. Tl r: nf Bomber Which Harrowing Oi By Hying Officer W. ev R.CA.K Public Kelatioh $ j, - . . r L'TATmM 1M MRU ..AMn " ' e !-.. t . . i r. -.i imvora ui mi ilx-uuhi. . 5 -locraior rich crashed in the uibrador vilds with pe dead and the fourth in flames, came their home station here recently after a . .wnTirlfi umHi tirniiprciiiit,f rnninnir no : -nMf,p,-- . - o r ' terns than i d, W'tuld. tv Vvaar. and .j. I :i, J J' T., gnv- !r j taking kr :n mlnei " ,n . ' on ' York- tn i cn .'-'trike ' - . zif KVa Ilia a till I I I al a VII III I Wl u '- S1S3.40809. M UU -1 I - II XX 1 Wl lnrl.. C ; year Hankinson I'liJ lllnMi .i'rei it her ! ! iOnSun--ait :e llankln-JDrc HHsnkin- ; Physician. - ;. ) i n a state , -r PMt sev :;. w ::J been 50 I ' ftodca Ttwnshlp, Wa. J -ISIS- , ol Michael Ik. A. truer ' "ii, im ri kiI . b,v three 'e marriage it. t.,- " umc a,':1"" Rupert "Pcted to now u S3 degree below zero. tnomlnj 4 mi.; ' r. ""iiuncla- Vanc"1 take ;n are v. ... . ni n.i. vws' Law- r an 7 home, a ri-u wiis riu Via. "M Mrs. J n V. "V ''4 HaL ?""f?k. Eng. 'i the ii. .L Navy U.l I re Mn fester, t, v. KenniH h "V mm v. The sixth man aboard, Flying Officer David Ortffi, R.OA.F. I public relations officer, died In DirrAii.ii) RixoRi) OK KXPKRlt.NCKS Th crew brought back a de tailed record of their experiences In the treacherous icing conditions which had trapped them in 1U deadly grip over the 8tralU of Belle Isle and brought them down one hour and 40 mlnutca later in me trees near a lonely lake 13 miles from safety at Ooose Bay. Just six minutes flying time away. Even while the ice was choking off their carburetors and piling several inches deep on the underside of the wings and enelnc cowlings, the pilots kept exact tab on the Blrcralfs reaction which may cast con slderablc light on previous dls nppearnnces or omer iohk- rangc aircraft. Imrle s log dook and the accurate navigation records of F.L. Harland contain careful records of each development up to a minute of the crash. Other crews of missing Liberators may have noted similar happenings but they didn't live to bring them buck. From their messmates o tne famed "Dumbo" squadron of submnrlne hunters stationed here In Newfoundland, Imrlc's crew received a warm welcome when they were flown back (Continued on page 4) WALKS TWO MILES AT 100 church, H I J llag-drapcd casket at Ooose t nrltl4n fidget submarine inq Irportrd to Hit ON .... w n . a s Wi Ap:.! J- rrob- i r?mt pe see be-. t: i Ru-o.a again T ' R aru are :;s fle-fd the Day cemetery. With his com- rades trudging behind on snow- shoes, his body was taken to Ooose Day by dog teams of tho CANIMIiATK HEARD UJB. Army Air Force, flown In to aid In the rescue and driven by veterans of Admiral Byrd's expedition to the' South role. The survivors were: Squadron Leader AAT "Al" Imrle, D.F.O, veteran U-boat patrol pilot and former back-fielder with Calgary Bronkj. McNfaiter University, and Balmy Beach 12001 Bloor Street, West. Toronto). Flight Lieutenant O. R. "Gar-Harland (formerly of Treheme. Man., and whose life lives at it f r 1 1 1 I . r. i I J. APainSl jainst Ontl. navigator. O Flvlne Officer J. D. L. "Dou Campbell (Cobourg resident. whose wife lives at 55. Marmora Road, Trenton, co-pilot Pilot Officer M. J. "OlT Oll-mour (Oravenhurst, Ont). wireless air gunner, and WOl A. C. Johnny" Johns R.Rl. Harrow, Ont). wireless air gunner. Word they had been found reached Ooose Bay four days after they failed to reach the Labrador airport after a flight from Iceland In the teeth of the most sudden and vicious Uorm to lash the Atlantic coast this winter. The report of their finding came from two sources In Any Month This; almost simultaneously one a, j Labrador trapper who had (heard them chopping wd and : during, trekked all day on snowshoes tr 180.03, and to deliver a letter from SL. t3kr i m dur- Imrle: the second, a Ufl. search "i this year, aircraft which spotted their were J34,- smoke signals and a huge Ktm, "S OB." tramped out with home-Mar V- 1943. . made snowshoes on the surface c 1 '.he total 'of a nearby lake. Circling low. r n'hs of the nllot dronned them by par as, achute large supplies of re type" emergency rations. Arctic clothing, snowshoes, sleeping bags, and cigarettes. "8tuff showered down like manna from heaven-and It was Just as welcome." said Flying Officer Campbell. Capitalism, Socialism, Must Unite Some of C. C. V. Leaders as Well as lliose In Old Tartles Falling to Help, Says Mickleburgh Speaking at a public meeting In the Eagles' Hall yesterday afternoon. Bruce Mickleburgh. Labor-Progressive candidate tor Prince Rupert In the next provincial election, cited Mrs. Dorothy Sleeves and George Weaver as membois of the Co-operaUv Commonwealth Party who. sneering at the Teheran conference and engaging In criticism. aarcasm and cynicism, failed to put forward anything construe tlve and were actually subver sive to the naional unity which leaders who should be removed. The Teheran Conference. bringing together the leaders of two great capitalistic nations .weeic. world relations. Mr. Mickleburgh derlarrd "We now stand on the threshold of a new era of human So. Pacific ' ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN main WAR NEWS northeast nnd sixty-two miles north of lmpahl, main Allied base, and nn all-out fight In Uie areas was believed Japanese patrols have cut Aircraft of Allies on Widespread roads leading to lmpahl In an c.it.. I,.rl..r ih Wrrk.rtiil OIICIISIVC ODV10US1V ailllCU 111, tnrludinr Truk Carolines' .Dlmnpur on Itabaul. railway, life line In North Burma Local Tides Tuesday, April 3 High 11:03 17.9 feet 23:40 18.1 feet I Li t My Low . 5.10 9.0 feet 17:26 5.9 feet MAt)T!irriVT A tn nnumn t nnifriciT i-t ttiitit a r xTTtircn A'nCTJ PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1941 RUSSIANS SMASHING ON MOSCOW The Germans are evacuating the great Wack Sea port of Odessa. They are burning the city In their flight and great columns of smoke are pouring skyward out of the poit. Hermans and Rumanians are fighting among themselves for treasure. The Red Army has been converging from five directions on the queen City of the fllack Sea, their adrance averaging fifleen miles per day. Today the Russians, were only 19 miles distant. Sixty moie towns have been taken in Besarabia. To the north the Hed Army has crossed the Prut Ulver Into Rumania and through the Carpathian Mountains into Hungary. A compltte German-Rumanian evacuation of the Crimea is ex- RATTLES OK ITALY 1 NAPLKS Allied forces have captured another hill noith of Catslno but have lost a position on the Anilo beachhead to the Germans. Ilrary reinforcements are being moved into Italy by both sides, it Is reported. IN INDIA AND, BURMA NEW 1)1.1, III Two Japanese columns have made further advances toward lmpahl, important Allied supply base and capital of Manipur Province in India. At the nearest points the enemy was 33 miles distant. In northern Burma there have been derisive Allied victories. HEACIIIIEAI) EXTENDED ALLILI) Hf.AIqUAKTEKS IN SOUTHWEST PACIFIC The Americans have expanded their beachhead at Empress August Ray on Bougainville I.Iand in the Solomons, headquarters announced today. SWISS BOMBING reparations for the mistaken air raid by United States planes on Schaffhauscn at the end of the and the greatest socialistic In Thirty -five persons were kin Aneement on nlaiw to win th- ed. more than one hundred In war and secure lasting peace, had marked a turning point ,n Jurrd and damage Is esUmated at $15,000,000. SHELLED BY VS. FLEET Fined For Sale Demand 0n 0f Goods Over .'Washington vas ntcessary to win the victory w FORT ST. JAMES. April 3 and establish the lasting peace lTatdd W. Smith and William along democratic line after the " ,'"V David Fraser were each fined war was over Hon. Herbeil Am- i " i$t0 and costs for selling ceitaln comb and J. A, PaWn were nam- uamage. aerify item, over the proper ed as reactionaries ana enemies i renin? price. Stephens Holmes, of the real principles oi aemoc- "t. sp -uc,"",u ( stipendiary magUtrate at Van racy like some of the C. C. F. is demanding an apology and Ceiling Price derhoof. went to Fort St. James hear the cases And Cariboo Dies VANCOUVER. April 3Charlei Paramushlro, northern m o s t , Wynn-Johnson, father of Mrs. progress. W are on (.he eve of jap outpost In the Pacific, hasjw. C. Woodward, died today at the full scale Invasion of western rPW attractions as a place to , the age of seventy-three. He Europe Even now the Russian jive; Its mile-high mountains was a pioneer of the Yukon and armies are smashing on fiom iope directly Into the sea and had a large ranch at Alkali (Continued on Page Three) It Is fog shrouded. Lake In the Cariboo. t Street Lights Are Targets of Air Guns Here City police are on the look- I Budapest Is Air Raided out for boys with air guns following reports o youth- ful maiksmen with these weapons having been out Saturday night making tar- ifts out of street lights. Three hoys were' seen shoot- ing at a light at Cow Bay. Air guns are Illegal In the city. They are subject to confiscation and those who use them aie liable to pro- sccutlon. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, April 3, The death occurred In the Allied bombing planes made t J XT Prince Rupert Oencrol Hospital widespread forays over tho ArC WOmCd 10W tnls morning of Bert Carlson, week-end. Including further . , . uccd 53, after an Illness which heavy attacks In Truk as well AKfiiif I hpir lfh had conrincd hlm " hospital 1 lltir JUUI as the Caroline Islands. Rabaut jn,JUUl since March 13. and Wewak. The fourth attack In three days was made on LONDON t Mrs. Harriet. .Truk. Dcaklng, who claims she has! There was new ground I act on never hn in m her life, cclc- on north New Guinea when the hut ed duck a Jnp Australians bratr,) her "cr looth birthday " re- c ZxoSS Longshoreman Aircraft Workers nil V.I ail TTU1IVCIO -Passes Away mi- aitraaca was u iuuk- shorcman by occupation and LONDON, April 3 The Berlin radio said today that alerts were sounded In Budapest and other areas today while vfolent air battles were reported between German and United States planes over Hungary. An rnetny report said that fourteen United States planes were shot down over Budapest which had Its first heavy air raid of the war. WILL NOT nSH , - Protest Halibut Ceiling SEATTLE, April 3 (CP) Harold Lokken, manager of the Fishing Vessel Owners' Association, said Saturday that Seattle fishermen, in protest against the newly announced halibut ceiling prices, had agreed to remain in port pending clarification of the situation and further negotiations. The first group were to have left for the banks Wednesday. The Office of Price Administration on Saturday announced a 214c cut-back on the telling iHcef American halibat lmfcd at Prince Rupert and Ketchikan, reducing the prices at the northern ports to 15c and 13'. c. The two-and-a-half rent pec I pound reduction In the price rinnppr nf YiiKnn I of ha,ibut d'liTfred at P1'"" I Ul 1 uriuii Rup,rt undrr the price. at Seattle as ordered by the Office of Price Administration will cost North Pacific fishermen $1,000,000, Mr. Lokken estimated, saying that the differential was not enough to make the Seattle haul worthwhile. Hence it would not increase deliveries at Seattle. The present order is "grand larceny," Lokken said. Japanese Set Back In Burma Advance Of Enemy In India Is Continuing NEW DELHI, April 3 (CP)-Glidcr-born Allied commandoes have- cut all north and south communication arteries to Myitkyian, main Japanese base in North Burma, and have smashed enemy efforts to infiltrate and Allied-held air strip far behind the Japanese lines, dispatches from the front said Sun- : day. Meanwhile Japanese forces i . i were within thirty-three miles Acuon HI RESULTS OF : HOCKEY PLAY Westminster and Tort Arthur Play Tie Trail Eliminates Regina NEW WESTMINSTER, April 3. (CP) New Westminster and. Port Arthur played a five all tie in the first game of the best of five Western senior finals. Trail blanked Regina five to nothing to advance In the western Junior finals. Details of Log Scale in March The sralc for this March has b?en 5.574,906 board feet compared with 6.S60.777 hoard feet In the month of March 1913. The scale per varieties this March was as follows. Cedar. 897.251 board feet. Spruce. 3.140.017. Hemlock. 597.273. Jackplne. 703,008. Balsam, 231,667. STONE AGE DESIGNS MOSCOW Designs dating VANCOUVER, April 3-A mass was uninnrrjpd, nc nvrd at 936 from the Stone Age have been meeting of aircraft workers here second Avenue West. He had discovered In the mountains oi today asked Ottawa to keep up lived In the city for the past Sara Ak Saya Mn Uzbekistan, full pioductlon until such time six years. I They are cut Into the rock and V.1" ,f , rounUT-attack "m r with heavy : as rehabilitation measures for His only known relative is a represent tne nununs ,ose miles to " ently by walking two employment arc taken. .sister living In San Francisco, 'by p.imltlve men. PRICE FIVE CENTS Russians March Into Rumania i Battleship Attacked . LONDON. April 3 f-Brl- tlh naval aircraft success- fully attacked the German battleship Tlrpltz In Alpcn Fjord In noithcrn Norway with several 1omb hits scored on the powerful war- j ship whlsh was damaged by i First Soviet Dispatch From Foreign Territory Is Sent To Moscow Prut River Crossed Soviet Forces But Nineteen Miles From Odessa Through Carpathians to Hungary. MOSCOW, April 3 (CP) The first Soviet dispatch of the war sent from foreign territory today reported the Red Army marching into Rumania after crossing the Prut River which was established with Rumania in 1940 as the border. Soviet headquarters have been established on Rumanian soil. Other Soviet armies are within nineteen i miles of the Black Sea port of BOMBING AUSTRIA Odessa. The Reds are also mov ins through the Carpathians to! Hungary. Crossing the Prut River at several points along a 153-mlle front, the Red Army today had penetrated Rumania to a depth of twelve miles and had cap tured fifty .towns. Foreign Commissar Molotov said today that Russia had no territorial ambitions in Rumania was caused merely by mili tary necessity and the enemy would be pursued untU he sur rendered. COLLECTED FINES TOO Tlebt Bay Totem Pole is Bad Medicine for Three Prince Rupert Sailors. A case involving a rarely used legal procedure was cleaned up In city police court Saturday Italy Has Air Action Enemy Convoy In Adriatic Des troyed Ground Action Light NAPLES, April 3 More than one hundred enemy planes were shot down yesterday by United States bombers and escorts which roared over the Alps to smash a German aircraft parts factory at Steyr in Austria. This was the largest number of enemy planes ever bagged on a single raid from this theatre. An enemy con-Toy and escort In the Adriatic ! was destroyed by .light forces -I of the French Navy without I .HamarF.nr. casualties. Ground " action has been confined to patrol skirmishes. when three saUors, James Fol- HOTEL SHQOTLNG ger Dean, George Gaston Mag-inel and John A. Oliver, pleaded, U II I MU M guilty to charges of removing IXlLLIIiV 111 part of an Image from an Indian graveyard at Alert Bay and to willfully damaging a totem pole. ihe incident happened two weeka ago when the craft on which the three men were serving, stopped overnight at the southern town while on the way north. Charges against the men were laid at Alert Bay In the County of Nanalmo and ordinarily the trial would haver taken place Uiere only by that time the sailors were In Prince Rupert. Not wishing to take., the men from their " naval duties ,by hav VANCOUVER One Man Shot to Death An other Hurt In Fall Still Another Has Hands Badly Cut. VANCOUVER. April 3 Oi Wel lington Wallace, aged 37, was fatally shot In a downtown hotel early Sunday and Albert Rae. 36, was seriously injured in a fall from high tension wires behind the hotel. Joe Martin suffered badly cut hands at the hotel and he told police that he was injured while ' attem pting to prevent a hold ing them sent to Alert , Bay fori trial, the Alert Bay magistrate l , . . . n msn employed a rarely used article wmm for questionlng and oi smmlB uu attempUng to untangle W. D. Vance author y to tr,,2 the men In Prince Rupert man lth bullet wounds to fUed Ch ! u4 his body ' is being sought, were their ship tied up at Alert , nn. fm. Vi nlfrhr Tlpnn Tcr- 1 Inel and Oliver had gone asnorei'icbnfrnPW5in t OaSKaiCIieWdll IU for the evening. After spending part of their liberty In a bev- J . f 1 V erage parlor, they had set their Y OtC I MS I Car course back to the ship. j While passing an Indian cemetery, their collectors' Instincts were evidently stirred by the REOINA, April 3 O? A Saskatchewan general election was assured for thl3 year when the unlque Images marking the .,.,,. Rt.ri..v graves and. during their efforts wltnout prol0nglng its life. to reineve one a ouummi. It was broken. Leaving the graveyard and Its broken- ,lmage the sailors proceeded down the street, where they were attracted by a totem pole decorating the front yard cf the residence of Dan McLennan, B.C. Packers cannery manager. Uprooting the eight-foot tall wooden symbol from Its concrete base, and carrying It aboard their ship, they wrapped It In a tarpaulin and laid It reverently on the ward room deck. The totem pole, whose figures consist of a family of halibut kibitzing downward at a beaver gnawing a piece of wood, rests at present In the B.C. police district office. they changed their plea to Annmrincr in nolicc court culltv and wcro fined $5 each here on March 24, Dean. Magi- on each of the two counts. They Inel and Oliver pleaded not, were also given the rcsponslbll-gullty to the charges and were.lty for the cost of replacing the remanded until Saturday when, .totem pole In Its original set- represented by W. O. Fulton, jtlng. OLD-TIMERS WERE BIG DUNFD1N, N.Z. (W The fossilized skeleton of the largest penguin ever known, which lived 30.000.000 years ago and probably stood five feet high, hava been discovered at Duntroon. The modern king penguin stands three feet high. HAS EYE ON FUTURE BREDHURST, England CD This Kentish village hopes It won't be overlooked "by the postwar planners. Bredhurst. flva three mlles l!om Maldjtne-ls without Baa. VICViiil.llJ, wawi aamMinwii except on Its tiny main street.