PAGE SIX B cherish the thought , the rut and tlic nunlity. Cherish lite tlioiifilit thnt n llond tiiiloml suit lias everything a gixxl suit needs, nt a price that you can comfoitnMy pay. Quality is sew n right in, to last liilu w ear is t here, liond takes pride in making to your individual ineasurenients in tailoring of the best customized tradition. 58 BOND 27.75 29.75 33.75 usiness an HOTEL . FRASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. H. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street 1 LEO. OYER Papcrhanglng- and Interior Decorating Scenic Painting-Moderate Prices r Telephone Red 395 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 SHOE REPAIR v.. Work Guaranteed Quick Service ' . 103 9th Avenue West ' GEORGE L; RORIE ' Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Complied Besner Block Phone 387 NURSERY SCHOOL NOW OPEN Community Club House 020 Hays Cove Avenue Hrj. 10-12 dally except Saturday nnd Sunday. 15c per day d Profi fa SOLD IN PRINCE RUPERT ONLY AT RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE essiona i H pi A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Do your Christmas Shopping at Our Store We have New Goods arriving every boat. Watch our windows and phone us for requirements. rhone,775 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657 327 3rd Avenue Prince Kupcrt Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY ' To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meatfresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT. BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. W. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Green 995 If pain Chiropractic 1 If nerves doubly sol HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture n all its branches 200 4th Street : phone 655 LONDON SHOE REPAIR FINE REPAIR WORK DONE 733 2nd Ave. IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER i Phones Days, Blk. 884 Nights, Blk. 152 Bert Bellamy 'Reg. Wilson We Aim to Please "You Call :: We Haul" Lumber Baggage Freight, Express Household Effects 225 1st Ave. E. Prince Rupert, DAILY NEWS mite FOR RENT January 1. FOR SALE FOR SALE Table, chairs, bed complete, sealers. Cheap. 441 7th Ave. East. (267) j FOR 'SALE Household furnish ings, including electric washer and linoleum. 1445 Piggott Place. (268) FOR SALE Four-piece modern beaioom suite, rnone iiiue 925, after 5:30. (268) FOR SALE One 4-tubc Philco electric mantle radio, $35. Al shape. 1133 7th Ave. East. (268) FOR SALE .Cabin at Barrett, fully furnished; wood shed, chicken house and garden. $150. II. G. Helgerson Ltd. ' , (267) FOR SALE Two-room house, partly furnished, on Digby Island. Immediate occupancy. Ideal spot for fisherman or anyone Interested. In good condition. Phone Red 693, or write "House for Sale,'' Box 155. Cash, terms. (268) FOR SALE Pair girl's brown ice skates, lamb's wool tops; new; size 4. Ph. Blue 469, ut) FOR SALE, immediately 8-room house, close in, $1500. $500 cash and terms. Ph. Blue 737. (267) FOR SALE Dwelling house and work shop at Dodge Cove, Digby Island, waterlront location; also one tent 14x16, 4ft. wall with flye. Apply II. Lund, Dodge Cove. (271) FOR SALE Third Ave Business, 2 storey building with 2 apartments above $8,000 Six-room house, fully modern. centrally located $3,000 Six-room house, fully modern, 4th Ave. W $4,500 Going concern, restaurant with all equipment 6,000 Collart & McCaffery, -Third Ave. W. Ph. 11. FOR SALE 14 horse power Regal engine, almost new; 20-ft. pleasure boat with 4 horse power Easthope, good running order; also a number of other articles as blocks, tackles, ropes, anchors, chains, heavy moonng, stumn Duller, etc.. etc. Apply Hope & Lund, uoage uove, Digoy island. (269) FOR SALE Trollinor boat. Thistle, 28 ft., 7 h.p.; Regal engine; moored at cow Bay. Call evenings at float or Ph. Blue 994. (266) WANTED WANTED TO BUY Fullv equipped trolling boat, good condition, 32 ft. or over. Address Box 891 Daily News. (268) WANTED Carburator lor cu heater. Phone Red 339, after 6 p.m. (tf WANTED iwo or three rooms; furnished or unfurnished. Apply Box 890 Dally News. (iu) CO-OP employee urgently needs to rent four-room house or apartment. Ph. Kaien Co-op tiuicner snop or Green 884 after 6 o'clock. (267) WORK WANTED WOMAN WANTS WORK evenings and Sundays. Phone B,lue 191. (267) FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall from Applv Box 1217. (267) PEUSONAL GET SURE RELIEF with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve. 50c at urmes Ltd. (270) JAMES BURTON: Open letter addressed your Dad. Need you. Sue. (270) PAINTING and Paperhanglng. Ph. 46. H. Lund. BAYZAND & SEELEY, Painting, Decorating, Kalsomlnlng. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. LONELY Get acquainted. Particulars free. Western Social Club, Sub. 23, Edmonton XMAS SUBSCRIPTIONS should . be in now. We handle subscriptions for all magazines obtainable. Northern Distributors, opp. Post Office, on 4th St LOST LOST Lady's gold "Figaro" wristwatch between Dry Dock Recreation Hall and King Tal's. Finder please phone Mrs. Speer, Black 728. Reward. .. (267) LOST Union Oil Co. delivery book; reward. Ph. 382. (tf- LOST Black .wallet with money and registration card. Please leave at Dally News. (266) Get quick action! Get satisfaction! Use the Dally News classified ads to reach the largest number of newspaper readers in Prince Rupert. THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, PREACHES OPENING OF NORTH FOUR YEARS AGO (Continued rrom page 1) IN THIS WAR i W. J. Scott, president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and S. E. Parker, chairman of the highway committee of the chamber, with aviev to obtaining local views and reac tions. The Prince George-Telsin road would be about 647 miles in length and would cosf some $14,000,000. It is the road in the construction of which the national governments of. both United States and Canada would co-operate, Mr. Bullock said. It is the road on which all of British Columbia could and should unite andj as such, would have a good chance of being built. Fvrther, he claims, li i would pass through the centre of the potential 'mineral- fields of Northern British Columbia in stead of skirting them. This being the case, he contends that Princejlupert would do well to unite with the other com munities of central British Col umbia in support of this road. The north-south road' through British Columbia to Alaska is something on which there fnus-t be agreement If it is to b? built at all, declares Mr. Bullock. He has no objection to the proposal for a road north from Hazeiton but believes that the only practical way of getting that is to connect with the Prince Gcorgc-Tcslln road by going up the Skecna to the Sus- tud River, a distance of ninety miles. With another projected lateral road from Takla Lake through Mitchell Pass to Fort St. John, the Peace River dis trict? would be made tributary to the rerouted Alaska Highway and thence to Hazeiton and Prince Rupert which, he con tends, Is the logical Pacific Coast outlet for central British Col umbia. Mr. Bullock has been spending the past four years personally investigating and mapping the north country with a view to ascertaining how best highway and later railway transportation facilities can best be provided. Having satisfied himself that the Prince George-Teslin road is the best, nc is now campaigning for its construction; He has already won the support of the Pacific Northwest Trade Association and the Miller Freeman Publications. Mr. Bullock suggests that a survey be made of both the Prince George and Hazeiton routes to determine fairly and finally which is the most feasible and, that done, everyone get behind that which is chosen and fight for its construction in the interests of the development of the whole district. He is confident that the Prince George-Teslm route would be chosen. According to his plan, it would have a cut-off from Prince George 'to Fort St. James whence it would proceed north along Pinchl Lake. Takla Lake, jTrcmbleur Lake, crossing the 1 Stikinc Rlyer at a point 40 miles least of Telegraph Creek. I As eventual lateral feeders sees roads going off to botli east and west. Among the western feeders he envisions roads leading out to the coast at the lower end of Observatory Inlet, at Ilydcr and Stew- art, down the Slikine towards ! H'rangell and down the Taku i to the' eoast near Juneau, j Mr. Bullock estimates the icost of this road at $14,000,000. "It we arc not prepared to spend that much In development of the country, then we might as well give the country back to the Indians 'and be done with it." he says. The greatest population of Europe is between the fifty-fourth and sixtieth parallels of latitude, Mr. Bullock points out, Those are the parallels containing central and northern Brit ish Columbia. "All wc need to open up that country and bring people flocking in to develop Its resources Is to provide the transportation," asserts Mr. Bul ¬ lock. "Then what arc we waiting for? Wiiy do we not settle upon the best highway route and pull together for its Prmci Rupert Higgcst City Mr. Bullock envisions as a re sult of the opening up of the great hinterland of northern and central British Columbia a city at Prinoe Rupert rilch will eventually outstrip Vancouver in size and Importance. He sees great Industrial pos sibilities here and in the dis trict. "I think it is a great misconception," he says, "to think that Prince Rupert has no more possibilities than being just a fishing town and the central interior only a farming district. I sec their future instead in industrialization through the opening up and utilization of the natural resources, providing products which are required throughout Canada and the United States." Mr. Bullock recently became interested in the Silver Standard Mine at Hazeiton upon which some improvement work was carried out during the past year and for which his company Hazeiton Star Mining Co. Ltd. plans the installa tion of a 200-ton mill. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281' P.O. Box 188 wmmm ... w nu spl s-720 fM Gold filled r withstrr v, silver fl ers. Dainty heart design of tlinrm-trig .implicity iti sterling silver. Dy the Canadian Press Nov. 14, 1910 Former Prlmt Minister Wcvllle Chamberlain. J 71, died at his country home at Odlham, England. German made scattered raids on United ! Kingdom. Forty Hungarian Nazh arrested following reported Bucharest plot to kidnap Reg ent Nicholas Horthy and establish Iron Guard regime. TOO MANY TO NAME There are 7,083 islands in the !PhlHrn1nec 4 fU9. nt Ihtm m jW ... J ...V... named. PHILIPPINES BIGGEST a Luzon, with an area of 40,814 square miles, Is the largest of the Philippine Islands. la I fy$t None a XXfiKUj ajBUl this modes FOR YOU LATE BUYERS T! ic days until Christmas arc mbcrcd but you will find a endid array of the best of all gifts here. Give jewellery make them happier. JOHN BULGER, LTD. JEWELERS Third Ave. Opp. Tost Office T-WELCO hocl proof. Water- ": : ,c Luminous dial. Handsomely styled for inascu. line approval, Priced for value. TERMS In once wit Iv Wartime Price and Trade Board regulations, lating, killing, belonged to - o mens uionc; TAMARA TOUMANOVA GREGORY m Daffy Duck in "THE DUCKSLATOK" "KOCKDKFKLLEK CENTRE" WOULD NEWS onminwMntmanMa Perfumes & Toilet (By.Molinard) Tcr.ightl it'll Tomorrow For One - - Day ( Complete Shows 1;00 - 3 02 - 5:04 7:..K Feature 1 :36 - 3 :38 - 5 40 - 7:42 - 9:44 IIIIIIM Ashes of M Evening in ft! Skyla! Scant; Dorothy Cr, Llizabeth Arc Pinaud Men's I Seaforth Men! Tags and Seals and Gift Wrappid Ormes m U7ut Pionetr DruqgiM THE REXALL .STORE PHONES HI fWn fVillv frnm 0 n.m till 9 D-ffl- Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7- Pj POULSM'S M Cth AVE. E., BESIDE P O STATION As Good as the Best Better than the Rest POULSEN'S GROCERY" Our stock fresh and complete, prices'- Courtesy and Service-Free Delivery- MOTT ELECTRIC I Electrical Contractor & lAK COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIANS Electrical Supplies-Home Wiring?"1 Offices in Vancouver Phone Mack 367 , Meet Mc at . . JOnNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Oar Coffee U Topi) ITT WtmlnsW wrtff .1! Prl t f,0.i