DAY I DECEMBER 21, 1944 EASING a RISTMAS rrs 3 3' L. n f topers, 3 i r H K u; On Sae a FASHION m a mm ill 1 1 mil n ii A A . . M f ... i w. 3 nc Up Your m In a uri uiniLir.i. liuiii -, UI. riM.KNnAH PAIJX AND aiAINU, cumuicii; r ft v a v i n i h ru i in ft t n tin lj u liwi BUT jv lilll lu itv.i.m .j.v.w $7.00 Per Year, Delivered IM city $1 Per Year, Anywhere by Mail 3 KIN CLUB HOLDS i HOLDS FIN a i MEET OF YEAR A brief business session featured the final dinner meeting of the year of the Prince Rimert Kinsmen's Club held in Reid's , Cafe last night. Reports of two i committees were heard by mem- Ders. Preparations for the Kin Milk for Britain tag day on Saturday were outlined by James Kusack, who said that 60 children had offered their services and 150 tag boxes were ready. If awaiigcnicms can De made, a - ud speaker will broadcast ; hrlstmas carols from the hut at Fourth St. and Third Ave. during ;he day. Clarence Thomson reported on the progress of plans to erect a welcome arch In co-oneration Wh the Junior Chamber of wiiimeitc ana oiner service clubs along the highway at the .!ty outskirts. BURY ST. EDMONDS, Eng. fit -A borr') from an American plane on its way to a raid on the I enemy fell here and three cottages were made uninhabitable. LONDON, O The Albert Medal I nv tinted by Queen Victoria in 180C for saving of life at sea or on land, has been extended to g mr Dominions under royal war- Figure Slip into this silhouette and your figure will give way to goddess - like sllmness. Black crepe with contrasting hip-band and back interest, touched off with a curt, provocative sleeve. "STAR'S" STYLE WEAR - . ft V . X tr. in i r t 1U.T DIAKIKO, irom v v . . a In ( ! flit - - 1 L I . 1 - i ill 4Wh 'amplete from SM.Vfi to $"" LL I .AI-KNIlAR PADS UfcMJ "V Dibb Printing Company THIRD AVENUE Paper is m Still Rationed m m THE DAILY NEWS as y 777777.1 m GIFTS solicit subscriptions for men overseas in the forces j& less than regular rates). jk - k USE THIS ORDER FORM IF YOU CANNOT M CALL AT OFFICE, fa Enclosed please find $ , for which please $j 0riered by , ffi Terrace Wedding Mis Ilea Crosvenor Becomes Bride of George Kirby St. Matthew's Anglican Church at Terrace was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Monday afternoon when Miss Beatrice Ethel Orosvenor, daughter of MrS. fipnrffp Orncunnnr anI f Vi a late George Orosvenor, became the bride nt r.cnroo WnlCor VW. by, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Klitoy of Sandspit. The marriage was solemnized by Rev. R. Hills and the bride was given away by her uncle, George Dawes of Prince Rupert. The al - tar was decorated with pink and white carnations and the wed ding music was played by Mrs. McMillan. The bride looked very pretty In a floor-length dress of white silk, trimmed with lace. She wore white lace gloves which matched ;the dress and a finger-tip veil with embroidered corners held In place by a beautiful wreath of orange blossoms and pearls made in halo style. A white crystal necklace was the only ornament She carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations mixed with maiden hair fern. The bridesmaid. Miss Eunice Woods of Priestly, wore a floor length dress of pink crepe and a pink and white flower hat to match. She carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. Mrs. Orosvenor, mother of the bride wore a dress of turquoise blue with n corsage of pink roses and fern. Corporal Percy Hudson of Prince Rupert attended .the bridegroom and was b?t man. Following the ceremony, a special wedding supper was served to the immediate family, attendants and relatives at the home of Mrs. V. Bailey, sister of the bride. A toast was given to the bridal couple toy George Dawes. Later in the evening; other guests arrived to extend the bride and groom the very best j wishes. Those present were Mr. j and Mrs. S. Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. j Guggins, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. I Stockelv, Mr. and Mrs. Julsetl, I Mr. .and Mrs; F. Clifford, Mrs.' C. ; St. Thomas, Mrs. B. West, Mr. and Mrs. L. Llewellyn, Cecelia Newhauser, Theresa Jacks an, Mrs. M. E. Cole. Mrs. F. Mist, George Dawes, Maurice Cot". Ale? Houlden. Mrs. L. Woods, H. Blauchard, W. Richmond, C. Michlel, Ronald Cote, Freda Hall, Frances Hall, Gil Allen, Mrs. F. Hall, L. Neuhauser, J. II. Schultz. Mrs. H. Blanchard, C. T. Styme-1st, Eunice Woods, Pat Black-man, Corporal Hudson, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs. T. Oro.'venor, Mrs. C. Mlchiel, Mrs. M. Schultz, Nancye Dawes, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bailey. In the reception room was a very pretty archway decorated with roses and pink and white streamers. Below was a place for the bride and groom and alongside was the three tier wedding cake. A lovely assortment of wedding presents was on dirplay. Part of the evening was rpent In dancing, music being provided by Gunner Pat Blackman of Prince Rupert. He was assisted by Alec Houlden and Mr. Stock-ely. A delicious buffet supper was served to the .quests. Lumber Wc now have a slock of good 'grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lund)cr on hand Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. THE DAILY NEWS "SMOKEY" SMITH'S HOME Here is pictured the home and family of Pte. Ernest Alvla "Smoky" Smith, 30-year-old soldier of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada. At top left Is Pte. Jack Smith who Is serving with the Canadian Scottish Regiment overseas. Top right shows the Smith home at 713 Fifth Street, New Westminster, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith," father and mother of "Smoky" Smith are shown (lower left) In the living room of their home, and at lower right the third of three sons serving in the Canadian Army. Pte. Burton Smith of the Saint John Fusiliers Is pictured, (Canadian Army Photo). FUNERAL OF i ACCIDENT VICTIM Funeral services for the late Geortrr Ro. t:ub-port of embarkation employee fatally In jured in an accident last Wednesday, were held In the Greh-ville Court chapel of the B. C Undertakers yesterday afternoon. Charlain John E. Fritzmeler of the United States Army, presided over the rviep. At the orean was Cpl. W. C. Ehler. Following the service a procession escorted the body, to Interment In Fair-view Cemetery where Chaplain Fritzmeier rendered the commit tal benedictions. . Friends of the deceased, serving as pallbearers, included Arthur Thompson, Fletcher Hem-mons, Alex O'Gara, Charles Lowe, Harry Eastman and James Hlckey. Frank Morris was the mortician and Cpl. R. E. Spitzcr of Acropolis Hill assisted in the arrangements. Numerous floral tributes were sent to the chapel by friends and relatives of Mr. Ross. An inquest, commenced by authorities last Thursday, wass adjourned to this afternoon. LONDON, 0) Home Secretary Herbert Morrison said Britain will have to recruit and train sen thing like 15,000 policemen after Germany is".defeated. Buy War Savings Stamps. Terrace TRADE BOARD DISCUSSES CO-OP TAX TERRACE, Dec. 21 Support for a campaign by the Income Tax Payers' Association of Winnipeg, to have co-operative or-ganbations taxed on basis siml lar to the taxation in effect against private comnanies ha3 been requested of the Terrace and District Board of Trade. At the regular meeting of the board last week a letter from the Wlnnireg gioup was discussed, the appeal toeing favored by Will Robinson, who concurred in the belief that the present system of taxation works against private enterprise. Chairman of the meeting was II. King. - A proposal toy the Boards of Trade at Prince Rupert, Burns Lake, and Vanderhoof that the four ihcdles co-operate in getting out a publicity pamphlet for northern B. C. was tabled for discus sion at the next meeting of the board, when a special committee will be appointed to persue the matter. The action of C. A. Bcrncr, C. N. R. divisional superintendent, li arranging to have freight shipments from Vancouver ar-slve In Terrace on Thursday rather than on Friday, as It pre viously did, was commended byi THIS AND THAT l'mimi miiMHHi lUJmiiiii iinmiMii llllHt'Hlll llit Cmrjt Milllif" AJtnu ?frrl-. Int. O "I want something nice for my kid sister but noting risque, mind you." the meeting, and the secretary was Instructed to convey the thanks of the board. A resolution restoring the annual membership dues to $2.50 was passed by the meeting. This supersedes a resolution passed In 1931 fey which members were refunded CO percent of their dues, paying $1 a year. Mr. King appointed a committee to review the toy-laws of the board. The committee consists of G. McAdams, N. Sherwood and D. Kerr. A suggestion that a supper toe held, in connection with the annual meeting of the -board was held over until the next meeting for discussion and a committee consisting of President King, G. McAdams, N. Sherwood and D. Kerr was appointed to make ar rangemcnts. The board is also ns on ways to increase membership. WEATHER AT TERRACE IS BRIGHT, COLD TERRACE, Dec. 21 Clear, crisp weather, with temperatures well below the freezing point has been current at Terrace for the last few days. The seasonal atmosphere has been enhanced by bright sunshine and a fresh breeze. Yesterday's temperatures ranged from a minimum of 17 degrees to a maximum of 23 degrees. Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY P.M. 4:00Words With Music 4:15 G. I. Jive , 4:30 John Charles Thomas 5:00 Blondle 5:30 Sportjs Review 5:45 Indian Trails 0:00 Comedy Caravan 6:30 The People Ask G:45 Spotlight Bands 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Science in Everyday Life 7:30 Roland Todd's .Orchestra 8:00 Drama . 8:30 Music of the New World 9:00 Music Hall 9:30 Allan Young 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Phllpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 Mystery Playhouse 11:00 Silent FRIDAY A.M. 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9 130 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Recorded 10'00-Marek Weber 10:15 Johnny Mercer 10:30 Melody Roundup 1C: 45 Rendezvous With Rhythm 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrapbook 11:33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:36 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Concert Hall P.M. 12:00 Here's to Romance 12:30 CBO News DEVICETO SAVE LIFE Details of I.on-Secret Flying Safety Suit Have. Been Revealed I OTTAWA, Dec. 21 Q The Canadian air force has just revealed details of one cf the most 1 amazing life saving devices, of this war. It Is the Franks Flying Suit which - does away with' "'blackout" In high-ipeed flying. The long-secret suit was Invented an 1939 toy Wing Commander William R. Franks, O.B.E.. ' of Toronto and since testing his I first suit bac kin 1940, more than 250 modifications have been made. The hush-hush Suit was developed toy the SR.C.A.F. and the Banting Institute as a prevention I for "blackout" In fighting , pilots. It has been dn restricted i operational use toy British and American carrier pilots since 1942. Airmen say it gives' the Allied alr lorces a tremendous tactical advantage in swirlinor doz- 1 fights mdles up in the sky. Safe guarded against the tremendous twin pressure of gravity and centrifugal force, the pilots can turn faster than their adverseries and get on their tails. "Blackout" Is tne air force term for temporary blindness, sometimes leading to unconsciousness which Is caused toy fast manoeuv ring aircraft. Abrupt changes of direction at hish speeds greatly increase this effect. Without the Franks Flying Suit, many pilots blackout at five times the normal pull of gravity at the earth's surface. Vlth the suit, vision and con sciousness remain unimpaired at five "G's." At seven "G's at 150 pound pilot weighs more than half a ton and his four-ton fighter Is heavier than a Lancaster bomber. By an Ingenious adaptation of a scientific principle hit on by Dr. Franks back In 1938, the Franks suit provides pressure against the pilot's body which automatically compensates for the Internal forces set up by increased G. Buy for Victory Buy War Savings Stamps. I for HIM Pen and Pencil cases Cigarette cases III IS Watches Wallets JOHN Third POULSEN'S LUNCH Cth AVE. E., BESIDE P.O. STATION "B" A3 Good as the Best Better than the Rest PAGE FIVE BARR& ANDERSON LIMITED iK Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and-Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. ahd 4 th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 XL. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Green 995 If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Atlas IJoiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith General Repair. PHONE RED 884 Income Tax Itrttinu frrparrd ,See R. E. MORTIMKR 324 2nd Afe. Phone 88 i vuv I, f i IV il SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday Evening SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every ten days. i Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 563 and practical Will please hint most. j WE HAVE Signet and fraternal rings Fine sterling silver Identification- bracelets BULGER LIMITED Jewelers Avenue Opposite post Office . POULSEN'S GROCERY Our stock fresh and complete, prices right Courtesy and Service Free Dellvry--Red .441. W