, fAOl rorra Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. CIIAS. DODIM. DODIMEAD Optometrist in ( LAT-VI! "Vl ftfl J "'Xlf Hand Engrav Engraving 'IT. Costumes Courtesy "'l2 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ri- ; rftOCEEDS TO UNITED WAR EFFORT SUPPORT Charge Jewelry VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties JEWELER MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND MERCHANT RUPERT LIEN'S AND ROYS' STORE The Store of Dad's Choice... For Work or For Dress For Leisure or ror sports It's always just a little more wear or the Newest Styles. They cost no more. RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE 217 SIXTH STREET (Just around Ihe corner) . Don't Miss It! KEBEKAH LODGE SPRING FASHION SHOW Thursday Afternoon, March 9th, 2:30 p.m. Admission .50c I.O.O.F. HALL-Fourth Ave., E. TEA SERVED CMADIANRED CROSS " Be Generous For A Great Cause ELIO Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) RUPERT BRANI SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage riUNCE RUPERT CO. Ltd."ISU COLUMBIA itrPays to Advertise in The Daily News Classified Ads WANTED WANTED Housekeeping room, furnished with or without housekeeping privileges, for service man and wife. Apply Box 70O Daily News. (581 WANTED by reliable couple with one child, permanent residence. Would lease or buy on rent basis. If having place that could be made into residence would do at own expense. Good references. Apply Box 698 Dally News. WANTED. One or two rooms by newly married couple, with or without housekeeping privileges. Box 692 Daily News. (55) HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced clerk- stenographer. Apply, District Forester, Court House. (tf) WANTED. Boy or girl as gas pump attendant for local garage, preferably able to drive. Apply NSS A.M. 109. (59) WANTED Part time work; do anything. Box 1109 Sub Station B. (53) WANTED. Chamber-maid for local hotel. Apply National Selective Service AT. 106. (tf) WANTED. Old established gold mine In the North wants miners and muckers. No experience necessary. Apply National SelectlveServlce.C5e3. (64) WANTED Janitor for local hotel. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 107 (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Room for service or business couple. Board for wife may be arranged. P.O. Box 1338 City. (53) PERSONAL LEARN TO TAP-DANCE School age up. Classes in Eagle Hall. Phone Black 145. (571 FOR THE BEST in Painting. Paperharvging and Decorating, Phone Blue 378. "We can satisfy." 59 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied. Besner Block Phone 387 . IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 i MODERN TAILORS t We are open again for alter- tlons on Ladies' and Men's Suits. Quick and efficient service. Reasonable prices. 318 5th St. (Behind Royal Bank) For HIGH CLASS DECORATING AND PAINTING Call LEO OYER Red 395 867 Borden St. B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies and Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP-Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all Us branches 206 4 th Street Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 Plggot Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR SALE THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, FOR SALE Furniture. 1349 Piggott Place. (58) FOR SALE Complete bed. 8th Ave. East. HIS 54) FOR SALE 17 hp semi-diescl engine, In good condition, complete. Boat "Pansy" at Co-op. (56) FOR SALE. Handsome antique black oak dining room suite, hand-carved sideboard, red leather upholstered chairs, large table, on view at Cordon's Hardware. (53) FOR SALE Round oak table, one heater. 221 5th Ave. East (56) FOR SALE Ouelph cook stove in good condition. 515 Taylor Street. (54) FOR SALE Cabin cruiser, six bunks, 36 ft x 10Vj beam; used to be a troller, can be reconverted. For Information phone Blue 142. (53) FOR SALE Bar Bell weight lifting set. Phone 431. (51 1 FOR SALE Enterprise coal range, good condition, new grates $60. Suite 3 above Coop, 3rd Ave. (56) LOST LOST Cameo brooch. Reward. Phone Green 245. (56) LOST On Eighth street west. February 29. glasses in black case, name In case. Finder please return 217 Eighth Ave West. Reward. i54 A large elephant consumes 800 pounds of green fodder in 18 hours. An atoll consists of reef surrounding a iagoon. a cora! centra) Advertise In the Dally News. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, not and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone III P.O. Box 1 CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean job. Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN Concert Is Fine 4 TIMES As Much lather As Many Other Brands Tested! H.M.CS.Chatham Band Delights HI; Audience at Naval Drill Hall. Gillette SHAVING CREAM i Big, 3 ounce Tube-only 33 C Mod by Iht worltft hading iptrli In ihaving comfort th. molars of Slum Gill.tf Dladtt. conductoidhtp of Chief Officer S. E Sunderland, last night in the naval drill hall for the purpose of assisting to rats' funds in the current Red Cross campaign. In the program of considerable versatility and range of topic and technique, the band exhibited a high measure of tonal quality and effectiveness which was full testimonial to the progress which hat As fine a musical entertain-1 n y " organisation ment as people of Prince Rupert "ncc 11 "r orougni w-have elhr ln nd disorganized enjoyed In many a day was that which was presented by the mt or eigni monin Royal Canadian Navy Band of a- H-M.CS. Chatham, with permis- The program was such as to sum of Commander C M. Cree. Blve opportunity for a display of R.C.N. cummaudlns n! liter f the various phases of band work. 1LM.CA Chatham, and under novelUes not being overlooked. . and the band took full advan MELOGRAIM HEALTH MEAL A wholesome, Uify porridje providing the food food ol Whes,Ryt, Flu nd Bitn for jrow- ij children. MELOGRAIM CREAMED KERNELS Fof babies from 6 months il'i tn economical tnd nowiih- in) pomdje. Contain Soys Flow (of protein, Whttt Kernels nd Wheat Germ (of cnerjy, M try HHOCmlV IMlk lt.lt, llrltk Brmn ITkMi On, WALLOP! Packs a Real AEJlil't MlifliUr .Whr And If you wan: brm f :rtl ttrrngth In Mnunrnt-rub. if youre fed-up with weK prortnrt.t whoae relief 1 half-r or imaginary. Umo try MOONfS EMERALD OIL! , It repmrnu our MAXIMUM In rounUr-tmunt relief for muacular ache, palu. cheat cold. and a vanning rub to rellete tlghtneaa as well aa muscular aches of back, limb, shoulders and neck, due to over-exercUe. overwork, or expoaurs to cold and dampneaa. Once you try Mnone's Emerald Oil are confident you mill aay. w jcMi're talklur!". and that you will never be without It in your home. On ule at all good drug stores. Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert first existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the best of equipment. As we start a new year, we are proud of our record, and grateful for the confidence you have shown in us. May we continue to serve you. Ormes lid. "Jim Pioneer Driuzgists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. COAL! Good stocks of Foothills, Alberta;', nd Hulkley Valley Coals now on hand Three days notice before delivery is expected will be appreciated. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONE 651 PHONE C52 tage of all these opportunities Outstanding items of Interest included the grande fanUuie Home Sweet Home, the World Over." the background being the ; utle piece over which was interpolated strains of various na- Uonal airs, the concert military t march arrangement of "My ! Hero the beauUful intermeao 'Sanctuary of the Heart." and the humorous satire on "Swanee River." adapted to various localities with appropriate effects Some novelty effects were singing and whistling by the band and comet duet work, The concert marked the farewell appearance here of Band- ; master Chief Petty Officer S. E i Sunderland whoae baton U being taken over by Petty Officer Q, Noakes who conducted the j final number on last Ight's ! program. ' In the course of the program, Commander Cree expressed ap preciation at the large size of the audience and commented on the worthiness of the Red Cross cause. He also paid tribute to the work of Bandmaster Sun derland and the progress the band had made under his dlrec don. A round of applau was heartily given for the bandmaster at the suggestion of Commander Cree. Lighting effects were one of the outstanding features of the entertainment last night. There were also attractive stage settings and the whole atmosphere was very Interesting". Lloyd Morris made a capable announcer. 300 LOOPS RIX'OKD In 1935 a Russian glider pilot made 300 loops, said to be world record. MODERNIZE CODFISH Codfish are now dried by Infra red lamps. LONDON. O, prince Chula Chakrabongsc of Thailand has been granted a commission ln the British army cadet force. CN.R. Trains for I lie laot Palir ttvpt Sunday 8 p.m rroin the lut ' Dally except Monday 10:45 p m. Ir Irrrure - Sunday Monday Wedneaday, Thursday and Friday 4 p v m, from Irrrare Monday, Tueaday. Thursday, Friday and Baturday 11 am. TODAY and SAT. Speedy Driving petty Js Raising Dust tuNICOLOK. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce will ask the city to see tnat theie is a stricter observance of the traffic bylaws particularly at regards speed limits and proper headlights. The matter was brought before the Chamber Wednesday nigh, by O R 8 Blackaby who referred to the clouds of dust that were being raised on the streets by speedy drivers. J. L. CURRY Late or Yukon) Chiropractor Smith Block PUINCn RUPKItT ROOFING CO. Box 725 SpecUIUtt on llulltup Roots Repairs, Ke-shlntllnf Free Estimates ftHUaU SA.MI Ul.Mi HOP KF.E CHOP SUEY HOUSE - Next to fUfir Tst 112 7th AVK. WEST All your pitroniff welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outiide Orders from I p.m. 12 p.m. rbone Red 211 THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY , WQY ME IN ' Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (AcroW from Prince Rupert Hotel) rhone 173 SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarclll, Rrop. rhone 37 P.O. Box 611 ERASER STREET ntlNCE RUPERT try a better cocoa today . . choose Neilson's famous Chocolate Cocoa. 1 lb. 29c, lb. 19c At mt ON THI $amT Complete Sfr" a- 1D9 Feature at 1 20 3 "Uitiwul r, "Where Cacti Ills GRAND C0NCER1 Next Sundijul 'J p.m, in Capitol Theatre ROYAl NAVY B K 1 tlU:. H.M.C.S Chatham r t 11 P.O. Handmiv (J, Noakw lna;J CANADIAN LI (j( n. Lojut Adr' Tickets ca Si Theatre Box 02 Vrnm 1 n.iu frl Mouse TraJ Cafe Mrs. Deildil arid Mi Sunday 4 to 1I; Super Coffee Hs1 andOnlrns, Home-made ritiwifl For Mutual Beo Phone 111 rloneer Booms H mm?