3 FADE 5ES Visit Will Prove VaVo In The Groove! ' I A Woman Always nows: BH I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE V 198 1 RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE RUPERT'S THREE BIG STORES MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Electrical Contractors COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL & MARINE ELECTRICIANS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs Offices in Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367 326 2nd Ave, 1 Galore ORE tan . SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 FRASER. STREET Prince Rupert KWONG SANG KING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE . 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 12 pjn. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 12 pjn. PHONE RED 247 A Selection of W VICTOR RED SEAL RECORDS BY THE j WORLD'S CnEATEST ARTISTS The Rift that Ytt p on giring Victor Record matchless tnmic hj the j vorld's grealest artutt. Thousand! of thrilling selection to choos from. Visit us today and let us help you make your Chrittmu choices. 'fa McRAE tstuja. LIU. I OS Tlif'CifltliatKrei.aon Citing l' CiHritlifmiahoppinj- MmJt I'miy THE DAILY NEWS TIE-UP WITH GOLDEN GLOVES TOURNEVPLANNED Boilermahers Looking Into Possibility of Conquests Further Afield In earlier years, when boxlne was something like a religion to Prince Rupert fans and fighi- lers, northern rinzmen u.vd to swoop down to Vancouver once in a while In the manner of the ancient Goths and there light for honors and rewards. Even today they linger In the southern memory as a "lot of very tough fighters." However, when that Genera tion of boxers stiffened In the I joints, interest In the game went into eclipse. Now. after a lag of several years, leaders of amateur boxing In the city are groping for a connection m uic da Amateur Boxing Association and eventually with me Lrowen uwves. ! Right now James N'koll, secretary-treasurer of the Boilermakers' Athletic Club. Is poring over a copy of the Association's constitution and by-laws in the hopes that a northern division may be organized. Rightly enough, he sees no reason why some of the more capable tal. c:.t being trained at the Boilermakers Seal Cove gymnasium .ould not have opportunities t : compete in a broader fieid. He wrote to Billy FInlav. sports writer for the Vancouver Sun. which sponsors the Golden Gloves tournaments. Mr. Fin-ay passed the letter along o MR. DONOVAN CHERISHES AN ANCIENT GRUDGE Would Like to Smack Old Mike Just Once to ETen Up 19H King Beating AN ALEUTIAN BASE. Dec. 21 'For 30 years Referee Art Donovan of the Bronx has borne a grudge against old Mike Gibbons, the ex-pugilist. Of course it is just a friendly grudge all-Art wants to do is sneak up behind Mike and knock his block off. Here is the reason: ; A long time ago atwut 1910 : Art kept a few dimes jingling in jhis kilts by lighting. Then in 1914 he ran up again; Mike ; Gibbons, assassin of many a ring I hopeful j "Mike nearly killed me." Art i explained while on a refereeing tour through Alaska and the Al- i eutians. "I never laid a glove on , him. The referee saved my Hfe." i After that Art became a referee. "Ever since then," Art continued, "I've wanted to poke Mike 'just once to make it evert." In his 34 years in the fight game. Art rates Mike Gibbons as one of the greatest fighters. And Art has been in the ring as a referee with the best of them Jack Dempsey, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Harry Greb, Joe Louis and Harry Wills. , So. some day. if a couple of old men kick up a lot of dust swatting each other around, don't call the cops. It probably will be Art and Mike renewing their friendship. usiness an HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP ' Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone C55 PIANIST WITH CONCERT AND RADIO EXPERIENCE IN VJSA. DESIRES PUPILS. ANYONE INTERESTED PHONE J. FRANKY, RED 832. i BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER I Phones . j Days, Blk. 884 Nights, Blk. 152 Bert .Bellamy Reg. Wilson We Aim to Please "You Call :: We Haul-Lumber Baggage Freight. Express Household Effects 225 1st Ave. E. Prince Rupert. MESSENGER" AND TAXI PHONE 65 HOTEL FRASER. HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. H. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street H. J. Porter, secretary of the B.C. Amateur Boxing Associa tion, who gave Mr. Nicoll a very encouraging reply. "Trie time Is riDe for such a OUU A SUC 4 M U 111 very beneficial to Prince Rupert and the sport," Mr. Porter wrote. He expressed the hope of organizing a Golden Gloves tournament in the northern division this year and bringing the champions down to Vancouver to compete other ehamnions for the Pacific coast title, and a further chance to compete In the international Gloves tournament In Seattle. In order to do this it would be necessary to affiliate with Basketball ACROPOLIS AND OFFICERS WIN High School and Co -ops Lose in Hoop Games Last Area Basketball League games to be 3 laved before the Christmas holiday season In the Acropolis gymn last night saw the Acropolis quintet defat Bo-Me-Hi 83 to 19 and" the Officers downed Co-cps 42 to 18. In marking up their fifth "A" Section victory in six names, the Acropolis cagers were paced by Kiener. who countered 19 points. Wallingford and Garzelloni. of the same -club, accounted for 14 and 13 points, respectively. The line-ups follow: Acropolis Deiss 8, Willoughby 7. Kiener 19. Garzelloni 13. Wal- ungord 14, Bruegger 4, Kallno-vitch 10, Swanke 4. Homyak 2. Goldman 2.-83. Bo-Me-Hi Form an 9. Hart- wig 2, Murray 8. Thompson. Foote. Crulckshank, Good. 19. Officers Win Over Co-ops Holmes was hizh seanr In . Officers' triumnh over the Co ops with 17 points, while Ernst was second wittr 12. The line-ups follow: Officers Holmes 17. Bone 1, Ernst 12. Canfield 4, Peek 8.-42. Co-ops Hogan 2, Viereck 3. Holkestad 2, Ciccone 1. Arnsten 4, Astoria 2. Boger 4. 18. The Women's League game between Bo-Me-Hl and the C.WJL C.'s was postponed until the league resumes play In the new year. Standing of "A" Section Port Edward Acropolis Hill Officers Prince Rupert Bo-Me-Hi Co-ops W 6 5 3 3 0 0 L 0 1 3 3 5 5 Pts 1000 S33 500 300 000 .000 LNDON, O, Mai. Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir Lovlck Bransby Friend, 80, whose military career extended over 40 years has died In hospital here. YEAST SUBSTITUTE Fermented palm wine Is often used as i yeast substitute for bread making in Liberia. d Profi roressiona i IDEAL CLEANERS "House or Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 SHOE REPAIR Work Guaranteed Quick Service 103 9th Avenue West GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 F. C. DONALD Quick Delivery and Messenger Office York Hotel, 3rd Avenue Phone Green 504 1 the B.OA.B.A. along with other northern dubs. He suggested the Inclusion of territory as far east as Quesnel. and as far south as Lyttoo. Present activity at the Seal Cove gymnasium, if it is maintained, would certainly justify such an affiliation. The quality of fighters being trained there can be judged by the public at the Boilermakers' fight card on boxing day. if past cards have failed to impress the more critical One good fighter earning the colors of Prince Rupert wouid have more good publicity value for this ambitious city than a lot of economic plans being dreamed up. DAILY NEWS mm FOR SALE FOR SALE Doll and buggv $3.50. Phone Red (503. '299 FOR SALE 24 lxp. Rap semi Diesel electric heating system. ; good condition. Cheap. Phone i Blue 252. Write Box 787. 303) , FOR SALE Diamond engage-1 I ment ring. Gold setting. $25. j t Apply Box 913 Daily News. 299 i FOR SALE 16-foot speed boat. 1 four cylinder Star engine. Re- j cently reconditioned. Apply Box 912. i300) j FOR SALE Small baby crib, brand new. 3 feet long. $6.00 Phone 309, Mrs. Cartwrtght 298 FOR SALE Spencer coal and wood range, like new. Phone Blue 608. 1611 Atlin Ave. FOR SALE Girls' new ice skates, size 4. 1103 7th Ave. East. FOR SALE Cocker spanieL Call Black 623. 299) FOR SALE Ice skates, perfect condition, size 7. Green 59. 713 Frascr Street. 298 FOR SALE Wartime baby pram Good as new. Apply at 1413 8th Ave. East J93' WANTED WANTED Rug. approximated 6x8. American Signals 171 '300 WANTED Having Just lost our home by lire we are urgently In need of a furnished house or suite for three adults for two months or more. Phone N. Arseneau, Room 15, Savov HoteL 300i WANTED By Naval Chief Petty Officer and wife, 2 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 650. CPO. Parsons. (301 1 WANTED lO RENT 2 or 3 room cabin, furnished or unfurnished. Box 910 Daily News. .3011 WANTED Old radio, not necessarily In working condition. Also pair of earphones. Green 698. (298 WANTED TO BUY i down and $100 a ply Box 911 Dally WANTED Tricycle or small,' wagon. Call Black 623. .299) i JJ WANTED Small cook stove ! 5 Phone Black 614. 299) ; Ufinrrpn T-u i i ' V ed apartment by January 1. P.O. Box 1426. 43041 PERSONAL LAUNDRY done at No. 20 Cow Bay. Call anytime. 300 PAINFUL CORNS quickly removed with Lloyd's Corr Salve. 50c at Ormes Ltd. 300 BAYZAND it SEELEY, Painting! Decorating, Kalsomlning. Ail work guarahteed .Blue 378. "Satisfaction our motto. LOST LOST Post Office Savings Book. rinaer piease return same to Dally News office. (298) LOST Black Seattle, male, with harness, city license 344, re-wayl Return to 154 6 8th Ave. East. (300H LOST In vicinity of hospital, 1 tinner's hammer. 2 master snips, I crescent snips, l screw driver. 1 hand folder. 1 pliers. 1 scratch awl. Finder please return to Shenton Sheet Metal Works, 3rd Avenue. Reward. (299) C.N.R. Trains for ( lie fjatt Daily except Sunday 8 p.m. rrmti ,the ImI Dally eicept Monday . . 10:45 r p m. For Terrace Sunday, Monday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday .... 4 pin. Irom Terrace r Monday, Tuesday. Thursday, Friday nd Saturday . 1130 .ni. Classified Ads in The Dally News get results, If nir Complete Shows at 1:00 2:52 4:56 - 7:00 9:04 Feature 1:00 - 3:04 5:08 . 7:12 9:16 v ! V , SANTA SEZ: IT WONT BE LONG N . STILL TIME TO P ' " ONE IN THAT XMAS SOCK GIVE THEM FOR X.MAS Books of Theatre Tickets for Adults, Children, Men u. j Women in the Services Priced $1.00 to $125 Now s:ag. SmS- fas3lml nMiPBOk HUVIIUI ifiF.wii;oiinii"M,ii I U-4 rani 5 tmmwxw$W'' . I T - 'J L w ' T 9 5 W V y for mm FINE CHRISTMAS VEGETABLES Complete variety to choose from NUTS Walnuts, Filberts, Almond. XMAS CRACKERS in all sizes Hollv anrl Mistletoe 'AMy J MMM M U S SALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 5 Pgj? , THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Acrow from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phono 173 . .. . m trnnL r a b a ipi iir iinv v-vi" CAFE Special C -f hOD rhow 3in Ifnitrft 10 CHI. h Avenue arl AiiU Buy Your Fur Coat or Your FROM Silver f W. GOLDBLOOM "TUB OLD RELIABLE" v n-rir. rlli:lSTl5 ZUVTi lliaiUL.tl u.'"u w