PAGE TWO THE DATEY NEWS Dajr by diy, Victory comes nearer and with n'clory Petk Frtan's famous Day Ujr Day Aisortment and other dtlicioui Eogliih biscuits will return; BISCUITS FROM LONDON, ENGLAND J. M. S. Loubser D.C B.A, CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 GEO. 1DAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT ' YOUK CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone far Free Appointment HC 4th Ave. E. RED 127 mm frtr1iriMaiiil B SERVICES TO Vancouver. Victoria and Waypoluts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands i Full Information, Tickets and Reiervatlons FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 The Seal of Quality British Columbia's f Finest Salmon PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Uulltup Roofs Repairs, Reshingllng Free Estimates Fresh Local Itaw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 Sure and It was a fine dayj Tiw praice Rupert Chamber when Itctoert, In Eire on leave. 'of commerce is still considering Med to the outside Dublin. races tnc possibility or a group of its The same Report Sqdn. Ldr. members making an excursion For.:tiT of ihc Royal Canadian to Aiaska and June 7 jg j,, Ai: Force to Identify him fur-1 tentatively set as the date of ther was In gay mood as he J departure. Ketchikan. Wrange!! sauntered to the paddock for aljuneau and skaerwav would lw ; closer look at the spirited Irish uorstiaesn wmcn soon woma i c ontest a gruelling steeplechase. , Sure and It was only natural t that a fellow with totting money jingling in his civilian jeans uniforms not being allowed In a neutral country should desire to erfamlne closely the fine points of the steed on which ho eventually decided to place a substantial wager. And it was fortunate that the "chaser took a dim view of this fresh fellow liom Montreal who walked around his hindquarters with the air of one who knows racing blood from away back. The ani mal's eyes - shewed white, back i I went his ears and he lashed out vith a dainty but iron-shod hoof. 1 The hoof struck Robert in the thigh. Robert struck the ground. I The former non-playing captain , of one of Canada's Davis Cup j ' tennis team$ didn.t bet on the race. It was a good thing because j his ill-mannered choice didnt win anyway. And to chop a tale short, Retort limped back to 'London and entered hospital. Some badly bruised muscles t needed rest before he returned to his public relations duties, j 'The next time I go near a pad-idock," said Bob, "It will to strictly from hunger." 'Never before has a Canadian rugby team played to such u ACTIVITIES OP Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. (By DOROTHY GARBUTT) There will be no meeting of the Service Wives' Club this Thursday afternoon. I hope we will be able to meet In the "Y" next Thursday but will let you know through this column a little later. The sanding of the floors Is obmpletcd at last, Wejfall fled while that was in process. Now for three coats of preservative and one or two odd Jobs and we're ready for the public once again. Remember girls, Thursday and Saturday nights this week are special dance dates. The Thursday dance ls by Invitation and lis at the NaVal Drill Hall and I the Saturday dance ls at the i Elliott Barracks lUXJ.A.) and transportation will be at the "Y" at 8:30 pjn.- . Right now I'm a homeless i waif. I can't go down to the 1 Hut because they arc starting ! in to varnish the floors and at 'the Empress thev are failim- over each other through lack of office room for everyone .so I think I'll have to fold my tents i that Is, my typewriter, carbon paper, and copy paper) and silently steal away to some cor ner under the stairs and trv ' to get my work done that way Lire has its little ups and downs. The (fid time dance orchestra gets better week by week. Those boys have rhythm and Whether one ls a good dancer or not It's practically impossible to not to keep step. Come up and try It sometime. I meant to remark on It much earlJer In the Victory Loan campaign but don't you think the various service windows the boys and girls decorated themselves In Third Avenue stores are smart? And they all seem to have done remarkably well In their loan objectives. I think when they do that they arc already serving on two fronts, the fighting and the home. Once again has anyone a good sized tea wagon they i could $ell mc for the Service Wives Club? The one I saw wasn't satisfactory. IX Ufi: M'PKKMK rOl'RT OP IIICITIfll fOMMIllS iv rnoiiATi; in tmi: M.irri.K or tiii: "apmix- TKATIOV ACT" and IN Till: MATTKIC or Tlin EBTATC 1)1 JO.:iMI OMVAIJI, Iereaeil. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor W. K. KUher. made on the 2Cth day of April, AD. 1044. I wai appointed AdminULrator of the Estate of Jowph Onwald. deceafted. i bimI all part lei having claims agalrut ! the naki ottaU are hereby required , to fnrnUh aome. properly verified, to me on or about the 27th day of Uay. A.D. 1644. and all partlea Indebted to the Estate are required to 1 pay the amount ot tltelr Indebted-'hew to me forthwith. I DATED at Prince rtupert. B.C., thla 27111 day of April, A.D. 1144. NORMAN A. WATT, I Official Administrator, Prince Itupert, UC (Alaska Trip Is Being Planned visited with the possibility of Whitehorse as well. The trip WOUld take one week and Uw cM is intimated at $70. Arnold Flaten Ls acting as organlrer of the trip. large crowd as the 50.CW0 which Invaded London's White . City Stadium To; the return mate: between the Mustangs and an American Army outfit. The reason, of course, was that no Canadian stadium could accomodate such a nutrAer. Since the gam" was played on a Sunday no admission fee could to charged by English law. Instead, hundreds nf nrnomm ca11ic A1!4twl Ann - r r ' wvc uvii atlons for the Red Cross. As In in first ma:ch there were re- unions aplenty among the spectators to a hair-time background of music fiom-a massed dIdo band drawn from the Canadian Army. And, as usual, that ster ling sportsman from Toronto, Qnr. Teddy Reeve, was the centre af handshaking groups. The Ounner, former Toronto ro!-nmnist and Tamed rugby coach. Injected a bit of humor Into the Droceedings despite the fact the gloom from a Canadian angle was te.rific because the Americans swamped the Mustangs 18-0. Teddy was writing the game for the Eigh'.h Army News In Italy. Since It was called th-"Corfee Bowl" game. Teddy told fellow correspondents he had hoped for rain so h could In form his readers "ihe coffee I v.. A . . . m , 1 uuwi imu wet kiuuiius. iv was all in fun. of course, because Teachers' Federation, referred to ( Accompanists were PeUr Lien. even If it had rained Teddy the Important function of schools C. A. Davis and Harley Lewis, couldn't have mentioned that and educa Ion In true democ- A collection fox school sports fact. Censors are preUy sticky racy. Mr. O'Neill warned against equipment wai taken up, total-on weather repoiU. ' nn e Tress of stress on vocation a' ling $40. Met Smrwin-Wiuiams CONSULT HOWE UNITY FOR WAR-PEACE (Continued -from page 1) It was proposed that all organizations in Prince Rupert unit" towards reduction of electric power rates, securing of pulp and paer industry, continuation of the ue of local shipyard' fncllt-lies. an airport, transpacific shipping after the war and num-irerea-tfcuiAl facilities. August Wallin, president of the Prime Rupert Trades and luor Council, advocated the putting of every effort into winning the war and the ptennlnn for post-war period with particular view to economic security. Very Rev. Jainrs It. (iibson, shaking for the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association, gave assurance (hat the rhurrh was in K)niuthy with llir aims and objects of labor organizations. He felt thai Hie church might le an inixirtant factor in liriiicinjr togethrr labor and capital. He mentioned the fart t'f Ihe central figure of the Cliristian church having been (he "Carpenter of Nazareth." The Archbishop of Canterbury was drrcrilied as "Karl .Marx in a Castle" and the friendship f (he Dean of Canterbury for Soviet llussia was well known. Ihe Drati advocated Ihe importance uf social security uliUlt vtat conducive lo totter sen-ice. Unity was of (Jod and division of Satan, the Dean de rlarctl. Atex Sinclair felt that Uie rr-o; direct way toward the better new order was toy means of reoperation. Trade unionism al3ne would not fill the need aiy mure than the capitalistic fe enterpi is. Trades unionism generally, howew-. had demonstrated its eonfMence In eo-operaUoii W. W C. OTJeHl, aphakias foe 111 - . n. n . . . ine rrmce nupen ana uuii'.i For nearly half a century the Sherwin. Williams Company has maintained a research department con.'isting of chemists and ex-rts who are continually testing and trying various products including new discoveries and developments, keeping pace with the advanrc of K-ience, with a view to providing hetter and hetter paint products for ihe puhlic. It is natural, therefore, that Sherwin-"Williams Paints stand. at the head of the lit. For ease of application, for coverin" qualities, for resistance to wear and weather, and for permanence of colour, Sherwin-Williams paints etand supreme. f The Sherwih - of Canada. LmittJ Head Office I m education over cultural education. There was the danger of this leading to two stratas of societyone which concentrated on vocation education from the standpoint of making a living, leaving cultural education to the so-called "prlvlliged" class. Cultural education should toe available to the children of the working class." Mr. O'Neill referred to the consistent inteiest i: Prince Rupert labor organisations in school activities. He declared that pupils of Prince Rup-i rt schools had excelled In higher education. There was a great need here for recreational facltl ties. Including playgrounds, fo Hie K-hoois. I.AIlOlt M'.INO Malcolm McLood, speaking oh the May Day subject, ttaccd thw .struggle of the working clashes lor better conditions. At long last labor had been finally re-(-(iniml in Canada by federal legislation providing for compul sory collective bargaining In regard to wa?cs and working conditions. After winning the wai there would to the task of re-o.Kunlilng minions of workers In Europe for their economic betterment. Mr. Mcl-eod declared that it was important to sup-ixirt the Victory Loan so that the war might to won and the lorf-war alma of the United Nations implemented. It was no' -nod enough to merely make demands, to say "do away with i-aprtarism." There must be national and international cooperation in a practical and realistic way lo bring about an der which would to in accord with the needs, welfare and security of aU the people. The musical program Included selections by the Varden Singers under Peter Lien's direction, vocal solos by Sam AlcPherson. Ilarley Lewis and Mrs. Gilchrist, tap dancing by Mrs. II. Wright and purno solos by C. A. Davis. 9 la AT coverX the EARTH Somewhere near you is a dealer who ilis.t plays the famous "cover the earth" sign.' lie is our representative in your district. He has a stock of various kinds of paints, varni'h and enamels for various uses. He knows the right product for the right pur-pose. He will lend you the famous "Style Guide", a hook of large colour illustrations fdlcd with colour schemes and suggcstioii-t for painting and decorating inside and out. And he will furnish you with the proper! materials to do your joh lastingly and well, at moderate prices. Play safe when you paint get producls of solid reputation that will give you complete satisfaction. Williams Co. MOHTRtAL , ft I 1 ft v iiirj win JBtU. YOUR 10CAI SHERWIN-WILLIAMS & McNULTY - Phone 364 -- 609 2nd A et3 8VY 'em andKP 'eni BUT W I fTH W4 . Vt a. w a w & W '4. I ff Douks Paying Coast Visit VANCOUVER. May 3 O. -Twenty-five Doukhobors arrived tiere from Kootenay villages and marched in a May Day parade. They plan to visit thirteen co religionists who were jailed for j nudity demonstrations at Nel-' on and are at present at Ok- i alia Prison. EAST AFRICAN MAR(2.R!NI NAIROBI O Production has been started la the first margarine factory to be up in East Aflrtca. V will munufac-ture edible faU from locally grown cotton seed and groundnuts which will be reinforced ay vitamin A. I nr. iMfi DEALER Ave. if feat ft' mm .tulliiMllrri Ibiltler l "I'MH.CuU NORTH STAR HOTTMNO UOttKS riilx r. Rt nut PRESCRIPTION I If" A rl I A rT-r-P. TVku'ti IrtMviiaVi (Via nlniAtl rw ... lAkMtA... V. . A.I.J a . kkttltd pharmacbU, quality, druw the be j r- and grateful for the confidence you h-v mi , continue to wrvf you, Ormes lid, i Pioneer DrttqgisU THE HEX ALL STORE riIO.NE3 U tU Open Dally from 9 ain, tul 9 pix Sunday and ilolldayt from 12-2 p.m and , l ft B.C. Clothiers Tlllltl) avksti: Viaiuttil liijh: lftt llii U MrLinir Mfin in lit nd Hoys' Clothing Men's Raincoats Men's Work Shoes Work Boots Boys' Pants Mens Pants Special cn Q m ii.ii from Solid built $3.9 All o!id lco trier Onol jsclrctioru All sizes Dn'M and Work SHOP AT TIIK SEVENTH AVE. MARKET -The Frlcnoly Slnre" We linn.Uo IHflHEST QUALITY MEATS and VAN'S BREAO CIIIMNRT SWEEPING OIL BLIHNEUS CLEANED AND ftEI'AIREI) New equipment tnd elp assure you of a clean Job. Miflne Klark 7 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN 1 IMJR ni n f A rt Tl ..I Also Fresh Fruit and VcRftaWw Our Prlrcs Are Itltht