ft hi PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PHINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled tn use for of aH news despatches credited to it or to the Associated The best buy In Monuments and Markers In B.C. Ls at National Monuments on 3rd Ave, first door West of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Kox 998. Prince Rupert PHONE C78 B.C. MESSENGER Experienced Carriers to intelligently fill your: BAGGAGE EXPRESS and . FREIGHT . LIGHT HAULING REQUIREMENTS Stand 214 4th Street West End of Post Office Hi Thursday, July 27. 1944 THE ALBERTA ELECTION The provincial election fight in Alberta, accord NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS WE RE-OPEN FRIDAY July 28, 1944 In Our New Premises ?A0 3rd AVENUE WEST Next door to Three Sisters Cafe We welcome our old friends and look, forward to meeting new ones Ranee & Hardy Pioneer Grocers Income Tax Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Are. Phone 88 Announcing . . . Rupert Tobacco Store and Newsstand Centrally located at Third Ave. and Fourth St. (former C.P.R. Office) A full line of magazines and newspapers, tobacco, novelties and stationery. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to a a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 HOCS1NG PLAN 'Continued from page it braith's tour of the country. "We have no intention of seeing a home owner suffer disappointment because somebody tratrt 3 factory alongside, he asserted. "Before we offer loan faellitle to a city or town wm must be sure that it is adequately planned and zoned. Howeter. although we are ready U iffer ?T, L "" s"j ice ioci news puousnec merein. them heln in tnvm nkanhr alsoS&S. 0t of dthM ia IhavT no'ln" any city into following plans which we lay out." DAILY EDITION PRINCE RUPERT IS WFI.L LAID OUT Mr. Gaftraiih said that to his knowledge Prtnce Rupert is one of the mst satisfactorily laid out c.Hes m the continent. He pointed out that the prea- ing to all observers, is centred between the Social nt act has nothing to do with Credit government and the Co-operative Common- oStw.VSisS3 wealth Federation and, while election results are a I provide homes for returning i-Iiazardous thine to speculate upon, the consensus if!1"-'"1 WmJ?fV'.'r! ! built durin? a period of inflated i. r it -e j appears a to be that the government, i if it is returned values, in the economic skmw , . . 1 1 Ml 1 - 1 tfl il ?x 1 i m ally Will nave noining llKe me majorities It nas en-jwnicn ionowea many iiwiviaaai joyed since first William Aberhart and his Social Crediters first came into power nearly eight years loans were left . disproportion- ago. lately in debt. The Social Credit party, in its appeal to Alberta itfifS acom-" voters, pledges to fight acquisition of control of mittee which has come to the money and credit by private monopoly and promises conclusion tuati in the next io . f - J r . ,J r . - ! years between 5W,0 and 790.00" assistance for all war veterans and improvement in new homes win be needed m agricultural services. Refunding of the public debt j Canada" Mr. oaibraith explain in terms fair and equitable to all and continuation r"!i5me0-f the p0' of-the pay-as-you-go financial policy are also stress-i Anofhfr part" of the act pro ed. The platform also advocates educational advance-Jvides for the construction of ment, a home building program and just administra-!renta ! nseLbIHmitdtt!f! with limited companies, profits j.- ii. i rn j ee tipn of labor laws. Tax-free and rent-free crown (nt perrent This set-tm lands for ex-service men for three years and paymentiMr. oaftraith admitted, wotm for land in crop returns for another seven years fea: lures postwar renaDiiuaiion. inausinai researcn anu development and further legislation for the benefit of farmers and social benefits are further Social Credit pledges. '. Progressive application of the principle of public ownership in development of Alberta's natural resources, major industries and distributive services is pledged by the C.C.F. in Alberta. Profits from petroleum and natural gas resources would be used by a C.C.F. administration to provide free medical sprvipps. frw 'KniinitjiHintinTi. frpp mflfprnitv pnrp and free rural nursing services. Financing of cooperative or government buying of farm machinery and parts to reduce cost to farmers, establishment' public-owned packing plants and flour mills andxcF operative enterprise in processing and marketing of agricultural products are main objectives. The party's 12-point platform is based on complete cooperation in making available all Alberta resources in theTii effort,-assjltance to farmers in the light i fqr prices that will prevent any repetition of the de- j pressed state of agriculture preceding the war, a j housing program, taxation reduction, and just labor j 11. 11 lt. A? 1 legislation, mciuaing collective nargaining. size of Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. OsJbnith were taken on a. tour of the cltv by Mayor Diggett before boarding last night's train for Bdmanton They wi!l iit several ora'rie cities on their way back to Ottawa. ON THE MOVE Niagara hat shifted its position nearly a quarter of a mile in the last 264 years. THE DAILY NEWS Sport Chat The Southern Enguid sports meet progressed towards Ji-high jump event when the field announcer warned athieles and the hundreds of spectators tha a flying bomb was in the tfein jr. The meet continued. A couple of initiates later the an-uouncer shouted: "The tamb is nearer overkead. all these who j can snowa hh cover, ut on the powwj." Mast dd, a littie self-esnsciously ad a little In dignant that such things should iNterrupt their pksure. A few women remained standing. Thev didn't want to soil their freeks A stoM HtUe ma In rweedt I looked around scornfuRy at (he ;nmss aasembtaie of prone per- ! sons and stood his ground. "It's ' pauntr by. he aa-id. tracing the comse of the robot across the i sky. "Oh. oh, Tm wrong." he added in the same breath, and (threw himself down. There vu a deafening explosion and a plume of dork smoke shot Into the sky. The Uttle man ros shamefaced and remarked: "It I makes you feel seh a fool. mate. ; doesn't it?" And the sports meet went on. Par rhe fourth time a British championship fight between Freddie Mills and Jack London nas been postponed, this time in "accordance with the wHhes of ' the authorttiM." Previous postponements, extending over the -joit year, came about through ' ftTries to London m training. ' The fight, one of two scheduled .tie matches that made up the greatest boxing show of the war was scheduled to be held July 3 i l ondon s Tottenham Hotspur football grounds. The contests later were filed for July 29 ai he same piace. When Mttte and London get together. It will be to settle the British and Empire heavyweight tales vacated b7 retirement of Len Harvey. Afttti vrothful, one-time booth boxer from Bournemouth hoMs th, British and Jinpire llght-heavy-Twi'h' tl')e and is favored to beat London. 29-year old West Hartlepool giant In the other postponed match. &ie Boon wHl defend hi; B!tl?h lightweight rrownagatnrt WaJea pride. Ron- US. TANK RUMBLES INTO CHERBOURO tank was photographed roUmi! ij'u-iugh a jaet before the fall of that gre.it N..:ma.: . nounced. il le Jamea. Sir Charles Mander, president of WorverlMmnon Wanderers FooifeaH Club, told the share-Solders' annml meeting that when Ma. Prank Baekley, great star-finder and transrer-ma doner asked for his releace as Wanderer manager the board was abtohiteiy astoonde d." By agreement. Buckley was not free to neotteic for release until he was OS in three years and the board asked him to stay. The major sakt he would do his doty but would be an unwilling serv ? nt It was the sensation of wartime sport when Buckley left the Wanderers last February to take jver managerial duties of tb lowly Notts County Club at a -eputd tary of somewhere around $19,000 a year. NIGHT TRAVELLING Most of the birds that m'gret? 'o and from the Canadian north-lshdj travel at night T-'ii- American - :bourg street ixrt was an BASEBALL SCOKKS National Iacue Cincinnati 3-8. Boston 9-5. Chicago 4. Brooklyn 1 PiUaburgh ft. New York 5. St. Louis S. Philadelphia 6. American Leaiue ItiUadflphia 3, St. Louis 4. Boston 1. Detroit 1 New Yotlt . Cleveland 3. Washingtm), Chicago 4. Intrrnatiunal league Roches.er 0. Nrwark 7. Buffalo 4-2. Jersey City 1-1. American Asocial ion All Stars 18. MUwaakee 0. Coat Iacue Oakland 2. Hollywood 19. Portland 3-0 aeattle 4 5 Los Anteles 5 San Francisco 1. Sacramento 3. San Diego 3. ADAPTABLE CURRENCY In early Ftagland, coins were some times cut In halves or quar ten to make change. CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP NO NEED TO COAX the yonngsteM to meals when they sniff the simmering fragrance of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup! They love its grand chicken goodness ... the tender pieces of chicken in the rich, glisten-ing broth ... the succulent, tasty egg noodles. And it's such a nourishing dish, so good for them! You see, Campbell's " not just noodle soup, but Chicken Noodle Soup. We make it in the CH'CKEH HOODlf Made by Campbell's in Canada SHUllllllllllllllllHBVWrs good old-fashioned way starting widi fine, plump chickens simmer-ing the stock very slowly and carefully to bring out all the delicious flavor, then adding plenty of hearty egg noodles. That's why so many mothers make this easy.to-fix soup the satisfying "main dish" of cold summer meals. Try it for lunch or supper soon. Ask for it at your grocer's. Look ,or the Red-and-White Label. . NOT JUST NOODLE SOUP BUT CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP m WINTER IS COMING., ties a. . lovatble jeller" Iyouve com in .your , cellar ! Stock up now with suff ici n ( to lat you all winter FOOTHILLS COAL IN LUMP, EGG, OR NUT BULKLEY VALLEY LUMP PHILPOTT. EVITT & CO. LTD. rilONT.S C51 and 055 Under itiftructions of the Sec x'r, State of Cantula, acting In his capaci l C;i totllan under the Heviscd Repulatior Kf?pr Ing Trading with the Enemy ltM, J. H. MAIR AUCTIONEER i.M Uia;u AM..r...M. c. . ii IIIJlll VI 11 It 1 "a. alll V wTlllIIIIIIIrIlL. I'll". i.: 1,1 a.m. Saturday, Jnry 2f, 11)11, in ware Avp. E., next Mitchell & Curric. IS NOW OPEN tll ,tvr i: . Itrxlilr I'd. Station tl 'Select Lunches and Select rvire Our litork frfsh antl complilc, prices rw I'OIIkSEN'S CROCKRV Ctnirtrijr and Serlfe t'rre llrlirrry - It'd rupert mm SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storagi HUM KUPKKT CO. Ltd. ' r,S" ' Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY I! HIT II I) AY AND H V li R Y I) A V t'A' W A T K ItMAN'S FOUNTAIN Bosnor Block, 3rd Street Phona 2