m. CFPR THE DAILY NEWS keeping precious kitchen ranges working smootmy: Never clean the porcelain surface of the range when it is hot-never, use gritty cleaners. A cloth rung out in warm, mild soapy water is best toe sure and wipe dry after washing. Always wipe up lemon and orange Juice, milk: or ylnegar pr any other add Juices and foods as soon as the surface has cooled. Acids spoil the porcelain finish- Rotate the use of suriace units Gradually stir the sugar mix-1 Just as you rotate the tires on lure into the yoixs and btend pur car. naying javonies until smooth. Slowly add two 1 them out- cup of hot milk, stirring con- slantly. Cook over hot water until custard is thickened. sUr-Ing constantly. This will take about 10 minute. Remove from heat, add t teaspoon of vanilla and cool slightly. Add V2 of a teaspoon of salt to the three egg white and beat until stiff, then fold into the custard. Put )240 Kilocycles SCHEDULE FRIDAY PJ4. 4:00 Sound Off 4: la-ox' Jive' 4:30 Re'cast Ding Crosby 5:00 Dinah Shore 5:20 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Roupdup 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 615-At Ease 6:30 Chamber Music 7:00 Night Train 7:15 Front Line Family 7:30 John Charles Thomas 8:00 Aldrich Family 8:30 information please 8:00 Morgan and Brice 9:30 Nocturne 10:00 CBC News the 1 10:05 Recorded Interlude iu;ia i urns lur iuiu 10:30 Vancouver Playhouse 11:00 Silent OLDEST "FRAT" Phi Beta Kappa, oldest college Greek letter fraternity, was organized at William and Mary too sure, i CoKege. Virginia, In 1775. 1 ry tooth pie king onion slices on 1 the s.de of a toast, garlic fqr 'roast lamb . . remove before i serving. I LUNCH BOX CHEESE 8AND-iWICIIES: Lunchboxes and pic-jiucs can both be improved If these sandwiches, suggested by i the Agriculture Department Con sumer Section, are tucked away as a mainstay In the menu: Two hard cooked eggs, V tea-spool) of pepper, one teaspoon ary nuisuira, two vaoieapwiis melted butter. cup top milk, two tablespoons vinegar, 4 pound grated cheese, salt to taste. Separate whites and yolks of hard cooked e$gs: mash yolks and blend with other ingredi CAREFUL AFGHANS In Afghanistan written re ceipts must be given for all cash sales. Announcements Alt idrtrtlttrarnu In Utli column U1 m cbutr4 tor a full month " t 3Sc a word. 't W.O.TAI. Dance, Aug. 2, Oddfellows' Hall. De Carlo's Orchestra. Refreshments: 10-2. Orange Ladles' Dance, Oddfel- Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657 GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HpUSE-lipLli EFFECTS PACEED AND, SIHPPED Estimates rhone for Free Appointment 16 4th Aye. E. RED 117 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. E. Ratchford left last night on a trip to Vancouver. Machinists' Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. Saturday July 22. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lee left last night on a trip i Vancouver. A- W. Allaire left last night on a trip to Vancouver. The office of Dr. J. Munthe and the Norwegian Consulate will be closed until August 9. Stop Itch of laitct Bites HeqtRash Qulf U 8u0 iirhlnf of nrt L,i beat rah. yriniia. U. m, (ample, idle t tbm. mW-t " Urr exuxnally i J.,n ti.,LW 1 nnuk ,lrr.auubiiic. aaluFUj' D. D. D. J7k. a. ho 2rir .!'. nJ" J. Laurie left last night on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. W. Currie left last night Pn a trip to Vancou ver. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Sutherland left last night on a trip to Van couver. Miss F. Peachey returned this morning from a trip to Vancou ver. Mrs. E. L. Mogg and child left last night on a trip to Vancou vpr. Aid. E. Williams of Victoria, potentate of Olzeh Shrine Temple, after attending a convention in the United States, ar rived here Wednesday night and left last night for Victoria. He vUlted the local club last night. William Stapleton, general passenger agent. Canadian National Railways, arrived in the city on Wednesday night's train from Vancouver and will leave tomorrow night to make a trip to Ketchikan and thence to The residence on English Hill oi Bruce urown nas been pur chased by T. Malm who will live therein. Mr. Brown recently pur' chased the J. T. Harvey jesl dence on Fourth Avenue i East Ilall, July 28. 9:30 psa. to 2:30 and n be movtngHhere. A general discussion on wars and means followed the talk by CapL James at the meeting of the civilian recruiting commit tee Wednesday night with a view to further activating the new lows Hall, Aug. 10. DeCarlo's local campaign as quickly and qrencra, ?:3Q to i:3U. J Jfectve)jr. as possible.. li Wie woman! She always uses Blue tn the final rinse; She knows that this ts the one sure way to prevent towels, table linens, bed linens all white things from turning yellow. Linens are precious now so take special care to keep them white really white. That swish or two of Blue In the last rinse will do it. PHONE GTS B.C. MESSENGER Experienced Carriers to Intelligently fill your: BAGGAGE EXPRESS and FREIGHT LIGHT HAULING REQUIREMENTS Stand-214 4th Street West End of Post Office Mrs. J. II. Malr returned this morning from a trip to Mrs. II. S. Cromble left last nigh to return to Vancpuver after a brief visit to the city. Tonight' train, due from the east at 10:45, was reported this afternoon vo be on time. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wesch are leaving tonight on a trip to Vancouver. 1 Miss Thelma Watson Is leay-Jng tonight on a trip to " Vancouver. Mrs. Annette Woods returned this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. II. s. Parker was among those returning this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Fred Olsen and son Paul left last nizht for a trln to Van couver. They expect to be awayJ about ten days. NATURAL CURRENCY The Aztecs and Mayans used cacao beans in place of money. NEW RECIPE! MAKE Your Own CHOCOLATE SYRUP with FRY'S COCOA EASY ON SUGAR EASY TO MAKE Tale H cup of FRY'S COCOA and 1 cud of Sugar. "Mix veil together dry. fclqwly add J cup rf boiling water, rtimnjr meanwhile. Boil for one minute. Then pour into a clean dry gUw jar. Cover and let cool. Keep tiu tatty chocolate syrup handy la the ice box, ready for instant use. IDEAL FOR CHOCOLATE MILK, ICE CREAM AND DESSERTS. Many vromen say this new FRY'S recipe is just the Tfrj.tJuas they've ln looting for. and you too will be 'delighted with tins many ways you ran use it to improve desserts, etc. For instance, voull find it most eppetuing as a hot or cold sauce on ice. cream and on desserts, and it's f pec mil v delicious for making chocolate milk. 44-14 1 T.tll". jpoontol u-,delioout Income Tax r i I as cocoaI v. cadbuby fmmt Returns Prepared See Ii. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 83 CimSNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone Hlack 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN J. M. S. Loubser DC. BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 II. Loose Talk can cost Lives ! PAGE THREE Pf 1 said wat,'In Un more days he'll le In Iceland Keep it under your STETSON Stetson1 Hits for men J6.50 up Brock & Kensington fS Get your STETSON today at A Good Place to do Yuur Shopping Seventh Ave. Market J. I. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Green 995 LONDON SHOE REPAIR SHOP 733 Second Avenue Across from Dominion Bid. NOW Of EN All work guaranteed quick service Atlas Boiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, BlacxsmUh, General Repair. Phone Red 881 FORMAL OPENING OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OF W. LOCK Your Shopping Tour should include a visit to this near- ?-i-4-4 hv Butcher . -i-L ' Shop wnere 444 I you'll always 4- it find an abundant supply of the r- i m i vc choicest cuts of Meat, ff Fresh Fruit and Vegetables In '4 season from ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY HERE! our own farm arriving by each boat Complete line of groceries. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegctahles Tobaccos and ConiVctioncrj FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three Umes weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion Fair Way FOOD MARKET HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES INSTANT SERVICE NO WAITIiGj Location Next to Y.M.C.A. 3rd Aye. Open Pvcnings BURN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabwood, cord $10.00 Dry Jackplne, cord $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Ass'n See JOHN L. WRIGHT Special Representative 11GA Hays Cove Circle Opposite Staff Dining Hall