in, nj. 44 IKK hi; j Temperature num sun c.m srmanic lult Is lsh Birl . . Iropc 4L 29 Isideredv 'i.'.htde-have from r ; 'ary "t on the r.f x: :vt. :tg when ; v .Jpntly drlnham and ;. drj.?lit street I UliOl Will - ih;it has a the offend- ci brought up said that hi? tv .'e .seriously, r.rj :rc ithould Ic ' he rltlsem who ' might - ar.c'hcr matter ' t? rM'.cd, "' rr. itum that a ip inndpnt be ' "he American v - ded by Aid. sovurr ss Town KXIT.UT COMING BOLSTER UP A.R.P. HERE (irncral Kowt FcU Hut PUre was 'tie rlty council last III :r.-ir 'inn u?lfh llin 'I : Che Canadian 80-f Bovlct Friendship y C:.-dlan rltlp. ahnnM Tiabliltation of Rus- "Simw-.ltici .stricken bv ,,: - -k i . one of such Rus-lllf which suffered sc-n a rc :ult of the Oerman DP nit nr;irllinll bv hp NnTU .vA mniy abandoned It. ! prjpa:?d proitram of nx. e W?.lllrf (n1..J- mlf. food, books, rc and fruni.. ! iiiu-rcom-Mon. The mayor of thr 'fin Canadian rit ., m t in tnnpK it.uu it.. . l "'in me mayor -an city by the Can- bOClcry nf Rnvl fri,i ;itha,(Klly counc wi p-o- Hlh the mnll.. u.. Dub! e . '"klUK UJ " 70 wayj, and mn , - ui i- fc - anniij are dc ng Volu'y relief 11 Should be Protected in Car of F.nemy Attack. After from W. C. Matnwartnr of Van couver, chairman of tn civil protection A.R.IM organisation for Brttlah Columbia, and General Alexander Ross, federal director, urging the advlaa- Mlltr of the local A IIP being brought up to full strength and effectiveness against the possi bility of this place being made the target for hit and run raid by the Japanese In retaliation for the coming offensive In the Pacific war theatre, the city council last night decided to request the present central AJl-P-to carry on and to accept the offer of the provincial organization to end an expert here for Oeneral Ross, not with the effectiveness of the El n at nrMMlt IlinMt. .pes eon- i" " " lh ""PP1 and enro1-' ttion but . . ....j m.nt of new Dcoole who had j " enU ( t c-amauc done b':-. and low that aux iliary firemen be organized among the Wartime Housing dwellers and that pawbly tnerc be co-Deration with the Rere Army in connection witn patrol, fire fighting and nrst aw IX)NtX)N Because of metal shortage, only R00.000 bicycle are to be manufactured In Britain this year. This is lea than quarter of the usual idnnteil : Nazis Killed f 111 JIA !YCCia r-rj: Total 187,400 r,: on triA Ann i . . t nn , ! v. : , had a population u IUlMlan8 sU.rmed Ihc In- J before : the war. lta! w dcfences of Krlvol Rog n.' ir living num o r.i ulttire. 4- 4- in 1 hi. wnlral Ukraine ana t 4. nm.npd that 187.400 4- 4- Nails had been killed In the 4- 4- four weeks of offensives In 4- the south and around Lcn- 4- 4- lngrad. Kholm, a Nail Das- t 4- Hon south of Lake Ilmcn, 4- was taken by the Red Army 4. hnw menncina Tskov ana 4 Dno. 4-4'4-4-4-4-4- Imorovements Being Sought 4- The matter of construction of - oirccib aim j Utilities Here A lengthy repot t on the con dition of sueeu and utilitu , here has been prepared by ti c fcdeiai government tn connec tion with the clly iequi, loi asvtatance in connection wi:: maintenance has reached the city and came up at last nights council meeting but wax not read. Certain recommendation are made to the government following a survey but no at nouneement has been made ; to whether these will be pf Inln effect. However. tivtru - hearing correspond ence 1 tkms have been given for the adequate main t nance of street ued by the armed forces The report will be dealt wttn bv the city council at a specui committee of the whole session next Monday. MILLIONS ARE SAVED As Result of Ue-nejoliatlon Shipbuilding Contracts. i i . i ... : linmf. nr I iimmnni iunn- e uniforms V" lnt proporo rpom""-1 "7"" . r. - wcarmi Ut Moo. The provincial chairman, day that rc-ncgotlaUon of Wp-t taled that the province j building contracU had resulted i dc oe nroulhm prosecuiton : vinr to the Federal tresw- . 1 V. - .(4uirtea and d. 4 that the WcrofHngVn, Tolrf t5o $I0.1I4.UUU. ine snipouiiurm. nr aattsfiefl said, had been able to better their first estimates of costs. Contracts with Vancouver shipyards were rc-negotiated In De cember 1942. BULLETINS (AMMII mi:s? NLW YOUK An unconfirmed radio broadcast today Mid that Mahanda K. Oamllil, Indian Nationalist leader, had died of a heart atlack. HAS RATION UNCIIANCi n OTTAWA. The minister of munitions and up ply announced tmlay Out the ga ration for Canadian motorists clurinc the coming year will be untliancrd from the last. IN TWO DIHKCTIONS LONDON. The Royal Air Force struck at Germany from two dlreclion.i today from ha?ri in Itrltain and in Italy. The United Air Force staged the greatest aerial assault of all time on a German airplane plant today. KltlVOI HOG .MOSCOW. The capture of the great steel city of Krlvol lion In the Ukraine by the was announced today. PLANNING TO TRAIN VETS VICTORIA, Feb, 22 H The -Mrn Sh to Legislature gave flna, approval Av- on Monday lo a mil autnorisinn Sixth Conrad conraa Street birc" and u"" " on to provincial governmpnt the Dry n omk k JmA rona lnc inc cnuc from narp.mfnl wllh thp to lot 24, block 3, socuon , aernment for Voca- bcen discussed fcy the hjrd ff ltrnalnln8 of vclcrans and c"n"1 wlv works of the city Horn- i ar km on a basis of equal representatives of Wartime In. Ltd. and ,t has been decided .conWbuUJj to incorporate tnese and college training, " and Hons In a brief for prcsentatton kJ . mb,nln D t. to that company tORCtncr wim. vocaUons dcsl(J. a request that the piana to me Drltlsh Col. on Seventh Avenue be replaced jagd , with rock Illl. lax! NORTHERN AND CENTRAL PRINCE RUPERT, B It E aiian 3 am ,C. TUESDAY, FEBRUjUtXaTfolll TI-. 1 1 J" 1 Willi HliHGMAN Put Bcrr tt )ik .tr wno ha: returned d r- ' .1! ' ilJPl'. the .K.illi i : A," ka, .Inning for the troop. 8he i shown i j Mi t -i CDC producer, and Colonel J. p. Fra x L s Army Forces. Crntral Canada, f' fir t; ,; Pat Berry travelled with Ingrld Bergman! ww tn Prince Rupert. MUs Berry sings .... i i nit on Mondays at 5 45 and Wednes- 3s . Grimif F to a .dcral Report ountry from . 'J. ,. vo- vt 1 1 of OTTAWA. Ft. 22 0 Hughe Cleaver, chairman of the war couple of weeks in connection expenditures committee. told I CANADIANS IN ORTONA, ITALY -Private J Y. Smith, of Victoria. B( H t .:.(! Pfvate R. M. 8owdn of Viwuwr B.C. stand in tl.c uk. ruoote near islemoiwbed Si. Tharciu caihe -dral in Ortona. Italy, looking at a dead German paratrooper, shot as he fled from a machine -fcun post, he had set up in the upper storey of a nearby build irig. SEEK WATER SUPPLY SHOWDOWN City Council Takes Action Af trr Alderman Elliott Threat ! in the highc. ieveis were vittu- Air W Elite TRUK LOSS M LIGHT enire n American Planes Fall-1 to Return From Great llaid. 1 ViM HARBOR. Feb. 32 Mi iounced that American i .vse.s in the great, raid of last r k-end on Truk, Japanese key a-ific fortress, amaanted to : venteen planes with one ship noderatrly damaged in the two-i-y attack. American carrier--ased planes sank at least nine-?en Japanese ships, probably sinking seven more and des-t oying 201 enemy planes. Mosquitoes Drop Mines 1... Vtn A . .11.. n4,n u . n itujr nwiuui. su row w 1 LONDON, rro. Zi V- UUja, ens to Kesign Chairmaiuhlp . UC(Mtt We tevel 0, reer- ;Mr )rcf. Mosquito bombers at- Of Utilities Committee. Voir and the pressure in the tacked western Germany last ,v Txi . . ... mm mo Nxw- tihrimdtiflii -i t tmf After a dueuasion during siwauon ana ne ien were which Aid. Thomas Elliott hau should be no further delay in threatened to resign as chair- having a showdown with the man of the utilities committee ; power company. The question of unless the council backed up 1 priority on Woodworth Lake ins demand lor a showdown i water should be for once and with the Northern British Col- all settled. The city's rishU had umbla Power Oo. in regard to already been established by le-responsibility for maintenance gal opinion, of a sufficient level of water In in answer to questions, City the reservoir to ensure an ade- Engineer O. S. Hanes said he jqustc and safe water supply for had gone as far as he could in tin' city, the city council last the matter. It was now up to niht decided to take the mat- the city council to make a deter up again with the power mand. Ports n-i, v. Jic ivavT l.-ir.lIT Af! AIV 11)1! Ill TIKI; seas. One plane did not return 4- 4-44-4 4'4.4- company win a view 10 gewing AhJp Rudderham recalled how, to an end to the 4- assurances and action to cor- wnen original agreement nt m u,e pacific. It was reef the situation and thus ob- vvas drawn up. he had fought to . possible that the enemy was 4-viate recourse to legal action, protect the city's interests getung ready for another j In bringing the mattet up. against just such a situation as sneak attack and was en- 4-lAld. Elliott stated that the had now arisen. However, cer aavouring to spread out power company was operating tain proposed provisos had been t y the Pacific fleet. Shawatlans Lake power plan: left out of the agreement when i to capacity Meanwhile homes finally drawn up. . 4. 4- 4- Are shows a 'long" column of German soldiers being marched through the streets of after their capture in the successful westward drive to relief of the besieged city vtAs ratilotihoto. received from Rus-sia, ar Will nded to Leningrad 1 Raids On Kuriles ounded Battle Of Beachhead Principal Action Turns Land to Air Today. From NAPLES. Feb. 22 0" Allied planes hammered Leghorn and ImDe:ia tn Italy as action slack ned on the Ansio beachhead and the main Fifth army front a: Cassino. Heavy artillery barrages wer: tired by both the Germans and Allies on the beachhead iron and local flghUng was reporter! at three places. United State patrol boats drove off a group iii German E-boats which tried ;o app:oach the beachhead on siinrfav Small, but fierce in fantry ensacemcnt were report ?d on the beachhead, but the Allies have the upper hand. WUrTELY BAY. Eng. O Dr. F. Horseman believes It's never too late to start. At 80, he's bjen elected to the r.nitely Bay urban district council. Local Tides Wednesday, Feb. 23 High 0:58 20.9 feet 12:52 23.1 leet Low 6:54 53 feet 19:27 0.9 feet Be PRICE FIVE CENTS His Report; acing Realities High ree of Intensity Warns That Germans Are Preparing on French Coast for Attack Upon Britain Does Not Expect End of European War This Year. LONDON, Feb. 22 (CP)-PrimlMinister Churchill, in a review of the war before Parliament today, nrnmicorl un p-nnnsinn nf thp nir nffpnsivp. "far be- I yond the dimensions of anything which has yet been t-'iupjoyuu ur liiuetu uuaineu vviiu lung lan&v uumu- ing from Britain and Italy reaching every part of NORTH PACinC that the Germans were prepar ing on the French coast new means of attack on Britain either by Dllotless aircraft or possibly rockets, or both on a considerable scale" but that our forces are vigilantly attacking every evidence of enemy pre parations. The Prime Minister saia mat the order tightening the cen- ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN sorshlD in Jiifir'' nean NORTH PACIFIC. Feb. 22. Unit- j area was mrrr fst to d States bombing planes Satur day attacked two Japanese bases in the Kurtle Islands Parama- hiru and Shlmushu dropping tr'tb of WiiAttAmec the war tn iji liancs returned safely to their nrt 1 if 1 n 1 i . . 1 IVIarsftalls Are Sneak aneak Attack AttacK ; I Bv Japanese I ! Nearly Cleaned t Seen by Knox Up By Americans WASHINGTON, D.C.. Feb. ! PEARL HARBOR. .r,t, Feb. w 22.. o Oi i the 4-22-Secretary of Navy Americans who landed on Enl- Pranfc Knnx stated todav 4 tok in the Marshall Islands to 4-' i that there was nothing hnwA nnni nintltfaH 411 f HA OTnil with the exception of the lone Japanese base on Parry Island which is now. being shelled and bombed, it is announced by Admiral Chester W. Nlmltz. The attack on Parry Island Is being carried out by naval and alt forces. check alarmist ..r-. .cern- ing the Italian bridgehead. Mr. Churchill declined to con cur In the prediction of General Eurorje would end in 1944. "Hit ler Is. still in full control and the Nazi party is still holding together in Germany." he assert ed. "This is no time for despair or rejoicing but for preparation, effort and resolution, Mr. Churchill said. Hitler had decided to defend Rome with the same obstinacy that had characterized the battle of Stalingrad. Speaking of relations with Russia, none of the ground gained at Moscow and Teheran had been lost, declared the Prime Minister who referred to Russia's policy in favor of a a "strong and tndepedent Poland." Great Britain. United States and Russia were equally 'resolved to carry on the war to ja completely victorious conclu-I slon. , Speaking of the projected invasion of western Europe, Mr. Churchill said the British and American forces would be equal In proportions unless it became a long campaign In which case there would be more Americans. The Prime Minister spoke for seventy-eight minutes and many cheers greeted his utterances. REDS RAID FINN PORT STOCKHOLM. Feb. 22 CD Russian bombers on Monday night raided Uleaborg. a Fin nish port on the Bothnia Gulf, ed. Finnish news agency report 4'4 t I Another Jap t Convoy Sunk ALLIED HEADQUART- ERS, Southwest Pacific. Feb. 22 0 Allied aircraft have smashed another Jap- anesc convoy off the Bis- marclc Islands. Allied Head- quarters announced today. Six medium merchant ships, one corvette, and to two gunboats were sunk, and three freighters prob- ably destroyed. ? ? 1 1