MAY 3, 1944 .11. irr & Anderson i.iMiTin rtomWnj and Heating Iwnitie Sprinkling and Coil Woters vt f-.i Ave nd 4lh 8t. Lued SZ9 VJO, Box 1294 Cemetery Service rio .5 jiinfs tended ft-.;? Bl.:e tl'.i and leave ,fj c::- V" f r LOCALS - - United May 4th. Church Spring Sal. Women of the Moose May Danre. Wednesday, May J, 10 p.m. I.O.O.r. Hall. U04i Dido Gurvlcb returned kCCF Broadcast, CFTR Wednesday, 0 :10 p.m. LAC. Archibald, Federal Candidate for Sfcmu. (104H can Winnipeg for a two weeks' va ration trip, Corp. George Mead of the HC. Pwjlce division office re-turru-d Uils morning from a trip Ui Vancouver. Come to Bonja's tea and sale of home cooking, Lutheran Church, May 4, Proceeds for Norway Itellef Fund. U04 Alex Mali it-turned this morn-Hig from a trip to Vancouver. Kota Killas rt-Uinud to the city Uils morning from Vancouver. Canadian Legion MZRU) No. 37. Victory Loan Parade tonight Fall In at Legion headquarters at p m. Berets and Medals where possible. ELIO Furniture Store Tlllltl) AVKMT. Folding Haby Carriages. Haby High Cbair.s. Haby Cribs. Hoys' Wagons. TUT VICTORY FIIIST-HUY VICTORY BONDS Model Airplanes K . We have a complete assortment of Model Airplane Kits from Tc to $1.75. These include the Hell-Aircobra, Mus-tonff, Mosquito, Hurricane, Spitfire, Soaring Seaplane, and numerous other designs. PACIFIC CAFE W'ln "'open o Mon,'ay, April 17 Ch0l) Sucy, chow Meln M:0 toroo a.m Meet iMc at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Topi) r dtvidually at the specified distances. Small seeds, such as car rots, lettuce, etc., ean be sown by tearing off a corner of the ten Inches high; If taller they Funeral Notice 1 i Canadian Legion, 11.E.S.U j Funeral services for our late comrade, John M. Dunn, ex-' 102nd Battalion, also 4th CM OC will be held at 2 30 pm. tomorrow, Thursday. May 4. Orenvllle Court Funeral Chape: Interment will take place at Falrvlew Cemetery. In Soldiers Plot. Taxis will be at Legion In case of rain. Fall in at 2 10, "Lest We Forget." iiont ronor.T the . . BIG DANCE WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 9:30 - 1:00 a.m. I.O.D.E. HALL (Formerly Eagles', 5th and McBride) Gentlemen 75c Roy Proverbs and His Orchestra Everybody Welcome THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Atlas Boiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith, General Repair. rhnne Red 84 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54.. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert 35 . 1 j JT 1.1-11 77 S' iARDEN 'NOTEBO f a . 6hould be planted in a shallow SOWING sr.KI) trench with six inches of the Thick sowing wastes seed and toP above the ground level. Af- . . Increases the labor of thinnlna. , ter they have become estab- "Ufi sinlv orim.k . -J ... . llViH ihf Mirth Mn Vw nulled mon,Uig Jrom Vancouw where 'a Qf UnU ,n around tnem water u he has been visiting his family table for dale of fiow,ng depth avaiiabie It should be used to ... , , ... W Plant, and spacing of rows.'puddle the soil around the roots ! "turmd this stmcn une lightly to exclude the air. When the naming from the south where U mtt tQv 0nuJpiau are set, press the soil she has been attending school. Idrlll drtwlng the corr of;firmly around them, taking care the hoe along the line to the to aold Injury to the stem at required depth. The. drill should I""" ground level. be of even depth so that uni form germination of the seed -.Ml 1 . . l... , iwm or uDutmra, Mr nl8,naI? WeteTulTbe pTaced In and daughter have left for CULTIVATION Hoeing should be started as Large seeds, such as bean,. fc " ""J" lings appear, or Immediately after young plants are set out. It Is important to destroy the weeds when they are small, be fore they can use up plant food envelope, holding the packet ....w. " ."7". horizontally and gently tapping ' .77i It lth th.. " wceus coraiwrnriy, out. fw.r . a 1. ,,.A along the drlU. Press the soil firmly over the drill after the seed has been sown. To mark 'weeds should only be pulled from the crop rows when the soil is moist, otherwise the plant rooU may dried out rows of such seeds as carrots . , . 7T' . and beets, which germinate, ,Av,oid wor" m"J8 fh plnts " cabbaB slowly, an occasional radUh andfl,bea,S sed may be placed in the row"1 thfy fading W et ".f",.1' plant dls-. to eome quickly and act as!dang" up H 1 ".eases. to cul a marker. t It is a good plan tivate the ground once or twice a week to a depth of one or two inches. As the plants increase In size and cover the earth hoe less of the space Wa n'nAn 4 Vt a Ar sn4 4 ArAo mm rou. beeU. radUh and spinach uV V" " K'. ",,,,,7, " . . , the dePth of cultivation so as un tu nr be nlanted after earlv crons of jridUh. lettuce, spinach or peas Although lU civilization goes kTr harvested bark 4jD00 years, China Is one simw of the youngest republics In When seedlings are well up . the world. MAKB YOlTU (JKICATKST WAR EFFORT -NOW! Our fighting forces now face the great irriflcc demanded by invasion. So we at home must pray, help In every way and practice -wlf-denlal as never before! Everyone must buy Victory bonds who can and each mutt buy all lie can. TJ T VICTtnY-rilHT.'rr-fIIV VICTOItV-BONDS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. HONE J1 . PHONE 6J: I To extend the season of such crops as beans, peas and corn, two or three sowings may be made at intervals of ten days. SujMcccive crops of lettuce, car- Ihln plants to the distances rec jommended. Tills should be done un a auii oay, or in me evening when the oil Is moist. Corn, cucumber, squash and pumpkin should be thinned to three good plants in each hill. HUNSI'LANTINC. Like thinning, transplanting rhould be done during , weather or when the soil 1 'moist. Stocky, healthy plants should be secured which have a good root system and have not received a check in growth. Cabbages should have leaves from four to six inches long 1 and a good root system Toma not to injure the roots. VENERABLE PARLIAMENT Iceland's parliament, more than 1.000 years old, is the oldest in the world. NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS Owing to the building which we now occupy having been dui sold, we shall be moving some. time in the future to the prem ises now occupied by the Over' waitea. For the present we are doing business at the same old stand Date r moving will be announced later. RANCE & HARDY Pioneer Grocers ' I THE DAILY IIE773 PAOB.THRBB, ; ' t 'IS MOURNED i BY VILLAGE Entire Population of Port V slntton Attends Funeral of Late C. I). Portion. PORT ESSINOTON, May 3 The entire population, both white and native, of the Skeena River village of Port Esslngton assembled at the United Church on Saturday afternoon to pay last respects to their friend and counsellor, the late C. D. Pog son. The service was conducted by the Rev. A. Rutherford of Kls- plox, a close friend of the de ceased, who made the 200-mile Journey for the occasion. A duet was sung by Mary and Fanny Spalding and a solo by William Spalding. The large attendance and the mass of beautiful flowers bore testimony to the esteem in which the deceased was held by the entire community. The casket, literally buried in flowers, was borne to the local ceme tery, preceded by the Port Esslngton Band, which rendered appropriate music en route and at the graveside. 'The pallbearers were H. Re Id, H. W. Harris, S. Lockerby, A. Perkins, D. Nelson and C. A. Moore. Charles Derwent Pogson was born at Crosshill, Ontario, on May 25, 1877, and came to Port Esslngton in January, 1930. Shortly after making his home here, he was appointed a Jus tice of the Peace and later post master, holdine both offices un Nurses' Meeting Hears Report On Convention At the regular monthly meet ing of the Prince Rupert Registered Nurses' Association held Monday evening in the Nurses' residence, Miss J. Wrubleski who had recently returned from attending the annual meeting . of the Registered Nurses' As-', soclatlon of BjC. In Victoria. gave an interesting report Thl was followed by a discussion on Health Insurance by Mrs. Forbes. During the course of the evening a presentation of a picture was made to Mrs. Forbes by the president. Mrs. Forbes resigned her position as recording secretary due to change of residence. Civilian and servlc nurses are attending Jointly the annual divine service In the United Church Sunday til his death. In spite of the Presbyterian Missionary duties connected with the two; Mrs. A. Platen's. May 3 in U n ..111 I I 41 , take a very active part in all movements tending to the wel fare of . the community and took a leading place In all war activities. A man of strong Christian character and high ideals, he was always ready and willing to give advice and com fort to any and all whom a kind word and good cheer often meant so mueh. He will be greatly missed and his place In the community hard to fill. Mr. Pogson is survived by his wife. Elizabeth, In Port Esslngton, and one daughter. Mrs. W. A. Bale of Elrose, also by four brothers and-theee sisters the Middle West. Russia's population of 193,000,- 000 consists of nearly 200 dif fer- jent nationalities and racial and . ! anguage groups. AUSSIES QUICK WORKERS CANBERRA & Overseas authorities said it would take 7. years to produce the first of the intricate Vickers anti-aircraft predictors but the Commonwealth Ordnance Factory did it In 20 months with trainee labor. Announcements All aiumisemtrnu in this column will t charged tor a lull month at 25c a word. Cambral Munthe's. Tea. Women of the Moose, Dance, Wednesday, May 3. Dancing 10-.2 , De Carlo's Orchestra. Refresh ments. Sonja's Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, Lutheran Church, Mav Women's Auxiliary Canadian Legion Dance, May 5, Oddfellows' HalL Jean De Carlo's Or chestra. Refreshments. Tea, May 11, Mrs. C.CJ. dance. Oddfellows' Hall May 12. De Carlo's Orchestra. 9:30 to 1:30 an. Concert by Drydoek Male Choir, May 15 and 16. 18. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, May fag) Buy MORE War Bonds CONtRUUTID TO CANADA'S SIXTH VICTOKY lO AN IY 1 -r rJfrZiPUT VICTORY fRt SPECIAL CLEARANCE of: COTTON WORK PANTS Serviceable Cotton Pants, in sizes 32 to 12. Regularly priced to $3.25. ''A To clear i at )v)j DRY-BAK Clothing Keg. Price $12.00. At per Suit $9.00 f 1 W', arcf TAND IT'S UP TO US TO DELIVER THE GOODS H.S. WALLACE CO. LTD. DRY GOODS and LADIES' WEAR Phone "73 Coal Orders A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD, -A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Sec what can be done with Old Woollens The blankets on display In our windows are made from old woollens collected by Queen Mary Chapter. I.OJXR, and rewoven for them to be sent to the Bomber Area Victims In Britain as part of the Chapter's war effort BUY VICTORY BONDS 327 3rd Avenue We can now deliver your coal orders. Please give ns three days warning before delivery ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. MIONF. 116 and 117 v l1 if i n