1 4k, THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR ILY EDITION ealth and Morals . . . Tuesday, February 29, 1944 A recent poll of Canadian citizens showed a very ge majority in favor of a frank, nation-wide eam-ign against the plague of venereal disease. No - - .w.... mportance of Beauty . . . This is hardly the weather to stimulate great en- " ; IT'S MUSIC TO OUR EARS . . . To hear people praising the Variety Store. They like our tremendous selection of merchandise and our service. It makes us really proud, to know 'that the people of Prince Rupert can buy with Confidence and satisfaction here. THE VARIETY STORE ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OARBUTT Closed for alterations! Yes. at last we're to have the Hut floor fixed and so we have closed up for the next few weeks. How ever that doesn't mean we're walking out on you; By no means. Just transfer your daytime activities to the Empress "Y" where there will be the usual games, ping pong tables, magazines and writing desks. The service men and girls are welcome there but I'm sorry to I say that we cant hold our Ser- nht trip Ktnrtlimr fnrt5 trinr. hnv ulrp.idv hppn rp-lvice Wives' Club meetinas unt! aled have aroused public opinion out of its lethargy ! we ,are cback tne Hu' "ce So faenrice i i t. ,i ,i e ; again. perhaps you d made people realize that the old policy of 1 wives might auange to meet in secy and silence on this unpleasant subject has only j each other's homes for awhile. ded and abetted the spread of these ghastly social 1 in the evenings the Empress scasps. It is strnncrp thnt iho oln.iL- nf fnlsp mnrWv activities will carry on as usual I with wm shows snows and ana ai dances but dur- v : . . ........ . , ?K is so long oeen permitted to sniem tnis iront ranK-im the dav me lt our down '.nf eh-mnfcln n aU ,;."",. t,hwnH bee-uiTof .nujr officer o. Noake of To- and n t ? i. ; , - . - i - ... . . .u .in i- t , g enemy oi society, preying aiine upon me iunu-1 town recreation hall and meet- ter of principle ,4k 'nt and the guilty. Like other evils, it thrives in the ; place. The y.w.oa. Hostess . irk. Turn the of it in ,that' the e- searchlight publicity its; upon Qne of tu "V-i1 Vt. . ... . 1 - . . . nrpM rlnrintr rhA tteek from 1301 v""lc "uc 1 s-fal setting and it will cringe and slink into the shad-; rn e,n - anA ,w fighters of 1-pi vs like the wretched thintr it reallv is. ami mnn nifrv work uin h Ay 1081 Maclean's Magazine has a full-length article on j Wnnd . ha n Mn:n e subject, reyiewing its ravages among our armed ; open at the Empreas. although rces, as well as among civilians. The writer calls ; she win not be able to serve hot No. 1 Saboteur and quotes figures to prove it. he Air Force, he says, has 2.1 new cases per 1,000 ;r month, the Army 4 new cases for each 1,000, hile the Navy has the questionable distinction of l z) new cases per 1,000 per month. No other con-ff .gious disease has'half the prevalence of V.D. '. The writer discusses the campaign being waged lit i 1 mi i i :oral side of the question has been woefully over- ; meals. -So don't grumole, boys and gals, help us make the best of lt and think how beautiful the old hat will be with new floors. Well let you know Just as soon as we're opening up again. Besides It's an ill wind that blows nobody good. Wont Mr. Elio be glad jainst tne piague irom lour angles, ine urst tnreeito have a rest from the conUnu- names as health, law-enforcement and welfare, all on tramping of feet overhead? ! which are admittedly important. The fourth of-L Bea me t0 that, nsive against the enemy, the moral sctor, he dis- JlS? iSCiS isses wun a Dnei paragrapn on ine ground xnai on, on very pretty curtains for the lat subject "there isn't much for a reporter to re- j Powder Room, ut" "Obviously," he says, "it's a job for the indi- Jean Meivi7rTturned to hrr .dual, the boys and girls themselves, their parents, ! home in victoria today for - ieir teachers, their pastors," The discussion of the j holiday with her parents. Mr ; ana Airs, iraig oi mat city, jean as you know. U Mrs. Breen Mel- 7.; 7 i i ".'W1 lil'l'ul -w-c. u-)Tln and has up SilKe eaii u saoum De reiraraea as Dasic ana iunnamentai iiast July when she came up here t everjihing else. If a man or woman has adopted ! ith Breen just after their wed '41' ght moral principles and is not merely trving to!dlng- We sllan a11 mUs Jeai i (it void the; consequences of sin there is something!"" "j! I tv..i i. i 1. t i r n i KJsl Ruuistaiuiai to wont upon. Acceptance oi nivme laws i Breen. - mm. ! l)r health and punty is possibly the best assurance .gainst the practice or encouragement of social vice, nil lie "urn ui ni-iitailll tiuu lllUicV UUUllUll. The "more arguments you win, the less friends you'll have. iv tun ri-KiMi: rnt'RT or IIKITIMI (OIIMIIU in rHoiiMi; la tli Mitlrr f I hi- -AdiulnMra. I rat Ion Xtt" imU In Ihf Millrr r thr VMitf of Knut (ln. Ih-cra-il. liiKijir. I TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Fisher Local Judge .of the Suprrme Court of British Coi-! umbla. I aa on the 18th day of Feb-jtuary AD. 1944. appointed Administrator of tb Estate of Knut Olsen formerly of Montreal. Quebe' deceased, who died on or about the '3rd day of January. AO. 1944. Aii persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount r.t nusiasm over flowers but those who have the finest 'ISdanpVM SfcJSWZ arcana tVin .it,t nvo o1r0n,l,r I ?taU are required. to file .1.1.1 an uiv. vitj uiiv.uiy iimniiif; ijitiua tui tilts ; mem wun me properly Termed on -.ummer's showing, says the Prince George Citizen. IMS tSA&T&iM& ' I will be made baring regard only to Flowers, fine gardens and attractive homes takeij nid0' hlch ' luch planning to assure full satisfaction. Growing ! ?S? fefiSi5ru23 . ?5 4'.thto i Ilowers and lmnrovinc vour home trrounds mvpa norwan a. watt f ' ' ' . rrt O 1 - f . 1 1 1 ml 1 . n uu jneasure ior an wno can see. ine Deautuying on our grounds and the city generally is an obligation' should all face up to, especially during war time' I iT " me, maintaining oi nome iront morale is soj i ii jiii ii ii ixiii M ; 1 en you stop to think, don't forget to start again. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert B.C For Mutual Benefit Jealth and Accident See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone 711 Pioneer Rooms No. 6 SPORT NEWS Juck McAvoy recently-retirrd British middleweight champion, has left the ring because he is "disgusted with the whole boxing business." The 35-year-old McAvoy says it all began two years ago when he signed a contract to defend his title against Ginger Sadd at Norwich. There was a dispute over the purse because of an increase In the en., lertatnmen-t tax and McAvoy called the fight off. British Boxing Board officials decided in favor of the promoter and ordered McAvoy to pay a $900 forfeit. He refused. "I fpel that after nearly 20 years In the ring I have been treated unfairly." Jock- told newsmen in announcing his decision to hand up the gloves. "I am retiring ai JThe Fare If 10C I Please Have if Ready most versatile modern time, Mc- John Henry Lewis in a world championship light -heavyweight bout in New York eight years ago. Known as 3 middle with a heavyweight punch, his real name is Joe Bamford. Now in the Royal Air Fo:ce. his home is at Weaste, Lancashire. Len Harvey, former British and Empire heavyweight champion termed McAvoy "the toughest man I've ever fought. Boxing spectators always wondered why Jock bn both his thambs between every round of Eli NO OTHER NATURAL CEREAL GIVES IT SO RICHLY Vith lets meat todjjr, wlie women ire happy to know that by strtta Quiktr Out for breaUait, they can git their hird-worLiog family a rkh source of meat's main element protein. No other natural cereal it so rich in thit eital factor for energy and growth as whole-grtla oatmeal. And it is richest of all natural ccreau in Vitamin U needed for sound ocrrei and energy! No wonder more families than ercr are calling delicioul, hot breakfasts of Quaker Oata daily a"miut" for wartime diets. a fljjh? Some thought is was a show of temper The reason, however, was that McAvoy haii both thumbs fractured whll' working in a cotton mill. Since then, they have been stiff at the JolnU and he loosens them by pulling them with his mouth. A sallow Welsh miner who rates as a leading contender for the title vacated by McAvoy came off the floor four times to snatch a victory from the coun- Dm irys naroesi-woruru o. n ilu tVitrH itnlihl vltnrt village over coffee-clored Lefty Lefty wi A quota of $2700 has been set for Prince Oeorm in the Red Cross drive. Three men were found gutHy and fined In Ptlnce aeorte police court for the Illegal handling and sale of meat The charges were laid by the War- i ime Prices and Trade Board. A reward of $30 has been pott ed by Sam Stevens, manager of the C.CP Hall, for Information leading to the conviction of the per-. :. responsible forgetting off an rx 'iMon which blew a hole In the floor of the Hall when a dan wa in progress one night la.st, week A stick of dynamite w-.s bcllevfd to have been set jf i' No one was injured. At the annual bonspiel the rink of Robert Canon won the KeUy Cup. emblematic of cham-u;.!iship of the Prince Oeorge I Curling Club's twenty - fourth , annual bonspiel on Tuesday I night The site of. the Vatican was once occupied by the Gardens of Nero. is tiik M r-Hr.Mi: rnritT or ItKITIII IOH Mltlt in i-Komii: In the Matter of I be " 1mlnllratln Art" ami In the Miller uf I lie I. .tale f I'rank liar. Iei-rar Initiate. TAKK NOTICK that by order of His Honor W E Flaher made on , the 10th day of February. A D l44. mm m i ' i . j nuuiiiiwii.iui v. the estate of Prank Isaac, deceased, nnd all parties having claims agalnat the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 11th day if March, AD 144. and all parties indebted to the Eatate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, DC. this 11th day of February AD. 1844. NORMAN A WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BC Bringing Home the Bacon: Her fellow passengers didn't mind her bringing home the bacon but when it came to that armload of groceries, they had a right to kick. They knew that it would delay the bus, get them home a little later, leave people standing in the rain, and put more grey hairs in the driver's head. Please, Folks, do not take large parcels on the bus during rush hours. Help Yourselves by Helping us to keep the Huses running on time. Arrow Bus Lines KEIl CROSS COSCEUT BAND DUO REUNITED New Naval Bandmaster U Taking Over Here. Separated more than eighteen months ago after gaining acclaim in Halifax, an instrumental duet, recently reunited, will be a feature of the Royal Canadian Navy band concert Thursday night in the Naval The concert has been ar- ""R"1. toroutfi the kind per for Tommy Davie of Comgorse ! mission of Commander C. M. - n n t 1 i . s & " m aw s when the batUe was stopped' Members of the duet of the Navy band hire toon, and po. Ni u Petty Officer H A Jeffrey of Nevrfotn.' Toronto, tromboiust. who U the was drai' assistant bandmaster. Quebec r Thursday night's concert will Noaka t., probably mark the hut time Petty on thas Prince Rupert cltUcni will due uun-see Chief Petty Officer 8. E. ; ounurriaiHi win or imicinwiru by local mustc-lovers as the conductor whj defUy wielded the baton during the band's semi-monthly radio broadcasts., The cornet and trombone duo! will play a bright polka. "Ida and DotUe." which will enable' them to demonstrate their i amazing technique and brilliant trlple-tongulng. Petty Officers Noakea and Jeffrey are former members of 'the Navy band at Halifax, which became famous In eastern Can- Jamalwin rhamnlon whrec' i- naai uur.-.u- aua imo yean nu a gash above the Negro's eye.!""' ";wK " dut1 of bajldtr 'The were The fight, at the QueenWrry'0V pah- uruo in ono. was sciaom spec- i tacular. Davles showed himself , susceptible to FiynnVs vicious, short body blows, while the In. Jury showed agalq that Flynn's greatest problem Is how to pre vent facial cuts. Such cuts previously have lost hint bouts in which he was leading on points IMtlNCK GEOIIGK Pupils of the public school tn Prince George have accumulated the total of $780 In War Bonds and $580 In War Savings cer tificates since last September. . under the is in Britain's merchant marine. j charge Prinee Rupert, to raise direction of Sub-Lieutenant A. are rank of Lieutenant-Oe mm rxl it the Navy'a director of divided when Hcp The ETJH Red Cross SALADA TEA map a coon cai'sk IP! Sponsored by n EiHMHHHsl WALLACE'S (itncral Dry Goods and Ladies' Wear Cold Wave Coming Soon! We will be clowd for one week while attending the demonstration for the new sensational COLD WAVE, a permanent without heat, path, or machine. Watch for It! SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON vioi.lt ami Cor. Cth Ave. and I'ullon St. $10,000,000 Needed NOW for relief of suffering As Vidory neara, Ihe need for the humanitarian servtoM o! tho Rwl Ctem grows. Nothing onn tak Iho placo of tliis world-wide organisation for relltf of human tuffsjring, of which YOUR Canadian Red Cross Is a part YOUR dollars make Jhe work powlble. The work rhust go on. DO YOUR SHARE I Qlvt (jcnerouily to the riione Illue 913 p wn ior Battel CHOP Susy CHOW MIX Opfnlnr. Iari. PJK. to Z t Znd Avenne iArrw, 1 " iiopert Uotifl Phone m miNCE itirtBx ROOFING CO.! Sperlalhts n ttl Haofj Itepalrs, Re ibia;j FT-e r Mouse Trap Cafe .Mrv DeildalsniMr Ma I Uour. r: 8uper C ' at 1 Uome-;i. i r ciiimm y surrmc Oil, Ml ItM US (lfiVQ asauic ami nrmnu eqi riione It! 3 HANDYMAN HOMKSFKVia Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BA! (Our Colfte b Tpi) KWONG SANO I nor ku CHOP SUE! HOUSE Next to Kln Il (12 lib AVE. All jour iiatronare 1( Open 5 p.m. t K r Tuedsr II P-" i: pm. Outside OrJen fmlf is p.m. Phone Kfd CANADIAN"3RED GROSS This apaco contrlbuled by l W. P. ST0NK, Men's ClolhinkT