-'1 PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS -TUESDAY THE DAILY JOB y PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Publlfhed Every Alternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAOINO EDITOR DAILY EDITION .A Helpful Film ;A special short subject now Showing on the Capitol tractive and impressive an exposition of the import- ance of food in physical development and mainten- ance as has been seen. The . ,. , . i tuic dietitics as applied to rorce and gives a line insight into the reason why j such a fine body of men force. The picture can be recommended as being very helpful to all citizes in "the way of conveying valuable food suggestions, particularly in the way of balanced and efficient uliets. Of course, housewives will point to thedifficulty, on account of rationing restrictions and .general shortages, of obtaining adequate supplies of some, of the recommended foods. The;people iinthe forces have it over the civilians in this regard. St. John Ambulance . . . ' It is to be regretted that interest in the annual meeting of the local St. John Ambulance Association, called for Sunday afternoon was so slack that only the executive was in. attendance. It is .another-of the essential community activities, of particular importance in these days of war risk and peril, which should be kept up and which can only be maintained by the support and assistance of the citizens themselves. The lack of interest does not speak well for ithe appreciation by the citizens of their responsibil-dtyiboth to the community and to themselves. First aid organization civilian functions Which lethargic days. It might be said.for this as well as other activities -of a 'like nature that there are many new citizens in Prince Rupert these days who are as much inter-' ested and. concerned as the residents of loncer stand-1 :ing and .they should be according a better response to civilian protection organization. At the forthcoming adjourned annual .meeting, it isto be hoped there will be a more adequate attendance to .formulate plans for carrying on the work. Russia Vast Country . . . The news keeps us constantly thinking about Russia now: sometimes not about her war effort bo much. as about her plans for the postwar world. !Now the whole constitution of the -U;S.S.R. has been transformed. The sixteen republics constituting the Soviet Union are to be reorganized on a federal basis,. each with its -military -own forces,. each with its own business representative at foreign -capitals; a . I . . . iir Tuesday, 'February 22, 1944 .entitled "Training Table," Theatre screen, is as at- picture centres on scien-I"" " v . ', t, , r, . to play ;a filendly tilt with thf '.the Royal Canadian Air,Njvv M thauthe fixmreididn". is being developed in that is but one. of the voluntary seem to have fallen upon 1 l r i at duil m ;ivu.suiii ouimjionweaiin 01 nations, like me isntisn commonwealth of Nations, held together . A " - r gnt OI'loron common ideals, but each manamnrr its own af.T"":en.w,.tb fairs. There are so many racial groups speaking so many different languages, and with such different interests, in the Soviet Union as to require ior efficiency of managament a decentralization such as this. Few of us realize how vast and intricate is that ,population, occupying onersixth of the whole surface of the. globe. The original Russia, commonlv now called "Great Russia," -has not .much more 'than half (Jf it. Some 52 per cent are inhabiting twenty provinces in the central and northern part of the country marKeci European liussia" on our map, with Mos cow .as centre, hrom the original nucleus, after 1 manner not unlike the expansion of the British Em pire, developed a vast.svstem of DomininnR. hnnn ning in the sixteenth centurv. It will take a lonrr'timp for the sixteen republics into which the new federal Soviet Union is dividedto develop anything like our Commonwealth. But, , as Mr. Roosevelt would put it, they are perhaps "on the way." It took Lenin's Russia considerable time to evolve into Stalin's Russia and Stalin's 'Russia may well evolve far further. At least it has merited the best wishes. of the ally it has so signally served. And we might argue, from the experience Which the last 21'. yrr-s have brought, that instead of the old .warning, ' don't expect too much from Russia," we should .warn ourselves and one another v never .again to set limits to what that marvellous people may achieve. iltMk INCOME TAX- 1943 Income Returns to be filed on or before APRIL 80, 1944 FORMS NOW AVAILABLE Prepared by R. E. MORTIMER 324 Second Avenue Phone 88 YANKS WIN rOVER NAVY Srorf f 58 to 41 Last Night In Exhibition Basketball Game. Forcing the crackWanks quin tet to extend themselves in order to gain the verdict,. the improved Navy team dropped a last exhibition basketball game by 53 to 44count.ln:the NavaltDrlll Hali .nceM.lw,'win for" the croMits inii cagers. The scheduled clash between the Yanks and Reserve Army wa look very friendly at times due to rough play. Three players were knocked down In one collision but it was laughed off by all concerned. The game was of the bright crowd-pleasing type and there I sandy hill dlatrict .where Mrs. was sharp ' shooting in lar?e .'Bums .und "Mary now Jive Is amounts. .Wallace, of Navy, was .filled with souveuirs .of ifar-top score .with :20 points, while ?flung places where the family Oarzellonl, of the Yanks, secuiedjt'has visited or lived. 'Benarte 18. brass '.bowls, .rich '.Indian rrugs At half-time with the score landman unusual ibrass'. table (take tied at 24-all. The Yanks started their .place .beside 'family ,plc-clicking bn" cIosein .shots and turn in the '.Victorian living by the start qf the last (marie irooni. they led 40 to32. Mrs. (Bums :md .Mary texperl- Most of the Navy counters,eneri',n bllte ImKnglandrdur- were made the hard way from quite a distance from the basket, and the sailors inability to keep pace with the Yanks on sinking shots from close-in proved their undoing. Line-ups follow: i Yanks "Wllloughby, Lacina 8,! Keizer 10, Garzellonl 18, Page, d'Antreniont 8, Bruger 2, Dice 10. Navy MacLeod 2. Carlisle. Hunber - 4, Wallace 20. : Thorbu: n 2' KeI,y 2' Martin "' i ACTIVITIES OF Y.MC.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OARBUTT If anyone took a parcel unopenedmarked "Arthur Peo-cock", or kn iroh-lectric by mistake from the Empress offices will they please return them to Arthur and to'Walker'Wlley respectively. Both gentlemen hope an error hasibeen made. Just the same as I hoped it was a mistake mai.xny orana new ioiraan ran- tern .was ;taken :frorn Hhc store cupDaara at tne nut. Errors .like Urn are costly-for .those .who are the victims of such mlstakfs. I think you -will like the .fol- 't 1 . . "S' mvwt .1 -eacocs: gave u.wiai ue naa 11 reproaueea to.- hli friends and gave one to-Ar- thur's. parents. I quote: "Youlh is not .a timeof life- It Is. sUte of mind. It. Is. not aOen. Burns there when he was matte, 01 -reu nps ana tuppic knees it Is a temper of the will, - a -quality of the imagination, a vfcjour of the emotions; It Is a freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temDera- mental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite of adventure over the love of ease. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years: people grow old by .deserting their ideals. Years jnay wiinkle the skin but to igive up enthusiasm wrinkles ihe soul. Worry, ..doubt, self-distrust, fear .and despair - these are tne long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to ,dusf Whether seventy or sixteen, , there 1 In every being's heart, the love of .wonder, the sweet amazement at the stats and starlight thlnss and thoughts, the undaunted challenge of events, the unfailing childlike appetite for what next, and the Joy and ihe game of life. '.You Lare as young as your faith, a your aelNconfidenee, as old as your rdeapalr.. :In that -central place of your heart, there Is a wireless station: no long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage, grandeur and power, from the earth from men .and from the Infinite, so Ion ate .you .young. VfY-- are all down and all the central place -of your heart U covered with the snows of pessimism and ilhe le of cynlclm, then are you old Indeed and may Ood have mercy on your soul!" .....w .11, n. 1 OREAT LAKES, Itt., Feb. 22 u- i-our memoers 01 Notre Dame's national football cham- nlons nf 1041 nrp fitntlnnvH nf Oreat Lakes naval training sta- tlon. They are Jim White, Jim Tharpe. Jim Mcllo and Bob Hanlon, WIVES OF GENERALS FAR ArlELD Mrs. IE. L M. Burns Makes "Real 'Home" .in Canada 'After Surviving Earthquakes and Hlitr. By Helen Bannerman (Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA, Feb. 22 O1 Devoted to her home and 10-year-old daughter Mary Eleanor, the, wife of MaJ.-Gcn. E. L. M. (Tommy Burns Is busy making a "real home" for her husband to return to when the war Is won. Mrs. Burns knows the lone'l ness of a home with the "man-ofUhe-house" .overseas :for ahe last ssaw rher I husband 'two years ago when he 'returned ito Can ada (briefly as .officer administering -the 'Armored, Corps. JLast spring i he .was promoted .to -a .divisional i command overseas. The quiet house in (Ottawa's big tlie first year .of war m hen 1 Oen lBurns wxs.a Ca nadianMIU -ttary :Headauarters. lATemorr .of the nightmare of bombing ntiich visited 'their quiet Devon .home makes Mrs. IBurns ADpreciatf doubly the .quiet life she .lead in (Canada's capital. "Th "voyase 'back was 'Uneventful but it was nerve-racking because the danger ot submarine attack was -so great ithen," Mrs 'Burns said. "I plan-jned wveral ways of saving Marj' If we were torpedoed and there was never anyone more thanwful when we reached Canada safely." TIIHKE YKAKS IV OTTAWA In the three years she has been living in Ottawa 'Mrs.-Burns has been a .member of Uie ex- ecutlve of the Royal iCanadian Engineers Women's Auxiliary and is one of the supervisors of the Women; Hostel for xrvke j ' " women. The excitement of far .places has come often -in to Mrs. Burns' i? life for in 1927, -as -a .bride, she , I accompanied her husband, then a malor. to Quetta, Indla. where he attended .the Imperial ;De- fence College .for three years. Durlng their stay there were. two mInor earthquakes. ..But .Jfe ,n Indla wa wonderful; "Mrs. !Burns said, "We coilld play the outdoor Music Is Mrs. Burns' hobby. and outdoor sports of all kinds, relaxation. Her daushter. shares her enthusiasm for hAth .Mr, Bums. oniv -danirhter of the late -nr and m mnii Jphelan of Kingston. Ont.. mec an Instructor at Royal Military college. rOR.HIM.I-WAlT By Violet Dynes. Coqultlam At night vwhen wheels -of toll are still nd it is time to rest, I seek his coming o'er the hill From out the sunset west. I breathe. a thankful little sigh Awaiting his approach, And wish that he-could really fly By chariot or winged coach. This Is my hour and.lt shall ibe. (By cunnmg and contriving Tris .worth each day's anxiety To see him thus arriving. Faithful and true the long year! through, ; This oncwho brings such Joy. But heaven tknows T must dls-' close, Ht Is my paper boy. fEIMELY ICKOH'KS 1 POTATO CHEESE SOUPn.E 2 cups mashed potatoes 1 cup grated cheese 2 eggs, separated .2 tablespoons, melted fat l-3cup milk ',2 teaspoon salt 't teaspoon pepper teaspoon mustard Mix grated cheese thoroughly wun potato. Beat egg yolks .until thick and lemon enlnntwi nH comome with milk, melted (fat and seasoning. Add to'th nntiUn mixture and beat smooth, Fold j In stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn , Into n TxM.araiteA ji.i. set In a pan of hot water and 1 oven-poach In a moderate oven 350 degree V until set, about 40 j minutes, Six servings. Why Most Young Use this External Way To Relieve Miseries of NO RISK of J STOMACH UPSET :.- f BY STRONG, INTIINAl DOSING.. YOU JUST tm.GMx ' B II ft A u m vwv it v IVnmptly'Ilelps Rilittn Coughing Spams, fflluicuLirSertMeuorTigbtiitts, Congestion cmd lrriut 'uui vi'.linucbul Tubtt nt'srclUy .(Lu)crous ito neglect a diilJ'j clL1! ,'Most modern modiets know diis. Thit'S'whyi they, turn to the timc-tcstcd home ' remedy for. icltofing miseries of children's colds VickVVipoRub. .Experience his taught them vbit tto tcjrpcct wheu they rub VpdRub on cthroat,: chest anil backer' bedtime. Basketball : Buzz 'If past record are any criterion, the AlnForce WomeniDl vision quintet -and 'United States Engineering Department should play an interesting game at Number Four Group. R.C-A.F. tonight. The stake will be first place in the Women's Area Ba-fcet ball League for In four games .he W.D. s have lost none and the USED, girls have dropped only one-decision. In the third game of the triple headtr tonight. Qoast iiatlerv clashes with Ontario Regiment 1 ..The first tilt will see Boot 1. 1 Memorial High School facing the t "Maple 'Leafs in another girls' game. The winner of this urrn will ihold third ptaee. The latest league standing fol - ltrws: ;i2l0Kilucytles KCIIKDUI.K .TUESDAY !M. 4:00 Sound Off 4:15 -O. I. lvc -4:30- -Rebroadeast Music frorw America 5:00 California Melodies 3. 30-. Personal Album 5:45 Melody Kound-up tiUO CBC News 3)5 ItecordiM Interlude 6:15 Sports Interview -0:30- Songs of Empire 7:000. I. Journal 7. 30-To be onnunced 8:00--Fred Wanng's Pennsyl-vanlans 8:15Front Line Family 8:30 Contented Hour 9:0O-.Fibber McOee and Molly J:30 BoMloouy 10:00 CBC News Broadcxst 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Show Time. 10:20 Suspense 11:00 Closing announcement Wri)NESlAY AJI. 7:30 Musical CJocic 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock J 8:30 Morning Devotions 8l45 Novelty Tunes 9:00 Morning Visit -9:15 Freddie Martin and Dinah Shore i 6:30 CBC News Rebroadeast 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Homemaker's Program 10:15 Kennv Baker 10:30 Tune Wranglers 10r45 They Ten Me 11 (00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded 11(45 Enrlc Madriguera T.M. 12:00 Mart Kenny Orchestra 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:80 Recorded 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 School Broadcast 2:00 Silent Closed Until March 1 when we will re-open, bringing with us the latest in hair styles from the south. ANNETTE ' BEAUTY I 4th Street (Across from Pot Children's CaSds Ifi PENETRATES, ' .?tt STIMULATES W flu TOOPftR 0CiMAt 1 KV : CHUT AHO IACK H C5H W mewcikal vapors n W 1S WARMINO pouoicc r3! grown-up catches & col J, do what most fTWitYfrn mrtflirft .In Women's IHvWon I. W. l ! Air Force W D. -S 8 0 r U S. E D. 4 1 l! High School 3 2 1 Maple Leafs 4 2 3 Last Reaort 4 1 3 C.WA.C.1 4 0 4 .Men's IlifKlon Yanks 13 13 0 Americans 14 13 1 Reserve It 8 3 Air Force 11 t 4 Siy . .14 7 Portress 13 S 8 High School 13 6 8 Coast Regiment 13 5 8 Ontaiicw 14 1 n Ark Acks 14 0 14 SAVOY HOTEL (Carl Zarrlli, Prop Tl.one 37 p.o. im &i KRASKR STREin fHINCE KtlPEItT Mark every grave while you have the opportunity They tiewrvc it See National Monuments CO Sth list Box UtF. Station It Prince Rupert. I1C I'rtsh Local Raw and Pastouripd MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PIIONi: CS7 THE REX CAFE Now Open for llmlnm CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN Opening Hours; 3 p.rc to 2 a.m. 2nd Avrnue (Acro3i from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialist on llulllup Roofs Repairs, Ke-slilngling Free Estimates '" POWELL'S SHOPPE Office). pi,e Blue 911 Mothers Almost st once in 3 minutes or less the penctr Jting-stimulitinp action of N'ipoRub (cipUincd above) suns bringing rdief. For hours this granJ double action keeps on working. Invites restful, refreshing, strengthen ing sleep. And often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone Now when anyone in your fimily duld or WICKS and use dependable W VAPORUB Try a Want -Ad for Quick Results, For Income Tay ItKTlMtNS SEE It. .E. IORTI.MKH I'boat tl m 2nd Ave. Tor llihrUi Di:Ct)ILTIN(; and I'AI.VTINO Call LKO OVKK I Jed 3M K7 Itordrn St. The Seal of .duality British Columbia's ftlOjlBj Finest Salmon first existed, we have served the people T:? r laboratory we have always tried to keen cscw (killed pharnmcitts. quality drugs, tha be' cf 'A As we start a new year, we are pre; ! f l and grateful for the confidence you have ' - ' ! we continue to serve you, Ormes ltd THE REXAI.L STORE PHONES 1 Onll Dailv from ft am. 111! 9 D.m. Suiulayn and llolhlata Ifrom 12-2 p.m. and fTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?TTTTTTTTTTTyrT,TTT Coal Orders We can now deliver youncoal orders- L'ivn lis flirro iIiivk lu-ni-iilmr lioforc clclivwl peeled. lutual nonwr l Ladi w Fur T Buyers.. w ,T!r LI fur W t. mcr.' ! Jui rrcriTrdiibl COtTl W. GOLDBl Third Ae rYatl J.l. Chiroprai KWOXC nor to CHOP SI HOUSE Ntit U K ill 71b ATI I All war pitriutr Open lia-n: TurwUy-H rbf NEW R0 HOTH A Home AiJ T HatM lit 1 50 Itoomt, IW ul 'Wat Thmif Ml fA' Pi -Jl ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD- PHONE llfi and 117 ... a a .......................... . 1 A AA' ADVERTISE IN TIIE DAILY NE