By THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. Ttyrd Aven,ue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDJTCR I MLMHKK CJK THE t'ANALlIAW PHFSS r Per Year Per Month By Mall, per Moifth Per Year DAILY EDITION Ijeels Paper Shortage ... .15 7,Q0 .55 Wednesday, March 8. 1944 the newspapers have suffered during recent months ;ijid what they expect to suffer for some time to J that" but w on the forensic eloquence which flows so freely session after session. Tribute to Perry Report ... It is interesting tonote in Mr. Banfield's testimony to the Legislature's printing committee, however, that the Report of British Columbia's Postwar rehabilitation Council is in greater demand than airy such document ever published by the government's printing bureau. This is important, not because it draws attention to the considerable demand ifi made orthe official paper stock, but because it reveals an interest on the part of the general public in the mine of information which Chau-man Perry and lis colleagues on the council were able to gather and compress in such lucid and illuminating form between the covers of the two volumns which comprise the report in question. And if the paper shortage . . ..... r . L...1J 1 j.1 t ' aiiuum cumpei ine caoinet 10 curtail tne normal pro-; (juction of purely departmental literature, either bv I a species of consolidation which the public would! neither miss nor regret, or by economies in other i Ways, it might devote some of the saving thus ef- ected for use in reprinting the factual information : ontained in Mr. Perry's monumental work. Its nnn.1 ularity and usefulness are now established. i Cold Wave Coming Soon! We will be closed for one week while attending the demonstration for the new pensatlonal COLD WAVE, a permanent without heat, pads, or machlne.'Watch for It! SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON VIOLET MA1I Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Coal Orders Phone Illue 913 We can now deliver your coal orders. Please give us three days warning before delivery e ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT" And talking about Carls. Carl Clay tells me hla Eleventh Avenue boys will be holdlrg their regular fortnighily danck tbJt jr.. Thursday evening with nesday, or Ice. Junior In his official position as "Printer to the King's,KSHtt. IprfiiftOaiy ?L at Most Excellent Majesty," Charles F. Banfield -toldluxiifiry ' t AUAIlU&l . . I W V ' win Will i , 1 il.- -f il.., T Un It!.T come rain. hail, snow 3t IosUtul o AccouatanU hostesses and meet raining the porch will keep tN jain off. Sorry, but irs all we jean offer. The cars will call 8:3- Ladif-s fromt Legion women s ' A ncflMA X Wlyd government of British Columbia is Xqcyng a sepx- r ous shortage of paper, says the Victona Times In Stnl a recent editorial. By this revelation, of course, jung man Dcmaid Bruce Piem,ier Hart and his colleague;! may hav.e been Love who was bom on February startled: if thev were, thev will now Realize what " at 4: ajn. and weighed m ' . ' .1.1,1 J- a 1 ounces. A yoqni husky I d call ,1' SUP'T FOR AIR ROUTE It' almost like working In ' the l?ltti again to try to gat tyU capt- -M. B. Baiqlay .Named column done with the "Y" In tWa rhief fur TC.A Tne Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publica- ,v";. " " w j WINNIPEG Mar. R-Capt M. tion of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated wlth Plles ' lumber aund me. ,, TVansCanada Press in this paper and also the local news published .therein. the partition down and work- ; , , ' " L ITT , All righto of republication of special despatches therein are men hammering away iike mad Alr "ne8 pUot- e". a?" alto reserved. ;V,h ffi- JT .ni.ii. ... poiM opexaUont wpeitotond- , ....... "S - . ,-. A n Death, . Notices. Card Birth NoUces . Funeral Flowers, per Name ADVERTISING RATES ! quarter rund and what have . Government Service, ac- ruxirrai, in Mrimmaai, r.i:BaBilenv ana weuumg J-- , ,nnniwmnlt md oi ThaiKs $2.00 1 when you think or how elegant . TT 7w J0,;.,h,r , t- -H.n today by J. T. Tudhope. opera- .ldfli B B Uons manaaer. T.CJV. Malcolm Ihuuifipri. 2p npr ttmrri. npr insprtinn. minimum .Sfl ; OU'' . nvu niiu hn i.MnH tH EBBS' g 8$ ZT S XpmoxcpwTi, Mr- " RiindPr. nVr Hno t'n. iSw nls nd operaUooi at the a Black Face Readera,p'"iine ... JO?WflfmJr Mr. rStr.Shi Bnper ln Am Business and Professional Cards inserted dally, per month, ' TransAtlantlc service whleh ,,2. gjchth Avenue West I per inch - W.Wt.-. T.C.A. besan (tying for 4hc h 8 8 Columns, Columns, 12 12 ems. ems. 287 unes to column. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week . government last year, carrying mails to and from the. for c overseas, cargoes vital to te war effort and official pas$eQr iris, owu ill uimmn, ow uuia, in inu. ne stuuica mvr- know, thejrw the boys who may -JLZTl.ZZr?..? un at the "Y" danises each WAI- j ed his Intermediate examination ana actuaries in uiasgow ana r!T- ?T " v. thn trint nn flvinw IT. n-i In in 1127 and 1918 and served with the Royal Canadian Ajr Fcrce from 19S8 to 1932. Frojs then until 1M4, he was with the Manitoba Government At 8enriee He went to TransCnir ada from Canadian Alcwftus Limited. . In bis TransAtlaRUc flying. Capt Barclay broke several records. One of torn, 11 hours and 14 minutes for the Montreal Great Britain non-jUs) then hts Dad's in the'nd sUU stands. in Januaay cpme. It may also explain to the members of the jNavy shore pat'oi and i gness : Degislature why the scribes of the Press Gayer' fig-1 be inherits his Dad's brown1 aon. to setgeant aivd WrflMvplv-tPJir'.r.hPir nm'r whpn thpv nrP pnmnpHprl and Mother's brains. I hope Mrs. PtiiUp Richardaon f U 1 - t t- - . v.. I ir, i i - j.u : . ,ii , ui. 1 vr vw.. .... vV v..- .... rei, i see oy my name oook noi oecn aeciaed upon l5e lip Verbiage sufficient to fill mpre COlymns than, that the name Donald means but be vetoed mn the averace newsuaDer nnnts these davs. Nothing !"P"Rd chief and the nam ih ounces and he cestatmt tatnto in "this, of course, is intended to discount or reflect!. ..ConM'r 80 Hi School Is Winner ; IX;ffel .r Forrr tfniriteil May Kfaurri Uatue Xiamrt : With an exceptional show of ! daisy technique involving wis-' rdly combination plays and ! sight shooting. High School , )j)'5 took Air Force In the only : nen's game played on the Oroup .xir baskeioall floor last nifgtt. :r Force put up an exce pistons 1 ight. empiav'ni good fom and ; mh sJUll Which held the whl,rl-vind i)lsi-schoqkrs to altnit n even score for the first thre criods but. In the end. youth nquered. In the fourth quarter High School put on a preasure hat the airmen could not with-aad. running up a tally of 43 points against Air Force 31. In the two women's basketball ame played at Group Four last nght Bo-Me-Hl took C.wA.C. Jerpettes 36-17. and in the second game Last Resort won f:oni t'S.ED. 21-13. Tuesday niafat's postponed ouvsiqe 4he Y nut. ir it is JZZJ 1 am between Navy and High iav ClKiifc UUUUU3 o "5 ' " Schcol K 1 U in Ik. the VT.. Navy drill haX :-nded with High School bowing their youthlnl beads to Navy, who administered a beating tal lying 55-23. .Another postponed game, peeled to pack a real parcel action, is to be held on the Ac- opolU floor beueen Yanks and Reserves. WIIKX WAS BKi:it LONDON. 9 Uil) Dal;cn London's official rat catcher ihlnks raU are intelligent. "Before (he last war rats were known to get drunk Beer was beer then, but no one has ever haven't started a family quar- RCOC at Terrace. Ills name has seen a rat drank m this war." It looks as If his parents have February 39. as Mt I he said. Doiiods rVlOJiT HWSr.UINGS The Greeks were the first Well here's mam i people to use bedwrtnx. and given him a good set of names hansy returns of your first made them of braidqd leather to start off We- lb.1 rant little birthday, son. when it om .nngs hung between heavy boy was born February 39 at around in loor jteaxs! boards at the sides of the bed 14 111' ft ffl Gives You Blessed Relief Fro (a few drops) up each nostril it starts relieving the snlffly. sncc:v. stuffy distress of head colds. Va-tro-nol a specialized medication is so effective because it docs three important things to relieve discoruforts . . . shrinks swollai membranes . . . !1) 2) soothes irritation ... (3) help dear up cokl-dogged nose . . . breath Prince Rupert "j Born Boy Is War Prisoner Prince Rupert born Flight Sergeant John 11 Fraser. son nf the ltr II c Fraer. (urow In pec tor of schools here, and Mrs. Fraser. now residing ln Victoria, is a urisoner of war in Germany alter serving over the $elcb and eoamy-occuolrd territory. He Is a vataran of nine raids over Racun uvd took part in SO operational fUghu. Constable J A. Knox of the B::tih Coiumbia Police detaeh-mek ft Bnprt left last night for The ju;b He has been iranferred to Summerlaud BJkhL H The ravaged world needs the RED CROSS AGAIN, War and his fellow horsemen Famine, Pestilence and Death are trampling underfoot millions of innocent victims. -From battle-scarred areas across the world, tho piteous cry goes up: Help us, or wc pcrishl Parents bereft and destitute . . . children orphaned and starving . . . miljions of the helpless, scourged The need or food, clothlntr. for the merciful ministrations of the Hcd Cross is appalling in its starkness and extent. t For these, too, YOUR Red Cross bespeaks YOUR dollars. As war intensifies, its victims multiply. i ne wont 01 mercy widens. Uivc Generously. CANADIAN f RED CROSS 1- x o rips' C Sniff lv, Sneezy Distress of Head Colds V Ms.: a V71 r A Few Drops Up Each Nostril, . Work Fast Right Where ftpa!, The second you put Vicks yatroiol jsis ca&Icr . . . and brlqgi $uch ri rcllcll I-ollow dlrcctK ri m fJlT NOTE . . . When used at frit or warning sign of a col J, V a-tto-ndtS , com developing. Pleads Guilty To Fur Theft EJ ward John MtLauahlln appeared befote Judge V E. Fished in County Court yraterdajr charged with the theft of two mink and one martin plt from Mathew Atard. Tauacr VICKS VATRON01 tr.ij-i;'- Al. trial MI and -e ' til M time into ruse W ! , e:i-.-(' h w 0 Down through the years, alrno t ; flrM xld. we have served the pe .? laboratory we have always tried .. skill! nbamacUU. quality drug i As we start a new year, we ar and iriatffii! for the ronfidcnre :; we continue to serve yo, in Chrmes Ltd T1IP HFVAir trmtjf f :l . Open Daily from 9 tirr Sunday and Itulid iyji from U - IT'S .MUSKVI'O ouu KAKS.. r. 1 a. .a i.. WfAFV iiKe. our tremeiK ous se lection oi !ind mil Rnm'tpn It ni'ikoa un. rCi'HV bow Uiat the neonle of I'rincc Kunortc with confidonee and satisfaction hue THE VARIETY STOtf COAL! rinrwl einoha ,.f T,,nM,51l0 A'llrta. and $ Valley Coals now oil hand Three days notice before delivery is Will be apprcciati'fl. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 11G and 117 PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. piioni: r.ti 7