.rrrnT 3, THE DAILY NEWS Ln is the It'- ' '.oVt Keverage I , HH- nRf:i PANT8. uii . u ill rv w mi a u SALADn TEA Dress and Work Clothes MONEY SAVERS well finished. ijj Wo i Tweeoa anu rjrteds. AU sues. Prices S4.95 $6.75 . .Mmu 01101171 for maimer wear, sue o. low, per v DRESS OXFORDS. ... ....! b'oWII All MZM. " ' lull , load t!f'")fr Special S4.50 10 S7.00 DRESS flRAi'ES. N.iw ri . - m mm w 0 K-w nrr fllftnTa nil i liHP.W nil Ilk A 43. Mil iue.. a.icrtcd colors, r -.- S1.75 ,y 82.45 r :.! A;i wool Blue SERUE SLITS. AUo Fin . x Wh grade qual-W . J all slut. S30 S37.50 : i W iRK SHIRTS. Bfcg t; ! wool and tol- L vr r ade All sl?ea 81.10 ! 82.95 BUY NOW I Men COVERALLS. Pull cut. liitl poekeU. t?0 flprclal, suit vOiitl Children's BIIOES for Dress. Hlraps and lace styles. All leather. Sizes 10 to 2. Clearing; at 81.95 S2.95 Men WORK BOOTS. Rol buy. All sizes, 84.25 86.25 Men's RAIN COATS, All sizes. Fawn and Oreen Twtfd Tops. TM ... 86.95 Roys' LONO PANTS. Cotton and Ulue Cheviot (or assortment Special prices. 81.95 10 82.75 Men's fine DRESS CAPS. ST.. 81.25 Men's WORK Q LOVES. Heavy CCp leather - oov Men's RED ROOM SLIPPERS. All leather, well made Black and Drown. AH Ixe. Special, CO 17-per pair O.D Men's Oabardlne RAINCOATS. Made In England. Will stand lots of wear All sizes. Special S24 B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. EUbllbed 1930 RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage . n i t 'MIISIW'S IJINf II IS NOW OPEN 6th Ave. E., Reside P.O. Station B. "Select Lunches and Select Service" Our stock fresh aiul complete, prices rlffht POULSEN'S GROCERY Courtesy and Service Free Delivery Red 441 FORMAL OPKNINO OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UMU.ll NEW MANAGEMENT. OF W. LOCK Vo"r Shop P'n Tour should ln. r 3 near W always an Abundant ,uWly of the choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh fruit and Vege- 44fssssF- K season muna from AIL PRICED FOR ECONOMY HERE! our own farm arriving by each boat. Complete line of groceries. Locals PHONE 8C TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS. j H O. Bartlett left Tuesday on a trip to Vancouver. ACCJ. Broadcast CFPR Wednesday 6:15 pin.. LAC. Archt-bald, Skeena Federal Candidate ' 181. ' Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Fulton arrived home by boat yesterday and plan to leave tomorrow for Lakelse Lake to spend their fur lough. AThe Infantry camp semimonthly dance scheduled for Thursday. August 3, has been postponed. Y.W.OA. hostesse , please note. 181 . Mr. and Mrs. S. 3. Chorney are leaving Thursday night for Van couver where they will makt their future home. Mr. and Mrs. i Chorney have been a popula. , couple at the dry dock, where! the former was a painter. Mrs. ' Chorney was employed in the stores department. ! Deanery Session Has Interesting ;3-Day Program With clergy and lay delegate from a number of oointf ln at construction formed the topic of a thought-provoking address this afternoon by R. Murray. This?n tUowed by a talk ion "The Church and Youth" by Mr. Scott. Rev. B. Shearman will conduct the quiet hour from 9.30 to lb. 30 a m- tomorrow to open the second day's program. Mr. Cooper then will lead in a pro gram entitled "Study of Origin -ials." FoUqwlng lunch, CafHj jKushbronV'wUl preside over trw ( Bible study. Rev. Oreen will speak on revision of the Prayer Book, and Miss N. L. Bird will pewe the question "How Shall We Reach the Homes?" a subject on which she has done much work. Children's Carnival Nets $5.97 for Home A further sum of $557 has been raised for the Pioneers' Home through the efforts of children. Joy. Ronnie and Arthur Ache son, Murdlna. Malcolm and unanes iacreri, rcujr uik. r ntwsssssssssssssssssssssssssp' VMM -'mmwmmmmmmmm ' ALLIES ADVANCE IN NORMANDY A steady stream of Allied Tehieles rolls through France, moving forward as Liberator forces advance (n Normandy. Note the shell-shattered buildings ln the background. LOCAL I.O.D.E. CHAPTER LEADS .'.IN STAMP SALES tendance, the Caledonia Coa High honor among chapter' Anglican Deanery sessions to lat of the province has been wor for three days at St. Peter' by the Queen Mary Chapter Church mvciiM thl mornlne ihliSL The local group wa with Holy Communion being i one of the first six to reach It elebrated by HU Lordship 'ouota in the War Savings Stamp-Bishop Rlx. assisted by Rev. E. drive, overtopping Its U0 ob Kcott ieUve thr first day by slOO anf Bishop Rlx led a quiet hour .going on to raise an additional from 1ft tn 11 am hleh vai J20-odd. Mare IS Still expected followed by n address by Rev. .The prize won by the chapter Klnley on The Decline la was an eiecinc warming ju. iChurch Attendance." Meeting last night at the I Bev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook home of Mrs. J. Laurie, 233 4th led the Bible study class In the ave. west, with the regent. Mrs afternoon. !d. C. Stuart presiding, the chap i Responsibilities and program ter laid plans for the annual for the churches in post-war re- j tag day on August It. Proceeds will be devoted to war wort Mrs. W- Brass will be in cnargfl of tagging arrangements. Members are maxing ana mi ine 30 baits with comforts for women of the armed services in , nritaln and a similar number i for children. the local WD.', recently back Section Officer Tallyeur. of. from Britain, gave an interest ing talk on "The Home uie o: thcu Women - in uniam. snc told of the long hours they worked and of tne awicuii tasks they performed so will ingly. . . . , j A vote of tnanxs was icaaer- ed the speaker. Next meeting .will De neia at the home of Mrs. J. E. Bodte, Seal Cove. HONOR NORWEGIAN TEACI1F.RS PRETORIA O The Transvaal Teachers' Association has sent a cable to the Norwegian government in London payln 'humble and solemn nomage Arthur and Marlene F-iltt, John to the teachers of Norway, whase Ketcheson and Murie; Shier held heroic sufter.ngs wiii occupy an their money-raUIng carnival JuJy storic place In the annals of 25 and 24 at 108 8Ui Ave West the profession, mm 111 llliM Under Instructions of the Secretary of State of Canada acting ln his capacity as Custodian under the Revised Regulations Respecting Trading-with the Enemy 1943, J. H. MAIR AUCTIONEER Offers for Sale Miscellaneous Household Goods, Tools, Roat Clamps, Canning Machine, Knitting Machine, Mimeographing Machines, Scales, etc. SALE AT 2 P.M. THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 19 H Japanese Association Hall, Fulton Street, Retween 6th and 7th Avenues J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain--Chiropractic! If nervesdoubly sol Rmiih ninek Oreen 098 Atlas Roiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding. BlacKsmlth, General Repair. Phone Red 881 Sankcy Funeral Today Funeral service for the late Alfred Sankey, who passed away in Vancouver last wees was held in the B.C. Undertakers chapel. Second St., last night. Rev. A. F. MacSween officiated. Members of the family and uther friends attended the service. Burial took place ln Port Simpson today. The best buy ln Monuments and Markers ln B.C. Is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave., first door Wet of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Box 998. Prince Rupert GEO. iDAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for 1 Free Appointment IIS 4th Ave. E. RED 127 Announcements All xtmiHBtnu u tnu cxMuinn wlU b. cbr jrd tar luU montb ( 25c word. L.OI Dance. I.O.OJ". Ilall, Aug. 5. Pioneer Home Benefit Dance, Sept 1 Oddfellows Hall, 10 to 2. De Carlo's Orchestra. Oranxe Ladles' Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Aug. 10, EfeCarlo'j Orchestra, 9:30 to 1:30. Ai standard army equipment is fuelled by 80-octane, all-purpose gasoline. DANCE FRIDAY, AUGUST 4 Bobby Reid's Orchestra ODDFELLOWS' HALL Fresh Local. Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 637 V . zz Ci x x . , HOW LONG SINCE YOU'VE WRITTEN THAT SOLDIER? He NEEDS those cheerful letters from home! And we make it easy for you to send them by having a complete selection of all the cards, paper, envelopes and other writing aids you need. Send That Letter Today! The Variety Store Vacation Time..'.' Terrace . . . Lakelse Lake New low transportation rates to all points in the Terrace area. Prompt and courteous service Write for information and reservations. RUS : TAXI : TRANSFER . SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT TERRACE, B.C. MID-SEASON PAGE THREE CLEARANCE MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Smartly Cut Tweeds In Two and Three-Button Models.. Shades of Orey, Blue' and Fawn. Sizes 35 to 42. Regular to $14.50 JUST ARRIVED $9.95 1 MacOregor "HAPPYFOOT Double Sole Ankle Socks. All Wool. Shades Beige, Teal, Brown and White. Sizes 10 Vz to 11. Pair 75c MacOregor Regular Type Ankle Socks. All r 75c to $1.25 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 10 ONLY BEDROOM SUITES Four pieces, Walnut $110.00 BEDS 40 and 46 sizes. Genuine Slumber King Springs, all Steel, sold with 46 Beds. 3 ONLY BEDROOM SUITES 5 Pieces, Twin Beds. Size 33 Cable Spring available In this size. STORE CLOSED FROM AUG. 5 TO AUO. 21 Phone 75 $153.00 327 3rd Avenue For Satisfaction and Performance Try a " Watermans Fountain Pen Moderately "Priced From $3.57 up Choose the Pen to your liking at Fair Way FOOD MARKET HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES INSTANT SERVICE NO WAITING Location Next to Y.M.C.A. 3rd Ave. Open Evenings LONDON SHOE REPAIR SHOP 733 Second Avenue Across from Dominion Bid. NOW OPEN All work guaranteed quick service BURN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabwood, cord $10.00 Dry Jackplne, cord $12.50 HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 A Good Place to do , Your Shopping Seventh Ave. Market V Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Ass'n See JOHN L. WRiaHT Special Representative 11CA Hays Cove Circle Opposite Staff Dining Hall 1