ALADA TEA or Satisfaction and Performance Try a Watermans Fountain Pen Moderately Priced From $3.57 up Choose the Pen to your lilting at WERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily padian Fish & Cold Storage it icrutT CO. Ltd. RTISII COLUMBIA HlHALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" Wt bift a complete variety of available roccrics, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly tTuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion wmm lunch r Mock fresh and complete, prices right rouj l In. IS NOW OPEN h Ate. E, Ueilde r.O. Station II. "Belect Lunches and Select Service" a visit M near- I'OUIJSKN'S GROCERY p'Urteir mil ci .1 m ... . oriuic i rrr ueiiTrry lira hi wnfre T 1 ' ' always an Pint of the I OICMAL OrENINO Of RUPERT BUTCHERS NEW MANAGEMENT OF V. LOCK HtJli 1P ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY HERE! I. CURRY ROI'UACTOR ' -Chiropractic I res- -douhi Hock A. choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables In season from our own farm arriving by each boat. Complete line of groceries. Atlas Boiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith, Oeneral Repair, Phone Red l1 Local News It Bobby Cruikshank returned this morning from Vancouver where he has been visiting alter attending Sea Cadet camp at WhyUtlllfe. BjC. Mrs. O. Stromdahl and daughter Ann, returned this morn-In from a three week's visit with friends in Vancouver. Wren Marlon Marryfleld is leaving on tonight's train to spend a furlough at her home at Blg$ar, 8atk. Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Knipe left burg. Pa., who has been visiting at the home of her son, L. M. Frlsenthal. returned this morning from a trip to the Okan-agan. She will remain In the city for the next few weeks. A Free showing of film "Whey We Fight." featuring the BatU? of Russia, at City Halt Friday. August 11, at 8 pjn, under aus pice of Civil Defence Commit Pilotage Service, arrived In the city this morning front Vaneou-1 ver He will relieve Captain An-1 drew Johnson here whHe the lat- ter ! away during the next two months. Captain Parks is stay- i Ing at the Prince Rupert Hote I He declined to comment on a i story that he had been torpedoed oil Key West, Florida, while serving on an American ship earlier in the war. Mr and Mrs Mort Math, and small son. Peter, of Sherbrooke. Que., arrived in the city last night, accompanied by Mrs. Math's mother. Mrs. S. A. Vine-berg Mr and Mrs Math will make their home here, Mr. Math having accepted the position as manager of the Cut Rate Shoe Store. Mrs. Vlneburg Is th mother of Mort Vlneburg. well known here as former manager of the Rupert Peoples Store, and now an air force prisoner-of-war In Oermany. Mrs. Vlneburg will visit here for the next few weeks. Announcements AH aSvertlnement ta this column wtu be charred for a full month at 2Sc a word. Ladles" Aid Tea at Lutheran Church, Aug. 19, 2 to C pjn. f 195) Pioneer Home Benefit Dance. Sept. 1 Oddfellows' Hall, 10 to 2 De Carlo"s Orchestra. Orange Ladles' Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Aug. 10. DeCarlo's Orchestra. 9:30 to 1:30. HIOH PERCENTAOE About 86 per cent of all fe males In Burma are Illiterate. DANCE FRIDAY, At'OUST 11 Hobby Itfid's Oiehr-stra ODDITUXIWS' HALL PHONE G78 B.C. MESSENGER Experienced Carriers to Intelligently fill your; BAGGAGE EXPRESS and FREIGHT LIGHT HAULING REQUIREMENTS Stand-214 4th Street West End of Post Office ems PHONE 88 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Mrs. J. Skog left last night to spend a visit In Vancouver. Mrs. Alex Armstrong left last night on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. A. Bart and Miss L. Barbe were among those leaving i&n mgm to visit Vancouver . Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lundquist returned this mornln from a holiday trip to Vancouver, Vic una ana Seattle. A The regular meeting of Val halla Lodge, 67, will be held Friday, August 11 at 8 nm sharp. Important that all mem bers attend. 1S8 Miss M. Barbeau left last night for Vancouver. J. L. Wright was among those leaving last night to visit in van couver. and Prince Oeorge. Dido Ourvlch was among those leaving last night on a visit to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Albert are leaving on tonight's train for a holiday at Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Crane, for mer Prince Rupert residents, now reside in Vancouver. Earl Jenkins, of the dry dock office staff; is leaving on tomorrow night's train to holiday at his home at BIggar, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Currie and children. Christine and Allan, ac-companled ty Miss- Annette THE DAILY NEWS WendJe. left last nigra on a nou-j day trip to Vancouver. Mrs. D. O. Borland and daughter. Ann, returned this morning from the south, where they have been visiting in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island. Will Mr. Varkes please phone Oreen 487 before Saturday If he for the south on a business trip I wishes to claim the prize won by last night. They will visit Van- hlm at the Canadian Legion W. oouver. Victoria and Nanalmo. A. Dance. 188 Four officials of Pacific Mills Limited, Vancouver, passed through the city today on their way to spend a few days in Ketchikan. They are H. L. ZHler-back. D. Denman. R. A. MacDon-iW. and F. N. Youngman. A freight train was derailed near Prince George Wednesday, but the accident was cleaned up without upsetting passenger train schedules between here Solveie Mork returned to Mrs. Dora Febenthal of Pitts-' Prince Rupert last night by train after a two-week visit at tne summer home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Flaten at Lake Kathlyn, near Smither. Mrs. Freda Zieglemeyer and Mrs. Margaret Zieglemeyer, the former Mussallem sisters, are in the city Irom Los Angeles visiting their brother. Jack Mussal-lem. and sisters, Mrs. Gordon Bryant and Mrs. W. H. Trotter. tee. Alt J', members specially Mrs. Margaret .iegenje " Invited but all citizens are wel- accompanied by her small son. come. 1E8 jaex Captain John Parks, of the L Aft am pliliji h 1.11 ,11 ...It - , upe'"" ltm - l.kel H : tl.;ai - I ADAM A.Y.P.A. HOLDS Plan Luncheon, GAY HOUSE PARTY Dinner Here for A TV Also $6.00 THE ADAM ROYAL Exclusive at RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and .North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 868 If residents oi Alfred st and , TT 0 A 1 vicinity were curious as to thej U.U. UllUdibdUUl cause of all the laughing and singing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rod McRae Wednesday eve ning, it was caused by 28 mem bers of St. Andrews A.Y.P.A. having an enjoyable house party. Walt Chapman of the R.C.A.F. and Bill Squires of the Soo Suds kept things going with such games as "Blind man's buff," "It," "Musical Spoons," and several contests of skill. Cameraman Bill Cornell of the Royal Canadian Army Medieal Corps was present with his familiar "Smile for the birdie, please." Plans were made to noid a dance in the church hall. Fourth ave. W.. next Monday. A social Is held In the church every Sun day evenln? following the ser vice. At the conclusion of the party. refreshments were served by Miss Mona McRae, assisted by the Misses Jean Smith. Audrey Sessions, and Faith King. Ted Luckett of the R.C.A.F. and 8am Wilson, of the Navy, were ac claimed pearl diving heroes. MEN JiAVT Sidney Alexander Prtrr D. Allen Chxrtf Anderson Harold AndfTKin Stanley Anderson John Armstrong it Robert Armstrong Fred O Barber Don Arney Ted Arney W a. BSJier EmUe Rain John Bowman WUllam Bremner Bernard Brldden Oeorfe 3 Brown Jame Bryant Harold Bunn Jatn. Bunn Huh Burbank Tony Busaanlcb Ru-'mU Cameron Oordon Calderwood Robert H. CaptUck Douglas CbrUtlsoa William J. Commons Sydney Croxford Spencer DutIcs Edr.rd Daves Oeorge Dtbb A. P Dodd Vincent Dodd Peter Doherty John Dohl Bebert Duggan Donald Eastman Dmer Eburne UelTln Eburne Robert L. Eby WlUbm Cart Eby Robert Ettas WUUam P. Skins VUrtln ErIUen James Feuby Bernard Portone Terry Fortune Oordon Frasrr Rupert Pulton uucfceu oay Efnrr Oreen Jame Qiwr Letter Onmble ' Terry Orimble tan urrmasou Boyo Ourrleb. John Ortmsaon Carl 3. Oustaiaon 3eorge D. Hjfue llazen Hanunaon Uatt Harris CecU Hemmona rreror Hill Raymond Hougan BUI Hunter Paster Husoy Peter Husoy Jame M. Irrlne" Tom Johnstone Rodney Jonea Lloyd (Sonny) Keays Harry L. Knutaon Percy Knutaon Jamea O. Laurie Jack R. Laurie Richard Leigh ton ; an toft Leland Fred Lewis TUly R. Lloyd Bruce Love Harry Lundquist Tea Mills Harry Monkley Thomas A. Mulhern William Murray William II. Murray Daniel McDonald Jack Mactle Robert McKay Robert McLean E. W INedi McLeod John McLeod Norman McLeod David McMeekln David McNab Robert McNab John D. McRM John O'Nfill Charlea Ormiston Patrick E. M. Palmer Frank Douglas Parker Oordon Porkln Douglas Payne Peter J. Prteraon Albert XL PhllUpaon Clement J. PhUltpson Bud Ponder Magne Rabben Darld Ritchie Jack Ritchie Robert Ritchie Harry Robb Jeffrey II. Robinson Robert Roy Arthur Saunders Rexiord M. Schcrk Btanley Bcherk J, D. Schubert Anton Stmundson Clifford Sllversldes Mel Tin Skalmerud Fred W. Skinner Henry Skinner John Skog 1 Carl Smith Jack E. Smith Maloolm Smith I Ralph Smith waiter umitn Thor Solllen Carl Strand John Strand Orme Btuart Charles Bunberg James Taylor Inge Valen Stanley Veltch Bid White Robert Whltlne Carl Oeorge Wilson Oscar Wingham Oeorge Yule Jack Yule Jack Btorrl I John Armstrong Br. Units Astoria ninord r. Bartlett Jack Balfour Erie Barton Tentative plans for the obser vance of the Prince Rupert visit on August 17 of Ray Atherton,' United States Ambassador to, Canada, include a luncheon by , the Canadian services In the Navy drill hall at 12:30 noon, and t a reception and dinner by United States officers In the Officers, Club at 6:30 p.m. Guest lists I have not yet been announced. I The activities of the ambas sador, who will arrive here with his wife and two children at 10 a.m., are expected to Include a visit to civic officials at the city hall at 11:45. At 2-o'clock there f is expected to be a parade and Inspection of troops in front of the Federal Building. It Is believed that Mayor Daggett will declare a half holiday. Notice I will not be responsible for any debts incurred In my name by anyone other than myself. E. J. McCONNELL. PRINCE RUPERT HONOR ROLL List of Local Men and Women on Active Service Alt ZOO responsible for someone name not In this list? (See entry form elsewhere) Wm. (Soeay) Beynon Walter Bird Korman Blackball Donald Blake Robert Lewis Bowrette William W. Bowea Raymond BracewrU Ronald Bracewen William Brass J. W. Brldden Earl Brocbn William U. Brown Prank Bruce Wlmer Bryant Arthur P. Cade John A. V. Cade Alfred Calderone AldO Campafnola Jack CampbeU John Campbell Mare Caeenaiie Donald Clark Edward Clark Jim Coiuul Mike Colusal Frank Comadina Dranond J. T. Cook Martin van cooten Orant Corerdaie Walter Cross Bert Cross Charles Dennis Thomas Dennis Paul Drome k R. C. H- Durnford Oeorge Drbbatn Malcolm Elder WnlUield Elder Frank EUlott Mel? Esaen Chariea V. Evttt Oeorge Plewla Tbomaa Plewin WUlUm OazUck ' Jamea GartVk John Oate Ralph OUllee AHred E a OlllU Joeeph D. O CUs Milton P. qmis Andrew Oloeer ' William Ootnea Darrow Oomes Earl Oordon Fdward Ootnell Thomas W. araham Burton Oreen Splro Ourrleb Splro Ourgertch James Hadden Oerry Hameltn L. J. R. Hayne R. H. A. Haynea K. C. W. Hayne E. D. Head Darld Henderson Howard Hlbbard L. H. Htnton Prank E Hodgklnaon Harold HbdRaoQ Darld Houston Robert Houston Percy Hudson WUllam Hutaon Harold Irarson Robert Johnson Walter Johnson S. D. Johnston T. D. Johnston Nick J. KtCas Robert Winiara Keays Nick Kurulok Everett R. Leek Oliver Lelghton Pierre LeRoss O. 11. Lrtnes Charles Eggert Lovt Clarence Lovin O. P. Lyons Danny Magnet Oeorge Marchlldon Cecil M. Marr Murlll Mathews Steve Mentenko Michael P. McCaffrey Kenneth McCrtmmon John C McCubbln Norman McOlaahan Arthur A. MacDonald Ian Macdonald Jack McEvoy Alex McFarlane Serald Mclntyre Victor MUler Donald M. Montgomery Robert Montgomery Roderick Montgomery Michael D. Montesano Ford Moran Jack Moran James Moran John K. Murray Robert Moxley Joseph Naylor William H. Nesbltt Leonard Nees Donald Norton David W. Oland Robert Parks Frank ParUtte Robert D. Patrick Oeorge P. Penney Walter Perkins EmU Perlstrom Peter Peterson Arthur Phillips WUllam A. Pllfold Jr. L. C R. Raabe Ernest Ratchford N. A Pavllkls Jamek E. Retl Freddie Reich Robert O. Robinson Robert Rudderham Olav Rysstad Bud Skattrbol WUllam Scherk Thomas Scully Bob Bhrubsall Thomas Sibley Bruce Sinrundspn Olenn Bmlth Hugh J. Smith James Smith W. D. Bmlth Douglaa Stalker Albert Bttlea A. U St. John Alexander BtorrM Jack 8torrie James fluden Roy Sweet Richard Sylvestef C. Dan Tape L. V. Tattersal James Taylor Robert Taylor John Albert Tenf Arnold Tweed Jack Cnwtn Rodney Valpf Allan (Bull Vane Craresce Vaughsa Stanley VKkerman Robert Vutkovlch John walker Clifford Wanamaker Clarence D. Watson Raymond M. Watson Jack Wearmouth James Weir Leslie West WUllam WMte T. J. Williams James Wood Harry R. wrathall Kenneth E. Wrathall Thurlow M. Wright A IK FORCE Ronald Alien Harry Astoria Alex Balllle Howard Beale Marcel Blatn J. P. Booxek J. J. Bouzek J. V. Bouzek Peter Brass Wm. M. Brown Alan Burbank Alfred E. Bumrp Denis wmiam Burnlp Peter Cartwrtght Rene CavenaUe Victor CavenaUe Elmer Clausen Jack Corbould Eddie Crosby Ray Crosby James Currie Arthur Davey John W, Davey Pat Deane Victor Dell M. J. Dougherty Jack Eastwood Donald Eby Tbomaa J. Evans Jack C. Ewart Victor Field Clarence Ftnley Albert Platen Charles E. Flewtn Hugh L Forrest Thomas Forrest Louis Or! In Olay Wm. Hadden (missing) Harry HamUton Elmore Hacklnson Lawrence Hansen Arvld Hansen Harold Helgerson Robert Henderson Helge Holkestad Mike Hudema John P. Johnson David L. Jones Sam Jurmaln Orrrer James Keays Robert Reiser Francis W. Leask Kam T. Lee Alan Lelghton Harold Leverett Donald LleweUyn John Lindsay Albert Mah Cedric Mah Oeorge R. Mayer Henry Mayer Hector W. MacdonaM Don McCavour J. H. IHickey) McLeod Carta D. Mead John J. MUler Richard Mills Herbert Morgan Ralph Mortn Edward M. Ormhetm Robert L. Peachey Paul Poetolu Ken Schubert Arne J. Selvlg William Shrnbsall Robert Sllversldes Eddie Smith James D. Stuart Robert Taper James J. Thompson David C. Tumllson Robert Turgeon John A. Walker Rudolph Warne WUllam H. Wllaon Henry Worsfold Oeorge Zbura C.S. ARMT Chester B. Clapp Oeorge A. Olay Richard Moore Thomas W. Plrrce Ernest BanturbaM r.R. NAVT Howard Frlxzetl Clifford J, Robertson WOMEN NAVT Lavtnla (Wlanlel Exley Frances M. Thomson AKMT Beatrice Berner Louise Bird Phylls Hamblln Matilda Larsen Edith Mutrls Ii-ene Bully Jane Taper AIR FORCE Betty Barber jean R. Cameron Iris Corbould Lilian Croxford laobel Maekenrte Molly Maekenci Kay Nlckerson r.9. ARMY Mary McCaKery P. NtY Vtoli May Dybharn UtH tuprtm 8 rifle 91 Mere Cream ForYour Money in inn Dig o-vtnce luae Gillette Lather SHAVING CREAM Mad by fh world's hoJing mptrtr in shoring cMirorf.ffceswttrter' 8W Gffl.rf Elodn. PAOE THREE jrri i i rayj mmami i . authentic in style . expressive in quality . attractive in price ASTORIA SHOES mm! ltrnmngmel The "REST 3IAN" Medium Shade Brown Calf Blucher Oxford Sizes, Widths, Per Pair 6-i to mi B" to $10.50 E" HOW LONG SINCE YOU'VE WRITTEN THAT SOLDIER? He NEEDS those cheerful letters from home! And we make it easy for you to send, them by having a complete selection of all the cards, paper, envelopes and other writing aids you need. Send That Letter Today! The Variety Store Every Thursday 7 p.m. at the Auction Rooms of J. MAIR, Auctioneer THIRD AVENUE (Next door to Commodore Cafe)