nisi PAGE SIX Expert OPTICAL SERVICE FT CONTRASTING SUBSTANCES Rock so soft It bends like wood is found not far from Brazil's deposit ot 'diamonds, valued for their fcflrtne CIIAS. DOMMKAU Optometrist In Charge WaUh, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Enjravlnj VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE For Fine China, Dinneruare, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT NOTICE .We will be CLOSED from July 29 Until August 20 OI'EN AUGUST 21 Gordon's Hardware Have You Ordered Next Winter's Coal Yet? If Not, Do It Today! PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY WITH ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. PHONE 11G and 117 oUPPORT THE PIONEERS' HOME PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS Down :.u-;ush the yeajs, almost since Prince Rupert first exlstr... wc have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality, drugs, the best of equipment. rmes Ltd. Pioneer Drwqgiats THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 a&v. 32 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News is compiling a Roll of Honor which it Is hoped may contain the name of every man and woman ol this city to serve with the armed forces at ea, on land and In the air. To make this list complete, It is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole In submitting the names. 1 li impossible for the Daily News or any one person to compile the list complete so wc are asking YOl' to be responsible for the submission pi the name of YOUR boy, YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following Is the Information we would like you to fill in and send to ROLL OP HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert Service (Army, Navy, Air. Force) Rank Next of Kin Relation, Address , r Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge If Casualty, Nature and Date Remember, If YOU do not submit a certain person's name, no one else may. You are responsible. INDONESIAN PRIORITY FISHERIES OR HYDRO Interests Joust Over Rights in British Columbia Rivers VANCOUVER, July 27 One cr the Inevitable conflicts between competing Industrial interest that British Columbia is likely to experience frequently In com ing years is that between the fishing industry and hydro power groups. The first clash, merely a pre -1 liminary skirmish that may have little significance over the longer term, occurred a few days ago when a lumber company j Adams River Timber Co. sough: ; to renew its lease on power rights on the Adams River. j It so happens that the Adam j Is a tributary of the Frascr and one of the most important . spawning areas of that great basin. I I ISII1NT. INTERESTS OPPOSED Fisheries interests, including the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, op posed the application with all their strength. They claimed that the so-called Adams River run of salmon In 1942 was va; ued at more than $7 million; They declared that any hydr project on the Adams would in terfere with this valuable run and that the concessions should be refused by the government I They asked for the removal o the old dam on the river, long in disuse. The government has reserved its decision. The city of Kam loops is also a "party in the depute because Kamloops Is looking for a source of cheap power and believes that the Adam; River might provide It Many large Issues are Involved, andt ihey will continue to be as industrialization spreads in Brit ish Columbia. MOVE BY TRADE BODY The Pacific Northwp-st Trade Association, representing busi ness Interests on both sides oi 1 the border, took cognizance of the growing problem at its re cent meeting in Victoria when' it passed resolutions urging that . before any hydro-electric oi other construction project s, undertaken on any river thu fisheries interest should be firs consulted or at least some con sideration should be given ' the rights of the fishermen. I Members of the association feel that waterpower develop ment and. fisheries can go hand !ln hand without interference j with one another providing that i the proper steps are taken for (safeguarding each interest. For Instance, there is no reason wh i an important salmon river cannot continue to produce fish while at the same time sustain ing a waterpower development provided that adequate fishway are installed at the dams. Th; trouble in the past has been that no one has thought about the effect on fisheries until it was too late. MEAT CONTROL IN S. AFRICA South Africa Experiences i Shortage Extended Control i Brings Buying . Rush 1 PRETORIA, July 27 W Con trol of meat now has been extended to the whole of the Union of South Africa in the face of increasing prices In area: , I not previously under control which threatened to Jeopardize the whole meat plan. The Union is presently ex periencing a shortage of meat due to adverse weather and should the spring rains be late some officials have warned tha animals may die at a rate equalling the worst drought in years. The meat scheme was Ant inaugurated in nine urban ecu trcs with control of all suppU :to those centres in the hand I of a food control organization Now, with the extension of the plan to the whole Union, the Natal Daily News said "ve.:t d ; Interests" are out to break the 'control plan. The newspaper advocated o single administrator with plen ary power to control the wnoic food position in South Africa, The situation brought a warn ; Ing from Agriculture Minister , Strauss that food speculator.- will be ruthlessly prosecuted. He said he was determined to 'stand by the government's meat control plan 100 per cent and needed the support of the con 'sumers. ( "I shall take 'every step possible to see that the people get the food," he said, i The food supply situation in 'Johannesburg is improving from jthe condition that developed, 'when falling butter and cheese stocks caused consumers to suf-i Ifer a 35 to 50 per cent cut in' (purchases of these commodities.! Since 1857. all land In the Announcement uiut jncav i a- Netherlands East Indies has been jtloning was to apply to all ot owned by Indonesians, and can- i South Africa caused a rush on not be sold to other nationalities, meat shops, bringing a demand THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY "TTi MID-YEAR VALUES LIKE THESE HAVE MADE THE RUPERT PEOPLES STORE FAMOUS I r 2 FOR 1-DRESSE Crepes and Prints. Over 400 Dresses arc offered in this sale. Your choice of Drc$K priced from $3 to $20. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS. Select any two dresses on the racks. Pa only the price of the highest one, or if both arc the same price, pay only for one. TAKE TH OTHER DRESS ABSOLUTELY FREE. Take two for yourself or the extra one for a friend (nmaaHBHHMMBHHI $6 MILLINERY Felts and Straws 49c and 99c SLACK SUITS -Sizes 12-20 $2,501 LADIES' SWEATERS-Size 12-20 SMS Regular LADIES' HOUSECOATS-Size 14-16 only S3.M $15 to $23 Mannish Tailored LADIES' SUITS mi. $9.95 We have about twenty-five Ladies' Suits which wc are offering at prices he-low today's factory values. Our loss means your gain. First come, first served. 1 20 Only LADIES' COATS Reduced . 25 to 50 .... Values from $20 to $50 including a half dozen fine imported Scottish and English Tweeds. Outstanding values to wear into the Fall Season. rr uriTPnnnAAr ni nv niMTP o jjc wAiuvriiuur dadi rmo m $2 WATERPROOF BABY CRIB SHEETS 93c $1 SIX MONTH TO l'2 YEAR INFANT DRESSES 53c 85c CHILDREN'S 0 VERALLS -Ages 2-6 . ft LADIES' BRASSIERES-Sizes 36-38-40 . . . 23c S2-$4 PEASANT SKIRTS "ft $2.50-$4 BLOUSES-AU sizes $1, $5-$6 SPORT JACKETS -All sizes $3.00 $3.50 Value ALPINE SLACKS-Size 14 only "I""""M""""WM"MWWMWWMBI Mill I I II $3.50 LADIES' COVERALLS-For Dry Dock Workers $1,75 EVERY ARTICLE MARKED VOThThE Sale Now On No Approvals No Exchanges RUPERT PEOPLES ST0R John Bracken's Economic Policy WINNIPEG, July 27 Jnhn Bracken, leader of the Progressive-Conservative party, in a broadcast last night, said he was In favor of a program of "reformed capitalism" whereby production instead of profit would be the first aim. frm housewives for rationing according to the size of famll- Hands Off, He's Mine NEW ORLEANS, July 27 f A bride entered a Jewellery shop and ordered for shipment overseasan identification bracelet bearing the Inscription, "He is mine only Hands off." "It' not original," she explained, pointing to a similar sentiment engraved on her own engagement ring, 'And that," the saleslady said, "is the way wartime newlywedi WELL NAMED Salmon was named 'salmo' by the Romans who took It from the Latin word meaning "to leap." ; Buppcrs of the South African Cth Armored Division in ltalv ;have built 20 bridges with a (total length of 1,090 feet in 2i days making 33 diversions along m'v avuw ui wit; uiviaiuus uu- vance. tell the wolfish world that they've run their brand aid they don't Ilk- ruKt.icr . FOUR YKAUS AGO IN THIS WAR July 27, 1940-R. A. P. attacked military objectives In Cherbourg, St. Nazalre and .Nantes: Britons arrested in Japan in what was described as a first step against an "organized espionage network;" Hitler received Bulgarian premier Bogdan Phlloff and foreign minister Ivan Popoff. EARLY INDUSTRY Tin wad the first mineral mln ' d in England. - ENCOURAf FAIT FREETOWN, Increased alio"" given to agni"-Sierra Leone 1 making the careers offered inaugurated more attract hav succc i primary schw ; ANCH N ' Remains i f walls which England . stDi tn