Is reasonable certainty the pres-Mary ent financial year will not end .with a deficit In spite of the 'fact 3.800,000 ($17,000,000) more U being spent than was cstl-A. mated and receipts from gold-evening, mining arc down. The finance minister stated itul liuu.uuu.iaju iaiii.isw.iAAir !tnlf fmm rvntll QllH half frnm loans is no ionizer cnoucn ana in thc second estimates. u MrS. W f . . f 1-r.m ly'On Anartmont. ' -.. "VS., fey Scores cw York 5, k'ston 2, P'ONNA UAIN wm ol the desert F north Chile no Known to have PM- England 0 Pon charged here H8 his twn.v l-tne court h J h children to unn ih. 1. I, "u IWO- ;l huve the !,, If was npd $14. Veteran Railman c, A. ihk.nlk, v Assistant Divisional Undent, Canadian J. Railways in today comp'. years of service on the mostly spent on me on -j division, lie came ncre w young man In the spring oil befoie the track, which was being built from lUlnce Itupert east and from Edmonton west, was connected up. He has risen in the ranks from brakeman and conductor to trainmaster and is now a-wUtant to O. A. Olay. SCHEME OF , SECURITY : PROPOSED:;- Old .tee and Invalidity I'rntiont Envloacrd in l'rupal Call-inc for Annual Expenditure of $138,000,000. CAPE TOWN. March 3 O - A social security scheme involving an annual expenditure of 198,000.000 $438,000,000) has been tabled in the Union of .South Africa house of assembly. The ac heme provides for Euro pcans, natives and other racUI pensions are envisaged as well u unemDlovment tralnlne. sick- ness and matwnlty allowances ;to mpther, widows' beneflU. juneral granU. dependents' al- lo""4 family allowances, planning council which com- mends the scheme points out ..-that the .fst,otalLgovenimcat iscrvics, central as wen as pro - vtneial, is estimated to reach a grand total of 160,000,000 t$715,000.000 by 1955. Hon. J. IL Hofmcyr. minister of finance, in introducing additional estimates intimated there for The! budget will be Introduced in! March. The first instalment of 1 South Africa's contribution to. UNRAA U 25,000 ($112,000) The Interim report of the! shipping commission appointed j in 1911 emphasises that me expansion of Stith' Africa's mer chant fleetwlll mean neavy 11-nanclal loss without compensating benefit to the country It recommended that thc existing three ship be replaced after thc war by modern motor-ships of 9,000 and 10,000 tons to operate as far as possible off liner runs in the Indian Ocean and other eastern waters and that a fourth be added to trade with West African ports south of Dakar If privately owned shipping Is lacking. Since thc war began South African ports handled 38,000 ships with a grass tonnage of 163.000,000, to which the country supplied 5.000.000 tons coal and 20,000, ($89,000,000) worth of food. Forty large convoys Britain carrying . . . 2,ooo,ouu i men were provlsionca npun from 40 convoys travelling from the Union to the war fronts. Not n single transport ship was lost In South African waters and 0500 were repaired In Union ports. Local Temperature Maximum 44 Minimum - 31 LONDON. Oi Athanasc Sbn-rounls, who recently escaped irom Qreece. says there are 98 different guerrilla organizations ond more than forty underground newspapers in Hint Oer-man-orcupled country. VOL. XXXIII, No. Attack at nMBING . UP Paris and Albert Target I-asl Nlglil Northwestern Ger-many Today. LONDON. March 3. O lluyy Canadian Air Foicc and Rjyal Air Force formations hammer-:' aircraft factories near Paiu w Albert last night and Mosqunv iti-uck at western Oermany 'leven bombers and three figh' T DClWS lott. Heavy American bomber a; aoketl northwestern Germai, ndajr or the second uccestv day. FEBRUARY BUILDING Waterfront Structure Is Most Important Item on List. A permit to build a $50,000 waterfront structure, consist- dock, was issued In February to Co-operative Association by th ritw pnsinMr' nffir Thu in- stituted the blgget item on last months building permit list, none of the five other per- mits lUtcd exceeding $250. To- was $50310. January's total of $51,890 added to Ft-hruarj-j.hrinyt , thA .value of permits Issued so far inu year year to J 102.700. Permit values totalled $1185 for the first two months of 1943. Permits were Issued last month to the following: J. IT. Slaggard. Third Avenue and McDridc, alterations. $60. S. L. Peachcy. Tattow Street, foundation repairs. $100. P. Mazzel. Eighth Avenue West, roof repairs. $200. A. Dybhavn. Sixth Avenue East, porch addition. $250. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative, waterfront, build- Inn nrA Ansr i.flMI K. n. Ead t Tiiirrt Avrnnr. addition, $200. ONLVTIV SMMTMt The only tin smelter In South America is located In Argentina. Finland May British Bundles Amount to $2000 Canadian Legion Women's Aux iliary is in Session. f The remainder of thc of committees at the ng ms taken up with meeting of the Worn- mrnu for a rtnnre at the en's Auxiliary of thc Canadian Legion last nignt snowed Mat In February three cartons of doming were sent overseas as "Bundles for Britain." Thc value of gooas sent to aaie nas reacn-ed thc total of $2,000. It was the regular monthly meeting of thc Auxiliary with Mrs. A. J. Croxford, thc presi dent. In the chair. A good turnout of members marked the occasion. A charming feature of the meeting was the presentation by small Margaret Wide of $11, being proceeds of a hot dog sale by Junior war workers, Edna Gardner reading the following paper on behalf of the group of children: "We. the Junior War Workers, take pleasure In presenting $14 which we made at our hot dog sale. We raised this money for 'Bundles for Britain.' We hope to be able to make another donation In the near future from our daffodil fund." iSgd, Edna Gardner, Mar- opes GIVE GENEROUSLY CAHADIA m hi REP GROSS A GREAT CAUSE rry 4 m R1A, B-C I 1 Pa TO ft - (C.l ) N d 23, runnier oi ... ... . i mmte a tl irr he Idenll- !.. I II... . i - a i rurant William n l'iltburg ifr Mi In se- faiher Mid nu would be taken. ( t .f fit nuad- s I)cs Nut Ham- Irmy In Moving ::. J, i k t h a w i n , ig opera, -!'.ji.UC ...2 a iibr rr :ubltr and -ri i'ip!i-, i morn tr-Ar; Pr.pu.s mid 1 r.a also immunl- I Pikcv the f rward in rmy Pay ; '" c n-.i-rged ' 3 ,lvl rrajority k.jv: in- am "2 V" 4 k Mi :.t f ()e firtles in thc eas Is sue Mi ty fourth 1 Chap-; Mrs D. r -:t an enthu- .1' member's at T Parkin V Thc : y welcome to 1 1 , inn urprn nil M,Tn tV.j.1. mt n? ' ar mrini. -;r..4 forces. A "J w formed to lr ter of . :n thc cap-UJ.f.C.8. L " of rec ti k guitar, etc., ideations were the purchase of and toasters for Mil If rid I tfa of Mn 1 ' -s g I 11 niuuuujr. Stuart Vas ap- TA n t ts n - -s. UlltlUt&l " s. 1 ho Chapter con- ltd nnntroiiii ... i r ttfM v 1 1 411111 unmnn and it was cstl- P0 members of thc had been enter- of thc members Epi "th of February. Mng will be held NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Hfinnr I PrnPr . Shortly before W R A nrwiy arrlvcti Jinimr !v. !. t ."'her at Bwlh Memo iaj School left Reclna In ' oxnc ' Ptlace Rupen he wa.- h .r. red by a gathering of the staff anr' pupils of the North Reglna y .Ugc.wVyhfrhc had.bfg 1 principal, flutimmg we rare. Ing was F W. Rowan, supcrin Undent of Reglna school -An illuminated addrrsy ex pressing appreciation f M Anderson's leadership and u:' falling kindness, was read by student Jack Mullens. Bert!' 1 Chlpley. senior student, presented the principal with a n? money and a primary pupil gave him a book containing the signatures and good wishes of I many, of his school friends. Mr. Anderson has taken over the post vacated at Christmas , time by O. Hay hurst, junior high school teacher at Booth School. oi.D n.vrri.KCKouMi From medieval times. Estonia was foucht over by Geimans Swedes and Russians. garct Wide, Betty Wide. Lcona Webster, Marjoric Thornton." A special meeting was called for the purpose of presenting comforts and games to the crew of thc latest local freighter. This, makes our fourth ship to be provided with these items. Hall on March 24 and for thc coming eleventh anniversary banquet to be held for paid-up members at the Legion Hall on March 15 Reinforcements For Americans WASHINGTON, March 3. Americans have landed reln-inforccments on the Admiralty Wands and arc engaged In a real offensive against the Japanese there. (lllt.UTi: A KICKLIt the giraffe fights by kicking wim us nina legs. LONDON. Oi Requisitioning of private mqlpr car tires in Britain has been halted, though the Ministry of Supply warned it would he resumed in nn PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Anzio TOUGH r.FXOVERY JOB IN ITALY Tense moment in toughest recovery job of the Italian campaign. Moving up Into the atattack against St. Leonardo two tanks went off the road in the dark, plunged lntp a 40-foot defile and lay piled one on top of the other. Canadian Ordnance Corps officers working with the Tank Brigade secured invaluable assistance of British R-A. SC. personnel operating caterpillars. Moving the 32 tonners necessitated winching the first tank over on Its side releasing the one underneath; then using three caterpillar tractors equipped with drum winches to haul the great machines up an almost vertical bank British-Canadian tcamplay completed the Job in a few hours di spite mud and rain. Yet Mouthpiece of Top Party Still Hopes For Russ Armistice STOCKHOLM. j noWsnaner Social strongest party in Finland's Parliament, indicated today that the Finnish government intends to make every effort to negotiate an armistice with the Russians. The newsnaner said that the Moscow terms. while seemingly harsh, were meant only to form a basis for further negotiations and Finland will haTe a chance to express her views. RUSSIA TO GET FLEET FROM ITALY WASHINGTON, l).C, March .(CP.) President Roo.sevelt said today that discussions were about half completed for the transferring or roughly one-third of the surrendered Italian fleet to Russia. FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1944 Obtain March 3 (CP) The Finnish Ucmokratt, mouthpiece of the CIVIL WAR IS ENDED I'cace i Restored Between Internal Waning Factions In . Greece. ' CAIRO, .March 3. ft An agreement ending a civil war In Greece has been signed by two warring bund.s. The guerrilla faction have agreed :o turn their energies against the Collapses Italian Labor Leaders Talk of Calling Strike ' PLES, March 3 (CP) nou: d today that the against the Anzio beachhead had collapsed with-heavy losses to the Germans. Meantimeidtalian Labor leaders announce their intention to call a "strike" Saturday in defiance of the demand be called off. The strike Is In protest : ; against Prime Minister Winston , a urvi itist Churchill's recent endorsemHq of the Badoglio, government aV-I lied authorities .-.warn .sjthati strikers in war - zones - are pro- hiblted. Tenant Council's Varied Business Held In the Community Clubhouse with Dr. R. G. Knipe in the chair in the absence of President W. McKenzie. a meeting or the Wartime Housing Tenant Council dealt with a wide variety ol business, including the election of new officers. A donation of $10 to the Ambulance fund was approved fol lowing the reading of the financial report. Treasurer J. Arnold revealed that the council had on hand a cash balance of $55.25 The meeting agreed to relinquish its use of the Staff House tiMng -hailiop, .MnnrUMarrki 13, in order that the Junior Chamber of Commerce may use the hall to show the film! "Health and the Control of Yen- j 1 creal Disease" in connection i with the anti-venereal disease drive. The use of the Community clubhouse was granted to Miss J. Brown for her Brownies group from 10 o'clock to noon on Sat mdays. to the Business Girls' Group from 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock on Wednesday evenings and to the East End Girls' Group on Wednesday evenings between the same hours. Mrs. R. Smigelski reported that the two social evenings held by the council had been financially successful and a motion was passed that committee work should be voluntary and without remuneration. Peace NEW LOAN APRIL 6 Canadian Urine Called Upon to Loan $1,200,000,000 This Time. OTTAWA, March 3. The Fifth Victory Loan will open April 6. It will be for $1,200,-000,000 of which $525,000,000 must come from smaller subscribers and $675,000 from special names. Real Socialism C.C.F. Objective C.C.F. Leader Harold Winch Heard in Legislature. VICTORIA, March 3. Q Opposition Leader Harold Wrinch, speaking in the budget debate in the Legislature yesterday, said that the C.C.F. Is a socialist patty with socialism as It objective. Winch said that no comprehensive plan for postwar rehabilitation was contained In either the throne or budget speeches presented to the federal government. PRICE FIVE CENTS Allied headquarters an latest German attacks- H A N 1 1 1 I Nil 1 1 " 1 1 u u 1 11 v EXPLOSIVE Responsible Interests Concern ed Over Matter Being Raised Here. Interests concerned in the handling of explosives express' considerable concern over the discussion which came up at Wednesday night'sT meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce when particular reference was made to docking facilities. There are strict regulations regarding the transportation, storage and handling of explosives. Complaints are carefully checked at all times with a view to seeing that regulations are adhered to. Those responsible for the way hare stated that they JL' comply strictly with the reg ulations governing the con-, trol of explosives and that powder is stored only In authorized premises. WOMEN TAKE OVER CANBERRA. 9 Thirty-two per cent of the personnel of the Australian Postal Service now consists of women. They work as letter-carriers, ' motor drivers, machine telegraphists, mall sorters an dpost office assistants. TERM EXTENDED LONDON. Oi The King has approved extension for a further six months of the term of office of Sir Harold MacMlchael as High Commissioner for Palestine and Trans-Jordan, the extension of office dating from March 3, 1944. Local Tides -T" Saturday, March 4 High Q:40 17.8 feet 22:51 16.4 feet Low 3:08 10.5 feet 18:24 6.3 feet Red Cross Donations Previously acknowledged $1713.31 Mr. and Mrs. S. Massey 10.00 Mrs. Geo. Howe i!od Mrs. H. 'F. Pullen ' 25.00 J. Brown "sjoib R. B. Wilson 5.oq J. G. Steen 5.00 Edgar Woodward 5.00 T. J. Matheson 10.00 J. W. Taylor 5.00 C G. Glazle 5.00 Wm. Tokaryk 5.00 A. C. Cartwright '5.00 Steve Spllchuk 5.00 A. Bryant 5.00 W. Sherman 5.00 A. E. Taylor 5.00 H. M. Blake 5.00 Onr. E. Lucara 5.00 L-Cpl. A. C. Reld 5.00 29th Regiment 124.70 Number 4 Oroup R.OA.F. (additional) 122.53 Prince Rupert Drydock employees (partial) 316.03 $2,402.54 iin