W1 lit N FAOE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE VISIT OUR BASEMENT -.ORE for Fine China, Mnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant STEPS to a Smart Comfortable Season GO TO THE CUT RATE SHOE STORE Widths From A through E. All sizes. The new alligator and snake and lizard combinations are here. Also suedes, kids and patents. For Just the right color combination to match that new winter ensemble. Don't fail to see the new shoes on sale at the Cut Rate Shoe Store now. shoes ron brotiiek. sister, mother and dad Cut Rate Shoe Store Phone Green S95 50G Third Avenue Across from Ormes' Drug Store Maif Orders Promptly Filled A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" CHESTERFIELD SUITES in 3 pieces covered with Velour and Tapestry, with full Spring construction. Per Suite, Priced from $175.00 10 CEDAR CHESTS in beautiful matched walnut veneer. Priced from $39.50 Phone 775. 337 3rd Avenue MUMLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion CONVERTIBLE FOLDING GO-CARTS Folds easily, well padded inside with storm aprons, makes into a comfortable bed. Colors: Blue and Maroon $26.50 COMFORTABLE CONVERTIBLE LOUNGES Comfort and appearand, upholstering in tapestry. Spring construction, compartment for bedding $59.50 to $87.50 It pays to come in and look around before you buy. ELI0 Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily e Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Cbuxi Watch, Hock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Enrrarlnz Ltd. "KITISII COLUMBIA Classified Ad FOR SALE FOR SALE. In Terrace. 20 acre:, of land, 18 cleared, 5 acres in fruit, good outbuildings, close to school. Comfortable home. For further information write W. A. King, Terrace. B.C. (52) FOR SALE Chesterfield, electric Victrola.' Phone Green 66S. (tf) FOR SALE Radio, good condition, table model, $70. Phone Red 347. (44) FOR SALE Gas 2-drum donkey on skids. Information at Howe & McNulty. . (48) FOR SALE Chesterfield and congoleum, rug like new. Phone Red 284 after 7. (46) HELP WANTED WANTED Woman to mind two children one or two nights a week. Red 395. (45) WANTED. Will give room and board to husband and wife in exchange for wife's house keeping sendees. Phone Blue 246. (45) ! WANTED. Chamber-maid for j local hotel. Apply National 1 Selective Service AT. 106. (tf) WANTED. Saleslady for local , furniture store. No. AF112 Sel- ective Service office. (tf , WANTED. Old established gold mine in the North Brth wants min- ers and muckers. No experience necessary. Apply National SelecUve Service. C 583. ' 64 WANTED Janitor for local hotel. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 107 t: WANTED. Warehouseman ? well known grocery wholesale. Clean woik. good wa-. regular hours. Apply v Service Commission. AM !'i3 WANTED. Two experience: waitresses for local cafet. : Good working conditions Standard wages. Apply National Selective Service. A.F. ill WANTED Man Or woman with , ..., u.,j of knowledge bookkeeping, stenography and ability to . . write good English and meet f public both outside and inside. nArmnn.n Mi i , cuuauut njoiMwii. ui WTltina. statina aae. Qualifies- tions, experience if any and salary required. If man, state military category. Apply Selec-tice Service AAI.-106. ftf . BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besncr Block Phone 387 QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT Some time available Apply Dally News IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' and Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 206 4th Street Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 520 ' 1315 Piggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. WORK WANTED WANTED. - Nursing or housework. 50c per hour. Phone Blue 783. (46 WANTED WANTED Furnished house or suite. $25 reward for information leading to seen. lag of same. Box 688 Daily News. .' WANTED Sing le room for dry dock worker; board optional Box 691 Dally News. (47) WANTED. One or two rooms by newly married couple, with or without housekeeping privileges. Box 693 Dally News. (58 WANTED TO RBNT. Urgent Housekeeping rooms, apartment or bouse. Preferably furnished. 3 In family. Dependable. Call Black 390. (49 PERSONAL SHOW CARDS H. Lome Cor nell. Specialist in Interior Decorating, Signs. Phone Brae 1.42. (50) LOST LOST. Red short haired dog. white spot on chest. Reward Phone Green 166. ' M4S LOST Purse on Third Avenue, rnntainlnir mrawv and terelrv nder P .SJ",' keeisake Ji "J? a muvi ' money. 1 44 1 . - i TIMIIIK MID XJI.VM Selpfl tender be rrcrtved hv the Minuter of Land t VlctorU. B.C.. not later than ll o'clock In the fofcnooD on Um IIUi dy of April, iM4. (or the purcbaae of Ucnot o s. retrt of Spruor on four areM Rttuafcad at Juakatla and Kacaett Inlcta. Quatn Charlotte lalanda Land Dtatrict. Two (2 yean will be attorned lor removal ox timber. Further particulars of the chief Victoria. B C . or District Porcster. Prince Rupert. B.C. IN Till: MTKK.MK fill HT Of IIKITIMI roH MIII ix rKoimi: In the Matter of the " Ailmlnl-tra- I rat Ion Art" and In tlie Matter nf the tatr l Knut (len. Iee-4i.rl InteMatr. TAKB NOTICE that bt Order of His Honour Judge Planer. Local J of the Supreme Court of British umbla. I was on the 18th day of February A.D. 1044. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Knut Olatn. formerly of Montreal. Quebec, deceased, who died on or about tbe 3rd day of January. A.D. 1944. All persons Indebted to tbe said Estate are required to pay tbe amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons ha ring claim again tbe said ZMtate are required to rue tbetn with me properly rent lad on or before tbe 31st day of Mareb A.D. 1044. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I sball have haul notified rjXTSD at Prince Rupert. B C. this 1Mb day of February A.D. 194. j ' KHIIUAV A WATT . Official Administrator. I Prince Rupert. B O. MiTiri. - i I.AMI IIKUNTKV ACT I lie: Crrtmeatf f Title Xn 27K.17-I. In ll'iwk I. !iihlliMn if the Soiitherlr "7 arre, more or len, . trlt. Map nil. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In tbe name of Jack Bennett has been fl'.ed In this office, not.'.e la hereby given that I shall. at the expiration of one month from tbe date of '.he first publication hereof, issue a provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost certificate. unlen In tbe meantime valid objection b made to me - In writing. DVTKD at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C.. this ih day of January. 1944 AD. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. " ix Tin: M i-itr.Mi: rot it t o v r.itmtn (iilimum ix iitoimt: In the Mailer of the "Administration Art" ml ' I III the .Matter of Hip KHale of I rank I Ita"-. Ilei-eeil Intevtale. take notice that by order of His Honor. W E. Fisher, made on the 10th day of February. AD. 1944. I waa appointed Administrator nf the estate of Frank Isaac deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish name, properly verified, to me on or before the 11th day of March. A.D. 1944. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. nC, this 11th dsy of February. AD. 1944. NORMAN A, WATr. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. C.N.R. Trains I'm the I'.int Pally M5-pt Sunday 8 p.m rrom the l:at Dally except Monday . . 10:45 p.m. I 'or Terruie Hunday, Monday. Wdnesday. Thursday and Friday pm. I'roni Trrrae . Monday, Tueadsy, Thursday, Friday and Saturday .... n am. Daily News Advertising Brings Results. . TIIE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert And the "Y" l Brine a series In Instalment by Un Dorothy Oarbutt, the Hostess here) (Conclusion) Under what I would call lobs building up moral and general service I would o i wwpunu iwratri iy-. like to group a few anecdote.. J Thornlngton. Royal Canadian One of the first services I was 'Air Force, son of Alfred Thorn-able to render was getting Mugton, Toronto. Ontario womens clothes for one of the Scottish concert. ThU was for tan Alice Blue Gown number, I Mrs. Bremner was able to gather shoe and a hat together and Annette very kindly let uc have a areas. Annene nas since furnished clothes for several concerts much to the gratitude of ' the boys. Wc have had two weddings and a wedding reception and a christening at the "Y" and for each of these occasions the peo pie of Prince Rupert hate been wonderfully kind in giving up Lowers and greenery. My queerest job was when a service wife asked me to come and bath an old lady where she was staying and mending a sailor's uniform while he stayed in barracks because he had no other uniform to wear. I think my happiest Job was the time I was able to Introduce two German boys to each other. One of them had an uncle ser- ving as leader to Russian forces as he had fled from Oermany because of hte beUef. and the h a ho narrnt, had sent him and his sister to Chicaeo at the beginning of th Help The sfa Red" Cross TEA INCOME TAX Forma now Available: T-l. for use if you are in business or If your Income In 1941 was more than $3,000.00. T-l. Special, for use if you are an employe and earned leaa than $3,000.00 In 1943. ' For expert ail vice on your Income Iteturru see GKORftH RORIK & CO. 177-18 limner Block. Trlnce Hupert Having the proper information, with you will save you time and trouble. Bring with you: lai T-4 slips given you by your employer, showinc your total earning and tax deduction In 1943. b T-5 xlips showing your taxed Income from dividends in 1943. (c Full partiooUra of other Interne In 1943. (d) HecelpU for Medical Expenses, Donation. Life Insurance premiums and principal payments on mort- , gages paid in 1043. (e) If possible, a copy of last Income Return you made out. ' SIIOI SEVENTH AVE. MARKET The Friendly Store" Wc handle SWIFT'S PREMIUM MEATS and VAN'S RREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our I'rlces Arc Right COAL! Good stocks of Foothills, Alberta, and Hulkley Valley Coals now on hand Three days notice before delivery is expected will be appreciated. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LID. FIIOXL 651 Terrace Girl Is Bride Here r A quiet wedding toux psacc in First United Church manse on Monday afternoon when Gwendolyne Mildred Hogan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. ffriffan ff Tnmi twa me thl lnc J. A. uonneu oin-, "aM,a ne ceremony u to witnesses were Mrs J A. Dm nell and Ernest II. Tuft l Dnae was lormniy cm ! Plod l Terrace. seen him since. Both young mc:: Hitler regime and had neve formed a fast friendship. During the month of Dc:rm ber I Inaugurated a pareri wrapping service and :a!i loudly for volunteers whom 1 call my parcel packin numa Again the Prince Rupert :.i: come to the fore and. despite the rush of Christmas and th. aniiv home duties, I never larked helpers. On Sundays, when the hall is pasked, I usually put up twe framed pictures which subtlety remind without ordering the boys that It Is Sunday by the legend which says "Have you been to church today?" Kir Sllversides did these for me and made a most charming little landscape of a church on a lav- endar backiround. It U sttrae. tive and I Mke to think does . bring some of the boys In the churches. , AT THE rnoNi: ess rAalHAIMICIV .. x m - - w 1 w 1 SUSAN PETERS is the lrl in Richard Carlson's arms. She rose to overnitht (ame In "Random Harvest" Now she's f m here In her Hut A1K tsar . :?rvi13vCzi-.ixj4. ft3wr'iA if .x.y js "ASSSE J F V 1 L a Jb. 1 W .f "5 ' iaa ' i o 4 -i - tj-w - i it i in rn tin nrwv . . vV Ci'lorrd t'attoon Mhat' Itutiln' ISuusrd' l llipilrlck Travel: "Cirand Canyon" "Sail Alolt" World New F.mtts EZmmwi is! si . E 2-I)AS 2 00 i t . ir nrnsstiaaatiaaasaaaillBaaigillSlll COMEDY OF COLLEGE IS FILM FARE Dual romance, collegiate an .! tics and the comical attempts of a pair of "teen -age young, tters to break up their mother's second marriage provide hilarity In "Voting Ideas." a story of youth and eoUege. coming Wednesday and Thursday to the Capitol Theatre. It provide Susan Peters with her ftrct x tarring role, appearing with Herbert Marshall and Mary Astor. 8uan and her brother Klltott Re Id i disapprove the marriage of their mother iMlss Astori to a tweedy chemistry professor Marshall i. So they plot to break up the match, and set the entire eoUege In a furore In the process They noise It about jthat a spicy book written by their mother, who Is a noted novelist, was based on her own experiences. Thus they hope to canda!lae the faculty They reniiy start a sensation when 'V-y inveigle their dignified step-fstier Into a shady nlaht club and get him Into a Jitterbug contest. Then, through a dramatic twist, everything straightens out AUyn Joalyn Is a distrait literary agent. Richard Carlson plays the dramatic Instructor whose love for Susan forms an Important paint in the plot. Sgt. and Mrs. n. R. TtltAch- ir lett this afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. Advertise in tne Dally News! Mrs. Dclldal and Mrs. Johns HAVK ltK-OI'KM:i) nil: Mouse Trap Cafe Hours 2 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. 8upcr Coffee, Hamburgers and Onions, Home-made Pies and Cakes ttuvtv.v JONES' FAMILY Store nf of ft'iitltv O'ntitv Mil. Meits f I I nn V 1 ...l I Ml. I I. I iWUL DC Bi r . t WslUre Bletk f illltll'l-V C n WTr 1111. Ill ir.NTRi fU AMI M-MIIE N.w ii v nvuiv HOVI- sfRfl IVInnr Ma 111 I - I. . L 111V .lohnny'i I r ii a rv D I .a L. Te (Our liir I ' - - ii i rx i i ' v a a i i ft ma I SI.KVKF.S 10 Vsncouter. VIcW" Uaftinlnts. 'f North (Jiiren Chirlo .. .. .... ...linn. run imm""-" and KeftW" FRANK J. SR11 Trlnce Kupr tb TI.I..I Are. a j u - 1 !-aflV MARKET t'