I m 3, ifi THE DAILY HEWS PAOE THREE Me At INNY'S linny'n :k bar iffr I Top) LOCAL NEWS NOTES A nshrrmin'a Dance, Friday, March 3, Eaglets' Hall, Fifth Ave. Kast. Moonlight Berenadera' Orehertra. Everybody welcome. 53 1 L. Sylvester left Wednesday on a trip to Port Clements. Mrs. 8. C. Drown, wife of the harbor master, left last night for a trip to Vancouver. Private Phyllis Hamblln, who has been home on leave from her duties with the Canadian Women Army Corps, left last ,M for Vancouver. Mr., R 8. Orelg left last nltht for Vancouver enroutc to Kam-iop; where he will pay a visit w h I'.r.t daughter who U In iqt'.Ut' a murium. 4 O, A. McMillan, of Canadian National Steamships, after here on official rs; n:tl-. on his return to Van uver ki Footwear Rhvmmatic Pains ES J, IIOMINATO. t w.r.ff a big c ., .t Coat and iri:. before ttook- ipers and fcrs . . . U ? received a 6 k.-.d- of p 30 per cent one else in Ivfd a ahlpmrnt of COATS unl for Cah. pLDBLOOM mt I'rlnce Rupert finally Hip l.xct Arlds Start To !. e tltr Kyutrm In iX Hours f I'm-I I tn( I UIW -tiHaranlml Ifrrra trw t1ft motl-; 4,8-turjr wav u. gfi the Mfn in. proaut 3 rkla out i if vmir r' 0 to UcCuU-tvKou Onnr- I.Ut My prtwrmalv dru(-V 'e - f' a bottl of AI.UNRO- td fi4lo ih fc-nd braloifM fur atubborn R haunt lit Paliu or Furkaclw wn rtabt in uilinii it rtlda nitbt atajr in bl a much m -alM tiu UuuiUjr moroliMi AUnru acta double rati mlwn tor txaly l related anl rml. Ko ojo'i frl diaplrltad anj- lonr rtont kit up hup of grtuog rri rlif Allrnni acta and acta fat and thrw dtallncl wT 1 1 to rrllrvr ib pain. Ii u i dlumte for th kktAvya to riuah out nma actd and Si U arou Xh buweta to normal action NkCutchrao Orma Lut amt u yt tirwsUU htrr born liiatfucUd to dU-n AIII NKI mub tb un-drnuudm that IT thr first bottlr Of not (It ynu tltr rrtlrf r'U wim add ham- a ribt to rvpftt be il) it-iy rrluitd uur monrj aitbout oi-mmrnt Frcsli laical Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALKNTIN DAIItV PHONE C57 ISSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE ; W ;a Lu.lurs have more cents ' ! Wr have a romplele variety of available iceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tnhartos and Confectionery iEHVERY U:roughout the City Uirec time weekly Tu ' Thursdays and Saturdays) OpixMitc Canadian Legion INCOME TAX income Returns to lie filed on or before apiul no, 1011 FORMS SOW AVAILAHLK Prepared by R. E. MORTIMER pml Avenue I'lmne RX Men's Work Boots iHKll TILSONHUltO PALM KITS "Moose Head Rrand" THURSTON'S spendable, Solid and Comfortable My Shoe Store Ltd. "Th Home of Good Shoe' PVEUTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS Mrs. A. Davidson left night on a t.lp to Mawett. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Colllson of Bmtthera left last night for a trip to Vancouver. . Captain Neil McLean of Can adian NaUunal Steamships left lat night for hU home In Van couver. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Sutherland left last night on a trip to A. H. (Bert) Robaon, Canadian National Steamships purser, left last night to return to Vancou ver for a holiday. E. 8. Ourston. C.NJI. superintendent of Colonization and Im-migration, of Winnipeg, left last night after spending a few days in the city He wa accompanied by Harry Bowman dl- a week's visit ; trlct colonization supenntenrt-business, let' ml of Prince Opotop lr; ' Itltht Way To Co After Help The Percy Leopold left last night, ' for a business trip to Vancouver. Nlclc Christopher left l&M night for a business tilp to Miss Evle Hlvett left last night for a vacation trip to Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday, March 3, 7:30 pjn. Regular business and memorial service for the late Mrs. George Dawes and Mr. Oeorge Ciipps. Miss Nancye Dawes, after (pending the past couple of weeks at her home here, left last night to resume her nursing duties at Essondale "Hospital. A number of local co-operative membws left last night for Vancouver on business. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Deane, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Stega-vlg, Peter Llland. A. M. Martinson. Oscar Peterson and B. Ml"s M. Braaten. Miss A. Johnston. Miss E. Bradley, Miss R Scoynea. and Miss H. Dottor, formerly nurses on the staff of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital left last night to return to Vancouver. There was coi respondence at he tnce'ung of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Wednesday night in regard to is facilitating of through bills f ad.ng for shipments of goods lvm Eastern Canada passing hrnugh this oiast to Auatralla. Red Cross SALADA TEA Closed Until March 1 when we will It fc re-ojien, bringing with us the latest in hair styles from the south. V5 ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 4th Street (Across from Post Office). Sponsored by rhone Blue 917 Cold Wave Coming Soon! We will be closed for one week while attending the demonstration for the new sensational COLD WAVE, a permanent without heal, pad, or machine. Watch for IV SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON VIOI.KT .MAH Cor. 6th Ave. and Fullon St. rhone Blue 913 HELP A GOOD CAUSE . . . WALLACE'S General Dry Goods and Ladies' Wear IIOVT FORGET . Tim BIO DANCE SATURDAY, Starch i (0-12) I.O.D.K. HALL 'Formerly Eagles'. 5th and McBride) SI. 23 Couple Ladlr Free Hoy Proverb anil His Orchestra Everybody Welcome William Lambie left last night for a business trip to Vancouver. Austen Tarleck. charged with being In possession of more than one liquor permit, was fined $100 or two months in jail by Magistrate W. D. Vance, in city police court Thursday morning. Mrs. Ous Krause and daughter. Miss Jean Krause, left last night for Vancouver, having been called south on account of the lllnpsK of Mr. Krause which j has taken a more serious turn. ' The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce will endeavour to hold dinner meetings again for Its regular monthly sessions. The , attendance committee has beer. j delegated to ascertain what can be done about the matter. A new special committee of j the Prince Rupert Chamber r," I Commerce Is to be formed to go 'into the proposal that the Bri-jtlsh Columbia Electric Railway In the southern part of the province should b tAkin nvpr hv the provincial government. The old committee on the matter failed to bring in a report at the last meeting. A communication from Edmonton Chamber of Commerci suggesting important changes to -imp;.fy and ameliorate fede:ai .axa'ioi; was read at Wednes-da. night's meeting of the Pnuee Rupert Chamber of Commerce and referred to the finance committee. Premier John Hart had a let ter before the Prince Rupert ! , Chamber of Commetce last night 1 in regard to tne cost of educa tion. The Premier drew attention io the fact that the government had increased its school grants to municipalities by some A burning cigarette butt thrown carelessly from the street wis he apparent cause of a fire which b ike out at the interior of the home of Mrs. S. Haudenschild, 531 Seventh Ave. a; 11 2 Wednesday. A passerby seflns the front of the building burning near the grounu. sent a an alarm. The fire department put out the blare before it had gained murh headway !,. Ul tltlM "OI Pllk" LIVELY CRICKET! Don't let iluggith kidneys slow you down. Tale Oin Pilli the "relief or money back" remedy and tee how much better youll feeL Ktaular tilt, 40 Pilla larg. ill.. SO rill MANUFACTURERS and DISTItlllUTORS I- Hill I M A funnel UTFTk' n Ml UIIU ataB' Milk for Babies MillioQt of babie bave bttn tilttd on Carnation Milk fbrtnulii that their doctors have prttcribed There are three big reaiont . . . First, Carnation Milk Is as nomitb-ig as milk ran be and it's irrtdi-altd for extra "tunthine" vitamin I). Second, Carnation's ufe becauw it comes to you sealed and sterilued. Third, Carnation's readily digestible, because beat -treatment gives it a valuable tofi-eurd quality. You don't have any milk worries hen your doctor putt the baby on Carnation. Write for free book "Tour Contented Biby". Carnation Co. Ltd, 470 Granville St.. Vancouver. arnation Milk Gin ten ted dws t A CANADIAN PRODUCT Passes At Miller Bay A worker in a construction camp. O. E. Oingras. passed away in a camp at Miller Bay Wednesday. He was a veteran of the first world war. The body was brought to the city Announcement All adYTtWemnta to this column U1 be cbarerd for a lull month "at 25c a word. Dry Dock Employees' Dance, March "3. Proverb's Orchestra. C.C.P. Dance, March 10, Oddfellows' Hall. DeCarlo's Orchestra St. Patrick's Tea, sale home cooking. 3 pjn. Card party 8 pjn. K.O.C. Hall. March 17. Little Norway Tea. March 23. WA. Canadian Legion Dance T O D.E. Hall. March 24. Sc Peter'a Sale. March 30. i IS Till: SITRI3IK I'Ol'KT OK j ItHITIMI (OUM1IIX 1 IN rHOHATF. j lit tli Matter of tlie "AilmlnWra- iraiKMi .!- aim In llir Mattrr of the l".tntf f Kiiut Olwn. liTjwtl, liitrtatr. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hla Honour Judfw FUher. Local Judre of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, t wa on the 18th day of Fb-marr AD. 1914. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Knut Olsen, fornierly of Montreal, Quebec, deceased who died on or about the Ird day of January. AX). 1944. AH person-s Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount cl their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims avalnst the said Estate are required to file . them with me properly verified on ' r before the 3Jst day of March AD. 1944, falling which distribution in be made baring reeard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C. this ' 18th day of February A.D. 1944 KORUAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. r ,r e- p fc-OOR tNAiit PAINT UP PROTECT WITH KINGFISHER Brand Paints and Materials MADE AND TESTED IN CANADA Klafhhtr Mirin or Houithotl rtintt tni Enamtli, Varniikii and miiing miteiuli for any ouIi'kJ or iniKl finishing. tv One Bright Spot in tlie World Give Generously... THE NEED IS GREAT! A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" EVERYTHING FOR THE KITCHEN Ranges, Tables, Chairs, Kitchen Step Ladders Kitchen High Stools, Kitchen Floor Covering, Baby High Chairs, Velo to renew your walls i a a- a "a.- i.i Trii.i'?.! anu pictures, 10 aecoraxe mem, iviccnen Mirrors. . . . Phone "75. CHARTS 32" 3rd Avenue, Are Essential for the Fishing Fleet We have a large stock of Charts for local fish- mg grounds and coastal waters. - ' : BRITISH ADMIRALTY CHARTS ... DOMINION GOVERNMENT CHARTS U.S. HYDR0GRAPHIC CHARTS (Note Large scale Charts of Alaska- Waters can only be obtained with permission of the Naval Control Officer.) No restrictions on general charts. Pilot House Log Books Books on Navigation and Marine Engineering Tide Tables. Mwd vs.JjH i SnOPATTHE . SEVENTH AVE. MARKET ? "The Friendly Store We handle SWIFT'S PREMIUM MEATS ' : and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our Prices Are Right J.M.S.Loubser D.O, BJL Chiropractor Wallace Block Thou Gtl Mark every grave while, you have the opportunity. They deserve It. See National Monuments 602 5th East Box 1US Station B . I'rlnce ltupert, B.C. Place an Ad in The Daily News It Pays i ;t i