j 11 G M IS N M n n n n H 11 : H fl Expert OPTICAL SERVICE visit ocr basdlent .obe t rin china, Dinnenrare, Glasses, Bargee ud Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Doro through the years, almost since Prince Rupert t C MTe md the Pe- The prescription JKr7 'C alTayS to keep modern, using ikilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the best of equipment. As we start a new year, we are proud of our record, and grateful for the confidence you hare shown in us. May we continue to serre you. Ormes ltd. Pioneer Drtuzpsts THE it EX ALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 ua. till 3 pjn. Sandays and Holidays from 12-2 pjn. and 7-1 pja. CONVERTIBLE FOLDING GO-CARTS Folds easily, well padded inside with storm aprons, makes into a comfortable bed. Colors: Blue and Maroon $26.50 COMFORTABLE CONVERTIBLE LOUNGES Comfort and appearance, upholstering m tapestry. Spring construction, compartment for bed-d,nS , $59.50 to $87.50 It pays to come In and look around before yon bay. ELIO Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) FOR Thrifty Housewives WE FEATURE . . . A full line of Swift's Premium Meats at all times. A complete and Fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. You can get everything you want at this Community Shopping Centre Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET i ffl To the Health Seeker Perhaps, a "Belief exists that "everything has been tried and, failed"? Has "faith" subsided to the low ebb of accepting as a fact, the belief that a disease is incurable? Meanwhile, a vague misgiving persists that: Somehow, somewhere there must be an answer to incurability. Chlropractlcally, the greatest handicap to health restoration is: 80 many cherish a traditional faith or belief to the bitter end. Meantime, a simple disease descends Into an indefinite and complicated realm of lncur-ABILITY. Thus faith and belief hinders, and denies, the natural self-curABILITY within themselves the rightful duty to remedy (meaning: to cure again). Such statements, of disease, special or general are verified by an exhaustive survey. Over 93.000 persons turned, when disillusioned and disappointed, to Chiropractic (Nature) as a LAST resort. Some 410 qualified Chiropractors raised no question as to the merits of faith, belief or, the competency of an7 remedy, to cure again. Nature had preordained that everything was incorporated within. Nature's OWN Remedy substituted incur-ABILITY for cure or marked improvement in 79,000 cases; or, 85 of tiresome, intangible disease names. A critical reader may question this astonishing record. For the needy there are two basic considerations: The belief that a condition Is obstinately incurable as, against the Chiropractic record with thousands of varied, incurable cases. Both cannot be right. When faith and belief falls to move mountains, Mahomet must go to the mountain. Possibly, the earnest Health Seeker discerns, by the mountainous record, that everything has not been tried; that, high odds yet remain in his favor. ,prt As Mahomet would resolve: If Chiropractic eventually, why not . . . NOW! J. L. CURRY, Chas. Dodimead Optometrist la Chirr Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand tnmrint 3 SMITH BLOCK Phone Green 995 PRINCE hUPERT I . . 1 sr. i Chiropractor iaiBRBKSBBBEeiEIIESBSeSEESKSeSBSS:uiies:ZS!!SS judgment summons and one WANTED THE DAILT XZ7TS Classified Ads l FOR SALE FOR SALE. Piano, eiderdown sleeping bag, table serrke with cabinet 117 Ninth Ate. West FOR SALE Household furniture. Apply 1433 Pigott Place. (35) FOR SALE 23-foot gffl net boat Wren. Far particulars apply 1136 6th ATenue East (38) FOR SALE 1932 Ford Coupe, good shape. 1361 Overlook Street 435) FOR SALE 4-tube "Northern Electric" battery radio. 1120 6th Atc East (34) LOST LOST In Bowling Alley, brown leather wallet containing sum of money and identification cards. Finder please phone American Signals 44. 135) LOST. White Persion kitten, amber eyes. 5 months old. Reward. Phone Blue 39. '33 ) LOST In Ticinity of theatre, black pinseal wallet contain- ing seven $10.00 bills and per sonal papers. FinGer please return same to the Daily News Office. (38) FOUND ; FOUND VS. soldier's medal ' Owner may have same by j calling at the Daily News and I paying for this advertisement DANCING LEARN TO TAP DANCE Phone Black 145 after 5 pjn. for particulars. 33 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant. Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 337 IDEAL CLEANERS "House ot Better Cleaning" ' Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 258 Mail Orders-Box 99 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' and Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches ' 206 4th Street Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers ' Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 Piaeot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Little Action In County Court There was little activity in the regular monthly sitting of the county court held by Judge W. E. Fisher on Monday. The only criminal action on the list, the Crown versus William Sam uel Cooper, charged with wound Ing, was adjourned until February 24. A civil action of Robert Scharffe versus Adam Collins for the recovery of a sum of money was held over to the next sitting of the court. One WANTED. Small bedroom ot den radio. Cash. Stale price. Apply Box 171. Dairy News. WANTED Unfurnished 4or 5-room noose, close in; permanent reatdmcc if seKa&e. Phone Green ?T3. (34) WANTED. Room for soldier's wife with baby. Would eonsMtr light duties. Phone Red 411 after 6 p-m. 33) WANTED. Room, mite or boot fo. week, month or looter by respectawe non-smoaag. mb- annxmg eoapte. Appty rax ess Dairy News. 33 WANTED WD1 whoever apolied for part time hoBsewott at Green 155, please paooe again. (33) ROOM and board for officer' wtfe and two chUdren tor one month only. Box 681 Dally News. WANTED SmaQ safe, state inside and outside measur- menu. Appry box wo iJaJ-, News. 136) WANTED Furnished bouse or suite. $25 reward for in forma tkm leading to securing of same. Box 677 Dairy News. (33) WANTED for Central B.C. weekly, newspaperman capable of handling Unotypetjob printing and newspaper work. Young man preferred for steady employment. Write, giving experience, age and wages expected, to Unemployment Insurance Commission. Prince Rupert, Ail 102. 34 PERSONAL SHOW CARDS H. Lome Cornell. Specialist in Interior Decorating. Signs. Phone Bine 142. (59) ROOFING and Cr ur.ney Swep-ing Ph ne Grrr. 502 '33 mine FIGHT MISERY where you feel it-rob WICKS throat, chest an teckwSh Use-tested W VapoRub 0T BOVRIL REDDY SAYS: ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OARBUTT Thursday afternoon the Service Wives' Crab will meet in the Ladies' Lounge at the V Both Mr Strand and I will be away tor tne first part of the afternoon attending a meeting of the tart-cus women's organisations in Rupeit to meet Mis Leigh from the Social Welfare Department in Vancouver. Hoaever. I wiL leave everything ready for you. carry on as usual Mrs. Aiex Mltcbeei. who is oar Y WCA hospital visitor lor tint sionUi of February, reports two uew service babies. On Jaaaary T, little Maureen WUla was boo :o Petty Officer and Mrs. Wfittam Murdoch. Maureen weighed stx ; pounds thirteen ounces when born and for future astroilcial reference she was born at exact- v 12:M am On rthrmn 1. Gunner and Mrs. Bernard Kansg became the proud parent of soul Paul Bernard, who weighed, seven Bounds seven 0Bne at Has exact birth date was 4.34 xm. To thece new mothers and fathers, eoncntali-1 ; ; .Hons! We now have a sturdy stand for the doTTs honse kuaed to n by the children of the Borden Street schooL It Is a very pretty bungalow, electrically tit and the kiddies can peep inside and se the prettily furnished rooms. Aj the furniture is much too fra.. to be played with I am asking the kiddies to get their fan out of it y looking in the windows and not trying to get inside and! nandie it It would spoil it for everyone then and. after all. it is only on loan isn't it and we mast be careful of it. That's only fair, dont you think? It's somewhat late in the day. but. nevertheless. I'd like the Queen ilary Chapter LOD E, to fcnow we appreciate their gifts jf calendars. These patriotic aiendars are eminently suitable '.i hanging in service establishments with their simple flag and I teautifaily chosen patriotic i t:x BOVRIL is a grand stimulating pick-up when you're all in IN BOTTLES and CUBES , AT AIL GOOD STORES "Save br. buying wtr ttWngt ittmfrt reeularlyto buy (he thingi you want when they are available.'' Purchase Offer For Lots Is Not Taken By City An offer by the Department of National Defence to purchase several lots in blocks 19 and 21. section 9 at $100 per acre was refused by the Finance commit tee which made a counter offer to lease the property at an annual rental of six per cent of Its assessed value tar the duration of the war. it was revealed Monday night in the finance committee's report before the city eouacU. The lefasai was endorsed bv the toMrtltan on the explana tion of Mayor Daggett that the j sand mvoived contained some ot the beet lots m the city. The Defence department had pur- kaase a nearby tract at $100 per acre but the lots involved have the prospective bnttdlnc sttea that e Mt under dtsestssoa Incinded m the finance mUteea report was the placing of a mtirtmnm price on all city ne Improved property, wwe Use recoEsaendaOon that aa a action sale be held to dispose of them. Statement snbmttted by Wartime Houtng Limited covering the amounts dse under Project 1. 2 and 3 for the years 1942 and 1943 have been deterred pending reconsideration of the existing agreements, Smithers Legion To Burn Mortgage SMITHERS. Feb. 9 -The Bulk-ley Branch of the Canadian Legion will hold its annual meeting In Smith ters on Tuesday evening next. Beside the election ot officers and the ttansaeUon of regular business at this meet-' ing there will be the ceremony of the burning of a mortgage tha. for many years has been a burden to the local Branch, but which has finally been liquidated and will be disposed of in style The Branch now hat tome 80 members on its roll and carries on a good service for those mem- oers wno lequire 11 assistance in j adjustment ot pensions, allow- ances and other services to vet- erans and their dependent. Peace River Officer Has Been Wounded Lieut John R. Armstrong who" Ulster is Mrs. Helen Jessie Ros of Pouce Coupe in the Peace River Block. U listed as being wounded in action overseas with a British Columbia Regiment. In 1858 the cable rate between Oreat Britain and North America was S5 a word. 1 "OH Regularly" is TODAY AND THURSDAY (Hern nmfk I him hlm some somew Thing these wartime days; It keeps Appliances in shape: Ho trouble . . . but it Psrur ONE DROP OIL in the right spot when most needed may mean an extra year of life for your appliances: Refrigerator Vacuum cleaner Ironcr Mixer Washer Fan. Make sure they arc kept lubricated regularly to prolong their usefulness. If they become "sticky" and oil docs not remedy, call your repair man to check on them before further damage is done. WEDNESDAY Comple.e Showj at J Feature ai 1 43 3 4: THINKS U)VtS THE (But she shows new mav trapping technlqueru Arthur Wayne ia mm r mi m mi mot EXTRA! NEWS : CAKTOON sroitT UK' Kilocycles CFPR SCIIIlDL'Li: WEDNESDAY IM. 4:00 Sound Oft 4:15 O. I. Jive 4:3 Reoroadeaat O. I. Journal 5:00 Peter and the .Pygmies 5: 15 To be announced 5.90 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Roundup 8:0ft CUC News 6:06 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Are You a Oenius? 6:90 Of Thins to Come 7:00 Barns and Allen 7:3d-Rd Skffcon 8 8 Fred Waring r 8:15 Front Line Family 8:34 Carnival ot Music 9:00-Kay Kyer 9:30 Leicester Square 10:00-CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Harry James 10 3e Eventide 11:00-Allen t. THURSDAY AM. 1 30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC Newt 7:60 Musical Clock 8 30 Morning Devotion 8:45 Jan Gilbert Orchestra 00 Morning VlaU 9 15-Rlebard Crooks 9 30 CBC New 9 36 Transcribed Varietlea 10:00 Frlml Mrkxttes 10:15 Coruomer Service 10.30 Gene Autry 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Mec 11:17 Recorded Interlude :45-Hawallan Be hoe .jvi. 12:0 March Time 13:30 SpotUaht Bands 12:45CBC Newt 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12.56 Program Reoume l:0O-One Night Stand 1:30 School Broadcast. 2:00 Silent BATH. England - Frank Warwick, for 35 years head verger at Bath Abbey, and hU wtfe. who were 81 and 84 years old respectively, died within a few hours of each other. OUTLDFORD. Surrey lO Five set of twin were bom within 38 hours at a nursing home here. The home is In charge of the Franciscan Sisters. the proper ... . OF v 5 N s c Mrs. De ildal ind ! Are lit OPLMxct muuae irai Cafe Monday, Jan.: Hour- 2 - x Supe- f j . Home " ; TTTTTTTWTTTVVTTr SHRIMP Frtnh Etfri DH Host -HS.L n. West ot Imperial 0(1 Dallr illfr 1 , AAAAaAAAASAASUU ruiNir. lurm ROOFIIiGd Bos TJj SpeeUlt'ta en tdl Roofs Repair, Ke fcisrtl Frn L. Ladi les We . dlcom Fur C taking Trappers ant Buyers . . . We ' large . i fur Ws more tha;- ! W. GOLDBLOfl Third Ate Prince u '111 X Hyl.l- M'"" v0Of 1U t 1 our ItH- Sold only by Rupert Men Boys' Store naturalization completed the 911 lth list.